/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; // ENiGMA½ const Log = require('../../logger.js').log; const { ServerModule } = require('../../server_module.js'); const Config = require('../../config.js').get; const { splitTextAtTerms, isAnsi, cleanControlCodes } = require('../../string_util.js'); const { getMessageConferenceByTag, getMessageAreaByTag, getMessageListForArea, } = require('../../message_area.js'); const { sortAreasOrConfs } = require('../../conf_area_util.js'); const AnsiPrep = require('../../ansi_prep.js'); // deps const net = require('net'); const _ = require('lodash'); const fs = require('graceful-fs'); const paths = require('path'); const moment = require('moment'); const ModuleInfo = exports.moduleInfo = { name : 'Gopher', desc : 'Gopher Server', author : 'NuSkooler', packageName : 'codes.l33t.enigma.gopher.server', }; const Message = require('../../message.js'); const ItemTypes = { Invalid : '', // not really a type, of course! // Canonical, RFC-1436 TextFile : '0', SubMenu : '1', CCSONameserver : '2', Error : '3', BinHexFile : '4', DOSFile : '5', UuEncodedFile : '6', FullTextSearch : '7', Telnet : '8', BinaryFile : '9', AltServer : '+', GIFFile : 'g', ImageFile : 'I', Telnet3270 : 'T', // Non-canonical HtmlFile : 'h', InfoMessage : 'i', SoundFile : 's', }; exports.getModule = class GopherModule extends ServerModule { constructor() { super(); this.routes = new Map(); // selector->generator => gopher item this.log = Log.child( { server : 'Gopher' } ); } createServer() { if(!this.enabled) { return; } const config = Config(); this.publicHostname = config.contentServers.gopher.publicHostname; this.publicPort = config.contentServers.gopher.publicPort; this.addRoute(/^\/?\r\n$/, this.defaultGenerator); this.addRoute(/^\/msgarea(\/[a-z0-9_-]+(\/[a-z0-9_-]+)?(\/[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}(_raw)?)?)?\/?\r\n$/, this.messageAreaGenerator); this.server = net.createServer( socket => { socket.setEncoding('ascii'); socket.on('data', data => { this.routeRequest(data, socket); }); socket.on('error', err => { if('ECONNRESET' !== err.code) { // normal this.log.trace( { error : err.message }, 'Socket error'); } }); }); } listen() { if(!this.enabled) { return true; // nothing to do, but not an error } const config = Config(); const port = parseInt(config.contentServers.gopher.port); if(isNaN(port)) { this.log.warn( { port : config.contentServers.gopher.port, server : ModuleInfo.name }, 'Invalid port' ); return false; } return this.server.listen(port); } get enabled() { return _.get(Config(), 'contentServers.gopher.enabled', false) && this.isConfigured(); } isConfigured() { // public hostname & port must be set; responses contain them! const config = Config(); return _.isString(_.get(config, 'contentServers.gopher.publicHostname')) && _.isNumber(_.get(config, 'contentServers.gopher.publicPort')); } addRoute(selectorRegExp, generatorHandler) { if(_.isString(selectorRegExp)) { try { selectorRegExp = new RegExp(`${selectorRegExp}\r\n`); } catch(e) { this.log.warn( { pattern : selectorRegExp }, 'Invalid RegExp for selector' ); return false; } } this.routes.set(selectorRegExp, generatorHandler.bind(this)); } routeRequest(selector, socket) { let match; for(let [regex, gen] of this.routes) { match = selector.match(regex); if(match) { return gen(match, res => { return socket.end(`${res}`); }); } } this.notFoundGenerator(selector, res => { return socket.end(`${res}`); }); } makeItem(itemType, text, selector, hostname, port) { selector = selector || ''; // e.g. for info hostname = hostname || this.publicHostname; port = port || this.publicPort; return `${itemType}${text}\t${selector}\t${hostname}\t${port}\r\n`; } defaultGenerator(selectorMatch, cb) { this.log.trace( { selector : selectorMatch[0] }, 'Serving default content'); let bannerFile = _.get(Config(), 'contentServers.gopher.bannerFile', 'startup_banner.asc'); bannerFile = paths.isAbsolute(bannerFile) ? bannerFile : paths.join(__dirname, '../../../misc', bannerFile); fs.readFile(bannerFile, 'utf8', (err, banner) => { if(err) { return cb('You have reached an ENiGMA½ Gopher server!'); } banner = splitTextAtTerms(banner).map(l => this.makeItem(ItemTypes.InfoMessage, l)).join(''); banner += this.makeItem(ItemTypes.SubMenu, 'Public Message Area', '/msgarea'); return cb(banner); }); } notFoundGenerator(selector, cb) { this.log.trace( { selector }, 'Serving not found content'); return cb('Not found'); } isAreaAndConfExposed(confTag, areaTag) { const conf = _.get(Config(), [ 'contentServers', 'gopher', 'messageConferences', confTag ]); return Array.isArray(conf) && conf.includes(areaTag); } prepareMessageBody(body, cb) { if(isAnsi(body)) { AnsiPrep( body, { cols : 79, // Gopher std. wants 70, but we'll have to deal with it. forceLineTerm : true, // ensure each line is term'd asciiMode : true, // export to ASCII fillLines : false, // don't fill up to |cols| }, (err, prepped) => { return cb(prepped || body); } ); } else { return cb(cleanControlCodes(body, { all : true } )); } } shortenSubject(subject) { return _.truncate(subject, { length : 30 } ); } messageAreaGenerator(selectorMatch, cb) { this.log.trace( { selector : selectorMatch[0] }, 'Serving message area content'); // // Selector should be: // /msgarea - list confs // /msgarea/conftag - list areas in conf // /msgarea/conftag/areatag - list messages in area // /msgarea/conftag/areatag/ - message as text // /msgarea/conftag/areatag/_raw - full message as text + headers // if(selectorMatch[3] || selectorMatch[4]) { // message //const raw = selectorMatch[4] ? true : false; // :TODO: support 'raw' const msgUuid = selectorMatch[3].replace(/\r\n|\//g, ''); const confTag = selectorMatch[1].substr(1).split('/')[0]; const areaTag = selectorMatch[2].replace(/\r\n|\//g, ''); const message = new Message(); return message.load( { uuid : msgUuid }, err => { if(err) { this.log.debug( { uuid : msgUuid }, 'Attempted access to non-existant message UUID!'); return this.notFoundGenerator(selectorMatch, cb); } if(message.areaTag !== areaTag || !this.isAreaAndConfExposed(confTag, areaTag)) { this.log.warn( { areaTag }, 'Attempted access to non-exposed conference and/or area!'); return this.notFoundGenerator(selectorMatch, cb); } if(Message.isPrivateAreaTag(areaTag)) { this.log.warn( { areaTag }, 'Attempted access to message in private area!'); return this.notFoundGenerator(selectorMatch, cb); } this.prepareMessageBody(message.message, msgBody => { const response = `${'-'.repeat(70)} To : ${message.toUserName} From : ${message.fromUserName} When : ${moment(message.modTimestamp).format('dddd, MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a (UTCZ)')} Subject: ${message.subject} ID : ${message.messageUuid} (${message.messageId}) ${'-'.repeat(70)} ${msgBody} `; return cb(response); }); }); } else if(selectorMatch[2]) { // list messages in area const confTag = selectorMatch[1].substr(1).split('/')[0]; const areaTag = selectorMatch[2].replace(/\r\n|\//g, ''); const area = getMessageAreaByTag(areaTag); if(Message.isPrivateAreaTag(areaTag)) { this.log.warn( { areaTag }, 'Attempted access to private area!'); return cb(this.makeItem(ItemTypes.InfoMessage, 'Area is private')); } if(!area || !this.isAreaAndConfExposed(confTag, areaTag)) { this.log.warn( { confTag, areaTag }, 'Attempted access to non-exposed conference and/or area!'); return this.notFoundGenerator(selectorMatch, cb); } return getMessageListForArea(null, areaTag, (err, msgList) => { const response = [ this.makeItem(ItemTypes.InfoMessage, '-'.repeat(70)), this.makeItem(ItemTypes.InfoMessage, `Messages in ${area.name}`), this.makeItem(ItemTypes.InfoMessage, '-'.repeat(70)), ...msgList.map(msg => this.makeItem( ItemTypes.TextFile, `${moment(msg.modTimestamp).format('YYYY-MM-DD hh:mma')}: ${this.shortenSubject(msg.subject)} (${msg.fromUserName} to ${msg.toUserName})`, `/msgarea/${confTag}/${areaTag}/${msg.messageUuid}` )) ].join(''); return cb(response); }); } else if(selectorMatch[1]) { // list areas in conf const sysConfig = Config(); const confTag = selectorMatch[1].replace(/\r\n|\//g, ''); const conf = _.get(sysConfig, [ 'contentServers', 'gopher', 'messageConferences', confTag ]) && getMessageConferenceByTag(confTag); if(!conf) { return this.notFoundGenerator(selectorMatch, cb); } const areas = _.get(sysConfig, [ 'contentServers', 'gopher', 'messageConferences', confTag ], {}) .map(areaTag => Object.assign( { areaTag }, getMessageAreaByTag(areaTag))) .filter(area => area && !Message.isPrivateAreaTag(area.areaTag)); if(0 === areas.length) { return cb(this.makeItem(ItemTypes.InfoMessage, 'No message areas available')); } sortAreasOrConfs(areas); const response = [ this.makeItem(ItemTypes.InfoMessage, '-'.repeat(70)), this.makeItem(ItemTypes.InfoMessage, `Message areas in ${conf.name}`), this.makeItem(ItemTypes.InfoMessage, '-'.repeat(70)), ...areas.map(area => this.makeItem(ItemTypes.SubMenu, area.name, `/msgarea/${confTag}/${area.areaTag}`)) ].join(''); return cb(response); } else { // message area base (list confs) const confs = Object.keys(_.get(Config(), 'contentServers.gopher.messageConferences', {})) .map(confTag => Object.assign( { confTag }, getMessageConferenceByTag(confTag))) .filter(conf => conf); // remove any baddies if(0 === confs.length) { return cb(this.makeItem(ItemTypes.InfoMessage, 'No message conferences available')); } sortAreasOrConfs(confs); const response = [ this.makeItem(ItemTypes.InfoMessage, '-'.repeat(70)), this.makeItem(ItemTypes.InfoMessage, 'Available Message Conferences'), this.makeItem(ItemTypes.InfoMessage, '-'.repeat(70)), this.makeItem(ItemTypes.InfoMessage, ''), ...confs.map(conf => this.makeItem(ItemTypes.SubMenu, conf.name, `/msgarea/${conf.confTag}`)) ].join(''); return cb(response); } } };