/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; const miscUtil = require('./misc_util.js'); const ansi = require('./ansi_term.js'); const events = require('events'); const util = require('util'); const _ = require('lodash'); exports.ANSIEscapeParser = ANSIEscapeParser; const CR = 0x0d; const LF = 0x0a; function ANSIEscapeParser(options) { var self = this; events.EventEmitter.call(this); this.column = 1; this.row = 1; this.scrollBack = 0; this.graphicRendition = {}; this.parseState = { re : /(?:\x1b\x5b)([\?=;0-9]*?)([ABCDHJKfhlmnpsu])/g, }; options = miscUtil.valueWithDefault(options, { mciReplaceChar : '', termHeight : 25, termWidth : 80, trailingLF : 'default', // default|omit|no|yes, ... }); this.mciReplaceChar = miscUtil.valueWithDefault(options.mciReplaceChar, ''); this.termHeight = miscUtil.valueWithDefault(options.termHeight, 25); this.termWidth = miscUtil.valueWithDefault(options.termWidth, 80); this.trailingLF = miscUtil.valueWithDefault(options.trailingLF, 'default'); self.moveCursor = function(cols, rows) { self.column += cols; self.row += rows; self.column = Math.max(self.column, 1); self.column = Math.min(self.column, self.termWidth); // can't move past term width self.row = Math.max(self.row, 1); self.positionUpdated(); }; self.saveCursorPosition = function() { self.savedPosition = { row : self.row, column : self.column }; }; self.restoreCursorPosition = function() { self.row = self.savedPosition.row; self.column = self.savedPosition.column; delete self.savedPosition; self.positionUpdated(); // self.rowUpdated(); }; self.clearScreen = function() { // :TODO: should be doing something with row/column? self.emit('clear screen'); }; /* self.rowUpdated = function() { self.emit('row update', self.row + self.scrollBack); };*/ self.positionUpdated = function() { self.emit('position update', self.row, self.column); }; function literal(text) { const len = text.length; let pos = 0; let start = 0; let charCode; while(pos < len) { charCode = text.charCodeAt(pos) & 0xff; // 8bit clean switch(charCode) { case CR : self.emit('literal', text.slice(start, pos)); start = pos; self.column = 1; self.positionUpdated(); break; case LF : self.emit('literal', text.slice(start, pos)); start = pos; self.row += 1; self.positionUpdated(); break; default : if(self.column === self.termWidth) { self.emit('literal', text.slice(start, pos + 1)); start = pos + 1; self.column = 1; self.row += 1; self.positionUpdated(); } else { self.column += 1; } break; } ++pos; } // // Finalize this chunk // if(self.column > self.termWidth) { self.column = 1; self.row += 1; self.positionUpdated(); } const rem = text.slice(start); if(rem) { self.emit('literal', rem); } } function getProcessedMCI(mci) { if(self.mciReplaceChar.length > 0) { return ansi.getSGRFromGraphicRendition(self.graphicRendition, true) + new Array(mci.length + 1).join(self.mciReplaceChar); } else { return mci; } } function parseMCI(buffer) { // :TODO: move this to "constants" seciton @ top var mciRe = /\%([A-Z]{2})([0-9]{1,2})?(?:\(([0-9A-Za-z,]+)\))*/g; var pos = 0; var match; var mciCode; var args; var id; do { pos = mciRe.lastIndex; match = mciRe.exec(buffer); if(null !== match) { if(match.index > pos) { literal(buffer.slice(pos, match.index)); } mciCode = match[1]; id = match[2] || null; if(match[3]) { args = match[3].split(','); } else { args = []; } // if MCI codes are changing, save off the current color var fullMciCode = mciCode + (id || ''); if(self.lastMciCode !