/* jslint node: true */ /* eslint-disable no-console */ 'use strict'; const getDefaultConfigPath = require('./oputil_common.js').getDefaultConfigPath; exports.getHelpFor = getHelpFor; const usageHelp = (exports.USAGE_HELP = { General: `usage: oputil.js [--version] [--help] [] Global arguments: -c, --config PATH Specify config path (default is ${getDefaultConfigPath()}) -n, --no-prompt Assume defaults (don't prompt for input where possible) --verbose Verbose output, where applicable Commands: user User management config Configuration management fb File base management mb Message base management `, User: `usage: oputil.js user [] Actions: info USERNAME Display information about a user pw USERNAME PASSWORD Set a user's password (passwd|password) rm USERNAME Permanently removes user from system (del|delete|remove) rename USERNAME NEWNAME Rename a user (mv) 2fa-otp USERNAME SPEC Enable 2FA/OTP for the user (otp) The system supports various implementations of Two Factor Authentication (2FA) One Time Password (OTP) authentication. Valid specs: disable : Removes 2FA/OTP from the user google : Google Authenticator hotp : HMAC-Based One-Time Password Algorithm (RFC-4266) totp : Time-Based One-Time Password Algorithm (RFC-6238) activate USERNAME Set a user's status to "active" deactivate USERNAME Set a user's status to "inactive" disable USERNAME Set a user's status to "disabled" lock USERNAME Set a user's status to "locked" group USERNAME [+|~]GROUP Adds (+) or removes (~) user from a group list [FILTER] List users with optional FILTER. Valid filters: all : All users (default). disabled : Disabled users. inactive : Inactive users. active : Active (regular) users. locked : Locked users. info arguments: --security Include security information in output list arguments: --sort SORT_BY Specify field to sort by Valid SORT_BY values: id : User ID username : Username realname : Real name status : Account status created : Account creation date lastlogin : Last login timestamp logins : Login count 2fa-otp arguments: --qr-type TYPE Specify QR code type Valid QR types: ascii : Plain ASCII (default) data : HTML data URL img : HTML image tag svg : SVG image --out PATH Path to write QR code to. defaults to stdout `, Config: `usage: oputil.js config [] Actions: new Generate a new / default configuration cat Write current configuration to stdout cat arguments: --no-color Disable color --no-comments Strip any comments `, FileBase: `usage: oputil.js fb [] Actions: scan AREA_TAG[@STORAGE_TAG] Scan specified area Tips: - May contain optional GLOB as last parameter. Example: ./oputil.js fb scan d0pew4r3z *.zip - AREA_TAG may contain simple wildcards. Example: ./oputil.js fb scan *warez* info CRITERIA Display information about areas and/or files mv SRC [SRC...] DST Move matching entry(s) (move) Source may be any of the following: - Filename including '*' wildcards - SHA-1 - File ID - Area tag with optional @storageTag suffix Destination is area tag with optional @storageTag suffix rm SRC [SRC...] Remove entry(s) from the system (del|delete|remove) Source may be any of the following: - Filename including '*' wildcards - SHA-1 - File ID - Area tag with optional @storageTag suffix desc CRITERIA Updates an file base entry's description Launches an external editor using $VISUAL, $EDITOR, or vim/notepad. import-areas FILEGATE.ZXX Import file base areas using FileGate RAID type format scan arguments: --tags TAG1,TAG2,... Specify hashtag(s) to assign to discovered entries --desc-file [PATH] Prefer file descriptions from supplied input file If a file description can be found in the supplied input file, prefer that description over other sources such related FILE_ID.DIZ. Path must point to a valid FILES.BBS or DESCRIPT.ION file. --update Attempt to update information for existing entries --full Perform a full scan (default is quick) info arguments: --show-desc Display short description, if any remove arguments: --phys-file Also remove underlying physical file import-areas arguments: --type TYPE Sets import areas type Valid types are are "zxx" or "na". --create-dirs Also create backing storage directories `, FileOpsInfo: ` General Information: Generally an area tag can also include an optional storage tag. For example, the area of 'bbswarez' stored using 'bbswarez_main': bbswarez@bbswarez_main When performing an initial import of a large area or storage backing, --full is the best option. If re-scanning an area for updates a standard / quick scan is generally good enough. File ID's are those found in file.sqlite3. `, MessageBase: `usage: oputil.js mb [] Actions: list-confs List conferences and areas post PATH Posts a message file specified in PATH. PATH must point to a UTF-8 encoded JSON file containing 'to', 'from', 'subject', 'areaTag', and 'body'. If 'timestamp' is present, the system will attempt to use it. areafix CMD1 CMD2 ... ADDR Sends an AreaFix NetMail NetMail is sent to supplied address with the supplied command(s). Multi-part commands such as "%COMPRESS ZIP" should be quoted. import-areas PATH Import areas using FidoNet *.NA or AREAS.BBS file qwk-dump PATH Dumps a QWK packet to stdout. qwk-export [AREA_TAGS] PATH Exports one or more configured message area to a QWK packet in the directory specified by PATH. The QWK BBS ID will be obtained by the final component of PATH. list-confs arguments: --areas Include areas within each message conference. import-areas arguments: --conf CONF_TAG Conference tag in which to import areas --network NETWORK Network name/key to associate FTN areas --uplinks UL1,UL2,... One or more uplinks (comma separated) --type TYPE Area import type Valid types are "bbs" and "na". qwk-export arguments: --user USER User in which to export for. Defaults to the SysOp. --after TIMESTAMP Export only messages with a timestamp later than TIMESTAMP. --no-qwke Disable QWKE extensions. --no-synchronet Disable Synchronet style extensions. `, }); function getHelpFor(command) { return usageHelp[command]; }