/* jslint node: true */ /* eslint-disable no-console */ 'use strict'; const { printUsageAndSetExitCode, getConfigPath, ExitCodes, argv, initConfigAndDatabases, getAnswers, writeConfig, } = require('./oputil_common.js'); const getHelpFor = require('./oputil_help.js').getHelpFor; const Address = require('../ftn_address.js'); const Errors = require('../enig_error.js').Errors; // deps const async = require('async'); const paths = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const hjson = require('hjson'); const _ = require('lodash'); exports.handleMessageBaseCommand = handleMessageBaseCommand; function areaFix() { // // oputil mb areafix CMD1 CMD2 ... ADDR [--password PASS] // if(argv._.length < 3) { return printUsageAndSetExitCode( getHelpFor('MessageBase'), ExitCodes.ERROR ); } async.waterfall( [ function init(callback) { return initConfigAndDatabases(callback); }, function validateAddress(callback) { const addrArg = argv._.slice(-1)[0]; const ftnAddr = Address.fromString(addrArg); if(!ftnAddr) { return callback(Errors.Invalid(`"${addrArg}" is not a valid FTN address`)); } // // We need to validate the address targets a system we know unless // the --force option is used // // :TODO: return callback(null, ftnAddr); }, function fetchFromUser(ftnAddr, callback) { // // --from USER || +op from system // // If possible, we want the user ID of the supplied user as well // const User = require('../user.js'); if(argv.from) { User.getUserIdAndNameByLookup(argv.from, (err, userId, fromName) => { if(err) { return callback(null, ftnAddr, argv.from, 0); } // fromName is the same as argv.from, but case may be differnet (yet correct) return callback(null, ftnAddr, fromName, userId); }); } else { User.getUserName(User.RootUserID, (err, fromName) => { return callback(null, ftnAddr, fromName || 'SysOp', err ? 0 : User.RootUserID); }); } }, function createMessage(ftnAddr, fromName, fromUserId, callback) { // // Build message as commands separated by line feed // // We need to remove quotes from arguments. These are required // in the case of e.g. removing an area: "-SOME_AREA" would end // up confusing minimist, therefor they must be quoted: "'-SOME_AREA'" // const messageBody = argv._.slice(2, -1).map(arg => { return arg.replace(/["']/g, ''); }).join('\r\n') + '\n'; const Message = require('../message.js'); const message = new Message({ toUserName : argv.to || 'AreaFix', fromUserName : fromName, subject : argv.password || '', message : messageBody, areaTag : Message.WellKnownAreaTags.Private, // mark private meta : { System : { [ Message.SystemMetaNames.RemoteToUser ] : ftnAddr.toString(), // where to send it [ Message.SystemMetaNames.ExternalFlavor ] : Message.AddressFlavor.FTN, // on FTN-style network } } }); if(0 !== fromUserId) { message.setLocalFromUserId(fromUserId); } return callback(null, message); }, function persistMessage(message, callback) { message.persist(err => { if(!err) { console.log('AreaFix message persisted and will be exported at next scheduled scan'); } return callback(err); }); } ], err => { if(err) { process.exitCode = ExitCodes.ERROR; console.error(`${err.message}${err.reason ? ': ' + err.reason : ''}`); } } ); } function validateUplinks(uplinks) { const ftnAddress = require('../../core/ftn_address.js'); const valid = uplinks.every(ul => { const addr = ftnAddress.fromString(ul); return addr; }); return valid; } function getMsgAreaImportType(path) { if(argv.type) { return argv.type.toLowerCase(); } return paths.extname(path).substr(1).toLowerCase(); // bbs|na|... } function importAreas() { const importPath = argv._[argv._.length - 1]; if(argv._.length < 3 || !importPath || 0 === importPath.length) { return printUsageAndSetExitCode(getHelpFor('Config'), ExitCodes.ERROR); } const importType = getMsgAreaImportType(importPath); if('na' !== importType && 'bbs' !== importType) { return console.error(`"${importType}" is not a recognized import file type`); } // optional data - we'll prompt if for anything not found let confTag = argv.conf; let networkName = argv.network; let uplinks = argv.uplinks; if(uplinks) { uplinks = uplinks.split(/[\s,]+/); } let importEntries; async.waterfall( [ function readImportFile(callback) { fs.readFile(importPath, 'utf8', (err, importData) => { if(err) { return callback(err); } importEntries = getImportEntries(importType, importData); if(0 === importEntries.length) { return callback(Errors.Invalid('Invalid or empty import file')); } // We should have enough to validate uplinks if('bbs' === importType) { for(let i = 0; i < importEntries.length; ++i) { if(!validateUplinks(importEntries[i].uplinks)) { return callback(Errors.Invalid('Invalid uplink(s)')); } } } else { if(!validateUplinks(uplinks || [])) { return callback(Errors.Invalid('Invalid uplink(s)')); } } return callback(null); }); }, function init(callback) { return initConfigAndDatabases(callback); }, function validateAndCollectInput(callback) { const msgArea = require('../../core/message_area.js'); const sysConfig = require('../../core/config.js').get(); let msgConfs = msgArea.getSortedAvailMessageConferences(null, { noClient : true } ); if(!msgConfs) { return callback(Errors.DoesNotExist('No conferences exist in your configuration')); } msgConfs = msgConfs.map(mc => { return { name : mc.conf.name, value : mc.confTag, }; }); if(confTag && !msgConfs.find(mc => { return