/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; // ENiGMA½ const MenuView = require('./menu_view.js').MenuView; const ansi = require('./ansi_term.js'); const strUtil = require('./string_util.js'); const formatString = require('./string_format'); const pipeToAnsi = require('./color_codes.js').pipeToAnsi; // deps const util = require('util'); const _ = require('lodash'); exports.FullMenuView = FullMenuView; function FullMenuView(options) { options.cursor = options.cursor || 'hide'; options.justify = options.justify || 'left'; MenuView.call(this, options); // Initialize paging this.pages = []; this.currentPage = 0; this.initDefaultWidth(); // we want page up/page down by default if (!_.isObject(options.specialKeyMap)) { Object.assign(this.specialKeyMap, { 'page up': ['page up'], 'page down': ['page down'], }); } this.autoAdjustHeightIfEnabled = () => { if (this.autoAdjustHeight) { this.dimens.height = this.items.length * (this.itemSpacing + 1) - this.itemSpacing; this.dimens.height = Math.min( this.dimens.height, this.client.term.termHeight - this.position.row ); } this.positionCacheExpired = true; }; this.autoAdjustHeightIfEnabled(); this.clearPage = () => { let width = this.dimens.width; if (this.oldDimens) { if (this.oldDimens.width > width) { width = this.oldDimens.width; } delete this.oldDimens; } for (let i = 0; i < this.dimens.height; i++) { const text = `${strUtil.pad(this.fillChar, width, this.fillChar, 'left')}`; this.client.term.write( `${ansi.goto( this.position.row + i, this.position.col )}${this.getSGR()}${text}` ); } }; this.cachePositions = () => { if (this.positionCacheExpired) { // first, clear the page this.clearPage(); this.autoAdjustHeightIfEnabled(); this.pages = []; // reset // Calculate number of items visible per column this.itemsPerRow = Math.floor(this.dimens.height / (this.itemSpacing + 1)); // handle case where one can fit at the end if (this.dimens.height > this.itemsPerRow * (this.itemSpacing + 1)) { this.itemsPerRow++; } // Final check to make sure we don't try to display more than we have if (this.itemsPerRow > this.items.length) { this.itemsPerRow = this.items.length; } let col = this.position.col; let row = this.position.row; const spacer = new Array(this.itemHorizSpacing + 1).join(this.fillChar); let itemInRow = 0; let itemInCol = 0; let pageStart = 0; for (let i = 0; i < this.items.length; ++i) { itemInRow++; this.items[i].row = row; this.items[i].col = col; this.items[i].itemInRow = itemInRow; row += this.itemSpacing + 1; // have to calculate the max length on the last entry if (i == this.items.length - 1) { let maxLength = 0; for (let j = 0; j < this.itemsPerRow; j++) { if (this.items[i - j].col != this.items[i].col) { break; } const itemLength = this.items[i - j].text.length; if (itemLength > maxLength) { maxLength = itemLength; } } // set length on each item in the column for (let j = 0; j < this.itemsPerRow; j++) { if (this.items[i - j].col != this.items[i].col) { break; } this.items[i - j].fixedLength = maxLength; } // Check if we have room for this column // skip for column 0, we need at least one if (itemInCol != 0 && col + maxLength > this.dimens.width) { // save previous page this.pages.push({ start: pageStart, end: i - itemInRow }); // fix the last column processed for (let j = 0; j < this.itemsPerRow; j++) { if (this.items[i - j].col != col) { break; } this.items[i - j].col = this.position.col; pageStart = i - j; } } // Since this is the last page, save the current page as well this.pages.push({ start: pageStart, end: i }); } // also handle going to next column else if (itemInRow == this.itemsPerRow) { itemInRow = 0; // restart row for next column row = this.position.row; let maxLength = 0; for (let j = 0; j < this.itemsPerRow; j++) { // TODO: handle complex items let itemLength = this.items[i - j].text.length; if (itemLength > maxLength) { maxLength = itemLength; } } // set length on each item in the column for (let j = 0; j < this.itemsPerRow; j++) { this.items[i - j].fixedLength = maxLength; } // Check if we have room for this column in the current page // skip for first column, we need at least one if (itemInCol != 0 && col + maxLength > this.dimens.width) { // save previous page this.pages.push({ start: pageStart, end: i - this.itemsPerRow }); // restart page start for next page pageStart = i - this.itemsPerRow + 1; // reset col = this.position.col; itemInRow = 0; // fix the last column processed for (let j = 0; j < this.itemsPerRow; j++) { this.items[i - j].col = col; } } // increment the column col += maxLength + spacer.length; itemInCol++; } // Set the current page if the current item is focused. if (this.focusedItemIndex === i) { this.currentPage = this.pages.length; } } } this.positionCacheExpired = false; }; this.drawItem = index => { const item = this.items[index]; if (!item) { return; } const cached = this.getRenderCacheItem(index, item.focused); if (cached) { return this.client.term.write(`${ansi.goto(item.row, item.col)}${cached}`); } let text; let sgr; if (item.focused && this.hasFocusItems()) { const focusItem = this.focusItems[index]; text = focusItem ? focusItem.text : item.text; sgr = ''; } else if (this.complexItems) { text = pipeToAnsi( formatString( item.focused && this.focusItemFormat ? this.focusItemFormat : this.itemFormat, item ) ); sgr = this.focusItemFormat ? '' : index === this.focusedItemIndex ? this.getFocusSGR() : this.getSGR(); } else { text = strUtil.stylizeString( item.text, item.focused ? this.focusTextStyle : this.textStyle ); sgr = index === this.focusedItemIndex ? this.getFocusSGR() : this.getSGR(); } let renderLength = strUtil.renderStringLength(text); if (this.hasTextOverflow() && item.col + renderLength > this.dimens.width) { text = strUtil.renderSubstr( text, 0, this.dimens.width - (item.col + this.textOverflow.length) ) + this.textOverflow; } let padLength = Math.min(item.fixedLength + 1, this.dimens.width); text = `${sgr}${strUtil.pad( text, padLength, this.fillChar, this.justify )}${this.getSGR()}`; this.client.term.write(`${ansi.goto(item.row, item.col)}${text}`); this.setRenderCacheItem(index, text, item.focused); }; } util.inherits(FullMenuView, MenuView); FullMenuView.prototype.redraw = function () { FullMenuView.super_.prototype.redraw.call(this); this.cachePositions(); if (this.items.length) { for ( let i = this.pages[this.currentPage].start; i <= this.pages[this.currentPage].end; ++i ) { this.items[i].focused = this.focusedItemIndex === i; this.drawItem(i); } } }; FullMenuView.prototype.setHeight = function (height) { this.oldDimens = Object.assign({}, this.dimens); FullMenuView.super_.prototype.setHeight.call(this, height); this.positionCacheExpired = true; this.autoAdjustHeight = false; }; FullMenuView.prototype.setWidth = function (width) { this.oldDimens = Object.assign({}, this.dimens); FullMenuView.super_.prototype.setWidth.call(this, width); this.positionCacheExpired = true; }; FullMenuView.prototype.setTextOverflow = function (overflow) { FullMenuView.super_.prototype.setTextOverflow.call(this, overflow); this.positionCacheExpired = true; }; FullMenuView.prototype.setPosition = function (pos) { FullMenuView.super_.prototype.setPosition.call(this, pos); this.positionCacheExpired = true; }; FullMenuView.prototype.setFocus = function (focused) { FullMenuView.super_.prototype.setFocus.call(this, focused); this.positionCacheExpired = true; this.autoAdjustHeight = false; this.redraw(); }; FullMenuView.prototype.setFocusItemIndex = function (index) { FullMenuView.super_.prototype.setFocusItemIndex.call(this, index); // sets this.focusedItemIndex }; FullMenuView.prototype.onKeyPress = function (ch, key) { if (key) { if (this.isKeyMapped('up', key.name)) { this.focusPrevious(); } else if (this.isKeyMapped('down', key.name)) { this.focusNext(); } else if (this.isKeyMapped('left', key.name)) { this.focusPreviousColumn(); } else if (this.isKeyMapped('right', key.name)) { this.focusNextColumn(); } else if (this.isKeyMapped('page up', key.name)) { this.focusPreviousPageItem(); } else if (this.isKeyMapped('page down', key.name)) { this.focusNextPageItem(); } else if (this.isKeyMapped('home', key.name)) { this.focusFirst(); } else if (this.isKeyMapped('end', key.name)) { this.focusLast(); } } FullMenuView.super_.prototype.onKeyPress.call(this, ch, key); }; FullMenuView.prototype.getData = function () { const item = this.getItem(this.focusedItemIndex); return _.isString(item.data) ? item.data : this.focusedItemIndex; }; FullMenuView.prototype.setItems = function (items) { // if we have items already, save off their drawing area so we don't leave fragments at redraw if (this.items && this.items.length) { this.oldDimens = Object.assign({}, this.dimens); } FullMenuView.super_.prototype.setItems.call(this, items); this.positionCacheExpired = true; }; FullMenuView.prototype.removeItem = function (index) { if (this.items && this.items.length) { this.oldDimens = Object.assign({}, this.dimens); } FullMenuView.super_.prototype.removeItem.call(this, index); this.positionCacheExpired = true; }; FullMenuView.prototype.focusNext = function () { if (this.items.length - 1 === this.focusedItemIndex) { this.clearPage(); this.focusedItemIndex = 0; this.currentPage = 0; } else { this.focusedItemIndex++; if (this.focusedItemIndex > this.pages[this.currentPage].end) { this.clearPage(); this.currentPage++; } } this.redraw(); FullMenuView.super_.prototype.focusNext.call(this); }; FullMenuView.prototype.focusPrevious = function () { if (0 === this.focusedItemIndex) { this.clearPage(); this.focusedItemIndex = this.items.length - 1; this.currentPage = this.pages.length - 1; } else { this.focusedItemIndex--; if (this.focusedItemIndex < this.pages[this.currentPage].start) { this.clearPage(); this.currentPage--; } } this.redraw(); FullMenuView.super_.prototype.focusPrevious.call(this); }; FullMenuView.prototype.focusPreviousColumn = function () { const currentRow = this.items[this.focusedItemIndex].itemInRow; this.focusedItemIndex = this.focusedItemIndex - this.itemsPerRow; if (this.focusedItemIndex < 0) { this.clearPage(); const lastItemRow = this.items[this.items.length - 1].itemInRow; if (lastItemRow > currentRow) { this.focusedItemIndex = this.items.length - (lastItemRow - currentRow) - 1; } else { // can't go to same column, so go to last item this.focusedItemIndex = this.items.length - 1; } // set to last page this.currentPage = this.pages.length - 1; } else { if (this.focusedItemIndex < this.pages[this.currentPage].start) { this.clearPage(); this.currentPage--; } } this.redraw(); // TODO: This isn't specific to Previous, may want to replace in the future FullMenuView.super_.prototype.focusPrevious.call(this); }; FullMenuView.prototype.focusNextColumn = function () { const currentRow = this.items[this.focusedItemIndex].itemInRow; this.focusedItemIndex = this.focusedItemIndex + this.itemsPerRow; if (this.focusedItemIndex > this.items.length - 1) { this.focusedItemIndex = currentRow - 1; this.currentPage = 0; this.clearPage(); } else if (this.focusedItemIndex > this.pages[this.currentPage].end) { this.clearPage(); this.currentPage++; } this.redraw(); // TODO: This isn't specific to Next, may want to replace in the future FullMenuView.super_.prototype.focusNext.call(this); }; FullMenuView.prototype.focusPreviousPageItem = function () { // handle first page if (this.currentPage == 0) { // Do nothing, page up shouldn't go down on last page return; } this.currentPage--; this.focusedItemIndex = this.pages[this.currentPage].start; this.clearPage(); this.redraw(); return FullMenuView.super_.prototype.focusPreviousPageItem.call(this); }; FullMenuView.prototype.focusNextPageItem = function () { // handle last page if (this.currentPage == this.pages.length - 1) { // Do nothing, page up shouldn't go down on last page return; } this.currentPage++; this.focusedItemIndex = this.pages[this.currentPage].start; this.clearPage(); this.redraw(); return FullMenuView.super_.prototype.focusNextPageItem.call(this); }; FullMenuView.prototype.focusFirst = function () { this.currentPage = 0; this.focusedItemIndex = 0; this.clearPage(); this.redraw(); return FullMenuView.super_.prototype.focusFirst.call(this); }; FullMenuView.prototype.focusLast = function () { this.currentPage = this.pages.length - 1; this.focusedItemIndex = this.pages[this.currentPage].end; this.clearPage(); this.redraw(); return FullMenuView.super_.prototype.focusLast.call(this); }; FullMenuView.prototype.setFocusItems = function (items) { FullMenuView.super_.prototype.setFocusItems.call(this, items); this.positionCacheExpired = true; }; FullMenuView.prototype.setItemSpacing = function (itemSpacing) { FullMenuView.super_.prototype.setItemSpacing.call(this, itemSpacing); this.positionCacheExpired = true; }; FullMenuView.prototype.setJustify = function (justify) { FullMenuView.super_.prototype.setJustify.call(this, justify); this.positionCacheExpired = true; }; FullMenuView.prototype.setItemHorizSpacing = function (itemHorizSpacing) { FullMenuView.super_.prototype.setItemHorizSpacing.call(this, itemHorizSpacing); this.positionCacheExpired = true; };