{ /* Menu Configuration Some concept/ideas: "mci" : { "BT1" : { ... "draw" : "@script:blah.js/drawButton" // @method:scriptName[.js]/methodName (foreign .js) // @art:artName // @method:/methodName (local to module.js) // ... pass isFocused/etc. into draw method "draw" : { "normal" : ..., "focus" : ... } NOte that @draw & @art should check theme first. @draw:myMethod -> theme/draw.js::myMethod(opts) priority: @draw:location.js/myMethod -> outside of theme @draw:myMethod -> checks theme -> local first -OR- just inside themes for customization... e.g; { "myTheme" { "views" : { "VerticalMenuView" : { "draw" : "@method:location.js/myMethod" } } } } } } */ "connected" : { "art" : "CONNECT", "next" : "matrix", "options" : { "cls" : true, "nextTimeout" : 1500 } }, "matrix" : { "art" : "matrix", "form" : { "0" : { // :TODO: Make form "0" the default if missing (e.g. optional)... not sure how with current structure though "VM1" : { "mci" : { "VM1" : { "submit" : true, "focus" : true, // :TODO: need a good way to localize these ... Standard Orig->Lookup seems good. "items" : [ "Login", "Apply", "Log Off" ] } }, "submit" : { "*" : [ { "value" : { "1" : 0 }, "action" : "@menu:login" }, { "value" : { "1" : 1 }, "action" : "@menu:apply" }, { "value" : { "1" : 2 }, "action" : "@menu:logoff" } ] } } } }, "options" : { "cls" : true } }, "login" : { // :TODO: may want { "prompt" : { "name" : "blah", "action" : ... }} "prompt" : "userCredentials", "fallback" : "matrix", "next" : "newUserActive", "action" : "@systemMethod:login", // :TODO: support alt submit method for prompts // if present, standard filters apply. No need for multiple submit ID's // since a prompt can only utilize one: "submit" : [ { "value" : { "1" : "thing" }, "action" : "@method:doThings" } ], "options" : { "cls" : true } }, "logoff" : { "art" : "LOGOFF", //"module" : "logoff", "action" : "@systemMethod:logoff", "options" : { "cls" : true } }, "apply" : { "art" : "APPLY", "next" : "newUserActive", "form" : { "0" : { "BT12BT13ET1ET10ET2ET3ET4ET5ET6ET7ET8ET9TL11" : { // // :TODO: defaults { width : XX, ... } kinda thing would be nice // // "beforeViewsDraw" : "@method:location.js/myBeforeViewsDraw" -> myBeforeViewsDraw(views) "mci" : { "ET1" : { "focus" : true, "argName" : "username", "width" : 15, "maxLength" : "@config:users.usernameMax" }, "ET2" : { "width" : 15, "argName" : "realName", "width" : 15, "maxLength" : 32 }, "ET3" : { "argName" : "age", "width" : 3, "maxLength" : 3 }, "ET4" : { "argName" : "sex", "width" : 1, "maxLength" : 1 }, "ET5" : { "argName" : "location", "width" : 15, "maxLength" : 32 }, "ET6" : { "argName" : "affils", "width" : 15, "maxLength" : 32 }, "ET7" : { "argName" : "email", "width" : 15, "maxLength" : 255 }, "ET8" : { "argName" : "web", "width" : 15, "maxLength" : 255 }, "ET9" : { "argName" : "password", "password" : true, "width" : 15, "maxLength" : "@config:users.passwordMax" }, "ET10" : { "argName" : "passwordConfirm", "password" : true, "width" : 15, "maxLength" : "@config:users.passwordMax" }, "BT12" : { "submit" : true, "text" : "Apply" }, "BT13" : { "submit" : [ "esc" ], "text" : "Cancel" } }, "submit" : { "12" : [ // Apply { "value" : 12, // :TODO: better, this should be optional; if not present it's a any match "action" : "@method:apply/submitApplication", "extraArgs" : { "inactive" : "userNeedsActivated", "error" : "newUserCreateError" } } ], "13" : [ // Cancel { "value" : 13, "action" : "@menu:matrix" } ] } } } }, "options" : { "cls" : true } }, "newUserActive" : { "art" : "STATS", "prompt" : "pause", "options" : { // :TODO: implement MCI codes for this "cls" : true } }, "demoMain" : { "art" : "demo_selection_vm.ans", "options" : { "cls" : true }, "form" : { "0" : { "VM1" : { "mci" : { "VM1" : { "items" : [ "Single Line Text Editing Views", "Spinner & Toggle Views", "Vertical Menu Views", "Horizontal Menu Views", "Art Display", "Some More Stuff", "Other" ], "height" : 8, "width" : 33, "itemSpacing" : 1, // :TODO: justify not working?? "focusTextStyle" : "small i" } }, "submit" : { "*" : [ { "value" : { "1" : 0 }, "action" : "@menu:demoEditTextView" }, { "value" : { "1" : 1 }, "action" : "@menu:demoSpinAndToggleView" }, { "value" : { "1" : 2 }, "action" : "@menu:demoArtDisplay" } ] } } } } }, "demoEditTextView" : { "art" : "demo_edit_text_view1.ans", "options" : { "cls" : true }, "form" : { "0" : { "BT5ET1ET2ET3ET4" : { "mci" : { "ET1" : { "width" : 20, "maxLength" : 20 }, "ET2" : { "width" : 20, "maxLength" : 40 }, "ET3" : { "width" : 20, "fillChar" : "-", // :TODO: fillColor "maxLength" : 20 }, "ET4" : { "width" : 20, "maxLength" : 20, "password" : true }, "BT5" : { "width" : 8, "text" : "< Back", "submit" : [ "esc" ] } }, "submit" : { "*" : [ { "value" : 5, "action" : "@menu:demoMain" } ] } } } } }, "demoSpinAndToggleView" : { "art" : "demo_spin_and_toggle.ans", "options" : { "cls" : true }, "form" : { "0" : { "BT8SM1SM2TM3" : { "mci" : { "SM1" : { "items" : [ "Henry Morgan", "François l'Ollonais", "Roche Braziliano", "Black Bart", "Blackbeard" ] }, "SM2" : { "items" : [ "Razor 1911", "DrinkOrDie", "TRSI" ] }, "TM3" : { "items" : [ "Yarly", "Nowaii" ], "styleSGR1" : { "fg" : 30, "intensity" : 1 }, "hotkeys" : { "Y" : 0, "N" : 1 } }, "BT8" : { "text" : "< Back", "submit" : [ "esc" ] } }, "submit" : { "*" : [ { "value" : 8, "action" : "@menu:demoMain" } ] } } } } }, "demoArtDisplay" : { "art" : "demo_selection_vm.ans", "options" : { "cls" : true }, "form" : { "0" : { "VM1" : { "mci" : { "VM1" : { "items" : [ "Defaults - DOS ANSI", "Defaults - Amiga", "Pause at Term Height" ], // :TODO: justify not working?? "focusTextStyle" : "small i" } }, "submit" : { "*" : [ { "value" : { "1" : 0 }, "action" : "@menu:demoDefaultsDosAnsi" } ] } } } } }, "demoDefaultsDosAnsi" : { "art" : "WE-CIZB.ANS", "options" : { "cls" : true } } /* :TODO: conceptual simplified menus -- actions/etc. without forms { "myMenu" : { "art" : "MENUART", "mci" : { // lack of "form": direct to form:0 {} "VM1" : { "items" : [ "Hello", "Goodbye" ], "action" : "@method:someMethod" // implies { "submit" : true } }, "submit" : { // alternate form with filters } } } } */ /* "demoEditTextView" : { "art" : "demo_edit_text_view.ans", "options" : { "cls" : true }, "form" : { "0" : { "ET1ET2ET3ET5SM4TM6" : { "mci" : { "ET1" : { "maxLength" : 1 }, "ET2" : { "maxLength" : 1 }, "ET3" : { "maxLength" : 1 }, "SM4" : { "items" : [ "One", "Two", "Three", "Four" ] }, "ET5" : { "password" : true, "submit" : [ "esc" ], "fillChar" : "#" }, "TM6" : { "items" : [ "Yes", "No" ], "hotkeys" : { "Y" : 0, "n" : 1 } } } } } } } */ }