/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; // ENiGMA½ const MenuModule = require('../../core/menu_module.js').MenuModule; const ViewController = require('../../core/view_controller.js').ViewController; const DownloadQueue = require('../../core/download_queue.js'); const theme = require('../../core/theme.js'); const ansi = require('../../core/ansi_term.js'); const Errors = require('../../core/enig_error.js').Errors; const stringFormat = require('../../core/string_format.js'); const FileAreaWeb = require('../../core/file_area_web.js'); const ErrNotEnabled = require('../../core/enig_error.js').ErrorReasons.NotEnabled; const Config = require('../../core/config.js').config; // deps const async = require('async'); const _ = require('lodash'); const moment = require('moment'); exports.moduleInfo = { name : 'File Base Download Web Queue Manager', desc : 'Module for interacting with web backed download queue/batch', author : 'NuSkooler', }; const FormIds = { queueManager : 0 }; const MciViewIds = { queueManager : { queue : 1, navMenu : 2, customRangeStart : 10, } }; exports.getModule = class FileBaseWebDownloadQueueManager extends MenuModule { constructor(options) { super(options); this.dlQueue = new DownloadQueue(this.client); this.menuMethods = { removeItem : (formData, extraArgs, cb) => { const selectedItem = this.dlQueue.items[formData.value.queueItem]; if(!selectedItem) { return cb(null); } this.dlQueue.removeItems(selectedItem.fileId); // :TODO: broken: does not redraw menu properly - needs fixed! return this.removeItemsFromDownloadQueueView(formData.value.queueItem, cb); }, clearQueue : (formData, extraArgs, cb) => { this.dlQueue.clear(); // :TODO: broken: does not redraw menu properly - needs fixed! return this.removeItemsFromDownloadQueueView('all', cb); }, getBatchLink : (formData, extraArgs, cb) => { return this.generateAndDisplayBatchLink(cb); } }; } initSequence() { if(0 === this.dlQueue.items.length) { return this.gotoMenu(this.menuConfig.config.emptyQueueMenu || 'fileBaseDownloadManagerEmptyQueue'); } const self = this; async.series( [ function beforeArt(callback) { return self.beforeArt(callback); }, function display(callback) { return self.displayQueueManagerPage(false, callback); } ], () => { return self.finishedLoading(); } ); } removeItemsFromDownloadQueueView(itemIndex, cb) { const queueView = this.viewControllers.queueManager.getView(MciViewIds.queueManager.queue); if(!queueView) { return cb(Errors.DoesNotExist('Queue view does not exist')); } if('all' === itemIndex) { queueView.setItems([]); queueView.setFocusItems([]); } else { queueView.removeItem(itemIndex); } queueView.redraw(); return cb(null); } displayFileInfoForFileEntry(fileEntry) { this.updateCustomViewTextsWithFilter( 'queueManager', MciViewIds.queueManager.customRangeStart, fileEntry, { filter : [ '{webDlLink}', '{webDlExpire}', '{fileName}' ] } // :TODO: Others.... ); } updateDownloadQueueView(cb) { const queueView = this.viewControllers.queueManager.getView(MciViewIds.queueManager.queue); if(!queueView) { return cb(Errors.DoesNotExist('Queue view does not exist')); } const queueListFormat = this.menuConfig.config.queueListFormat || '{webDlLink}'; const focusQueueListFormat = this.menuConfig.config.focusQueueListFormat || queueListFormat; queueView.setItems(this.dlQueue.items.map( queueItem => stringFormat(queueListFormat, queueItem) ) ); queueView.setFocusItems(this.dlQueue.items.map( queueItem => stringFormat(focusQueueListFormat, queueItem) ) ); queueView.on('index update', idx => { const fileEntry = this.dlQueue.items[idx]; this.displayFileInfoForFileEntry(fileEntry); }); queueView.redraw(); this.displayFileInfoForFileEntry(this.dlQueue.items[0]); return cb(null); } generateAndDisplayBatchLink(cb) { const expireTime = moment().add(Config.fileBase.web.expireMinutes, 'minutes'); FileAreaWeb.createAndServeTempBatchDownload( this.client, this.dlQueue.items, { expireTime : expireTime }, (err, webBatchDlLink) => { // :TODO: handle not enabled -> display such if(err) { return cb(err); } const webDlExpireTimeFormat = this.menuConfig.config.webDlExpireTimeFormat || 'YYYY-MMM-DD @ h:mm'; const formatObj = { webBatchDlLink : ansi.vtxHyperlink(this.client, webBatchDlLink) + webBatchDlLink, webBatchDlExpire : expireTime.format(webDlExpireTimeFormat), }; this.updateCustomViewTextsWithFilter( 'queueManager', MciViewIds.queueManager.customRangeStart, formatObj, { filter : Object.keys(formatObj).map(k => '{' + k + '}' ) } ); return cb(null); } ); } displayQueueManagerPage(clearScreen, cb) { const self = this; async.series( [ function prepArtAndViewController(callback) { return self.displayArtAndPrepViewController('queueManager', { clearScreen : clearScreen }, callback); }, function prepareQueueDownloadLinks(callback) { const webDlExpireTimeFormat = self.menuConfig.config.webDlExpireTimeFormat || 'YYYY-MMM-DD @ h:mm'; async.each(self.dlQueue.items, (fileEntry, nextFileEntry) => { FileAreaWeb.getExistingTempDownloadServeItem(self.client, fileEntry, (err, serveItem) => { if(err) { if(ErrNotEnabled === err.reasonCode) { return nextFileEntry(err); // we should have caught this prior } const expireTime = moment().add(Config.fileBase.web.expireMinutes, 'minutes'); FileAreaWeb.createAndServeTempDownload( self.client, fileEntry, { expireTime : expireTime }, (err, url) => { if(err) { return nextFileEntry(err); } fileEntry.webDlLinkRaw = url; fileEntry.webDlLink = ansi.vtxHyperlink(self.client, url) + url; fileEntry.webDlExpire = expireTime.format(webDlExpireTimeFormat); return nextFileEntry(null); } ); } else { fileEntry.webDlLinkRaw = serveItem.url; fileEntry.webDlLink = ansi.vtxHyperlink(self.client, serveItem.url) + serveItem.url; fileEntry.webDlExpire = moment(serveItem.expireTimestamp).format(webDlExpireTimeFormat); return nextFileEntry(null); } }); }, err => { return callback(err); }); }, function populateViews(callback) { return self.updateDownloadQueueView(callback); } ], err => { if(cb) { return cb(err); } } ); } displayArtAndPrepViewController(name, options, cb) { const self = this; const config = this.menuConfig.config; async.waterfall( [ function readyAndDisplayArt(callback) { if(options.clearScreen) { self.client.term.rawWrite(ansi.resetScreen()); } theme.displayThemedAsset( config.art[name], self.client, { font : self.menuConfig.font, trailingLF : false }, (err, artData) => { return callback(err, artData); } ); }, function prepeareViewController(artData, callback) { if(_.isUndefined(self.viewControllers[name])) { const vcOpts = { client : self.client, formId : FormIds[name], }; if(!_.isUndefined(options.noInput)) { vcOpts.noInput = options.noInput; } const vc = self.addViewController(name, new ViewController(vcOpts)); const loadOpts = { callingMenu : self, mciMap : artData.mciMap, formId : FormIds[name], }; return vc.loadFromMenuConfig(loadOpts, callback); } self.viewControllers[name].setFocus(true); return callback(null); }, ], err => { return cb(err); } ); } };