/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; // ENiGMA½ const MenuModule = require('./menu_module.js').MenuModule; const resetScreen = require('./ansi_term.js').resetScreen; const Config = require('./config.js').config; const Errors = require('./enig_error.js').Errors; const Log = require('./logger.js').log; const getEnigmaUserAgent = require('./misc_util.js').getEnigmaUserAgent; // deps const async = require('async'); const _ = require('lodash'); const joinPath = require('path').join; const crypto = require('crypto'); const moment = require('moment'); const https = require('https'); const querystring = require('querystring'); const fs = require('fs'); const SSHClient = require('ssh2').Client; /* Configuration block: someDoor: { module: exodus config: { // defaults ticketHost: oddnetwork.org ticketPort: 1984 ticketPath: /exodus rejectUnauthorized: false // set to true to allow untrusted CA's (dangerous!) sshHost: oddnetwork.org sshPort: 22 sshUser: exodus sshKeyPem: /path/to/enigma-bbs/misc/exodus.id_rsa // optional caPem: /path/to/cacerts.pem // see https://curl.haxx.se/docs/caextract.html // required board: XXXX key: XXXX door: some_door } } */ exports.moduleInfo = { name : 'Exodus', desc : 'Exodus Door Server Access Module - https://oddnetwork.org/exodus/', author : 'NuSkooler', }; exports.getModule = class ExodusModule extends MenuModule { constructor(options) { super(options); this.config = options.menuConfig.config || {}; this.config.ticketHost = this.config.ticketHost || 'oddnetwork.org'; this.config.ticketPort = this.config.ticketPort || 1984, this.config.ticketPath = this.config.ticketPath || '/exodus'; this.config.rejectUnauthorized = _.get(this.config, 'rejectUnauthorized', true); this.config.sshHost = this.config.sshHost || this.config.ticketHost; this.config.sshPort = this.config.sshPort || 22; this.config.sshUser = this.config.sshUser || 'exodus_server'; this.config.sshKeyPem = this.config.sshKeyPem || joinPath(Config.paths.misc, 'exodus.id_rsa'); } initSequence() { const self = this; let clientTerminated = false; async.waterfall( [ function validateConfig(callback) { // very basic validation on optionals async.each( [ 'board', 'key', 'door' ], (key, next) => { return _.isString(self.config[key]) ? next(null) : next(Errors.MissingConfig(`Config requires "${key}"!`)); }, callback); }, function loadCertAuthorities(callback) { if(!_.isString(self.config.caPem)) { return callback(null, null); } fs.readFile(self.config.caPem, (err, certAuthorities) => { return callback(err, certAuthorities); }); }, function getTicket(certAuthorities, callback) { const now = moment.utc().unix(); const sha256 = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(`${self.config.key}${now}`).digest('hex'); const token = `${sha256}|${now}`; const postData = querystring.stringify({ token : token, board : self.config.board, user : self.client.user.username, door : self.config.door, }); const reqOptions = { hostname : self.config.ticketHost, port : self.config.ticketPort, path : self.config.ticketPath, rejectUnauthorized : self.config.rejectUnauthorized, method : 'POST', headers : { 'Content-Type' : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Content-Length' : postData.length, 'User-Agent' : getEnigmaUserAgent(), } }; if(certAuthorities) { reqOptions.ca = certAuthorities; } let ticket = ''; const req = https.request(reqOptions, res => { res.on('data', data => { ticket += data; }); res.on('end', () => { if(ticket.length !== 36) { return callback(Errors.Invalid(`Invalid Exodus ticket: ${ticket}`)); } return callback(null, ticket); }); }); req.on('error', err => { return callback(Errors.General(`Exodus error: ${err.message}`)); }); req.write(postData); req.end(); }, function loadPrivateKey(ticket, callback) { fs.readFile(self.config.sshKeyPem, (err, privateKey) => { return callback(err, ticket, privateKey); }); }, function establishSecureConnection(ticket, privateKey, callback) { let pipeRestored = false; let pipedStream; function restorePipe() { if(pipedStream && !pipeRestored && !clientTerminated) { self.client.term.output.unpipe(pipedStream); self.client.term.output.resume(); } } self.client.term.write(resetScreen()); self.client.term.write('Connecting to Exodus server, please wait...\n'); const sshClient = new SSHClient(); const window = { rows : self.client.term.termHeight, cols : self.client.term.termWidth, width : 0, height : 0, term : 'vt100', // Want to pass |self.client.term.termClient| here, but we end up getting hung up on :( }; const options = { env : { exodus : ticket, }, }; sshClient.on('ready', () => { self.client.once('end', () => { self.client.log.info('Connection ended. Terminating Exodus connection'); clientTerminated = true; return sshClient.end(); }); sshClient.shell(window, options, (err, stream) => { pipedStream = stream; // :TODO: ewwwwwwwww hack self.client.term.output.pipe(stream); stream.on('data', d => { return self.client.term.rawWrite(d); }); stream.on('close', () => { restorePipe(); return sshClient.end(); }); stream.on('error', err => { Log.warn( { error : err.message }, 'Exodus SSH client stream error'); }); }); }); sshClient.on('close', () => { restorePipe(); return callback(null); }); sshClient.connect({ host : self.config.sshHost, port : self.config.sshPort, username : self.config.sshUser, privateKey : privateKey, }); } ], err => { if(err) { self.client.log.warn( { error : err.message }, 'Exodus error'); } if(!clientTerminated) { self.prevMenu(); } } ); } };