/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; /* Portions of this code for key handling heavily inspired from the following: https://github.com/chjj/blessed/blob/master/lib/keys.js chji's blessed is MIT licensed: ----/snip/---------------------- The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ----/snip/---------------------- */ var term = require('./client_term.js'); var miscUtil = require('./misc_util.js'); var ansi = require('./ansi_term.js'); var Log = require('./logger.js').log; var user = require('./user.js'); var moduleUtil = require('./module_util.js'); var menuUtil = require('./menu_util.js'); var Config = require('./config.js').config; var stream = require('stream'); var assert = require('assert'); var _ = require('lodash'); exports.Client = Client; // :TODO: Move all of the key stuff to it's own module // // Resources & Standards: // * http://www.ansi-bbs.org/ansi-bbs-core-server.html // // :TODO: put this in a common area!!!! function getIntArgArray(array) { var i = array.length; while(i--) { array[i] = parseInt(array[i], 10); } return array; } var RE_DSR_RESPONSE_ANYWHERE = /(?:\u001b\[)([0-9\;]+)(R)/; var RE_DEV_ATTR_RESPONSE_ANYWHERE = /(?:\u001b\[)[\=\?]([0-9a-zA-Z\;]+)(c)/; var RE_META_KEYCODE_ANYWHERE = /(?:\u001b)([a-zA-Z0-9])/; var RE_META_KEYCODE = new RegExp('^' + RE_META_KEYCODE_ANYWHERE.source + '$'); var RE_FUNCTION_KEYCODE_ANYWHERE = new RegExp('(?:\u001b+)(O|N|\\[|\\[\\[)(?:' + [ '(\\d+)(?:;(\\d+))?([~^$])', '(?:M([@ #!a`])(.)(.))', // mouse stuff '(?:1;)?(\\d+)?([a-zA-Z@])' ].join('|') + ')'); var RE_FUNCTION_KEYCODE = new RegExp('^' + RE_FUNCTION_KEYCODE_ANYWHERE.source); var RE_ESC_CODE_ANYWHERE = new RegExp( [ RE_FUNCTION_KEYCODE_ANYWHERE.source, RE_META_KEYCODE_ANYWHERE.source, RE_DSR_RESPONSE_ANYWHERE.source, RE_DEV_ATTR_RESPONSE_ANYWHERE.source, /\u001b./.source ].join('|')); function Client(input, output) { stream.call(this); var self = this; //this.input = input; //this.output = output; //this.term = new term.ClientTerminal(this.output); this.user = new user.User(); this.currentTheme = { info : { name : 'N/A', description : 'None' } }; this.lastKeyPressMs = Date.now(); // // Every 1m, check for idle. // this.idleCheck = setInterval(function checkForIdle() { var nowMs = Date.now(); if(nowMs - self.lastKeyPressMs >= (Config.misc.idleLogoutSeconds * 1000)) { self.emit('idle timeout'); } }, 1000 * 60); Object.defineProperty(this, 'node', { get : function() { return self.session.id + 1; } }); // // Peek at incoming |data| and emit events for any special // handling that may include: // * Keyboard input // * ANSI CSR's and the like // // References: // * http://www.ansi-bbs.org/ansi-bbs-core-server.html // * Christopher Jeffrey's Blessed library @ https://github.com/chjj/blessed/ // this.getTermClient = function(deviceAttr) { var termClient = { // // See http://www.fbl.cz/arctel/download/techman.pdf // // Known clients: // * Irssi ConnectBot (Android) // '63;1;2' : 'arctel', }[deviceAttr]; if(!termClient) { if(_.startsWith(deviceAttr, '67;84;101;114;109')) { // // See https://github.com/protomouse/synchronet/blob/master/src/conio/cterm.txt // // Known clients: // * SyncTERM // termClient = 'cterm'; } } return termClient; }; this.isMouseInput = function(data) { return /\x1b\[M/.test(data) || /\u001b\[M([\x00\u0020-\uffff]{3})/.test(data) || /\u001b\[(\d+;\d+;\d+)M/.test(data) || /\u001b\[<(\d+;\d+;\d+)([mM])/.test(data) || /\u001b\[<(\d+;\d+;\d+;\d+)&w/.test(data) || /\u001b\[24([0135])~\[(\d+),(\d+)\]\r/.test(data) || /\u001b\[(O|I)/.test(data); }; this.getKeyComponentsFromCode = function(code) { return { // xterm/gnome 'OP' : { name : 'f1' }, 'OQ' : { name : 'f2' }, 'OR' : { name : 'f3' }, 'OS' : { name : 'f4' }, 'OA' : { name : 'up arrow' }, 'OB' : { name : 'down arrow' }, 'OC' : { name : 'right arrow' }, 'OD' : { name : 'left arrow' }, 'OE' : { name : 'clear' }, 'OF' : { name : 'end' }, 'OH' : { name : 'home' }, // xterm/rxvt '[11~' : { name : 'f1' }, '[12~' : { name : 'f2' }, '[13~' : { name : 'f3' }, '[14~' : { name : 'f4' }, '[1~' : { name : 'home' }, '[2~' : { name : 'insert' }, '[3~' : { name : 'delete' }, '[4~' : { name : 'end' }, '[5~' : { name : 'page up' }, '[6~' : { name : 'page down' }, // Cygwin & libuv '[[A' : { name : 