/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; // ENiGMA½ const { MenuModule } = require('./menu_module.js'); const StatLog = require('./stat_log.js'); const User = require('./user.js'); const sysDb = require('./database.js').dbs.system; const { Errors } = require('./enig_error.js'); // deps const moment = require('moment'); const async = require('async'); const _ = require('lodash'); exports.moduleInfo = { name : 'Last Callers', desc : 'Last callers to the system', author : 'NuSkooler', packageName : 'codes.l33t.enigma.lastcallers' }; const MciViewIds = { callerList : 1, }; exports.getModule = class LastCallersModule extends MenuModule { constructor(options) { super(options); this.actionIndicators = _.get(options, 'menuConfig.config.actionIndicators', {}); this.actionIndicatorDefault = _.get(options, 'menuConfig.config.actionIndicatorDefault', '-'); } mciReady(mciData, cb) { super.mciReady(mciData, err => { if(err) { return cb(err); } async.waterfall( [ (next) => { this.prepViewController('callers', 0, mciData.menu, err => { return next(err); }); }, (next) => { this.fetchHistory( (err, loginHistory) => { return next(err, loginHistory); }); }, (loginHistory, next) => { this.loadUserForHistoryItems(loginHistory, (err, updatedHistory) => { return next(err, updatedHistory); }); }, (loginHistory, next) => { const callersView = this.viewControllers.callers.getView(MciViewIds.callerList); if(!callersView) { return cb(Errors.MissingMci(`Missing caller list MCI ${MciViewIds.callerList}`)); } callersView.setItems(loginHistory); callersView.redraw(); return next(null); } ], err => { if(err) { this.client.log.warn( { error : err.message }, 'Error loading last callers'); } return cb(err); } ); }); } getCollapse(conf) { let collapse = _.get(this, conf); collapse = collapse && collapse.match(/^([0-9]+)\s*(minutes|seconds|hours|days|months)$/); if(collapse) { return moment.duration(parseInt(collapse[1]), collapse[2]); } } fetchHistory(cb) { const callersView = this.viewControllers.callers.getView(MciViewIds.callerList); if(!callersView || 0 === callersView.dimens.height) { return cb(null); } StatLog.getSystemLogEntries( 'user_login_history', StatLog.Order.TimestampDesc, 200, // max items to fetch - we need more than max displayed for filtering/etc. (err, loginHistory) => { if(err) { return cb(err); } const dateTimeFormat = _.get( this, 'menuConfig.config.dateTimeFormat', this.client.currentTheme.helpers.getDateFormat('short')); loginHistory = loginHistory.map(item => { try { const historyItem = JSON.parse(item.log_value); if(_.isObject(historyItem)) { item.userId = historyItem.userId; item.sessionId = historyItem.sessionId; } else { item.userId = historyItem; // older format item.sessionId = '-none-'; } } catch(e) { return null; // we'll filter this out } item.timestamp = moment(item.timestamp); return Object.assign( item, { ts : moment(item.timestamp).format(dateTimeFormat) } ); }); const hideSysOp = _.get(this, 'menuConfig.config.sysop.hide'); const sysOpCollapse = this.getCollapse('menuConfig.config.sysop.collapse'); const collapseList = (withUserId, minAge) => { let lastUserId; let lastTimestamp; loginHistory = loginHistory.filter(item => { const secApart = lastTimestamp ? moment.duration(lastTimestamp.diff(item.timestamp)).asSeconds() : 0; const collapse = (null === withUserId ? true : withUserId === item.userId) && (lastUserId === item.userId) && (secApart < minAge); lastUserId = item.userId; lastTimestamp = item.timestamp; return !collapse; }); }; if(hideSysOp) { loginHistory = loginHistory.filter(item => false === User.isRootUserId(item.userId)); } else if(sysOpCollapse) { collapseList(User.RootUserID, sysOpCollapse.asSeconds()); } const userCollapse = this.getCollapse('menuConfig.config.user.collapse'); if(userCollapse) { collapseList(null, userCollapse.asSeconds()); } return cb( null, loginHistory.slice(0, callersView.dimens.height) // trim the fat ); } ); } loadUserForHistoryItems(loginHistory, cb) { const getPropOpts = { names : [ 'real_name', 'location', 'affiliation' ] }; const actionIndicatorNames = _.map(this.actionIndicators, (v, k) => k); let indicatorSumsSql; if(actionIndicatorNames.length > 0) { indicatorSumsSql = actionIndicatorNames.map(i => { return `SUM(CASE WHEN log_value='${_.snakeCase(i)}' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS ${i}`; }); } async.map(loginHistory, (item, next) => { User.getUserName(item.userId, (err, userName) => { if(err) { return cb(null, null); } item.userName = item.text = userName; User.loadProperties(item.userId, getPropOpts, (err, props) => { item.location = (props && props.location) || ''; item.affiliation = item.affils = (props && props.affiliation) || ''; item.realName = (props && props.real_name) || ''; if(!indicatorSumsSql) { return next(null, item); } sysDb.get( `SELECT ${indicatorSumsSql.join(', ')} FROM user_event_log WHERE user_id=? AND session_id=? LIMIT 1;`, [ item.userId, item.sessionId ], (err, results) => { if(_.isObject(results)) { item.actions = ''; Object.keys(results).forEach(n => { const indicator = results[n] > 0 ? this.actionIndicators[n] || this.actionIndicatorDefault : this.actionIndicatorDefault; item[n] = indicator; item.actions += indicator; }); } return next(null, item); } ); }); }); }, (err, mapped) => { return cb(err, mapped.filter(item => item)); // remove deleted }); } };