/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; // ENiGMA½ const MenuModule = require('../core/menu_module.js').MenuModule; const ViewController = require('../core/view_controller.js').ViewController; const ansi = require('../core/ansi_term.js'); const theme = require('../core/theme.js'); const FileEntry = require('../core/file_entry.js'); const stringFormat = require('../core/string_format.js'); const createCleanAnsi = require('../core/string_util.js').createCleanAnsi; const FileArea = require('../core/file_base_area.js'); const Errors = require('../core/enig_error.js').Errors; const ArchiveUtil = require('../core/archive_util.js'); const Config = require('../core/config.js').config; const DownloadQueue = require('../core/download_queue.js'); const FileAreaWeb = require('../core/file_area_web.js'); const FileBaseFilters = require('../core/file_base_filter.js'); const cleanControlCodes = require('../core/string_util.js').cleanControlCodes; // deps const async = require('async'); const _ = require('lodash'); const moment = require('moment'); exports.moduleInfo = { name : 'File Area List', desc : 'Lists contents of file an file area', author : 'NuSkooler', }; const FormIds = { browse : 0, details : 1, detailsGeneral : 2, detailsNfo : 3, detailsFileList : 4, }; const MciViewIds = { browse : { desc : 1, navMenu : 2, customRangeStart : 10, // 10+ = customs }, details : { navMenu : 1, infoXyTop : 2, // %XY starting position for info area infoXyBottom : 3, customRangeStart : 10, // 10+ = customs }, detailsGeneral : { customRangeStart : 10, // 10+ = customs }, detailsNfo : { nfo : 1, customRangeStart : 10, // 10+ = customs }, detailsFileList : { fileList : 1, customRangeStart : 10, // 10+ = customs }, }; exports.getModule = class FileAreaList extends MenuModule { constructor(options) { super(options); if(options.extraArgs) { this.filterCriteria = options.extraArgs.filterCriteria; } this.dlQueue = new DownloadQueue(this.client); if(!this.filterCriteria) { this.filterCriteria = FileBaseFilters.getActiveFilter(this.client); } if(_.isString(this.filterCriteria)) { this.filterCriteria = JSON.parse(this.filterCriteria); } if(_.has(options, 'lastMenuResult.value')) { this.lastMenuResultValue = options.lastMenuResult.value; } this.menuMethods = { nextFile : (formData, extraArgs, cb) => { if(this.fileListPosition + 1 < this.fileList.length) { this.fileListPosition += 1; return this.displayBrowsePage(true, cb); // true=clerarScreen } return cb(null); }, prevFile : (formData, extraArgs, cb) => { if(this.fileListPosition > 0) { --this.fileListPosition; return this.displayBrowsePage(true, cb); // true=clearScreen } return cb(null); }, viewDetails : (formData, extraArgs, cb) => { this.viewControllers.browse.setFocus(false); return this.displayDetailsPage(cb); }, detailsQuit : (formData, extraArgs, cb) => { this.viewControllers.details.setFocus(false); return this.displayBrowsePage(true, cb); // true=clearScreen }, toggleQueue : (formData, extraArgs, cb) => { this.dlQueue.toggle(this.currentFileEntry); this.updateQueueIndicator(); return cb(null); }, showWebDownloadLink : (formData, extraArgs, cb) => { return this.fetchAndDisplayWebDownloadLink(cb); }, displayHelp : (formData, extraArgs, cb) => { return this.displayHelpPage(cb); } }; } enter() { super.enter(); } leave() { super.leave(); } getSaveState() { return { fileList : this.fileList, fileListPosition : this.fileListPosition, }; } restoreSavedState(savedState) { if(savedState) { this.fileList = savedState.fileList; this.fileListPosition = savedState.fileListPosition; } } updateFileEntryWithMenuResult(cb) { if(!this.lastMenuResultValue) { return cb(null); } if(_.isNumber(this.lastMenuResultValue.rating)) { const fileId = this.fileList[this.fileListPosition]; FileEntry.persistUserRating(fileId, this.client.user.userId, this.lastMenuResultValue.rating, err => { if(err) { this.client.log.warn( { error : err.message, fileId : fileId }, 'Failed to persist file