--- layout: page title: Waiting For Caller (WFC) --- ## The Waiting For Caller (WFC) Module The `wfc.js` module provides a Waiting For Caller (WFC) type dashboard from a bygone era. Many traditional features are available including newer concepts for modern times. Node spy is left out as it feels like something that should be left in the past. ## Accessing the WFC By default, the WFC may be accessed via the `!WFC` main menu command when connected over a secure connection via a user with the proper [ACS](../configuration/acs.md). This can be configured as per any other menu in the system. Note that ENiGMA½ does not expose the WFC as a standalone application as this would be much less flexible. To connect locally, simply use your favorite terminal or for example: `ssh -l yourname localhost 8889`. See **Security** below for more information. ## Security The system allows any user with the proper security to access the WFC / system operator functionality. The security policy is enforced by ACS with the default of `SCAF2ID1GM[wfc]`, meaning the following are true: 1. Securely Connected (such as SSH or Secure WebSocket, but not Telnet) 2. [Auth Factor 2+](modding/user-2fa-otp-config.md). That is, the user has 2FA enabled. 3. User ID of 1 (root/admin) 4. The user belongs to the `wfc` group. > :information_source: Due to the above, the WFC screen is **disabled** by default as at a minimum, you'll need to add your user to the `wfc` group. To change the ACS required, specify a alternative `acs` in the `config` block. For example: ```hjson mainMenuWaitingForCaller: { config: { // initial +op over secure connection only acs: SCID1GM[sysops] } } ``` > :notebook: ENiGMA½ will enforce ACS of at least `SC` (secure connection) ## Theming The following MCI codes are available: * `VM1`: Node status list with the following format items available: * `text`: Username or `*Pre Auth*`. * `action`: Current action/menu. * `affils`: Any affiliations related to the if `authenticated`, else "N/A". * `authenticated`: Boolean rather the node is authenticated (logged in) or not. * `availIndicator`: Indicator of availability (e.g. for messaging)? Displayed via `statusAvailableIndicators` or system theme. See also [Themes](../art/themes.md). * `isAvailalbe`: Boolean rather the node is availalbe (e.g. for messaging) or not. * `isSecure`: Is the node securely connected (ie: SSL)? * `isVisible`: Boolean rather the node is visible to others or not. * `node`: The node ID. * `realName`: Real name of authenticated user, or "N/A". * `serverName`: Name of connected server such as "Telnet" or "SSH". * `timeOn`: How long the node has been connected. * `timeOnMinutes`: How long in **minutes** the node has been connected. * `userId`: User ID of authenticated node, or 0 if not yet authenticated. * `userName`: User name of authenticated user or "*Pre Auth*" * `visIndicator`: Indicator of visibility. Displayed via `statusVisibleIndicators` or system theme. See also [Themes](../art/themes.md). * `VM2`: Quick log with the following format keys available: * `timestamp`: Log entry timestamp in `quickLogTimestampFormat` format. * `level`: Log entry level from Bunyan. * `levelIndicator`: Level indicators can be overridden with the `quickLogLevelIndicators` key (see defaults below) * `quickLogLevelIndicators`: A **map** defaulting to the following`: * `trace` : `T` * `debug`: `D` * `info`: `I` * `warn`: `W` * `error`: `E` * `fatal`: `F` * `nodeId`: Node ID. * `sessionId`: Session ID. * `quickLogLevelMessagePrefixes`: A **map** of log level names (see above) to message prefixes. Commonly used for changing message color with pipe codes, such as `|04` for red errors. * `message`: Log message. * MCI 10...99: Custom entries with the following format keys available: * `nowDate`: Current date in the `dateFormat` style, defaulting to `short`. * `nowTime`: Current time in the `timeFormat` style, defaulting to `short`. * `now`: Current date and/or time in `nowDateTimeFormat` format. * `processUptimeSeconds`: Process (the BBS) uptime in seconds. * `totalCalls`: Total calls to the system. * `totalPosts`: Total posts to the system. * `totalUsers`: Total users on the system. * `totalFiles`: Total number of files on the system. * `totalFileBytes`: Total size in bytes of the file base. * `callsToday`: Number of calls today. * `postsToday`: Number of posts today. * `uploadsToday`: Number of uploads today. * `uploadBytesToday`: Total size in bytes of uploads today. * `downloadsToday`: Number of downloads today. * `downloadsBytesToday`: Total size in bytes of uploads today. * `newUsersToday`: Number of new users today. * `currentUserName`: Current user name. * `currentUserRealName`: Current user's real name. * `lastLoginUserName`: Last login username. * `lastLoginRealName`: Last login user's real name. * `lastLoginDate`: Last login date in `dateFormat` format. * `lastLoginTime`: Last login time in `timeFormat` format. * `lastLogin`: Last login date/time. * `totalMemoryBytes`: Total system memory in bytes. * `freeMemoryBytes`: Free system memory in bytes. * `systemAvgLoad`: System average load. * `systemCurrentLoad`: System current load. * `newPrivateMail`: Number of new **privae** mail for current user. * `newMessagesAddrTo`: Number of new messages **addressed to the current user**. * `availIndicator`: Is the current user availalbe? Displayed via `statusAvailableIndicators` or system theme. See also [Themes](../art/themes.md). * `visIndicator`: Is the current user visible? Displayed via `statusVisibleIndicators` or system theme. See also [Themes](../art/themes.md). > :information_source: While [Standard MCI](../art/mci.md) codes work on any menu, they will **not** refresh. For values that may change over time, please use the custom format values above.