/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; const PluginModule = require('./plugin_module.js').PluginModule; const theme = require('./theme.js'); const ansi = require('./ansi_term.js'); const ViewController = require('./view_controller.js').ViewController; const menuUtil = require('./menu_util.js'); const Config = require('./config.js').get; const stringFormat = require('../core/string_format.js'); const MultiLineEditTextView = require('../core/multi_line_edit_text_view.js').MultiLineEditTextView; const Errors = require('../core/enig_error.js').Errors; const { getPredefinedMCIValue } = require('../core/predefined_mci.js'); const EnigAssert = require('./enigma_assert'); // deps const async = require('async'); const assert = require('assert'); const _ = require('lodash'); const iconvDecode = require('iconv-lite').decode; const MenuFlags = { // When leaving this menu to load/chain to another, remove this // menu from history. In other words, the fallback from // the next menu would *not* be this one, but the previous. NoHistory: 'noHistory', // Generally used in code only: Request that any flags from menu.hjson // are merged in to the total set of flags vs overriding the default. MergeFlags: 'mergeFlags', // Forward this menu's 'extraArgs' to the next. ForwardArgs: 'forwardArgs', }; exports.MenuFlags = MenuFlags; exports.MenuModule = class MenuModule extends PluginModule { constructor(options) { super(options); this.menuName = options.menuName; this.menuConfig = options.menuConfig; this.client = options.client; this.menuMethods = {}; // methods called from @method's this.menuConfig.config = this.menuConfig.config || {}; this.cls = _.get(this.menuConfig.config, 'cls', Config().menus.cls); this.viewControllers = {}; this.interrupt = _.get( this.menuConfig.config, 'interrupt', MenuModule.InterruptTypes.Queued ).toLowerCase(); if (MenuModule.InterruptTypes.Realtime === this.interrupt) { this.realTimeInterrupt = 'blocked'; } } setConfigWithExtraArgs(options) { this.config = Object.assign({}, _.get(options, 'menuConfig.config'), { extraArgs: options.extraArgs, }); } setMergedFlag(flag) { this.menuConfig.config.menuFlags.push(flag); this.menuConfig.config.menuFlags = [...new Set([...this.menuConfig.config.menuFlags, MenuFlags.MergeFlags])]; } static get InterruptTypes() { return { Never: 'never', Queued: 'queued', Realtime: 'realtime', }; } enter() { this.initSequence(); } leave() { this.detachViewControllers(); } initSequence() { const self = this; const mciData = {}; let pausePosition = { row: 0, column: 0 }; const hasArt = () => { return ( _.isString(self.menuConfig.art) || (Array.isArray(self.menuConfig.art) && _.has(self.menuConfig.art[0], 'acs')) ); }; async.waterfall( [ function beforeArtInterrupt(callback) { return self.displayQueuedInterruptions(callback); }, function beforeDisplayArt(callback) { return self.beforeArt(callback); }, function displayMenuArt(callback) { if (!hasArt()) { return callback(null, null); } self.displayAsset( self.menuConfig.art, self.menuConfig.config, (err, artData) => { if (err) { self.client.log.trace('Could not display art', { art: self.menuConfig.art, reason: err.message, }); } else { mciData.menu = artData.mciMap; } if (artData) { pausePosition.row = artData.height + 1; } return callback(null, artData); // any errors are non-fatal } ); }, function displayPromptArt(artData, callback) { if (!_.isString(self.menuConfig.prompt)) { return callback(null); } if (!_.isObject(self.menuConfig.promptConfig)) { return callback( Errors.MissingConfig( 'Prompt specified but no "promptConfig" block found' ) ); } const options = Object.assign({}, self.menuConfig.config); if (_.isNumber(artData?.height)) { options.startRow = artData.height + 1; } self.displayAsset( self.menuConfig.promptConfig.art, options, (err, artData) => { if (artData) { mciData.prompt = artData.mciMap; pausePosition.row = artData.height + 1; } return callback(err); // pass err here; prompts *must* have art } ); }, function afterArtDisplayed(callback) { return self.mciReady(mciData, callback); }, function displayPauseIfRequested(callback) { if (!self.shouldPause()) { return callback(null, null); } if ( self.client.term.termHeight > 0 && pausePosition.row > self.client.termHeight ) { // If this scrolled, the prompt will go to the bottom of the screen pausePosition.row = self.client.termHeight; } return self.pausePrompt(pausePosition, callback); }, function