/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; // ENiGMA½ let MessageScanTossModule = require('../msg_scan_toss_module.js').MessageScanTossModule; let Config = require('../config.js').config; let ftnMailPacket = require('../ftn_mail_packet.js'); let ftnUtil = require('../ftn_util.js'); let Address = require('../ftn_address.js'); let Log = require('../logger.js').log; let ArchiveUtil = require('../archive_util.js'); let msgDb = require('../database.js').dbs.message; let Message = require('../message.js'); let moment = require('moment'); let _ = require('lodash'); let paths = require('path'); let mkdirp = require('mkdirp'); let async = require('async'); let fs = require('fs'); let later = require('later'); let temp = require('temp').track(); // track() cleans up temp dir/files for us exports.moduleInfo = { name : 'FTN BSO', desc : 'BSO style message scanner/tosser for FTN networks', author : 'NuSkooler', }; /* :TODO: * Add bundle timer (arcmail) * Queue until time elapses / fixed time interval * Pakcets append until >= max byte size * [if arch type is not empty): Packets -> bundle until max byte size -> repeat process * NetMail needs explicit isNetMail() check * NetMail filename / location / etc. is still unknown - need to post on groups & get real answers */ exports.getModule = FTNMessageScanTossModule; const SCHEDULE_REGEXP = /(?:^|or )?(@watch\:|@immediate)([^\0]+)?$/; function FTNMessageScanTossModule() { MessageScanTossModule.call(this); let self = this; this.archUtil = new ArchiveUtil(); this.archUtil.init(); if(_.has(Config, 'scannerTossers.ftn_bso')) { this.moduleConfig = Config.scannerTossers.ftn_bso; } this.getDefaultNetworkName = function() { if(this.moduleConfig.defaultNetwork) { return this.moduleConfig.defaultNetwork; } const networkNames = Object.keys(Config.messageNetworks.ftn.networks); if(1 === networkNames.length) { return networkNames[0]; } }; this.isDefaultDomainZone = function(networkName, address) { const defaultNetworkName = this.getDefaultNetworkName(); return(networkName === defaultNetworkName && address.zone === this.moduleConfig.defaultZone); }; this.getNetworkNameByAddress = function(address) { return _.findKey(Config.messageNetworks.ftn.networks, network => { const networkAddress = Address.fromString(network.localAddress); return !_.isUndefined(networkAddress) && address.isEqual(networkAddress); }); }; this.getOutgoingPacketDir = function(networkName, destAddress) { let dir = this.moduleConfig.paths.outbound; if(!this.isDefaultDomainZone(networkName, destAddress)) { const hexZone = `000${destAddress.zone.toString(16)}`.substr(-3); dir = paths.join(dir, `${networkName.toLowerCase()}.${hexZone}`); } return dir; }; this.getOutgoingPacketFileName = function(basePath, messageId, isTemp) { // // Generating an outgoing packet file name comes with a few issues: // * We must use DOS 8.3 filenames due to legacy systems that receive // the packet not understanding LFNs // * We need uniqueness; This is especially important with packets that // end up in bundles and on the receiving/remote system where conflicts // with other systems could also occur // // There are a lot of systems in use here for the name: // * HEX CRC16/32 of data // * HEX UNIX timestamp // * Mystic at least at one point, used Hex8(day of month + seconds past midnight + hundredths of second) // See https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/alt.bbs.mystic/netmail$20filename/alt.bbs.mystic/m1xLnY8i1pU/YnG2excdl6MJ // * SBBSEcho uses DDHHMMSS - see https://github.com/ftnapps/pkg-sbbs/blob/master/docs/fidonet.txt // * We already have a system for 8-character serial number gernation that is // used for e.g. in FTS-0009.001 MSGIDs... let's use that! // const name = ftnUtil.getMessageSerialNumber(messageId); const ext = (true === isTemp) ? 'pk_' : 'pkt'; return paths.join(basePath, `${name}.