rating' ); } return cb(null); }); } else { return cb(null); } } initSequence() { const self = this; async.series( [ function preInit(callback) { return self.updateFileEntryWithMenuResult(callback); }, function beforeArt(callback) { return self.beforeArt(callback); }, function display(callback) { return self.displayBrowsePage(false, err => { if(err && 'NORESULTS' === err.reasonCode) { self.gotoMenu(self.menuConfig.config.noResultsMenu || 'fileBaseListEntriesNoResults'); } return callback(err); }); } ], () => { self.finishedLoading(); } ); } populateCurrentEntryInfo(cb) { const config = this.menuConfig.config; const currEntry = this.currentFileEntry; const uploadTimestampFormat = config.browseUploadTimestampFormat || config.uploadTimestampFormat || 'YYYY-MMM-DD'; const area = FileArea.getFileAreaByTag(currEntry.areaTag); const hashTagsSep = config.hashTagsSep || ', '; const isQueuedIndicator = config.isQueuedIndicator || 'Y'; const isNotQueuedIndicator = config.isNotQueuedIndicator || 'N'; const entryInfo = currEntry.entryInfo = { fileId : currEntry.fileId, areaTag : currEntry.areaTag, areaName : area.name || 'N/A', areaDesc : area.desc || 'N/A', fileSha256 : currEntry.fileSha256, fileName : currEntry.fileName, desc : currEntry.desc || '', descLong : currEntry.descLong || '', userRating : currEntry.userRating, uploadTimestamp : moment(currEntry.uploadTimestamp).format(uploadTimestampFormat), hashTags : Array.from(currEntry.hashTags).join(hashTagsSep), isQueued : this.dlQueue.isQueued(currEntry) ? isQueuedIndicator : isNotQueuedIndicator, webDlLink : '', // :TODO: fetch web any existing web d/l link webDlExpire : '', // :TODO: fetch web d/l link expire time }; // // We need the entry object to contain meta keys even if they are empty as // consumers may very likely attempt to use them // const metaValues = FileEntry.getWellKnownMetaValues(); metaValues.forEach(name => { const value = !_.isUndefined(currEntry.meta[name]) ? currEntry.meta[name] : 'N/A'; entryInfo[_.camelCase(name)] = value; }); if(entryInfo.archiveType) { entryInfo.archiveTypeDesc = _.has(Config, [ 'archives', 'formats', entryInfo.archiveType, 'desc' ]) ? Config.archives.formats[entryInfo.archiveType].desc : entryInfo.archiveType; } else { entryInfo.archiveTypeDesc = 'N/A'; } entryInfo.uploadByUsername = entryInfo.uploadByUsername || 'N/A'; // may be imported entryInfo.hashTags = entryInfo.hashTags || '(none)'; // create a rating string, e.g. "**---" const userRatingTicked = config.userRatingTicked || '*'; const userRatingUnticked = config.userRatingUnticked || ''; entryInfo.userRating = ~~Math.round(entryInfo.userRating) || 0; // be safe! entryInfo.userRatingString = new Array(entryInfo.userRating + 1).join(userRatingTicked); if(entryInfo.userRating < 5) { entryInfo.userRatingString += new Array( (5 - entryInfo.userRating) + 1).join(userRatingUnticked); } FileAreaWeb.getExistingTempDownloadServeItem(this.client, this.currentFileEntry, (err, serveItem) => { if(err) { entryInfo.webDlLink = config.webDlLinkNeedsGenerated || 'Not yet generated'; entryInfo.webDlExpire = ''; } else { const webDlExpireTimeFormat = config.webDlExpireTimeFormat || 'YYYY-MMM-DD @ h:mm'; entryInfo.webDlLink = serveItem.url; entryInfo.webDlExpire = moment(serveItem.expireTimestamp).format(webDlExpireTimeFormat); } return cb(null); }); } populateCustomLabels(category, startId) { return this.updateCustomViewTextsWithFilter(category, startId, this.currentFileEntry.entryInfo); } displayArtAndPrepViewController(name, options, cb) { const self = this; const config = this.menuConfig.config; async.waterfall( [ function readyAndDisplayArt(callback) { if(options.clearScreen) { self.client.term.rawWrite(ansi.resetScreen()); } theme.displayThemedAsset( config.art[name], self.client, { font : self.menuConfig.font, trailingLF : false }, (err, artData) => { return callback(err, artData); } ); }, function prepeareViewController(artData, callback) { if(_.isUndefined(self.viewControllers[name])) { const vcOpts = { client : self.client, formId : FormIds[name], }; if(!