finishAndNext(artInfo, callback) { self.finishedLoading(); self.realTimeInterrupt = 'allowed'; return self.autoNextMenu(callback); }, ], err => { if (err) { self.client.log.warn('Error during init sequence', { error: err.message, }); return self.prevMenu(() => { /* dummy */ }); } } ); } beforeArt(cb) { if (_.isNumber(this.menuConfig.config.baudRate)) { // :TODO: some terminals not supporting cterm style emulated baud rate end up displaying a broken ESC sequence or a single "r" here this.client.term.rawWrite( ansi.setEmulatedBaudRate(this.menuConfig.config.baudRate) ); } if (this.cls) { this.client.term.rawWrite(ansi.resetScreen()); } return cb(null); } mciReady(mciData, cb) { // available for sub-classes return cb(null); } finishedLoading() { // nothing in base } displayQueuedInterruptions(cb) { if (MenuModule.InterruptTypes.Never === this.interrupt) { return cb(null); } let opts = { cls: true }; // clear screen for first message async.whilst( callback => callback(null, this.client.interruptQueue.hasItems()), next => { this.client.interruptQueue.displayNext(opts, err => { opts = {}; return next(err); }); }, err => { return cb(err); } ); } attemptInterruptNow(interruptItem, cb) { if ( this.realTimeInterrupt !== 'allowed' || MenuModule.InterruptTypes.Realtime !== this.interrupt ) { return cb(null, false); // don't eat up the item; queue for later } this.realTimeInterrupt = 'blocked'; // // Default impl: clear screen -> standard display -> reload menu // const done = (err, removeFromQueue) => { this.realTimeInterrupt = 'allowed'; return cb(err, removeFromQueue); }; this.client.interruptQueue.displayWithItem( Object.assign({}, interruptItem, { cls: true }), err => { if (err) { return done(err, false); } this.reload(err => { return done(err, err ? false : true); }); } ); } getSaveState() { // nothing in base } restoreSavedState(/*savedState*/) { // nothing in base } getMenuResult() { // default to the formData that was provided @ a submit, if any return this.submitFormData; } nextMenu(cb) { if (!this.haveNext()) { return this.prevMenu(cb); // no next, go to prev } this.displayQueuedInterruptions(() => { return this.client.menuStack.next(cb); }); } prevMenu(cb) { this.displayQueuedInterruptions(() => { return this.client.menuStack.prev(cb); }); } gotoMenu(name, options, cb) { return this.client.menuStack.goto(name, options, cb); } gotoMenuOrPrev(name, options, cb) { this.client.menuStack.goto(name, options, err => { if (!err) { if (cb) { return cb(null); } } return this.prevMenu(cb); }); } gotoMenuOrShowMessage(name, message, options, cb) { if (!cb && _.isFunction(options)) { cb = options; options = {}; } options = options || { clearScreen: true }; this.gotoMenu(name, options, err => { if (err) { if (options.clearScreen) { this.client.term.rawWrite(ansi.resetScreen()); } this.client.term.write(`${message}\n`); return this.pausePrompt(() => { return this.prevMenu(cb); }); } if (cb) { return cb(null); } }); } reload(cb) { const prevMenu = this.client.menuStack.pop(); prevMenu.instance.leave(); return this.client.menuStack.goto(prevMenu.name, cb); } prevMenuOnTimeout(timeout, cb) { setTimeout(() => { return this.prevMenu(cb); }, timeout); } addViewController(name, vc) { assert( !this.viewControllers[name], `ViewController by the name of "${name}" already exists!` ); this.viewControllers[name] = vc; return vc; } removeViewController(name) { if (this.viewControllers[name]) { this.viewControllers[name].detachClientEvents(); delete this.viewControllers[name]; } } detachViewControllers() { Object.keys(this.viewControllers).forEach(name => { this.viewControllers[name].detachClientEvents(); }); } shouldPause() { return ( 'end' === this.menuConfig.config.pause || true === this.menuConfig.config.pause ); } hasNextTimeout() { return _.isNumber(this.menuConfig.config.nextTimeout); } haveNext() { return _.isString(this.menuConfig.next) || _.isArray(this.menuConfig.next); } autoNextMenu(cb) { const gotoNextMenu = () => { if (this.haveNext()) { this.displayQueuedInterruptions(() => { return menuUtil.handleNext(this.client, this.menuConfig.next, {}, cb); }); } else { return this.prevMenu(cb); } }; if ( _.has(this.menuConfig, 'runtime.autoNext') && true === this.menuConfig.runtime.autoNext ) { if (this.hasNextTimeout()) { setTimeout(() => { return gotoNextMenu(); }, this.menuConfig.config.nextTimeout); } else { return gotoNextMenu(); } } } standardMCIReadyHandler(mciData, cb) { // // A quick rundown: // * We may have