Full Menu View

Full Menu View

A full menu view supports displaying a list of times on a screen in a very configurable manner. A full menu view supports either a single row or column of values, similar to Horizontal Menu (HM) and Vertical Menu (VM), or in multiple columns.

General Information

Items can be selected on a menu via the cursor keys, Page Up, Page Down, Home, and End, or by selecting them via a hotKey - see Hot Keys below.

:information_source: A full menu view is defined with a percent (%) and the characters FM, followed by the view number. For example: %FM1

:information_source: See MCI for general information on how to use views and common configuration properties available for them.


Property Description
textStyle Sets the standard (non-focus) text style. See Text Styles in MCI
focusTextStyle Sets focus text style. See Text Styles in MCI
itemSpacing Used to separate items vertically in the menu
itemHorizSpacing Used to separate items horizontally in the menu
height Sets the height of views to display multiple items vertically (default 1)
width Sets the width of a view to display one or more columns horizontally (default 15)
focus If set to true, establishes initial focus
submit If set to true any accept action upon this view will submit the encompassing form
hotKeys Sets hot keys to activate specific items. See Hot Keys below
hotKeySubmit Set to submit a form on hotkey selection
argName Sets the argument name for this selection in the form
justify Sets the justification of each item in the list. Options: left (default), right, center
itemFormat Sets the format for a list entry. See Entry Formatting in MCI
fillChar Specifies a character to fill extra space in the menu with. Defaults to an empty space
textOverflow If a single column cannot be displayed due to width, set overflow characters. See Text Overflow below
items List of items to show in the menu. See Items below.
focusItemFormat Sets the format for a focused list entry. See Entry Formatting in MCI

Hot Keys

A set of hotKeys are used to allow the user to press a character on the keyboard to select that item, and optionally submit the form.


hotKeys: { A: 0, B: 1, C: 2, D: 3 }
hotKeySubmit: true

This would select and submit the first item if A is typed, second if B, etc.


A full menu, similar to other menus, take a list of items to display in the menu. For example:

items: [
      text: First Item
      data: first
      text: Second Item
      data: second

If the list is for display only (there is no form action associated with it) you can omit the data element, and include the items as a simple list:

["First item", "Second item", "Third Item"]

Text Overflow

The textOverflow option is used to specify what happens when a text string is too long to fit in the width defined. Note, because columns are automatically calculated, this can only occur when the text is too long to fit the width using a single column.

:information_source: If textOverflow is not specified at all, a menu can become wider than the width if needed to display a single column.

:information_source: Setting textOverflow to an empty string textOverflow: "" will cause the item to be truncated if necessary without any characters displayed

:information_source: Otherwise, setting textOverflow to one or more characters will truncate the value if necessary and display those characters at the end. i.e. textOverflow: ...


A simple vertical menu - similar to VM


Configuration fragment (expand to view)
FM1: {
  submit: true
  argName: navSelect
  width: 1
  items: [
      text: login
      data: login
      text: apply
      data: new user
      text: about
      data: about
      text: log off
      data: logoff

A simple horizontal menu - similar to HM


Configuration fragment (expand to view)
FM2: {
  focus: true
  height: 1
  width: 60 // set as desired
  submit: true
  argName: navSelect
  items: [
    "prev", "next", "details", "toggle queue", "rate", "help", "quit"

A multi-column navigation menu with hotkeys


Configuration fragment (expand to view)
FM1: {
  focus: true
  height: 6
  width: 60
  submit: true
  argName: navSelect
  hotKeys: { M: 0, E: 1, D: 2 ,F: 3,!: 4, A: 5, C: 6, Y: 7, S: 8, R: 9, O: 10, L:11, U:12, W: 13, B:14, G:15, T: 16, Q:17  }
  hotKeySubmit: true
  items: [
      text: M) message area
      data: message
      text: E) private email
      data: email
      text: D) doors
      data: doors
      text: F) file base
      data: files
      text: !) global newscan
      data: newscan
      text: A) achievements
      data: achievements
      text: C) configuration
      data: config
      text: Y) user stats
      data: userstats
      text: S) system stats
      data: systemstats
      text: R) rumorz
      data: rumorz
      text: O) onelinerz
      data: onelinerz
      text: L) last callers
      data: callers
      text: U) user list
      data: userlist
      text: W) whos online
      data: who
      text: B) bbs list
      data: bbslist
      text: G) node-to-node messages
      data: nodemessages
      text: T) multi relay chat
      data: mrc
      text: Q) quit
      data: quit