/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; var msgDb = require('./database.js').dbs.message; var uuid = require('node-uuid'); var async = require('async'); var _ = require('lodash'); var assert = require('assert'); module.exports = Message; function Message(options) { this.messageId = options.messageId || 0; // always generated @ persist this.areaId = options.areaId || Message.WellKnownAreaIds.Invalid; // 0 = invalid; 1 = private; Everything else is user defined this.uuid = uuid.v1(); this.replyToMsgId = options.replyToMsgId || 0; this.toUserName = options.toUserName || ''; this.fromUserName = options.fromUserName || ''; this.subject = options.subject || ''; this.message = options.message || ''; if(_.isDate(options.modTimestamp)) { this.modTimestamp = options.modTimestamp; } else if(_.isString(options.modTimestamp)) { this.modTimestamp = new Date(options.modTimestamp); } this.viewCount = options.viewCount || 0; this.meta = { system : {}, // we'll always have this one }; if(_.isObject(options.meta)) { _.defaultsDeep(this.meta, options.meta); } if(options.meta) { this.meta = options.meta; } // this.meta = options.meta || {}; this.hashTags = options.hashTags || []; var self = this; this.isValid = function() { // :TODO: validate as much as possible return true; }; this.getMessageTimestampString = function(ts) { ts = ts || new Date(); return ts.toISOString(); }; /* Object.defineProperty(this, 'messageId', { get : function() { return messageId; } }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'areaId', { get : function() { return areaId; }, set : function(i) { areaId = i; } }); */ } Message.WellKnownAreaIds = { Invalid : 0, Private : 1, }; Message.MetaCategories = { System : 1, // ENiGMA1/2 stuff FtnProperty : 2, // Various FTN network properties, ftn_cost, ftn_origin, ... FtnKludge : 3, // FTN kludges -- PATH, MSGID, ... }; Message.SystemMetaNames = { LocalToUserID : 'local_to_user_id', LocalFromUserID : 'local_from_user_id', }; Message.FtnPropertyNames = { FtnCost : 'ftn_cost', FtnOrigNode : 'ftn_orig_node', FtnDestNode : 'ftn_dest_node', FtnOrigNetwork : 'ftn_orig_network', FtnDestNetwork : 'ftn_dest_network', FtnOrigZone : 'ftn_orig_zone', FtnDestZone : 'ftn_dest_zone', FtnOrigPoint : 'ftn_orig_point', FtnDestPoint : 'ftn_dest_point', FtnAttribute : 'ftn_attribute', FtnTearLine : 'ftn_tear_line', // http://ftsc.org/docs/fts-0004.001 FtnOrigin : 'ftn_origin', // http://ftsc.org/docs/fts-0004.001 FtnArea : 'ftn_area', // http://ftsc.org/docs/fts-0004.001 FtnSeenBy : 'ftn_seen_by', // http://ftsc.org/docs/fts-0004.001 }; // Note: kludges are stored with their names as-is Message.prototype.setLocalToUserId = function(userId) { this.meta.system.local_to_user_id = userId; }; Message.prototype.setLocalFromUserId = function(userId) { this.meta.system.local_from_user_id = userId; }; Message.prototype.persist = function(cb) { if(!this.isValid()) { cb(new Error('Cannot persist invalid message!')); return; } var self = this; async.series( [ function beginTransaction(callback) { msgDb.run('BEGIN;', function transBegin(err) { callback(err); }); }, function storeMessage(callback) { msgDb.run( 'INSERT INTO message (area_id, message_uuid, reply_to_message_id, to_user_name, from_user_name, subject, message, modified_timestamp) ' + 'VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);', [ self.areaId, self.uuid, self.replyToMsgId, self.toUserName, self.fromUserName, self.subject, self.message, self.getMessageTimestampString(self.modTimestamp) ], function msgInsert(err) { if(!err) { self.messageId = this.lastID; } callback(err); } ); }, function storeMeta(callback) { if(!self.meta) { callback(null); } else { // :TODO: this should be it's own method such that meta can be updated var metaStmt = msgDb.prepare( 'INSERT INTO message_meta (message_id, meta_category, meta_name, meta_value) ' + 'VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);'); for(var metaCategroy in self.meta) { async.each(Object.keys(self.meta[metaCategroy]), function meta(metaName, next) { metaStmt.run(self.messageId, Message.MetaCategories[metaCategroy], metaName, self.meta[metaCategroy][metaName], function inserted(err) { next(err); }); }, function complete(err) { if(!err) { metaStmt.finalize(function finalized() { callback(null); }); } else { callback(err); } }); } } }, function storeHashTags(callback) { // :TODO: hash tag support callback(null); } ], function complete(err) { msgDb.run(err ? 'ROLLBACK;' : 'COMMIT;', function transEnd(err) { cb(err, self.messageId); }); } ); };