mciData.menu, mciData.prompt, or both. // * Prompt form is favored over menu form if both are present. // * Standard/predefined MCI entries must load both (e.g. %BN is expected to resolve) // const self = this; async.series( [ function addViewControllers(callback) { _.forEach(mciData, (mciMap, name) => { assert('menu' === name || 'prompt' === name); self.addViewController( name, new ViewController({ client: self.client }) ); }); return callback(null); }, function createMenu(callback) { if (!self.viewControllers.menu) { return callback(null); } const menuLoadOpts = { mciMap: mciData.menu, callingMenu: self, withoutForm: _.isObject(mciData.prompt), }; self.viewControllers.menu.loadFromMenuConfig(menuLoadOpts, err => { return callback(err); }); }, function createPrompt(callback) { if (!self.viewControllers.prompt) { return callback(null); } const promptLoadOpts = { callingMenu: self, mciMap: mciData.prompt, }; self.viewControllers.prompt.loadFromPromptConfig( promptLoadOpts, err => { return callback(err); } ); }, ], err => { return cb(err); } ); } displayAsset(nameOrData, options, cb) { if (_.isFunction(options)) { cb = options; options = {}; } if (options.clearScreen) { this.client.term.rawWrite(ansi.resetScreen()); } options = Object.assign( { client: this.client, font: this.menuConfig.config.font }, options ); if (Buffer.isBuffer(nameOrData)) { const data = iconvDecode(nameOrData, options.encoding || 'cp437'); return theme.displayPreparedArt(options, { data }, (err, artData) => { if (cb) { return cb(err, artData); } }); } return theme.displayThemedAsset( nameOrData, this.client, options, (err, artData) => { if (cb) { return cb(err, artData); } } ); } prepViewController(name, formId, mciMap, cb) { const needsCreated = _.isUndefined(this.viewControllers[name]); if (needsCreated) { const vcOpts = { client: this.client, formId: formId, }; const vc = this.addViewController(name, new ViewController(vcOpts)); const loadOpts = { callingMenu: this, mciMap: mciMap, formId: formId, }; return vc.loadFromMenuConfig(loadOpts, err => { return cb(err, vc, true); }); } this.viewControllers[name].setFocus(true); return cb(null, this.viewControllers[name], false); } prepViewControllerWithArt(name, formId, options, cb) { this.displayAsset(this.menuConfig.config.art[name], options, (err, artData) => { if (err) { return cb(err); } return this.prepViewController(name, formId, artData.mciMap, cb); }); } optionalMoveToPosition(position) { if (position) { position.x = position.row || position.x || 1; position.y = position.col || position.y || 1; this.client.term.rawWrite(ansi.goto(position.x, position.y)); } } pausePrompt(position, cb) { if (!cb && _.isFunction(position)) { cb = position; position = null; } this.optionalMoveToPosition(position); return theme.displayThemedPause(this.client, { position }, cb); } promptForInput( { formName, formId, promptName, prevFormName, position } = {}, options, cb ) { if (!cb && _.isFunction(options)) { cb = options; options = {}; } options.viewController = this.addViewController( formName, new ViewController({ client: this.client, formId }) ); options.trailingLF = _.get(options, 'trailingLF', false); let prevVc; if (prevFormName) { prevVc = this.viewControllers[prevFormName]; if (prevVc) { prevVc.setFocus(false); } } const originalSubmitNotify = options.submitNotify; options.submitNotify = () => { if (_.isFunction(originalSubmitNotify)) { originalSubmitNotify(); } if (prevVc) { prevVc.setFocus(true); } this.removeViewController(formName); if (options.clearAtSubmit) { this.optionalMoveToPosition(position); if (options.clearWidth) { this.client.term.rawWrite( `${ansi.reset()}${' '.repeat(options.clearWidth)}` ); } else { // :TODO: handle multi-rows via artHeight this.client.term.rawWrite(ansi.eraseLine()); } } }; options.viewController.setFocus(true); this.optionalMoveToPosition(position); if (!options.position) { options.position = position; } theme.displayThemedPrompt(promptName, this.client, options, (err, artInfo) => { /* if(artInfo) { artHeight = artInfo.height; } */ return cb(err, artInfo); }); } displayArtAndPrepViewController(name, formId, options, cb) { const config = this.menuConfig.config; EnigAssert(_.isObject(config)); async.waterfall( [ callback => { if (options.clearScreen) { this.client.term.rawWrite(ansi.resetScreen()); } theme.displayThemedAsset( config.art[name], this.client, { font: this.menuConfig.font, trailingLF: false }, (err, artData) => { return callback(err, artData); } ); }, (artData, callback) => { if (_.isUndefined(this.viewControllers[name])) { const vcOpts = { client: this.client, formId: formId, }; if (!