${ext}`); }; this.getOutgoingFlowFileName = function(basePath, destAddress, exportType, extSuffix) { if(destAddress.point) { } else { // // Use |destAddress| nnnnNNNN.??? where nnnn is dest net and NNNN is dest // node. This seems to match what Mystic does // return `${Math.abs(destAddress.net)}${Math.abs(destAddress.node)}.${exportType[1]}${extSuffix}`; } }; this.getOutgoingBundleFileName = function(basePath, sourceAddress, destAddress, cb) { // // Base filename is constructed as such: // * If this |destAddress| is *not* a point address, we use NNNNnnnn where // NNNN is 0 padded hex of dest net - source net and and nnnn is 0 padded // hex of dest node - source node. // * If |destAddress| is a point, NNNN becomes 0000 and nnnn becomes 'p' + // 3 digit 0 padded hex point // // Extension is dd? where dd is Su...Mo and ? is 0...Z as collisions arise // var basename; if(destAddress.point) { const pointHex = `000${destAddress.point}`.substr(-3); basename = `0000p${pointHex}`; } else { basename = `0000${Math.abs(sourceAddress.net - destAddress.net).toString(16)}`.substr(-4) + `0000${Math.abs(sourceAddress.node - destAddress.node).toString(16)}`.substr(-4); } // // We need to now find the first entry that does not exist starting // with dd0 to ddz // const EXT_SUFFIXES = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.split(''); let fileName = `${basename}.${moment().format('dd').toLowerCase()}`; async.detectSeries(EXT_SUFFIXES, (suffix, callback) => { const checkFileName = fileName + suffix; fs.stat(paths.join(basePath, checkFileName), (err, stats) => { callback((err && 'ENOENT' === err.code) ? true : false); }); }, finalSuffix => { if(finalSuffix) { cb(null, paths.join(basePath, fileName + finalSuffix)); } else { cb(new Error('Could not acquire a bundle filename!')); } }); }; this.exportMessage = function(message, options, cb) { this.prepareMessage(message, options); let packet = new ftnMailPacket.Packet(); let packetHeader = new ftnMailPacket.PacketHeader( options.network.localAddress, options.destAddress, options.nodeConfig.packetType); packetHeader.password = options.nodeConfig.packetPassword || ''; if(message.isPrivate()) { // :TODO: this should actually be checking for isNetMail()!! } else { const outgoingDir = this.getOutgoingPacketDir(options.networkName, options.destAddress); mkdirp(outgoingDir, err => { if(err) { return cb(err); } this.getOutgoingBundleFileName(outgoingDir, options.network.localAddress, options.destAddress, (err, path) => { console.log(path); }); packet.write( this.getOutgoingPacketFileName(outgoingDir, message), packetHeader, [ message ], { encoding : options.encoding } ); }); } }; this.prepareMessage = function(message, options) { // // Set various FTN kludges/etc. // message.meta.FtnProperty = message.meta.FtnProperty || {}; message.meta.FtnKludge = message.meta.FtnKludge || {}; message.meta.FtnProperty.ftn_orig_node = options.network.localAddress.node; message.meta.FtnProperty.ftn_dest_node = options.destAddress.node; message.meta.FtnProperty.ftn_orig_network = options.network.localAddress.net; message.meta.FtnProperty.ftn_dest_network = options.destAddress.net; // :TODO: attr1 & 2 message.meta.FtnProperty.ftn_cost = 0; message.meta.FtnProperty.ftn_tear_line = ftnUtil.getTearLine(); // :TODO: Need an explicit isNetMail() check let ftnAttribute = 0; if(message.isPrivate()) { ftnAttribute |= ftnMailPacket.Packet.Attribute.Private; // // NetMail messages need a FRL-1005.001 "Via" line // http://ftsc.org/docs/frl-1005.001 // if(_.isString(message.meta.FtnKludge.Via)) { message.meta.FtnKludge.Via = [ message.meta.FtnKludge.Via ]; } message.meta.FtnKludge.Via = message.meta.FtnKludge.Via || []; message.meta.FtnKludge.Via.push(ftnUtil.getVia(options.network.localAddress)); } else { // // EchoMail requires some additional properties & kludges // message.meta.FtnProperty.ftn_origin = ftnUtil.getOrigin(options.network.localAddress); message.meta.FtnProperty.ftn_area = Config.messageNetworks.ftn.areas[message.areaTag].tag; // // When exporting messages, we should create/update SEEN-BY // with remote address(s) we are exporting to. // const