--- layout: page title: Directory Structure --- All paths mentioned here are relative to the ENiGMA½ checkout directory. | Directory | Description | |---------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `/art/general` | Non-theme art - welcome ANSI, logoff ANSI, etc. See [General Art]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link art/general.md %}). | `/art/themes` | Theme art. Themes should be in their own subdirectory and contain a theme.hjson. See [Themes]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link art/themes.md %}). | `/config` | config.hjson, [menu.hjson]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link configuration/menu-hjson.md %}) and prompt.hjson storage. Also default path for SSL certs and public/private keys | `/db` | All ENiGMA½ databases in Sqlite3 format | `/docs` | These docs ;-) | `/dropfiles` | Dropfiles created for [local doors]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link modding/local-doors.md %}) | `/logs` | Logs. See [Monitoring Logs]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link troubleshooting/monitoring-logs.md %}) | `/misc` | Stuff with no other home; reset password templates, common password lists, other random bits | `/mods` | User mods. See [Modding]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link modding/existing-mods.md %}) | `/node_modules` | External libraries required by ENiGMA½, installed when you run `npm install` | `/util` | Various tools used in running/debugging ENiGMA½ | `/www` | ENiGMA½'s built in webserver root directory