/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; let _ = require('lodash'); // FNV-1a based on work here: https://github.com/wiedi/node-fnv module.exports = class FNV1a { constructor(data) { this.hash = 0x811c9dc5; if(!_.isUndefined(data)) { this.update(data); } } update(data) { if(_.isNumber(data)) { data = data.toString(); } if(_.isString(data)) { data = new Buffer(data); } if(!Buffer.isBuffer(data)) { throw new Error('data must be String or Buffer!'); } for(let b of data) { this.hash = this.hash ^ b; this.hash += (this.hash << 24) + (this.hash << 8) + (this.hash << 7) + (this.hash << 4) + (this.hash << 1); } return this; } digest(encoding) { encoding = encoding || 'binary'; let buf = new Buffer(4); buf.writeInt32BE(this.hash & 0xffffffff, 0); return buf.toString(encoding); } get value() { return this.hash & 0xffffffff; } }