_.isUndefined(options.noInput)) { vcOpts.noInput = options.noInput; } const vc = self.addViewController(name, new ViewController(vcOpts)); if('details' === name) { try { self.detailsInfoArea = { top : artData.mciMap.XY2.position, bottom : artData.mciMap.XY3.position, }; } catch(e) { return callback(Errors.DoesNotExist('Missing XY2 and XY3 position indicators!')); } } const loadOpts = { callingMenu : self, mciMap : artData.mciMap, formId : FormIds[name], }; return vc.loadFromMenuConfig(loadOpts, callback); } self.viewControllers[name].setFocus(true); return callback(null); }, ], err => { return cb(err); } ); } displayBrowsePage(clearScreen, cb) { const self = this; async.series( [ function fetchEntryData(callback) { if(self.fileList) { return callback(null); } return self.loadFileIds(false, callback); // false=do not force }, function checkEmptyResults(callback) { if(0 === self.fileList.length) { return callback(Errors.General('No results for criteria', 'NORESULTS')); } return callback(null); }, function prepArtAndViewController(callback) { return self.displayArtAndPrepViewController('browse', { clearScreen : clearScreen }, callback); }, function loadCurrentFileInfo(callback) { self.currentFileEntry = new FileEntry(); self.currentFileEntry.load( self.fileList[ self.fileListPosition ], err => { if(err) { return callback(err); } return self.populateCurrentEntryInfo(callback); }); }, function populateViews(callback) { if(_.isString(self.currentFileEntry.desc)) { const descView = self.viewControllers.browse.getView(MciViewIds.browse.desc); if(descView) { createCleanAnsi( self.currentFileEntry.desc, { height : self.client.termHeight, width : descView.dimens.width }, cleanDesc => { // :TODO: use cleanDesc -- need to finish createCleanAnsi() !! //descView.setText(cleanDesc); descView.setText( self.currentFileEntry.desc ); self.updateQueueIndicator(); self.populateCustomLabels('browse', MciViewIds.browse.customRangeStart); return callback(null); } ); } } else { self.updateQueueIndicator(); self.populateCustomLabels('browse', MciViewIds.browse.customRangeStart); return callback(null); } } ], err => { if(cb) { return cb(err); } } ); } displayDetailsPage(cb) { const self = this; async.series( [ function prepArtAndViewController(callback) { return self.displayArtAndPrepViewController('details', { clearScreen : true }, callback); }, function populateViews(callback) { self.populateCustomLabels('details', MciViewIds.details.customRangeStart); return callback(null); }, function prepSection(callback) { return self.displayDetailsSection('general', false, callback); }, function listenNavChanges(callback) { const navMenu = self.viewControllers.details.getView(MciViewIds.details.navMenu); navMenu.setFocusItemIndex(0); navMenu.on('index update', index => { const sectionName = { 0 : 'general', 1 : 'nfo', 2 : 'fileList', }[index]; if(sectionName) { self.displayDetailsSection(sectionName, true); } }); return callback(null); } ], err => { return cb(err); } ); } displayHelpPage(cb) { this.displayAsset( this.menuConfig.config.art.help, { clearScreen : true }, () => { this.client.waitForKeyPress( () => { return this.displayBrowsePage(true, cb); }); } ); } fetchAndDisplayWebDownloadLink(cb) { const self = this; async.series( [ function generateLinkIfNeeded(callback) { if(self.currentFileEntry.webDlExpireTime < moment()) { return callback(null); } const expireTime = moment().add(Config.fileBase.web.expireMinutes, 'minutes'); FileAreaWeb.createAndServeTempDownload( self.client, self.currentFileEntry, { expireTime : expireTime }, (err, url) => { if(err) { return callback(err); } self.currentFileEntry.webDlExpireTime = expireTime; const webDlExpireTimeFormat = self.menuConfig.config.webDlExpireTimeFormat || 'YYYY-MMM-DD @ h:mm'; self.currentFileEntry.entryInfo.webDlLink = url; self.currentFileEntry.entryInfo.webDlExpire = expireTime.format(webDlExpireTimeFormat); return