confTag === mc.value; })) { return callback(Errors.DoesNotExist(`Conference "${confTag}" does not exist`)); } const existingNetworkNames = Object.keys(_.get(sysConfig, 'messageNetworks.ftn.networks', {})); if(networkName && !existingNetworkNames.find(net => networkName === net)) { return callback(Errors.DoesNotExist(`FTN style Network "${networkName}" does not exist`)); } // can't use --uplinks without a network if(!networkName && 0 === existingNetworkNames.length && uplinks) { return callback(Errors.Invalid('Cannot use --uplinks without an FTN network to import to')); } getAnswers([ { name : 'confTag', message : 'Message conference:', type : 'list', choices : msgConfs, pageSize : 10, when : !confTag, }, { name : 'networkName', message : 'FTN network name:', type : 'list', choices : [ '-None-' ].concat(existingNetworkNames), pageSize : 10, when : !networkName && existingNetworkNames.length > 0, filter : (choice) => { return '-None-' === choice ? undefined : choice; } }, ], answers => { confTag = confTag || answers.confTag; networkName = networkName || answers.networkName; uplinks = uplinks || answers.uplinks; importEntries.forEach(ie => { ie.areaTag = ie.ftnTag.toLowerCase(); }); return callback(null); }); }, function collectUplinks(callback) { if(!networkName || uplinks || 'bbs' === importType) { return callback(null); } getAnswers([ { name : 'uplinks', message : 'Uplink(s) (comma separated):', type : 'input', validate : (input) => { const inputUplinks = input.split(/[\s,]+/); return validateUplinks(inputUplinks) ? true : 'Invalid uplink(s)'; }, } ], answers => { uplinks = answers.uplinks; return callback(null); }); }, function confirmWithUser(callback) { const sysConfig = require('../../core/config.js').get(); console.info(`Importing the following for "${confTag}"`); console.info(`(${sysConfig.messageConferences[confTag].name} - ${sysConfig.messageConferences[confTag].desc})`); console.info(''); importEntries.forEach(ie => { console.info(` ${ie.ftnTag} - ${ie.name}`); }); if(networkName) { console.info(''); console.info(`For FTN network: ${networkName}`); console.info(`Uplinks: ${uplinks}`); console.info(''); console.info('Importing will NOT create required FTN network configurations.'); console.info('If you have not yet done this, you will need to complete additional steps after importing.'); console.info('See Message Networks docs for details.'); console.info(''); } getAnswers([ { name : 'proceed', message : 'Proceed?', type : 'confirm', } ], answers => { return callback(answers.proceed ? null : Errors.General('User canceled')); }); }, function loadConfigHjson(callback) { const configPath = getConfigPath(); fs.readFile(configPath, 'utf8', (err, confData) => { if(err) { return callback(err); } let config; try { config = hjson.parse(confData, { keepWsc : true } ); } catch(e) { return callback(e); } return callback(null, config); }); }, function performImport(config, callback) { const confAreas = { messageConferences : {} }; confAreas.messageConferences[confTag] = { areas : {} }; const msgNetworks = { messageNetworks : { ftn : { areas : {} } } }; importEntries.forEach(ie => { const specificUplinks = ie.uplinks || uplinks; // AREAS.BBS has specific uplinks per area confAreas.messageConferences[confTag].areas[ie.areaTag] = { name : ie.name, desc : ie.name, }; if(networkName) { msgNetworks.messageNetworks.ftn.areas[ie.areaTag] = { network : networkName, tag : ie.ftnTag, uplinks : specificUplinks }; } }); const newConfig = _.defaultsDeep(config, confAreas, msgNetworks); const configPath = getConfigPath(); if(!writeConfig(newConfig, configPath)) { return callback(Errors.UnexpectedState('Failed writing configuration')); } return callback(null); } ], err => { if(err) { console.error(err.reason ? err.reason : err.message); } else { const addFieldUpd = 'bbs' === importType ? '"name" and "desc"' : '"desc"'; console.info('Configuration generated.'); console.info(`You may wish to validate changes made to ${getConfigPath()}`); console.info(`as well as update ${addFieldUpd} fields, sorting, etc.`); console.info(''); } } ); } function getImportEntries(importType, importData) { let importEntries = []; if('na' === importType) { // // parse out // TAG DESC // const re = /^([^\s]+)\s+([^\r\n]+)/gm; let m; while( (m = re.exec(importData) )) { importEntries.push({ ftnTag : m[1].trim(), name : m[2].trim(), }); } } else if ('bbs' === importType) { // // Various formats for AREAS.BBS seem to exist. We want to support as much as possible. // // SBBS http://www.synchro.net/docs/sbbsecho.html#AREAS.BBS // CODE TAG UPLINKS // // VADV https://www.vadvbbs.com/products/vadv/support/docs/docs_vfido.php#AREAS.BBS // TAG UPLINKS // // Misc // PATH|OTHER TAG UPLINKS // // Assume the second item is TAG and 1:n UPLINKS (space and/or comma sep) after (at the end) // const re = /^[^\s]+\s+([^\s]+)\s+([^\n]+)$/gm; let m; while ( (m = re.exec(importData) )) { const tag = m[1].trim(); importEntries.push({ ftnTag : tag, name : `Area: ${tag}`, uplinks : m[2].trim().split(/[\s,]+/), }); } } return importEntries; } function handleMessageBaseCommand() { function errUsage() { return printUsageAndSetExitCode( getHelpFor('MessageBase'), ExitCodes.ERROR ); } if(true === argv.help) { return errUsage(); } const action = argv._[1]; return({ areafix : areaFix, 'import-areas' : importAreas, }[action] || errUsage)(); }