/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; // ENiGMA½ const Config = require('./config.js').config; const Errors = require('./enig_error.js').Errors; const sortAreasOrConfs = require('./conf_area_util.js').sortAreasOrConfs; const FileEntry = require('./file_entry.js'); const FileDb = require('./database.js').dbs.file; const ArchiveUtil = require('./archive_util.js'); const CRC32 = require('./crc.js').CRC32; const Log = require('./logger.js').log; const resolveMimeType = require('./mime_util.js').resolveMimeType; const stringFormat = require('./string_format.js'); const wordWrapText = require('./word_wrap.js').wordWrapText; const StatLog = require('./stat_log.js'); // deps const _ = require('lodash'); const async = require('async'); const fs = require('graceful-fs'); const crypto = require('crypto'); const paths = require('path'); const temptmp = require('temptmp').createTrackedSession('file_area'); const iconv = require('iconv-lite'); const execFile = require('child_process').execFile; const moment = require('moment'); exports.isInternalArea = isInternalArea; exports.getAvailableFileAreas = getAvailableFileAreas; exports.getAvailableFileAreaTags = getAvailableFileAreaTags; exports.getSortedAvailableFileAreas = getSortedAvailableFileAreas; exports.isValidStorageTag = isValidStorageTag; exports.getAreaStorageDirectoryByTag = getAreaStorageDirectoryByTag; exports.getAreaDefaultStorageDirectory = getAreaDefaultStorageDirectory; exports.getAreaStorageLocations = getAreaStorageLocations; exports.getDefaultFileAreaTag = getDefaultFileAreaTag; exports.getFileAreaByTag = getFileAreaByTag; exports.getFileEntryPath = getFileEntryPath; exports.changeFileAreaWithOptions = changeFileAreaWithOptions; exports.scanFile = scanFile; exports.scanFileAreaForChanges = scanFileAreaForChanges; exports.getDescFromFileName = getDescFromFileName; exports.getAreaStats = getAreaStats; // for scheduler: exports.updateAreaStatsScheduledEvent = updateAreaStatsScheduledEvent; const WellKnownAreaTags = exports.WellKnownAreaTags = { Invalid : '', MessageAreaAttach : 'system_message_attachment', TempDownloads : 'system_temporary_download', }; function isInternalArea(areaTag) { return [ WellKnownAreaTags.MessageAreaAttach, WellKnownAreaTags.TempDownloads ].includes(areaTag); } function getAvailableFileAreas(client, options) { options = options || { }; // perform ACS check per conf & omit internal if desired const allAreas = _.map(Config.fileBase.areas, (areaInfo, areaTag) => Object.assign(areaInfo, { areaTag : areaTag } )); return _.omitBy(allAreas, areaInfo => { if(!options.includeSystemInternal && isInternalArea(areaInfo.areaTag)) { return true; } if(options.skipAcsCheck) { return false; // no ACS checks (below) } if(options.writeAcs && !client.acs.hasFileAreaWrite(areaInfo)) { return true; // omit } return !client.acs.hasFileAreaRead(areaInfo); }); } function getAvailableFileAreaTags(client, options) { return _.map(getAvailableFileAreas(client, options), area => area.areaTag); } function getSortedAvailableFileAreas(client, options) { const areas = _.map(getAvailableFileAreas(client, options), v => v); sortAreasOrConfs(areas); return areas; } function getDefaultFileAreaTag(client, disableAcsCheck) { let defaultArea = _.findKey(Config.fileBase, o => o.default); if(defaultArea) { const area = Config.fileBase.areas[defaultArea]; if(true === disableAcsCheck || client.acs.hasFileAreaRead(area)) { return defaultArea; } } // just use anything we can defaultArea = _.findKey(Config.fileBase.areas, (area, areaTag) => { return WellKnownAreaTags.MessageAreaAttach !