'f1' }, '[[B' : { name : 'f2' }, '[[C' : { name : 'f3' }, '[[D' : { name : 'f4' }, '[[E' : { name : 'f5' }, // Common impls '[15~' : { name : 'f5' }, '[17~' : { name : 'f6' }, '[18~' : { name : 'f7' }, '[19~' : { name : 'f8' }, '[20~' : { name : 'f9' }, '[21~' : { name : 'f10' }, '[23~' : { name : 'f11' }, '[24~' : { name : 'f12' }, // xterm '[A' : { name : 'up arrow' }, '[B' : { name : 'down arrow' }, '[C' : { name : 'right arrow' }, '[D' : { name : 'left arrow' }, '[E' : { name : 'clear' }, '[F' : { name : 'end' }, '[H' : { name : 'home' }, // PuTTY '[[5~' : { name : 'page up' }, '[[6~' : { name : 'page down' }, // rvxt '[7~' : { name : 'home' }, '[8~' : { name : 'end' }, // rxvt with modifiers '[a' : { name : 'up arrow', shift : true }, '[b' : { name : 'down arrow', shift : true }, '[c' : { name : 'right arrow', shift : true }, '[d' : { name : 'left arrow', shift : true }, '[e' : { name : 'clear', shift : true }, '[2$' : { name : 'insert', shift : true }, '[3$' : { name : 'delete', shift : true }, '[5$' : { name : 'page up', shift : true }, '[6$' : { name : 'page down', shift : true }, '[7$' : { name : 'home', shift : true }, '[8$' : { name : 'end', shift : true }, 'Oa' : { name : 'up arrow', ctrl : true }, 'Ob' : { name : 'down arrow', ctrl : true }, 'Oc' : { name : 'right arrow', ctrl : true }, 'Od' : { name : 'left arrow', ctrl : true }, 'Oe' : { name : 'clear', ctrl : true }, '[2^' : { name : 'insert', ctrl : true }, '[3^' : { name : 'delete', ctrl : true }, '[5^' : { name : 'page up', ctrl : true }, '[6^' : { name : 'page down', ctrl : true }, '[7^' : { name : 'home', ctrl : true }, '[8^' : { name : 'end', ctrl : true }, // SyncTERM / EtherTerm '[K' : { name : 'end' }, '[@' : { name : 'insert' }, '[V' : { name : 'page up' }, '[U' : { name : 'page down' }, // other '[Z' : { name : 'tab', shift : true }, }[code]; }; this.on('data', function clientData(data) { // create a uniform format that can be parsed below if(data[0] > 127 && undefined === data[1]) { data[0] -= 128; data = '\u001b' + data.toString('utf-8'); } else { data = data.toString('utf-8'); } if(self.isMouseInput(data)) { return; } var buf = []; var m; while((m = RE_ESC_CODE_ANYWHERE.exec(data))) { buf = buf.concat(data.slice(0, m.index).split('')); buf.push(m[0]); data = data.slice(m.index + m[0].length); } buf = buf.concat(data.split('')); // remainder buf.forEach(function bufPart(s) { var key = { seq : s, name : undefined, ctrl : false, meta : false, shift : false, }; var parts; if((parts = RE_DSR_RESPONSE_ANYWHERE.exec(s))) { if('R' === parts[2]) { // :TODO: this should be a assert -- currently only looking for R, unless we start to handle 'n', or others var cprArgs = getIntArgArray(parts[1].split(';')); if(2 === cprArgs.length) { self.emit('cursor position report', cprArgs); } } } else if((parts = RE_DEV_ATTR_RESPONSE_ANYWHERE.exec(s))) { assert('c' === parts[2]); var termClient = self.getTermClient(parts[1]); if(termClient) { self.term.termClient = termClient; } } else if('\r' === s) { key.name = 'return'; } else if('\n' === s) { key.name = 'line feed'; } else if('\t' === s) { key.name = 'tab'; } else if ('\b' === s || '\x7f' === s || '\x1b\x7f' === s || '\x1b\b' === s) { // backspace, CTRL-H key.name = 'backspace'; key.meta = ('\x1b' === s.charAt(0)); } else if('\x1b' === s || '\x1b\x1b' === s) { key.name = 'escape'; key.meta = (2 === s.length); } else if (' ' === s || '\x1b ' === s) { // rather annoying that space can come in other than just " " key.name = 'space'; key.meta = (2 === s.length); } else if(1 === s.length && s <= '\x1a') { // CTRL- key.name = String.fromCharCode(s.charCodeAt(0) + 'a'.charCodeAt(0) - 1); key.ctrl = true; } else if(1 === s.length && s >= 'a' && s <= 'z') { // normal, lowercased letter key.name = s; } else if(1 === s.length && s >= 'A' && s <= 'Z') { key.name = s.toLowerCase(); key.shift = true; } else if ((parts = RE_META_KEYCODE.exec(s))) { // meta with character key key.name = parts[1].toLowerCase(); key.meta = true; key.shift = /^[A-Z]$/.test(parts[1]); } else if((parts = RE_FUNCTION_KEYCODE.exec(s))) { var code = (parts[1] || '') + (parts[2] || '') + (parts[4] || '') + (parts[9] || ''); var modifier = (parts[3] || parts[8] || 1) - 1; key.ctrl = !!(modifier & 4); key.meta = !!(modifier & 10); key.shift = !!