== fullMciCode) { self.lastMciCode = fullMciCode; self.graphicRenditionForErase = _.clone(self.graphicRendition); } self.emit('mci', { mci : mciCode, id : id ? parseInt(id, 10) : null, args : args, SGR : ansi.getSGRFromGraphicRendition(self.graphicRendition, true) }); if(self.mciReplaceChar.length > 0) { const sgrCtrl = ansi.getSGRFromGraphicRendition(self.graphicRenditionForErase); self.emit('control', sgrCtrl, 'm', sgrCtrl.slice(2).split(/[\;m]/).slice(0, 3)); literal(new Array(match[0].length + 1).join(self.mciReplaceChar)); } else { literal(match[0]); } //literal(getProcessedMCI(match[0])); //self.emit('chunk', getProcessedMCI(match[0])); } } while(0 !== mciRe.lastIndex); if(pos < buffer.length) { literal(buffer.slice(pos)); } } self.reset = function(input) { self.parseState = { // ignore anything past EOF marker, if any buffer : input.split(String.fromCharCode(0x1a), 1)[0], re : /(?:\x1b\x5b)([\?=;0-9]*?)([ABCDHJKfhlmnpsu])/g, stop : false, }; }; self.stop = function() { self.parseState.stop = true; }; self.parse = function(input) { if(input) { self.reset(input); } // :TODO: ensure this conforms to ANSI-BBS / CTerm / bansi.txt for movement/etc. var pos; var match; var opCode; var args; var re = self.parseState.re; var buffer = self.parseState.buffer; self.parseState.stop = false; do { if(self.parseState.stop) { return; } pos = re.lastIndex; match = re.exec(buffer); if(null !== match) { if(match.index > pos) { parseMCI(buffer.slice(pos, match.index)); } opCode = match[2]; args = match[1].split(';').map(v => parseInt(v, 10)); // convert to array of ints escape(opCode, args); //self.emit('chunk', match[0]); self.emit('control', match[0], opCode, args); } } while(0 !== re.lastIndex); if(pos < buffer.length) { var lastBit = buffer.slice(pos); // :TODO: check for various ending LF's, not just DOS \r\n if('\r\n' === lastBit.slice(-2).toString()) { switch(self.trailingLF) { case 'default' : // // Default is to *not* omit the trailing LF // if we're going to end on termHeight // if(this.termHeight === self.row) { lastBit = lastBit.slice(0, -2); } break; case 'omit' : case 'no' : case false : lastBit = lastBit.slice(0, -2); break; } } parseMCI(lastBit) } self.emit('complete'); }; /* self.parse = function(buffer, savedRe) { // :TODO: ensure this conforms to ANSI-BBS / CTerm / bansi.txt for movement/etc. // :TODO: move this to "constants" section @ top var re = /(?:\x1b\x5b)([\?=;0-9]*?)([ABCDHJKfhlmnpsu])/g; var pos = 0; var match; var opCode; var args; // ignore anything past EOF marker, if any buffer = buffer.split(String.fromCharCode(0x1a), 1)[0]; do { pos = re.lastIndex; match = re.exec(buffer); if(null !== match) { if(match.index > pos) { parseMCI(buffer.slice(pos, match.index)); } opCode = match[2]; args = getArgArray(match[1].split(';')); escape(opCode, args); self.emit('chunk', match[0]); } } while(0 !== re.lastIndex); if(pos < buffer.length) { parseMCI(buffer.slice(pos)); } self.emit('complete'); }; */ function escape(opCode, args) { let arg; switch(opCode) { // cursor up case 'A' : //arg = args[0] || 1; arg = isNaN(args[0]) ? 1 : args[0]; self.moveCursor(0, -arg); break; // cursor down case 'B' : //arg = args[0] || 1; arg = isNaN(args[0]) ? 1 : args[0]; self.moveCursor(0, arg); break; // cursor forward/right case 'C' : //arg = args[0] || 1; arg = isNaN(args[0]) ? 1 : args[0]; self.moveCursor(arg, 0); break; // cursor back/left case 'D' : //arg = args[0] || 1; arg = isNaN(args[0]) ? 