== areaTag && (true === disableAcsCheck || client.acs.hasFileAreaRead(area)); }); return defaultArea; } function getFileAreaByTag(areaTag) { const areaInfo = Config.fileBase.areas[areaTag]; if(areaInfo) { areaInfo.areaTag = areaTag; // convienence! areaInfo.storage = getAreaStorageLocations(areaInfo); return areaInfo; } } function changeFileAreaWithOptions(client, areaTag, options, cb) { async.waterfall( [ function getArea(callback) { const area = getFileAreaByTag(areaTag); return callback(area ? null : Errors.Invalid('Invalid file areaTag'), area); }, function validateAccess(area, callback) { if(!client.acs.hasFileAreaRead(area)) { return callback(Errors.AccessDenied('No access to this area')); } }, function changeArea(area, callback) { if(true === options.persist) { client.user.persistProperty('file_area_tag', areaTag, err => { return callback(err, area); }); } else { client.user.properties['file_area_tag'] = areaTag; return callback(null, area); } } ], (err, area) => { if(!err) { client.log.info( { areaTag : areaTag, area : area }, 'Current file area changed'); } else { client.log.warn( { areaTag : areaTag, area : area, error : err.message }, 'Could not change file area'); } return cb(err); } ); } function isValidStorageTag(storageTag) { return storageTag in Config.fileBase.storageTags; } function getAreaStorageDirectoryByTag(storageTag) { const storageLocation = (storageTag && Config.fileBase.storageTags[storageTag]); return paths.resolve(Config.fileBase.areaStoragePrefix, storageLocation || ''); } function getAreaDefaultStorageDirectory(areaInfo) { return getAreaStorageDirectoryByTag(areaInfo.storageTags[0]); } function getAreaStorageLocations(areaInfo) { const storageTags = Array.isArray(areaInfo.storageTags) ? areaInfo.storageTags : [ areaInfo.storageTags || '' ]; const avail = Config.fileBase.storageTags; return _.compact(storageTags.map(storageTag => { if(avail[storageTag]) { return { storageTag : storageTag, dir : getAreaStorageDirectoryByTag(storageTag), }; } })); } function getFileEntryPath(fileEntry) { const areaInfo = getFileAreaByTag(fileEntry.areaTag); if(areaInfo) { return paths.join(areaInfo.storageDirectory, fileEntry.fileName); } } function getExistingFileEntriesBySha256(sha256, cb) { const entries = []; FileDb.each( `SELECT file_id, area_tag FROM file WHERE file_sha256=?;`, [ sha256 ], (err, fileRow) => { if(fileRow) { entries.push({ fileId : fileRow.file_id, areaTag : fileRow.area_tag, }); } }, err => { return cb(err, entries); } ); } // :TODO: This is bascially sliceAtEOF() from art.js .... DRY! function sliceAtSauceMarker(data) { let eof = data.length; const stopPos = Math.max(data.length - (256), 0); // 256 = 2 * sizeof(SAUCE) for(let i = eof - 1; i > stopPos; i--) { if(0x1a === data[i]) { eof = i; break; } } return data.slice(0, eof); } function attemptSetEstimatedReleaseDate(fileEntry) { // :TODO: yearEstPatterns RegExp's should be cached - we can do this @ Config (re)load time const patterns = Config.fileBase.yearEstPatterns.map( p => new RegExp(p, 'gmi')); function getMatch(input) { if(input) { let m; for(let i = 0; i < patterns.length; ++i) { m = patterns[i].exec(input); if(m) { return m; } } } } // // We attempt detection in short -> long order // // Throw out anything that is current_year + 2 (we give some leway) // with the assumption that must be wrong. // const maxYear = moment().add(2, 'year').year(); const match = getMatch(fileEntry.desc) || getMatch(fileEntry.descLong); if(match && match[1]) { let year; if(2 === match[1].length) { year = parseInt(match[1]); if(year) { if(year > 70) { year += 1900; } else { year += 2000; } } } else { year = parseInt(match[1]); } if(year && year <= maxYear) { fileEntry.meta.est_release_year = year; } } } // a simple log proxy for when we call from oputil.js function logDebug(obj, msg) { if(Log) { Log.debug(obj, msg); } } function extractAndProcessDescFiles(fileEntry, filePath, archiveEntries, cb) { async.waterfall( [ function extractDescFiles(callback) { // :TODO: would be nice if these RegExp's were cached // :TODO: this is long winded... const extractList = []; const shortDescFile = archiveEntries.find( e => { return Config.fileBase.fileNamePatterns.desc.find( pat => new RegExp(pat, 'i').test(e.fileName) ); }); if(shortDescFile) { extractList.push(shortDescFile.fileName); } const longDescFile = archiveEntries.find( e => { return Config.fileBase.fileNamePatterns.descLong.find( pat => new RegExp(pat, 'i').test(e.fileName) ); }); if(longDescFile) { extractList.push(longDescFile.fileName); } if(0 === extractList.length) { return callback(null, [] ); } temptmp.mkdir( { prefix : 'enigextract-' }, (err, tempDir) => { if(err) { return callback(err); } const archiveUtil = ArchiveUtil.getInstance(); archiveUtil.extractTo(filePath, tempDir, fileEntry.meta.archive_type, extractList, err => { if(err) { return callback(err); } const descFiles = { desc : shortDescFile ? paths.join(tempDir, shortDescFile.fileName) : null, descLong : longDescFile ? paths.join(tempDir, longDescFile.fileName) : null, }; return callback(null, descFiles); }); }); }, function readDescFiles(descFiles, callback) { async.each(Object.keys(descFiles), (descType, next) => { const path = descFiles[descType]; if(!path) { return next(null); } fs.stat(path, (err, stats) => { if(err) { return next(null); } // skip entries that are too large const maxFileSizeKey = `max${_.upperFirst(descType)}FileByteSize`; if(Config.fileBase[maxFileSizeKey] && stats.size > Config.fileBase[maxFileSizeKey]) { logDebug( { byteSize : stats.size, maxByteSize : Config.fileBase[maxFileSizeKey] }, `Skipping "${descType}"; Too large` ); return next(null); } fs.readFile(path, (err, data) => { if(err || !data) { return next(null); } // // Assume FILE_ID.DIZ, NFO files, etc. are CP437. // // :TODO: This isn't really always the case - how to handle this? We could do a quick detection... fileEntry[descType] = iconv.decode(sliceAtSauceMarker(data, 0x1a), 'cp437'); return next(null); }); }); }, () => { // cleanup but don't wait temptmp.cleanup( paths => { // note: don't use client logger here - may not be avail logDebug( { paths : paths, sessionId : temptmp.sessionId }, 'Cleaned up temporary files' ); }); return callback(null); }); }, ], err => { return cb(err); } ); } function extractAndProcessSingleArchiveEntry(fileEntry, filePath, archiveEntries, cb) { async.waterfall( [ function extractToTemp(callback) { // :TODO: we may want to skip this if the compressed file is too large... temptmp.mkdir( { prefix : 'enigextract-' }, (err, tempDir) => { if(err) { return callback(err); } const archiveUtil = ArchiveUtil.getInstance(); // ensure we only extract one - there should only be one anyway -- we also just need the fileName const extractList = archiveEntries.slice(0, 1).map(entry => entry.fileName); archiveUtil.extractTo(filePath, tempDir, fileEntry.meta.archive_type, extractList, err => { if(err) { return callback(err); } return callback(null, paths.join(tempDir, extractList[0])); }); }); }, function processSingleExtractedFile(extractedFile, callback) { populateFileEntryInfoFromFile(fileEntry, extractedFile, err => { if(!fileEntry.desc) { fileEntry.desc = getDescFromFileName(filePath); } return callback(err); }); } ], err => { return cb(err); } ); } function populateFileEntryWithArchive(fileEntry, filePath, stepInfo, iterator, cb) { const archiveUtil = ArchiveUtil.getInstance(); const archiveType = fileEntry.meta.archive_type; // we set this previous to populateFileEntryWithArchive() async.waterfall( [ function getArchiveFileList(callback) { stepInfo.step = 'archive_list_start'; iterator(err => { if(err) { return callback(err); } archiveUtil.listEntries(filePath, archiveType, (err, entries) => { if(err) { stepInfo.step = 'archive_list_failed'; } else { stepInfo.step = 'archive_list_finish'; stepInfo.archiveEntries = entries || []; } iterator(iterErr => { return callback( iterErr, entries || [] ); // ignore original |err| here }); }); }); }, function processDescFilesStart(entries, callback) { stepInfo.step = 'desc_files_start'; iterator(err => { return callback(err, entries); }); }, function extractDescFromArchive(entries, callback) { // // If we have a -single- entry in the archive, extract that file // and try retrieving info in the non-archive manor. This should // work for things like zipped up .pdf files. // // Otherwise, try to find particular desc files such as FILE_ID.DIZ // and README.1ST // const archDescHandler = (1 === entries.length) ? extractAndProcessSingleArchiveEntry : extractAndProcessDescFiles; archDescHandler(fileEntry, filePath, entries, err => { return callback(err); }); }, function attemptReleaseYearEstimation(callback) { attemptSetEstimatedReleaseDate(fileEntry); return callback(null); }, function processDescFilesFinish(callback) { stepInfo.step = 'desc_files_finish'; return iterator(callback); }, ], err => { return cb(err); } ); } function getInfoExtractUtilForDesc(mimeType, descType) { let util = _.get(Config, [ 'fileTypes', mimeType, `${descType}DescUtil` ]); if(!_.isString(util)) { return; } util = _.get(Config, [ 'infoExtractUtils', util ]); if(!util || !_.isString(util.cmd)) { return; } return util; } function populateFileEntryInfoFromFile(fileEntry, filePath, cb) { const mimeType = resolveMimeType(filePath); if(!mimeType) { return cb(null); } async.eachSeries( [ 'short', 'long' ], (descType, nextDesc) => { const util = getInfoExtractUtilForDesc(mimeType, descType); if(!util) { return nextDesc(null); } const args = (util.args || [ '{filePath}'] ).map( arg => stringFormat(arg, { filePath : filePath } ) ); execFile(util.cmd, args, { timeout : 1000 * 30 }, (err, stdout) => { if(err || !stdout) { const reason = err ? err.message : 'No description produced'; logDebug( { reason : reason, cmd : util.cmd, args : args }, `${_.upperFirst(descType)} description command failed` ); } else { stdout = (stdout || '').trim(); if(stdout.length > 0) { const key = 'short' === descType ? 'desc' : 'descLong'; if('desc' === key) { // // Word wrap short descriptions to FILE_ID.DIZ spec // // "...no more than 45 characters long" // // See http://www.textfiles.com/computers/fileid.txt // stdout = (wordWrapText( stdout, { width : 45 } ).wrapped || []).join('\n'); } fileEntry[key] = stdout; } } return nextDesc(null); }); }, () => { return cb(null); }); } function populateFileEntryNonArchive(fileEntry, filePath, stepInfo, iterator, cb) { async.series( [ function processDescFilesStart(callback) { stepInfo.step = 'desc_files_start'; return iterator(callback); }, function getDescriptions(callback) { populateFileEntryInfoFromFile(fileEntry, filePath, err => { if(!fileEntry.desc) { fileEntry.desc = getDescFromFileName(filePath); } return callback(err); }); }, function processDescFilesFinish(callback) { stepInfo.step = 'desc_files_finish'; return iterator(callback); }, ], err => { return cb(err); } ); } function addNewFileEntry(fileEntry, filePath, cb) { // :TODO: Use detectTypeWithBuf() once avail - we *just* read some file data async.series( [ function