/* jslint node: true */
'use strict';

const EnigError				= require('./enig_error.js').EnigError;
const pad					= require('./string_util.js').pad;
const stylizeString			= require('./string_util.js').stylizeString;
const renderStringLength	= require('./string_util.js').renderStringLength;
const renderSubstr			= require('./string_util.js').renderSubstr;
const formatByteSize		= require('./string_util.js').formatByteSize;
const formatByteSizeAbbr	= require('./string_util.js').formatByteSizeAbbr;		

//	deps
const _				= require('lodash');

	String formatting HEAVILY inspired by David Chambers string-format library
	and the mini-language branch specifically which was gratiously released

	We need some extra functionality. Namely, support for RA style pipe codes
	and ANSI escape sequences.

class ValueError extends EnigError { }
class KeyError extends EnigError { }

const SpecRegExp = {
	FillAlign	: /^(.)?([<>=^])/,
	Sign		: /^[ +-]/,
	Width		: /^\d*/,
	Precision	: /^\d+/,

function tokenizeFormatSpec(spec) {
	const tokens = {
		fill		: '',
		align		: '',
		sign		: '',
		'#'			: false,
		'0'			: false,
		width		: '',
		','			: false,
		precision	: '',
		type		: '',

	let index = 0;
	let match;

	function incIndexByMatch() {
		index += match[0].length;

	match = SpecRegExp.FillAlign.exec(spec);
	if(match) {
		if(match[1]) {
			tokens.fill = match[1];
		tokens.align = match[2];

	match = SpecRegExp.Sign.exec(spec.slice(index));
	if(match) {
		tokens.sign = match[0];

	if('#' === spec.charAt(index)) {
		tokens['#'] = true;

	if('0' === spec.charAt(index)) {
		tokens['0'] = true;

	match = SpecRegExp.Width.exec(spec.slice(index));
	tokens.width = match[0];

	if(',' === spec.charAt(index)) {
		tokens[','] = true;

	if('.' === spec.charAt(index)) {

		match = SpecRegExp.Precision.exec(spec.slice(index));
		if(!match) {
			throw new ValueError('Format specifier missing precision');

		tokens.precision = match[0];

	if(index < spec.length) {
		tokens.type = spec.charAt(index);

	if(index < spec.length) {
		throw new ValueError('Invalid conversion specification');

	if(tokens[','] && 's' === tokens.type) {
		throw new ValueError(`Cannot specify ',' with 's'`);	//	eslint-disable-line quotes

	return tokens;

function quote(s) {
	return `"${s.replace(/"/g, '\\"')}"`;

function getPadAlign(align) {
	return {
		'<' : 'right',
		'>' : 'left',
		'^' : 'center',
	}[align] || '<';

function formatString(value, tokens) {
	const fill		= tokens.fill || (tokens['0'] ? '0' : ' ');
	const align		= tokens.align || (tokens['0'] ? '=' : '<');
	const precision	= Number(tokens.precision || renderStringLength(value) + 1);

	if('' !== tokens.type && 's' !== tokens.type) {
		throw new ValueError(`Unknown format code "${tokens.type}" for String object`);

	if(tokens[',']) {
		throw new ValueError(`Cannot specify ',' with 's'`);	//	eslint-disable-line quotes

	if(tokens.sign) {
		throw new ValueError('Sign not allowed in string format specifier');

	if(tokens['#']) {
		throw new ValueError('Alternate form (#) not allowed in string format specifier');

	if('=' === align) {
		throw new ValueError('"=" alignment not allowed in string format specifier');

	return pad(renderSubstr(value, 0, precision), Number(tokens.width), fill, getPadAlign(align));

const FormatNumRegExp = {
	UpperType	: /[A-Z]/,
	ExponentRep	: /e[+-](?=\d$)/,

function formatNumberHelper(n, precision, type) {
	if(FormatNumRegExp.UpperType.test(type)) {
		return formatNumberHelper(n, precision, type.toLowerCase()).toUpperCase();

	switch(type) {
		case 'c' : return String.fromCharCode(n);
		case 'd' : return n.toString(10);
		case 'b' : return n.toString(2);
		case 'o' : return n.toString(8);
		case 'x' : return n.toString(16);
		case 'e' : return n.toExponential(precision).replace(FormatNumRegExp.ExponentRep, '$&0'); 
		case 'f' : return n.toFixed(precision); 
		case 'g' :
			//	we don't want useless trailing zeros. parseFloat -> back to string fixes this for us
			return parseFloat(n.toPrecision(precision || 1)).toString();

		case '%' : return formatNumberHelper(n * 100, precision, 'f') + '%';
		case ''  : return formatNumberHelper(n, precision, 'd');
		default :
			throw new ValueError(`Unknown format code "${type}" for object of type 'float'`);

function formatNumber(value, tokens) {
	const fill		= tokens.fill || (tokens['0'] ? '0' : ' ');
	const align		= tokens.align || (tokens['0'] ? '=' : '>');
	const width		= Number(tokens.width);
	const type		= tokens.type || (tokens.precision ? 'g' : '');