1 : args[0]; self.moveCursor(-arg, 0); break; case 'f' : // horiz & vertical case 'H' : // cursor position //self.row = args[0] || 1; //self.column = args[1] || 1; self.row = isNaN(args[0]) ? 1 : args[0]; self.column = isNaN(args[1]) ? 1 : args[1]; //self.rowUpdated(); self.positionUpdated(); break; // save position case 's' : self.saveCursorPosition(); break; // restore position case 'u' : self.restoreCursorPosition(); break; // set graphic rendition case 'm' : self.graphicRendition.reset = false; for(let i = 0, len = args.length; i < len; ++i) { arg = args[i]; if(ANSIEscapeParser.foregroundColors[arg]) { self.graphicRendition.fg = arg; } else if(ANSIEscapeParser.backgroundColors[arg]) { self.graphicRendition.bg = arg; } else if(ANSIEscapeParser.styles[arg]) { switch(arg) { case 0 : // clear out everything delete self.graphicRendition.intensity; delete self.graphicRendition.underline; delete self.graphicRendition.blink; delete self.graphicRendition.negative; delete self.graphicRendition.invisible; delete self.graphicRendition.fg; delete self.graphicRendition.bg; self.graphicRendition.reset = true; //self.graphicRendition.fg = 39; //self.graphicRendition.bg = 49; break; case 1 : case 2 : case 22 : self.graphicRendition.intensity = arg; break; case 4 : case 24 : self.graphicRendition.underline = arg; break; case 5 : case 6 : case 25 : self.graphicRendition.blink = arg; break; case 7 : case 27 : self.graphicRendition.negative = arg; break; case 8 : case 28 : self.graphicRendition.invisible = arg; break; default : console.log('Unknown attribute: ' + arg); // :TODO: Log properly break; } } } self.emit('sgr update', self.graphicRendition); break; // m // :TODO: s, u, K // erase display/screen case 'J' : // :TODO: Handle other 'J' types! if(2 === args[0]) { self.clearScreen(); } break; } } } util.inherits(ANSIEscapeParser, events.EventEmitter); ANSIEscapeParser.foregroundColors = { 30 : 'black', 31 : 'red', 32 : 'green', 33 : 'yellow', 34 : 'blue', 35 : 'magenta', 36 : 'cyan', 37 : 'white', 39 : 'default', // same as white for most implementations 90 : 'grey' }; Object.freeze(ANSIEscapeParser.foregroundColors); ANSIEscapeParser.backgroundColors = { 40 : 'black', 41 : 'red', 42 : 'green', 43 : 'yellow', 44 : 'blue', 45 : 'magenta', 46 : 'cyan', 47 : 'white', 49 : 'default', // same as black for most implementations }; Object.freeze(ANSIEscapeParser.backgroundColors); // :TODO: ensure these names all align with that of ansi_term.js // // See the following specs: // * http://www.ansi-bbs.org/ansi-bbs-core-server.html // * http://www.vt100.net/docs/vt510-rm/SGR // * https://github.com/protomouse/synchronet/blob/master/src/conio/cterm.txt // // Note that these are intentionally not in order such that they // can be grouped by concept here in code. // ANSIEscapeParser.styles = { 0 : 'default', // Everything disabled 1 : 'intensityBright', // aka bold 2 : 'intensityDim', 22 : 'intensityNormal', 4 : 'underlineOn', // Not supported by most BBS-like terminals 24 : 'underlineOff', // Not supported by most BBS-like terminals 5 : 'blinkSlow', // blinkSlow & blinkFast are generally treated the same 6 : 'blinkFast', // blinkSlow & blinkFast are generally treated the same 25 : 'blinkOff', 7 : 'negativeImageOn', // Generally not supported or treated as "reverse FG & BG" 27 : 'negativeImageOff', // Generally not supported or treated as "reverse FG & BG" 8 : 'invisibleOn', // FG set to BG 28 : 'invisibleOff', // Not supported by most BBS-like terminals }; Object.freeze(ANSIEscapeParser.styles);