_.isUndefined(options.noInput)) { vcOpts.noInput = options.noInput; } const vc = this.addViewController( name, new ViewController(vcOpts) ); if (_.isFunction(options.artDataPrep)) { try { options.artDataPrep(name, artData, vc); } catch (e) { return callback(e); } } const loadOpts = { callingMenu: this, mciMap: artData.mciMap, formId: formId, viewOffsets: options.viewOffsets, }; return vc.loadFromMenuConfig(loadOpts, callback); } this.viewControllers[name].setFocus(true); return callback(null); }, ], err => { return cb(err); } ); } setViewText(formName, mciId, text, appendMultiLine) { const view = this.getView(formName, mciId); if (!view) { return; } if (appendMultiLine && view instanceof MultiLineEditTextView) { view.setAnsi(text); } else { view.setText(text); } } getView(formName, id) { const form = this.viewControllers[formName]; return form && form.getView(id); } getCustomViewsWithFilter(formName, startId, options) { options = options || {}; const views = []; let view; let customMciId = startId; const config = this.menuConfig.config; const endId = options.endId || 99; // we'll fail to get a view before 99 while ( customMciId <= endId && (view = this.viewControllers[formName].getView(customMciId)) ) { const key = `${formName}InfoFormat${customMciId}`; // e.g. "mainInfoFormat10" const format = config[key]; if ( format && (!options.filter || options.filter.find(f => format.indexOf(f) > -1)) ) { view.key = key; // cache views.push(view); } ++customMciId; } return views; } updateCustomViewTextsWithFilter(formName, startId, fmtObj, options) { options = options || {}; const views = this.getCustomViewsWithFilter(formName, startId, options); const config = this.menuConfig.config; views.forEach(view => { const format = config[view.key]; const text = stringFormat(format, fmtObj); if (options.appendMultiLine && view instanceof MultiLineEditTextView) { view.addText(text); } else { if (view.getData() != text) { view.setText(text); } else { view.redraw(); } } }); } refreshPredefinedMciViewsByCode(formName, mciCodes) { const form = _.get(this, ['viewControllers', formName]); if (form) { form.getViewsByMciCode(mciCodes).forEach(v => { if (!v.setText) { return; } v.setText(getPredefinedMCIValue(this.client, v.mciCode)); }); } } validateMCIByViewIds(formName, viewIds, cb) { if (!Array.isArray(viewIds)) { viewIds = [viewIds]; } const form = _.get(this, ['viewControllers', formName]); if (!form) { return cb(Errors.DoesNotExist(`Form does not exist: ${formName}`)); } for (let i = 0; i < viewIds.length; ++i) { if (!form.hasView(viewIds[i])) { return cb(Errors.MissingMci(`Missing MCI ${viewIds[i]}`)); } } return cb(null); } validateConfigFields(fields, cb) { // // fields is expected to be { key : type || validator(key, config) } // where |type| is 'string', 'array', object', 'number' // if (!_.isObject(fields)) { return cb(Errors.Invalid('Invalid validator!')); } const config = this.config || this.menuConfig.config; let firstBadKey; let badReason; const good = _.every(fields, (type, key) => { if (_.isFunction(type)) { if (!type(key, config)) { firstBadKey = key; badReason = 'Validate failure'; return false; } return true; } const c = config[key]; let typeOk; if (_.isUndefined(c)) { typeOk = false; badReason = `Missing "${key}", expected ${type}`; } else { switch (type) { case 'string': typeOk = _.isString(c); break; case 'object': typeOk = _.isObject(c); break; case 'array': typeOk = Array.isArray(c); break; case 'number': typeOk = !isNaN(parseInt(c)); break; default: typeOk = false; badReason = `Don't know how to validate ${type}`; break; } } if (!typeOk) { firstBadKey = key; if (!badReason) { badReason = `Expected ${type}`; } } return typeOk; }); return cb( good ? null : Errors.Invalid( `Invalid or missing config option "${firstBadKey}" (${badReason})` ) ); } // Various common helpers getDateFormat(defaultStyle = 'short') { return ( this.config.dateFormat || this.client.currentTheme.helpers.getDateFormat(defaultStyle) ); } getTimeFormat(defaultStyle = 'short') { return ( this.config.timeFormat || this.client.currentTheme.helpers.getTimeFormat(defaultStyle) ); } getDateTimeFormat(defaultStyle = 'short') { return ( this.config.dateTimeFormat || this.client.currentTheme.helpers.getDateTimeFormat(defaultStyle) ); } };