/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; var TextView = require('./text_view.js').TextView; var miscUtil = require('./misc_util.js'); var strUtil = require('./string_util.js'); var ansi = require('./ansi_term.js'); var util = require('util'); var assert = require('assert'); var _ = require('lodash'); exports.EditTextView = EditTextView; function EditTextView(options) { options.acceptsFocus = miscUtil.valueWithDefault(options.acceptsFocus, true); options.acceptsInput = miscUtil.valueWithDefault(options.acceptsInput, true); options.cursorStyle = miscUtil.valueWithDefault(options.cursorStyle, 'steady block'); options.resizable = false; TextView.call(this, options); this.cursorPos = { x : 0 }; this.clientBackspace = function() { this.client.term.write( '\b' + this.getANSIColor(this.getColor()) + this.fillChar + '\b' + this.getANSIColor(this.getFocusColor())); }; } util.inherits(EditTextView, TextView); EditTextView.prototype.onKeyPress = function(key, isSpecial) { if(isSpecial) { return; } assert(1 === key.length); // :TODO: how to handle justify left/center? if(this.text.length < this.maxLength) { key = strUtil.stylizeString(key, this.textStyle); this.text += key; if(this.text.length > this.dimens.width) { // no shortcuts - redraw the view this.redraw(); } else { this.cursorPos.x += 1; if(this.textMaskChar) { this.client.term.write(this.textMaskChar); } else { this.client.term.write(key); } } } EditTextView.super_.prototype.onKeyPress.call(this, key, isSpecial); }; EditTextView.prototype.onSpecialKeyPress = function(keyName) { // :TODO: handle 'enter' & others for multiLine if(this.isSpecialKeyMapped('backspace', keyName)) { if(this.text.length > 0) { this.text = this.text.substr(0, this.text.length - 1); if(this.text.length >= this.dimens.width) { this.redraw(); } else { this.cursorPos.x -= 1; if(this.cursorPos.x >= 0) { this.clientBackspace(); } } } } else if(this.isSpecialKeyMapped('clear', keyName)) { // :TODO: this doesn't work right at all: //this.setText(''); //this.client.term.write(ansi.goto(this.position.x, this.position.y)); } EditTextView.super_.prototype.onSpecialKeyPress.call(this, keyName); };