callback(null); } ); }, function updateActiveViews(callback) { self.updateCustomViewTextsWithFilter( 'browse', MciViewIds.browse.customRangeStart, self.currentFileEntry.entryInfo, { filter : [ '{webDlLink}', '{webDlExpire}' ] } ); return callback(null); } ], err => { return cb(err); } ); } updateQueueIndicator() { const isQueuedIndicator = this.menuConfig.config.isQueuedIndicator || 'Y'; const isNotQueuedIndicator = this.menuConfig.config.isNotQueuedIndicator || 'N'; this.currentFileEntry.entryInfo.isQueued = stringFormat( this.dlQueue.isQueued(this.currentFileEntry) ? isQueuedIndicator : isNotQueuedIndicator ); this.updateCustomViewTextsWithFilter( 'browse', MciViewIds.browse.customRangeStart, this.currentFileEntry.entryInfo, { filter : [ '{isQueued}' ] } ); } cacheArchiveEntries(cb) { // check cache if(this.currentFileEntry.archiveEntries) { return cb(null, 'cache'); } const areaInfo = FileArea.getFileAreaByTag(this.currentFileEntry.areaTag); if(!areaInfo) { return cb(Errors.Invalid('Invalid area tag')); } const filePath = this.currentFileEntry.filePath; const archiveUtil = ArchiveUtil.getInstance(); archiveUtil.listEntries(filePath, this.currentFileEntry.entryInfo.archiveType, (err, entries) => { if(err) { return cb(err); } this.currentFileEntry.archiveEntries = entries; return cb(null, 're-cached'); }); } populateFileListing() { const fileListView = this.viewControllers.detailsFileList.getView(MciViewIds.detailsFileList.fileList); if(this.currentFileEntry.entryInfo.archiveType) { this.cacheArchiveEntries( (err, cacheStatus) => { if(err) { // :TODO: Handle me!!! fileListView.setItems( [ 'Failed getting file listing' ] ); // :TODO: make this not suck return; } if('re-cached' === cacheStatus) { const fileListEntryFormat = this.menuConfig.config.fileListEntryFormat || '{fileName} {fileSize}'; // :TODO: use byteSize here? const focusFileListEntryFormat = this.menuConfig.config.focusFileListEntryFormat || fileListEntryFormat; fileListView.setItems( this.currentFileEntry.archiveEntries.map( entry => stringFormat(fileListEntryFormat, entry) ) ); fileListView.setFocusItems( this.currentFileEntry.archiveEntries.map( entry => stringFormat(focusFileListEntryFormat, entry) ) ); fileListView.redraw(); } }); } else { fileListView.setItems( [ stringFormat(this.menuConfig.config.notAnArchiveFormat || 'Not an archive', { fileName : this.currentFileEntry.fileName } ) ] ); } } displayDetailsSection(sectionName, clearArea, cb) { const self = this; const name = `details${_.upperFirst(sectionName)}`; async.series( [ function detachPrevious(callback) { if(self.lastDetailsViewController) { self.lastDetailsViewController.detachClientEvents(); } return callback(null); }, function prepArtAndViewController(callback) { function gotoTopPos() { self.client.term.rawWrite(ansi.goto(self.detailsInfoArea.top[0], 1)); } gotoTopPos(); if(clearArea) { self.client.term.rawWrite(ansi.reset()); let pos = self.detailsInfoArea.top[0]; const bottom = self.detailsInfoArea.bottom[0]; while(pos++ <= bottom) { self.client.term.rawWrite(ansi.eraseLine() + ansi.down()); } gotoTopPos(); } return self.displayArtAndPrepViewController(name, { clearScreen : false, noInput : true }, callback); }, function populateViews(callback) { self.lastDetailsViewController = self.viewControllers[name]; switch(sectionName) { case 'nfo' : { const nfoView = self.viewControllers.detailsNfo.getView(MciViewIds.detailsNfo.nfo); if(nfoView) { nfoView.setText(self.currentFileEntry.entryInfo.descLong); } } break; case 'fileList' : self.populateFileListing(); break; } self.populateCustomLabels(name, MciViewIds[name].customRangeStart); return callback(null); } ], err => { if(cb) { return cb(err); } } ); } loadFileIds(force, cb) { if(force || (_.isUndefined(this.fileList) || _.isUndefined(this.fileListPosition))) { this.fileListPosition = 0; FileEntry.findFiles(this.filterCriteria, (err, fileIds) => { this.fileList = fileIds; return cb(err); }); } } };