	if( [ 'c', 'd', 'b', 'o', 'x', 'X' ].indexOf(type) > -1) {
		if(0 !== value % 1) {
			throw new ValueError(`Cannot format non-integer with format specifier "${type}"`);

		if('' !== tokens.sign && 'c' !== type) {
			throw new ValueError(`Sign not allowed with integer format specifier 'c'`);	//	eslint-disable-line quotes

		if(tokens[','] && 'd' !== type) {
			throw new ValueError(`Cannot specify ',' with '${type}'`);

		if('' !== tokens.precision) {
			throw new ValueError('Precision not allowed in integer format specifier');
	} else if( [ 'e', 'E', 'f', 'F', 'g', 'G', '%' ].indexOf(type) > - 1) {
		if(tokens['#']) {
			throw new ValueError('Alternate form (#) not allowed in float format specifier');

	const s			= formatNumberHelper(Math.abs(value), Number(tokens.precision || 6), type);
	const sign		= value < 0 || 1 / value < 0 ? 
		'-' :
		'-' === tokens.sign ? '' : tokens.sign;

	const prefix	= tokens['#'] && ( [ 'b', 'o', 'x', 'X' ].indexOf(type) > -1 ) ? '0' + type : '';

	if(tokens[',']) {
		const match 	= /^(\d*)(.*)$/.exec(s);
		const separated	= match[1].replace(/.(?=(...)+$)/g, '$&,') + match[2]; 

		if('=' !== align) {
			return pad(sign + separated, width, fill, getPadAlign(align));

		if('0' === fill) {
			const shortfall = Math.max(0, width - sign.length - separated.length);
			const digits	= /^\d*/.exec(separated)[0].length;
			let padding 	= '';
			//	:TODO: do this differntly...
			for(let n = 0; n < shortfall; n++) {
				padding = ((digits + n) % 4 === 3 ? ',' : '0') + padding;

			return sign + (/^,/.test(padding) ? '0' : '') + padding + separated;

		return sign + pad(separated, width - sign.length, fill, getPadAlign('>'));

	if(0 === width) {
		return sign + prefix + s;

	if('=' === align) {
		return sign + prefix + pad(s, width - sign.length - prefix.length, fill, getPadAlign('>'));

	return pad(sign + prefix + s, width, fill, getPadAlign(align));

const transformers = {
	//	String standard
	toUpperCase			: String.prototype.toUpperCase,
	toLowerCase			: String.prototype.toLowerCase,

	//	some super l33b BBS styles!!
	styleUpper			: (s) => stylizeString(s, 'upper'),
	styleLower			: (s) => stylizeString(s, 'lower'),
	styleTitle			: (s) => stylizeString(s, 'title'),
	styleFirstLower		: (s) => stylizeString(s, 'first lower'),
	styleSmallVowels	: (s) => stylizeString(s, 'small vowels'),
	styleBigVowels		: (s) => stylizeString(s, 'big vowels'),
	styleSmallI			: (s) => stylizeString(s, 'small i'),
	styleMixed			: (s) => stylizeString(s, 'mixed'),
	styleL33t			: (s) => stylizeString(s, 'l33t'),

	//	toMegs(), toKilobytes(), ... 
	//	toList(), toCommaList(), 
	sizeWithAbbr		: (n) => formatByteSize(n, true, 2),
	sizeWithoutAbbr		: (n) => formatByteSize(n, false, 2),
	sizeAbbr			: (n) => formatByteSizeAbbr(n),

function transformValue(transformerName, value) {
	if(transformerName in transformers) {
		const transformer = transformers[transformerName];
		value = transformer.apply(value, [ value ] );

	return value;

//	:TODO: Use explicit set of chars for paths & function/transforms such that } is allowed as fill/etc.
const REGEXP_BASIC_FORMAT	= /{([^.!:}]+(?:\.[^.!:}]+)*)(?:\!([^:}]+))?(?:\:([^}]+))?}/g;

function getValue(obj, path) {
	const value = _.get(obj, path);
	if(!_.isUndefined(value)) {
		return _.isFunction(value) ? value() : value;
	throw new KeyError(quote(path));

module.exports = function format(fmt, obj) {

	re.lastIndex = 0;	//	reset from prev

	let match;
	let pos;
	let out = '';
	let objPath ;
	let transformer;
	let formatSpec;
	let value;
	let tokens;

	do {
		pos		= re.lastIndex;
		match	= re.exec(fmt);

		if(match) {
			if(match.index > pos) {
				out += fmt.slice(pos, match.index);

			objPath		= match[1];
			transformer	= match[2];
			formatSpec	= match[3];

			value = getValue(obj,  objPath);
			if(transformer) {
				value = transformValue(transformer, value);

			tokens = tokenizeFormatSpec(formatSpec || '');

			if(_.isNumber(value)) {
				out += formatNumber(value, tokens);
			} else {
				out += formatString(value, tokens);

	} while(0 !== re.lastIndex);

	//	remainder
	if(pos < fmt.length) {
		out += fmt.slice(pos);

	return out;	