const WebHandlerModule = require('../../../web_handler_module'); const Config = require('../../../config').get; const { Errors, ErrorReasons } = require('../../../enig_error'); const { WellKnownLocations } = require('../web'); const { getUserProfileTemplatedBody, DefaultProfileTemplate, } = require('../../../activitypub/util'); const Endpoints = require('../../../activitypub/endpoint'); const EngiAssert = require('../../../enigma_assert'); const User = require('../../../user'); const UserProps = require('../../../user_property'); const ActivityPubSettings = require('../../../activitypub/settings'); const { getFullUrl, buildUrl, getWebDomain } = require('../../../web_util'); // deps const _ = require('lodash'); const Actor = require('../../../activitypub/actor'); exports.moduleInfo = { name: 'WebFinger', desc: 'A simple WebFinger Handler.', author: 'NuSkooler, CognitiveGears', packageName: 'codes.l33t.enigma.web.handler.webfinger', }; // // WebFinger: // exports.getModule = class WebFingerWebHandler extends WebHandlerModule { constructor() { super(); } init(webServer, cb) { // we rely on the web server this.webServer = webServer; EngiAssert(webServer, 'WebFinger Web Handler init without webServer'); this.log = webServer.logger().child({ webHandler: 'WebFinger' }); const domain = getWebDomain(); if (!domain) { return cb(Errors.UnexpectedState('Web server does not have "domain" set')); } this.acceptedResourceRegExps = [ // acct:NAME@our.domain.tld // new RegExp(`^acct:(.+)@${domain}$`), // profile page // new RegExp(`^${buildUrl(WellKnownLocations.Internal + '/wf/@')}(.+)$`), // self URL new RegExp(`^${buildUrl(WellKnownLocations.Internal + '/ap/users/')}(.+)$`), ]; this.webServer.addRoute({ method: 'GET', // path: /^\/\.well-known\/webfinger\/?\?/, handler: this._webFingerRequestHandler.bind(this), }); this.webServer.addRoute({ method: 'GET', path: /^\/_enig\/wf\/@.+$/, handler: this._profileRequestHandler.bind(this), }); return cb(null); } _profileRequestHandler(req, resp) { // Profile requests do not have an Actor ID available const profileQuery = getFullUrl(req).toString(); const accountName = this._getAccountName(profileQuery); if (!accountName) { this.log.warn( `Failed to parse "account name" for profile query: ${profileQuery}` ); return this.webServer.resourceNotFound(resp); } this._localUserFromWebFingerAccountName(accountName, (err, localUser) => { if (err) { this.log.warn( { error: err.message, type: 'Profile', accountName }, 'Could not fetch profile for WebFinger request' ); return this.webServer.resourceNotFound(resp); } let templateFile = _.get( Config(), 'contentServers.web.handlers.webFinger.profileTemplate' ); if (templateFile) { templateFile = this.webServer.resolveTemplatePath(templateFile); } Actor.fromLocalUser(localUser, (err, localActor) => { if (err) { return this.webServer.internalServerError(resp, err); } getUserProfileTemplatedBody( templateFile, localUser, localActor, DefaultProfileTemplate, 'text/plain', (err, body, contentType) => { if (err) { return this.webServer.resourceNotFound(resp); } const headers = { 'Content-Type': contentType, 'Content-Length': Buffer(body).length, }; resp.writeHead(200, headers); return resp.end(body); } ); }); }); } _webFingerRequestHandler(req, resp) { const url = getFullUrl(req); const resource = url.searchParams.get('resource'); if (!resource) { return this.webServer.respondWithError( resp, 400, '"resource" is required', 'Missing "resource"' ); } const accountName = this._getAccountName(resource); if (!accountName || accountName.length < 1) { this.log.warn(`Failed to parse "account name" for resource: ${resource}`); return this.webServer.resourceNotFound(resp); } this._localUserFromWebFingerAccountName(accountName, (err, localUser) => { if (err) { this.log.warn( { url: req.url, error: err.message, type: 'WebFinger' }, `No account for "${accountName}" could be retrieved` ); return this.webServer.resourceNotFound(resp); } const domain = getWebDomain(); const body = JSON.stringify({ subject: `acct:${localUser.username}@${domain}`, aliases: [Endpoints.profile(localUser), Endpoints.actorId(localUser)], links: [ this._profilePageLink(localUser), this._selfLink(localUser), this._subscribeLink(), ], }); const headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/jrd+json', 'Content-Length': Buffer(body).length, }; resp.writeHead(200, headers); return resp.end(body); }); } _localUserFromWebFingerAccountName(accountName, cb) { if (accountName.startsWith('@')) { accountName = accountName.slice(1); } User.getUserIdAndName(accountName, (err, userId) => { if (err) { return cb(err); } User.getUser(userId, (err, user) => { if (err) { return cb(err); } const accountStatus = user.getPropertyAsNumber(UserProps.AccountStatus); if ( User.AccountStatus.disabled == accountStatus || User.AccountStatus.inactive == accountStatus ) { return cb( Errors.AccessDenied('Account disabled', ErrorReasons.Disabled) ); } const activityPubSettings = ActivityPubSettings.fromUser(user); if (!activityPubSettings.enabled) { return cb(Errors.AccessDenied('ActivityPub is not enabled for user')); } return cb(null, user); }); }); } _profilePageLink(user) { const href = Endpoints.profile(user); return { rel: '', type: 'text/plain', href, }; } _userActorId(user) { return Endpoints.actorId(user); } // :TODO: only if ActivityPub is enabled _selfLink(user) { const href = Endpoints.actorId(user); return { rel: 'self', type: 'application/activity+json', href, }; } // :TODO: only if ActivityPub is enabled _subscribeLink() { return { rel: '', template: buildUrl( WellKnownLocations.Internal + '/ap/authorize_interaction?uri={uri}' ), }; } _getAccountName(resource) { for (const re of this.acceptedResourceRegExps) { const m = resource.match(re); if (m && m.length === 2) { return m[1]; } } } };