/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; const MenuView = require('./menu_view.js').MenuView; const strUtil = require('./string_util.js'); const formatString = require('./string_format'); const { pipeToAnsi } = require('./color_codes.js'); const { goto } = require('./ansi_term.js'); const assert = require('assert'); const _ = require('lodash'); exports.HorizontalMenuView = HorizontalMenuView; // :TODO: Update this to allow scrolling if number of items cannot fit in width (similar to VerticalMenuView) function HorizontalMenuView(options) { options.cursor = options.cursor || 'hide'; if(!_.isNumber(options.itemSpacing)) { options.itemSpacing = 1; } MenuView.call(this, options); this.dimens.height = 1; // always the case var self = this; this.getSpacer = function() { return new Array(self.itemSpacing + 1).join(' '); }; this.performAutoScale = function() { if(self.autoScale.width) { var spacer = self.getSpacer(); var width = self.items.join(spacer).length + (spacer.length * 2); assert(width <= self.client.term.termWidth - self.position.col); self.dimens.width = width; } }; this.performAutoScale(); this.cachePositions = function() { if(this.positionCacheExpired) { var col = self.position.col; var spacer = self.getSpacer(); for(var i = 0; i < self.items.length; ++i) { self.items[i].col = col; col += spacer.length + self.items[i].text.length + spacer.length; } } this.positionCacheExpired = false; }; this.drawItem = function(index) { assert(!this.positionCacheExpired); const item = self.items[index]; if(!item) { return; } let text; let sgr; if(item.focused && self.hasFocusItems()) { const focusItem = self.focusItems[index]; text = focusItem ? focusItem.text : item.text; sgr = ''; } else if(this.complexItems) { text = pipeToAnsi(formatString(item.focused ? this.focusItemFormat : this.itemFormat, item)); sgr = this.focusItemFormat ? '' : (index === self.focusedItemIndex ? self.getFocusSGR() : self.getSGR()); } else { text = strUtil.stylizeString(item.text, item.focused ? self.focusTextStyle : self.textStyle); sgr = (index === self.focusedItemIndex ? self.getFocusSGR() : self.getSGR()); } const drawWidth = strUtil.renderStringLength(text) + (self.getSpacer().length * 2); self.client.term.write( `${goto(self.position.row, item.col)}${sgr}${strUtil.pad(text, drawWidth, self.fillChar, 'center')}` ); }; } require('util').inherits(HorizontalMenuView, MenuView); HorizontalMenuView.prototype.setHeight = function(height) { height = parseInt(height, 10); assert(1 === height); // nothing else allowed here HorizontalMenuView.super_.prototype.setHeight(this, height); }; HorizontalMenuView.prototype.redraw = function() { HorizontalMenuView.super_.prototype.redraw.call(this); this.cachePositions(); for(var i = 0; i < this.items.length; ++i) { this.items[i].focused = this.focusedItemIndex === i; this.drawItem(i); } }; HorizontalMenuView.prototype.setPosition = function(pos) { HorizontalMenuView.super_.prototype.setPosition.call(this, pos); this.positionCacheExpired = true; }; HorizontalMenuView.prototype.setFocus = function(focused) { HorizontalMenuView.super_.prototype.setFocus.call(this, focused); this.redraw(); }; HorizontalMenuView.prototype.setItems = function(items) { HorizontalMenuView.super_.prototype.setItems.call(this, items); this.positionCacheExpired = true; }; HorizontalMenuView.prototype.focusNext = function() { if(this.items.length - 1 === this.focusedItemIndex) { this.focusedItemIndex = 0; } else { this.focusedItemIndex++; } // :TODO: Optimize this in cases where we only need to redraw two items. Always the case now, somtimes this.redraw(); HorizontalMenuView.super_.prototype.focusNext.call(this); }; HorizontalMenuView.prototype.focusPrevious = function() { if(0 === this.focusedItemIndex) { this.focusedItemIndex = this.items.length - 1; } else { this.focusedItemIndex--; } // :TODO: Optimize this in cases where we only need to redraw two items. Always the case now, somtimes this.redraw(); HorizontalMenuView.super_.prototype.focusPrevious.call(this); }; HorizontalMenuView.prototype.onKeyPress = function(ch, key) { if(key) { if(this.isKeyMapped('left', key.name)) { this.focusPrevious(); } else if(this.isKeyMapped('right', key.name)) { this.focusNext(); } } HorizontalMenuView.super_.prototype.onKeyPress.call(this, ch, key); }; HorizontalMenuView.prototype.getData = function() { return this.focusedItemIndex; };