seenByAdditions = [ options.network.localAddress ].concat(Config.messageNetworks.ftn.areas[message.areaTag].uplinks); message.meta.FtnProperty.ftn_seen_by = ftnUtil.getUpdatedSeenByEntries(message.meta.FtnProperty.ftn_seen_by, seenByAdditions); // // And create/update PATH for ourself // message.meta.FtnKludge.PATH = ftnUtil.getUpdatedPathEntries(message.meta.FtnKludge.PATH, options.network.localAddress); } message.meta.FtnProperty.ftn_attr_flags = ftnAttribute; // // Additional kludges // message.meta.FtnKludge.MSGID = ftnUtil.getMessageIdentifier(message, options.network.localAddress); message.meta.FtnKludge.TZUTC = ftnUtil.getUTCTimeZoneOffset(); if(!message.meta.FtnKludge.PID) { message.meta.FtnKludge.PID = ftnUtil.getProductIdentifier(); } if(!message.meta.FtnKludge.TID) { // :TODO: Create TID!! //message.meta.FtnKludge.TID = } // // Determine CHRS and actual internal encoding name // Try to preserve anything already here let encoding = options.nodeConfig.encoding || 'utf8'; if(message.meta.FtnKludge.CHRS) { const encFromChars = ftnUtil.getEncodingFromCharacterSetIdentifier(message.meta.FtnKludge.CHRS); if(encFromChars) { encoding = encFromChars; } } options.encoding = encoding; // save for later message.meta.FtnKludge.CHRS = ftnUtil.getCharacterSetIdentifierByEncoding(encoding); // :TODO: FLAGS kludge? // :TODO: Add REPLY kludge if appropriate }; // :TODO: change to something like isAreaConfigValid // check paths, Addresses, etc. this.isAreaConfigValid = function(areaConfig) { if(!_.isString(areaConfig.tag) || !_.isString(areaConfig.network)) { return false; } if(_.isString(areaConfig.uplinks)) { areaConfig.uplinks = areaConfig.uplinks.split(' '); } return (_.isArray(areaConfig.uplinks)); }; this.hasValidConfiguration = function() { if(!_.has(this, 'moduleConfig.nodes') || !_.has(Config, 'messageNetworks.ftn.areas')) { return false; } // :TODO: need to check more! return true; }; this.parseScheduleString = function(schedStr) { if(!schedStr) { return; // nothing to parse! } let schedule = {}; const m = SCHEDULE_REGEXP.exec(schedStr); if(m) { schedStr = schedStr.substr(0, m.index).trim(); if('@watch:' === m[1]) { schedule.watchFile = m[2]; } else if('@immediate' === m[1]) { schedule.immediate = true; } } if(schedStr.length > 0) { const sched = later.parse.text(schedStr); if(-1 === sched.error) { schedule.sched = sched; } } // return undefined if we couldn't parse out anything useful if(!_.isEmpty(schedule)) { return schedule; } }; this.getAreaLastScanId = function(areaTag, cb) { const sql = `SELECT area_tag, message_id FROM message_area_last_scan WHERE scan_toss = "ftn_bso" AND area_tag = ? LIMIT 1;`; msgDb.get(sql, [ areaTag ], (err, row) => { cb(err, row ? row.message_id : 0); }); }; this.setAreaLastScanId = function(areaTag, lastScanId, cb) { const sql = `REPLACE INTO message_area_last_scan (scan_toss, area_tag, message_id) VALUES ("ftn_bso", ?, ?);`; msgDb.run(sql, [ areaTag, lastScanId ], err => { cb(err); }); }; this.getNodeConfigKeyForUplink = function(uplink) { // :TODO: sort by least # of '*' & take top? const nodeKey = _.filter(Object.keys(this.moduleConfig.nodes), addr => { return Address.fromString(addr).isMatch(uplink); })[0]; return nodeKey; }; this.exportMessagesByUuid = function(messageUuids, exportOpts, cb) { // // This method has a lot of madness going on: // - Try to stuff messages into packets until we've hit the target size // - We need to wait for write streams to finish before proceeding in many cases // or data will be cut off when closing and creating a new stream // let exportedFiles = []; let currPacketSize = self.moduleConfig.packetTargetByteSize; let packet; let ws; let remainMessageBuf; let remainMessageId; async.each(messageUuids, (msgUuid, nextUuid) => { let message = new Message(); async.series( [ function finalizePrevious(callback) { if(packet && currPacketSize >= self.moduleConfig.packetTargetByteSize) { packet.writeTerminator(ws); ws.end(); ws.once('finish', () => { callback(null); }); } else { callback(null); } }, function loadMessage(callback) { message.load( { uuid : msgUuid }, err => { if(!err) { self.prepareMessage(message, exportOpts); } callback(err); }); }, function createNewPacket(callback) { if(currPacketSize >= self.moduleConfig.packetTargetByteSize) { packet = new ftnMailPacket.Packet(); const packetHeader = new ftnMailPacket.PacketHeader( exportOpts.network.localAddress, exportOpts.destAddress, exportOpts.nodeConfig.packetType); packetHeader.password = exportOpts.nodeConfig.packetPassword || ''; // use current message ID for filename seed const pktFileName = self.getOutgoingPacketFileName(exportOpts.tempDir, message.messageId); exportedFiles.push(pktFileName); ws = fs.createWriteStream(pktFileName); currPacketSize = packet.writeHeader(ws, packetHeader); if(remainMessageBuf) { currPacketSize += packet.writeMessageEntry(ws, remainMessageBuf); remainMessageBuf = null; } } callback(null); }, function appendMessage(callback) { const msgBuf = packet.getMessageEntryBuffer(message, exportOpts); currPacketSize += msgBuf.length; if(currPacketSize >= self.moduleConfig.packetTargetByteSize) { remainMessageBuf = msgBuf; // save for next packet remainMessageId = message.messageId; } else { ws.write(msgBuf); } callback(null); } ], err => { nextUuid(err); } ); }, err => { if(err) { cb(err); } else { async.series( [ function terminateLast(callback) { if(packet) { packet.writeTerminator(ws); ws.end(); ws.once('finish', () => { callback(null); }); } else { callback(null); } }, function writeRemainPacket(callback) { if(remainMessageBuf) { // :TODO: DRY this with the code above -- they are basically identical packet = new ftnMailPacket.Packet(); const packetHeader = new ftnMailPacket.PacketHeader( exportOpts.network.localAddress, exportOpts.destAddress, exportOpts.nodeConfig.packetType); packetHeader.password = exportOpts.nodeConfig.packetPassword || ''; // use current message ID for filename seed const pktFileName = self.getOutgoingPacketFileName(exportOpts.tempDir, remainMessageId); exportedFiles.push(pktFileName); ws = fs.createWriteStream(pktFileName); packet.writeHeader(ws, packetHeader); ws.write(remainMessageBuf); packet.writeTerminator(ws); ws.end(); ws.once('finish', () => { callback(null); }); } else { callback(null); } } ], err => { cb(err, exportedFiles); } ); } }); }; this.exportMessagesToUplinks = function(messageUuids, areaConfig, cb) { async.each(areaConfig.uplinks, (uplink, nextUplink) => { const nodeConfigKey = self.getNodeConfigKeyForUplink(uplink); if(!nodeConfigKey) { return nextUplink(); } const exportOpts = { nodeConfig : self.moduleConfig.nodes[nodeConfigKey], network : Config.messageNetworks.ftn.networks[areaConfig.network], destAddress : Address.fromString(uplink), networkName : areaConfig.network, }; if(_.isString(exportOpts.network.localAddress)) { exportOpts.network.localAddress = Address.fromString(exportOpts.network.localAddress); } const outgoingDir = self.getOutgoingPacketDir(exportOpts.networkName, exportOpts.destAddress); async.waterfall( [ function createTempDir(callback) { temp.mkdir('enigftnexport--', (err, tempDir) => { exportOpts.tempDir = tempDir; callback(err); }); }, function createOutgoingDir(callback) { mkdirp(outgoingDir, err => { callback(err); }); }, function exportToTempArea(callback) { self.exportMessagesByUuid(messageUuids, exportOpts, callback); }, function createArcMailBundle(exportedFileNames, callback) { if(self.archUtil.haveArchiver(exportOpts.nodeConfig.archiveType)) { // :TODO: support bundleTargetByteSize: // // Compress to a temp location then we'll move it in the next step // // Note that we must use the *final* output dir for getOutgoingBundleFileName() // as it checks for collisions in bundle names! // self.getOutgoingBundleFileName(outgoingDir, exportOpts.network.localAddress, exportOpts.destAddress, (err, bundlePath) => { if(err) { return callback(err); } // adjust back to temp path const tempBundlePath = paths.join(exportOpts.tempDir, paths.basename(bundlePath)); self.archUtil.compressTo( exportOpts.nodeConfig.archiveType, tempBundlePath, exportedFileNames, err => { // :TODO: we need to delete the original input file(s) fs.rename(tempBundlePath, bundlePath, err => { callback(err, [ bundlePath ] ); }); } ); }); } else { callback(null, exportedFileNames); } }, function moveFilesToOutgoing(exportedFileNames, callback) { async.each(exportedFileNames, (oldPath, nextFile) => { const ext = paths.extname(oldPath); if('.pk_' === ext) { const newPath = paths.join(outgoingDir, paths.basename(oldPath, ext) + '.pkt'); fs.rename(oldPath, newPath, nextFile); } else { const newPath = paths.join(outgoingDir, paths.basename(oldPath)); fs.rename(oldPath, newPath, nextFile); } }, callback); }, function cleanUpTempDir(callback) { temp.cleanup((err, stats) => { Log.trace( Object.assign(stats, { tempDir : exportOpts.tempDir }), 'Temporary directory cleaned up'); }); } ], err => { nextUplink(); } ); }, cb); // complete }; this.importMessagesFromPacketFile = function(packetPath, cb) { const packet = new ftnMailPacket.Packet(); // :TODO: packet.read() should have a way to cancel iteration... let localNetworkName; packet.read(packetPath, (entryType, entryData) => { if('header' === entryType) { // // Discover if this packet is for one of our network(s) // localNetworkName = self.getNetworkNameByAddress(entryData.destAddress); } else if(localNetworkName && 'message' === entryType) { const message = entryData; // so we ref something reasonable :) const areaTag = message.meta.FtnProperty.ftn_area; // :TODO: we need to know if this message is a dupe - UUID will be the same if MSGID, but if not present... what to do? // :TODO: lookup and set message.areaTag if match // :TODO: check SEEN-BY for echo // :TODO: Handle area vs Netmail - Via, etc. // :TODO: Handle PATH // :TODO: handle REPLY kludges... set local ID when possible if(areaTag) { // // Find local area tag // } } }, err => { cb(err); }); }; this.importPacketFilesFromDirectory = function(importDir, cb) { async.waterfall( [ function getPacketFiles(callback) { fs.readdir(importDir, (err, files) => { if(err) { return callback(err); } callback(null, files.filter(f => '.pkt' === paths.extname(f))); }); }, function importPacketFiles(packetFiles, callback) { let rejects = []; async.each(packetFiles, (packetFile, nextFile) => { self.importMessagesFromPacketFile(paths.join(importDir, packetFile), err => { // :TODO: check err -- log / track rejects, etc. if(err) { rejects.push(packetFile); } nextFile(); }); }, err => { // :TODO: Handle err! we should try to keep going though... callback(err, packetFiles, rejects); }); }, function handleProcessedFiles(packetFiles, rejects, callback) { async.each(packetFiles, (packetFile, nextFile) => { const fullPath = paths.join(importDir, packetFile); if(rejects.indexOf(packetFile) > -1) { // :TODO: rename to .bad, perhaps move to a rejects dir + log nextFile(); } else { //fs.unlink(fullPath, err => { nextFile(); //}); } }, err => { callback(err); }); } ], err => { cb(err); } ); }; this.importMessagesFromDirectory = function(importDir, cb) { async.waterfall( [ // start with .pkt files function importPacketFiles(callback) { self.importPacketFilesFromDirectory(importDir, err => { callback(err); }); }, function discoverBundles(callback) { fs.readdir(importDir, (err, files) => { files = files.filter(f => '.pkt' !== paths.extname(f)); async.map(files, (file, transform) => { const fullPath = paths.join(importDir, file); self.archUtil.detectType(fullPath, (err, archName) => { transform(null, { path : fullPath, archName : archName } ); }); }, (err, bundleFiles) => { callback(err, bundleFiles); }); }); }, function createTempDir(bundleFiles, callback) { temp.mkdir('enigftnimport-', (err, tempDir) => { callback(err, bundleFiles, tempDir); }); }, function importBundles(bundleFiles, tempDir, callback) { async.each(bundleFiles, (bundleFile, nextFile) => { if(_.isUndefined(bundleFile.archName)) { // :TODO: log? return nextFile(); // unknown archive type } self.archUtil.extractTo( bundleFile.path, tempDir, bundleFile.archName, err => { nextFile(); } ); }, err => { if(err) { return callback(err); } // // All extracted - import .pkt's // self.importPacketFilesFromDirectory(tempDir, err => { callback(err); }); }); } ], err => { cb(err); } ); }; } require('util').inherits(FTNMessageScanTossModule, MessageScanTossModule); FTNMessageScanTossModule.prototype.startup = function(cb) { Log.info('FidoNet Scanner/Tosser starting up'); if(_.isObject(this.moduleConfig.schedule)) { const exportSchedule = this.parseScheduleString(this.moduleConfig.schedule.export); if(exportSchedule) { if(exportSchedule.sched) { let exporting = false; this.exportTimer = later.setInterval( () => { if(!exporting) { exporting = true; Log.info( { module : exports.moduleInfo.name }, 'Performing scheduled message scan/export...'); this.performExport(err => { exporting = false; }); } }, exportSchedule.sched); } if(exportSchedule.watchFile) { // :TODO: monitor file for changes/existance with gaze } } const importSchedule = this.parseScheduleString(this.moduleConfig.schedule.import); if(importSchedule) { if(importSchedule.sched) { let importing = false; this.importTimer = later.setInterval( () => { if(!importing) { importing = true; Log.info( { module : exports.moduleInfo.name }, 'Performing scheduled message import/toss...'); this.performImport(err => { importing = false; }); } }, importSchedule.sched); } } } FTNMessageScanTossModule.super_.prototype.startup.call(this, cb); }; FTNMessageScanTossModule.prototype.shutdown = function(cb) { Log.info('FidoNet Scanner/Tosser shutting down'); if(this.exportTimer) { this.exportTimer.clear(); } FTNMessageScanTossModule.super_.prototype.shutdown.call(this, cb); }; FTNMessageScanTossModule.prototype.performImport = function(cb) { if(!this.hasValidConfiguration()) { return cb(new Error('Missing or invalid configuration')); } var self = this; async.each( [ 'inbound', 'secInbound' ], (importDir, nextDir) => { self.importMessagesFromDirectory(self.moduleConfig.paths[importDir], err => { nextDir(); }); }, cb); }; FTNMessageScanTossModule.prototype.performExport = function(cb) { // // We're only concerned with areas related to FTN. For each area, loop though // and let's find out what messages need exported. // if(!this.hasValidConfiguration()) { return cb(new Error('Missing or invalid configuration')); } const getNewUuidsSql = `SELECT message_id, message_uuid FROM message WHERE area_tag = ? AND message_id > ? ORDER BY message_id;`; var self = this; async.each(Object.keys(Config.messageNetworks.ftn.areas), (areaTag, nextArea) => { const areaConfig = Config.messageNetworks.ftn.areas[areaTag]; if(!this.isAreaConfigValid(areaConfig)) { return nextArea(); } // // For each message that is newer than that of the last scan // we need to export to each configured associated uplink(s) // async.waterfall( [ function getLastScanId(callback) { self.getAreaLastScanId(areaTag, callback); }, function getNewUuids(lastScanId, callback) { msgDb.all(getNewUuidsSql, [ areaTag, lastScanId ], (err, rows) => { if(err) { callback(err); } else { if(0 === rows.length) { let nothingToDoErr = new Error('Nothing to do!'); nothingToDoErr.noRows = true; callback(nothingToDoErr); } else { callback(null, rows); } } }); }, function exportToConfiguredUplinks(msgRows, callback) { const uuidsOnly = msgRows.map(r => r.message_uuid); // convert to array of UUIDs only self.exportMessagesToUplinks(uuidsOnly, areaConfig, err => { const newLastScanId = msgRows[msgRows.length - 1].message_id; Log.info( { messagesExported : msgRows.length, newLastScanId : newLastScanId }, 'Export complete'); callback(err, newLastScanId); }); }, function updateLastScanId(newLastScanId, callback) { self.setAreaLastScanId(areaTag, newLastScanId, callback); } ], function complete(err) { nextArea(); } ); }, err => { cb(err); }); }; FTNMessageScanTossModule.prototype.record = function(message) { // // :TODO: If @immediate, we should do something here! };