(modifier & 1); key.code = code; _.assign(key, self.getKeyComponentsFromCode(code)); } var ch; if(1 === s.length) { ch = s; } else if('space' === key.name) { // stupid hack to always get space as a regular char ch = ' '; } if(_.isUndefined(key.name)) { key = undefined; } else { // // Adjust name for CTRL/Shift/Meta modifiers // key.name = (key.ctrl ? 'ctrl + ' : '') + (key.meta ? 'meta + ' : '') + (key.shift ? 'shift + ' : '') + key.name; } if(key || ch) { self.log.trace( { key : key, ch : escape(ch) }, 'User keyboard input'); self.lastKeyPressMs = Date.now(); self.emit('key press', ch, key); } }); }); self.detachCurrentMenuModule = function() { if(self.currentMenuModule) { var savedState = self.currentMenuModule.getSaveState(); self.currentMenuModule.leave(); self.lastMenuModuleInfo = self.currentMenuModuleInfo; self.lastMenuModuleInfo.savedState = savedState; self.currentMenuModule = null; } }; } require('util').inherits(Client, stream); Client.prototype.setInputOutput = function(input, output) { this.input = input; this.output = output; this.term = new term.ClientTerminal(this.output); }; Client.prototype.end = function () { this.detachCurrentMenuModule(); clearInterval(this.idleCheck); return this.output.end.apply(this.output, arguments); }; Client.prototype.destroy = function () { return this.output.destroy.apply(this.output, arguments); }; Client.prototype.destroySoon = function () { return this.output.destroySoon.apply(this.output, arguments); }; Client.prototype.waitForKeyPress = function(cb) { this.once('key press', function kp(ch, key) { cb(ch, key); }); }; Client.prototype.address = function() { return this.input.address(); }; Client.prototype.gotoMenuModule = function(options, cb) { var self = this; assert(_.isString(options.name), 'Missing options.name'); // Assign a default missing module handler callback if none was provided var callbackOnErrorOnly = !_.isFunction(cb); cb = miscUtil.valueWithDefault(cb, self.defaultHandlerMissingMod()); self.detachCurrentMenuModule(); var loadOptions = { name : options.name, client : self, extraArgs : options.extraArgs, }; menuUtil.loadMenu(loadOptions, function menuModuleLoaded(err, modInst) { if(err) { cb(err); } else { self.log.debug( { menuName : options.name }, 'Goto menu module'); self.currentMenuModule = modInst; // :TODO: should probably be before enter() above self.currentMenuModuleInfo = { // :TODO: This is quite the hack... doesn't seem right... menuName : self.currentMenuModule.menuName, extraArgs : options.extraArgs, } if(options.savedState) { modInst.restoreSavedState(options.savedState); } modInst.enter(self); if(!callbackOnErrorOnly) { cb(null); } } }); }; Client.prototype.fallbackMenuModule = function(options, cb) { var self = this; var modOpts; if(_.isString(self.currentMenuModule.menuConfig.fallback)) { modOpts = { name : self.currentMenuModule.menuConfig.fallback, extraArgs : options.extraArgs, }; } else if(self.lastMenuModuleInfo) { modOpts = { name : self.lastMenuModuleInfo.menuName, extraArgs : self.lastMenuModuleInfo.extraArgs, savedState : self.lastMenuModuleInfo.savedState, }; } if(modOpts) { self.gotoMenuModule(modOpts, cb); } else { cb(new Error('Nothing to fallback to!')); } }; /* Client.prototype.fallbackMenuModule = function(cb) { var self = this; if(self.lastMenuModuleInfo) { var modOpts = { name : self.lastMenuModuleInfo.menuName, extraArgs : self.lastMenuModuleInfo.extraArgs, savedState : self.lastMenuModuleInfo.savedState, }; self.gotoMenuModule(modOpts, cb); } else { cb(new Error('Nothing to fallback to!')); } }; */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Default error handlers /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // :TODO: getDefaultHandler(name) -- handlers in default_handlers.js or something Client.prototype.defaultHandlerMissingMod = function(err) { var self = this; function handler(err) { self.log.error(err); self.term.write(ansi.resetScreen()); self.term.write('An unrecoverable error has been encountered!\n'); self.term.write('This has been logged for your SysOp to review.\n'); self.term.write('\nGoodbye!\n'); //self.term.write(err); //if(miscUtil.isDevelopment() && err.stack) { // self.term.write('\n' + err.stack + '\n'); //} self.end(); } return handler; };