addNewDbRecord(callback) { return fileEntry.persist(callback); } ], err => { return cb(err); } ); } function updateFileEntry(fileEntry, filePath, cb) { } const HASH_NAMES = [ 'sha1', 'sha256', 'md5', 'crc32' ]; function scanFile(filePath, options, iterator, cb) { if(3 === arguments.length && _.isFunction(iterator)) { cb = iterator; iterator = null; } else if(2 === arguments.length && _.isFunction(options)) { cb = options; iterator = null; options = {}; } const fileEntry = new FileEntry({ areaTag : options.areaTag, meta : options.meta, hashTags : options.hashTags, // Set() or Array fileName : paths.basename(filePath), storageTag : options.storageTag, fileSha256 : options.sha256, // caller may know this already }); const stepInfo = { filePath : filePath, fileName : paths.basename(filePath), }; function callIter(next) { if(iterator) { return iterator(stepInfo, next); } else { return next(null); } } function readErrorCallIter(origError, next) { stepInfo.step = 'read_error'; stepInfo.error = origError.message; callIter( () => { return next(origError); }); } let lastCalcHashPercent; // don't re-calc hashes for any we already have in |options| const hashesToCalc = HASH_NAMES.filter(hn => { if('sha256' === hn && fileEntry.fileSha256) { return false; } if(`file_${hn}` in fileEntry.meta) { return false; } return true; }); async.waterfall( [ function startScan(callback) { fs.stat(filePath, (err, stats) => { if(err) { return readErrorCallIter(err, callback); } stepInfo.step = 'start'; stepInfo.byteSize = fileEntry.meta.byte_size = stats.size; return callIter(callback); }); }, function processPhysicalFileGeneric(callback) { stepInfo.bytesProcessed = 0; const hashes = {}; hashesToCalc.forEach(hashName => { if('crc32' === hashName) { hashes.crc32 = new CRC32; } else { hashes[hashName] = crypto.createHash(hashName); } }); const stream = fs.createReadStream(filePath); function updateHashes(data) { async.each(hashesToCalc, (hashName, nextHash) => { hashes[hashName].update(data); return nextHash(null); }, () => { return stream.resume(); }); } stream.on('data', data => { stream.pause(); // until iterator compeltes stepInfo.bytesProcessed += data.length; stepInfo.calcHashPercent = Math.round(((stepInfo.bytesProcessed / stepInfo.byteSize) * 100)); // // Only send 'hash_update' step update if we have a noticable percentage change in progress // if(stepInfo.calcHashPercent === lastCalcHashPercent) { updateHashes(data); } else { lastCalcHashPercent = stepInfo.calcHashPercent; stepInfo.step = 'hash_update'; callIter(err => { if(err) { stream.destroy(); // cancel read return callback(err); } updateHashes(data); }); } }); stream.on('end', () => { fileEntry.meta.byte_size = stepInfo.bytesProcessed; async.each(hashesToCalc, (hashName, nextHash) => { if('sha256' === hashName) { stepInfo.sha256 = fileEntry.fileSha256 = hashes.sha256.digest('hex'); } else if('sha1' === hashName || 'md5' === hashName) { stepInfo[hashName] = fileEntry.meta[`file_${hashName}`] = hashes[hashName].digest('hex'); } else if('crc32' === hashName) { stepInfo.crc32 = fileEntry.meta.file_crc32 = hashes.crc32.finalize().toString(16); } return nextHash(null); }, () => { stepInfo.step = 'hash_finish'; return callIter(callback); }); }); stream.on('error', err => { return readErrorCallIter(err, callback); }); }, function processPhysicalFileByType(callback) { const archiveUtil = ArchiveUtil.getInstance(); archiveUtil.detectType(filePath, (err, archiveType) => { if(archiveType) { // save this off fileEntry.meta.archive_type = archiveType; populateFileEntryWithArchive(fileEntry, filePath, stepInfo, callIter, err => { if(err) { populateFileEntryNonArchive(fileEntry, filePath, stepInfo, callIter, err => { // :TODO: log err return callback(null); // ignore err }); } else { return callback(null); } }); } else { populateFileEntryNonArchive(fileEntry, filePath, stepInfo, callIter, err => { // :TODO: log err return callback(null); // ignore err }); } }); }, function fetchExistingEntry(callback) { getExistingFileEntriesBySha256(fileEntry.fileSha256, (err, dupeEntries) => { return callback(err, dupeEntries); }); }, function finished(dupeEntries, callback) { stepInfo.step = 'finished'; callIter( () => { return callback(null, dupeEntries); }); } ], (err, dupeEntries) => { if(err) { return cb(err); } return cb(null, fileEntry, dupeEntries); } ); } function scanFileAreaForChanges(areaInfo, options, iterator, cb) { if(3 === arguments.length && _.isFunction(iterator)) { cb = iterator; iterator = null; } else if(2 === arguments.length && _.isFunction(options)) { cb = options; iterator = null; options = {}; } const storageLocations = getAreaStorageLocations(areaInfo); async.eachSeries(storageLocations, (storageLoc, nextLocation) => { async.series( [ function scanPhysFiles(callback) { const physDir = storageLoc.dir; fs.readdir(physDir, (err, files) => { if(err) { return callback(err); } async.eachSeries(files, (fileName, nextFile) => { const fullPath = paths.join(physDir, fileName); fs.stat(fullPath, (err, stats) => { if(err) { // :TODO: Log me! return nextFile(null); // always try next file } if(!stats.isFile()) { return nextFile(null); } scanFile( fullPath, { areaTag : areaInfo.areaTag, storageTag : storageLoc.storageTag }, iterator, (err, fileEntry, dupeEntries) => { if(err) { // :TODO: Log me!!! return nextFile(null); // try next anyway } if(dupeEntries.length > 0) { // :TODO: Handle duplidates -- what to do here??? } else { if(Array.isArray(options.tags)) { options.tags.forEach(tag => { fileEntry.hashTags.add(tag); }); } addNewFileEntry(fileEntry, fullPath, err => { // pass along error; we failed to insert a record in our DB or something else bad return nextFile(err); }); } } ); }); }, err => { return callback(err); }); }); }, function scanDbEntries(callback) { // :TODO: Look @ db entries for area that were *not* processed above return callback(null); } ], err => { return nextLocation(err); } ); }, err => { return cb(err); }); } function getDescFromFileName(fileName) { // :TODO: this method could use some more logic to really be nice. const ext = paths.extname(fileName); const name = paths.basename(fileName, ext); return _.upperFirst(name.replace(/[\-_.+]/g, ' ').replace(/\s+/g, ' ')); } // // Return an object of stats about an area(s) // // { // // totalFiles : , // totalBytes : , // areas : { // : { // files : , // bytes : // } // } // } // function getAreaStats(cb) { FileDb.all( `SELECT DISTINCT f.area_tag, COUNT(f.file_id) AS total_files, SUM(m.meta_value) AS total_byte_size FROM file f, file_meta m WHERE f.file_id = m.file_id AND m.meta_name='byte_size' GROUP BY f.area_tag;`, (err, statRows) => { if(err) { return cb(err); } if(!statRows || 0 === statRows.length) { return cb(Errors.DoesNotExist('No file areas to acquire stats from')); } return cb( null, statRows.reduce( (stats, v) => { stats.totalFiles = (stats.totalFiles || 0) + v.total_files; stats.totalBytes = (stats.totalBytes || 0) + v.total_byte_size; stats.areas = stats.areas || {}; stats.areas[v.area_tag] = { files : v.total_files, bytes : v.total_byte_size, }; return stats; }, {}) ); } ); } // method exposed for event scheduler function updateAreaStatsScheduledEvent(args, cb) { getAreaStats( (err, stats) => { if(!err) { StatLog.setNonPeristentSystemStat('file_base_area_stats', stats); } return cb(err); }); }