/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; const msgDb = require('./database.js').dbs.message; const wordWrapText = require('./word_wrap.js').wordWrapText; const ftnUtil = require('./ftn_util.js'); const createNamedUUID = require('./uuid_util.js').createNamedUUID; const getISOTimestampString = require('./database.js').getISOTimestampString; const Errors = require('./enig_error.js').Errors; const ANSI = require('./ansi_term.js'); const { isAnsi, isFormattedLine, splitTextAtTerms, renderSubstr } = require('./string_util.js'); const ansiPrep = require('./ansi_prep.js'); // deps const uuidParse = require('uuid-parse'); const async = require('async'); const _ = require('lodash'); const assert = require('assert'); const moment = require('moment'); const iconvEncode = require('iconv-lite').encode; module.exports = Message; const ENIGMA_MESSAGE_UUID_NAMESPACE = uuidParse.parse('154506df-1df8-46b9-98f8-ebb5815baaf8'); function Message(options) { options = options || {}; this.messageId = options.messageId || 0; // always generated @ persist this.areaTag = options.areaTag || Message.WellKnownAreaTags.Invalid; if(options.uuid) { // note: new messages have UUID generated @ time of persist. See also Message.createMessageUUID() this.uuid = options.uuid; } this.replyToMsgId = options.replyToMsgId || 0; this.toUserName = options.toUserName || ''; this.fromUserName = options.fromUserName || ''; this.subject = options.subject || ''; this.message = options.message || ''; if(_.isDate(options.modTimestamp) || moment.isMoment(options.modTimestamp)) { this.modTimestamp = moment(options.modTimestamp); } else if(_.isString(options.modTimestamp)) { this.modTimestamp = moment(options.modTimestamp); } this.viewCount = options.viewCount || 0; this.meta = { System : {}, // we'll always have this one }; if(_.isObject(options.meta)) { _.defaultsDeep(this.meta, options.meta); } if(options.meta) { this.meta = options.meta; } this.hashTags = options.hashTags || []; this.isValid = function() { // :TODO: validate as much as possible return true; }; this.isPrivate = function() { return Message.isPrivateAreaTag(this.areaTag); }; } Message.WellKnownAreaTags = { Invalid : '', Private : 'private_mail', Bulletin : 'local_bulletin', }; Message.isPrivateAreaTag = function(areaTag) { return areaTag.toLowerCase() === Message.WellKnownAreaTags.Private; }; Message.SystemMetaNames = { LocalToUserID : 'local_to_user_id', LocalFromUserID : 'local_from_user_id', StateFlags0 : 'state_flags0', // See Message.StateFlags0 ExplicitEncoding : 'explicit_encoding', // Explicitly set encoding when exporting/etc. }; Message.StateFlags0 = { None : 0x00000000, Imported : 0x00000001, // imported from foreign system Exported : 0x00000002, // exported to foreign system }; Message.FtnPropertyNames = { FtnOrigNode : 'ftn_orig_node', FtnDestNode : 'ftn_dest_node', FtnOrigNetwork : 'ftn_orig_network', FtnDestNetwork : 'ftn_dest_network', FtnAttrFlags : 'ftn_attr_flags', FtnCost : 'ftn_cost', FtnOrigZone : 'ftn_orig_zone', FtnDestZone : 'ftn_dest_zone', FtnOrigPoint : 'ftn_orig_point', FtnDestPoint : 'ftn_dest_point', FtnAttribute : 'ftn_attribute', FtnTearLine : 'ftn_tear_line', // http://ftsc.org/docs/fts-0004.001 FtnOrigin : 'ftn_origin', // http://ftsc.org/docs/fts-0004.001 FtnArea : 'ftn_area', // http://ftsc.org/docs/fts-0004.001 FtnSeenBy : 'ftn_seen_by', // http://ftsc.org/docs/fts-0004.001 }; // Note: kludges are stored with their names as-is Message.prototype.setLocalToUserId = function(userId) { this.meta.System.local_to_user_id = userId; }; Message.prototype.setLocalFromUserId = function(userId) { this.meta.System.local_from_user_id = userId; }; Message.createMessageUUID = function(areaTag, modTimestamp, subject, body) { assert(_.isString(areaTag)); assert(_.isDate(modTimestamp) || moment.isMoment(modTimestamp)); assert(_.isString(subject)); assert(_.isString(body)); if(!moment.isMoment(modTimestamp)) { modTimestamp = moment(modTimestamp); } areaTag = iconvEncode(areaTag.toUpperCase(), 'CP437'); modTimestamp = iconvEncode(modTimestamp.format('DD MMM YY HH:mm:ss'), 'CP437'); subject = iconvEncode(subject.toUpperCase().trim(), 'CP437'); body = iconvEncode(body.replace(/\r\n|[\n\v\f\r\x85\u2028\u2029]/g, '').trim(), 'CP437'); return uuidParse.unparse(createNamedUUID(ENIGMA_MESSAGE_UUID_NAMESPACE, Buffer.concat( [ areaTag, modTimestamp, subject, body ] ))); }; Message.getMessageIdByUuid = function(uuid, cb) { msgDb.get( `SELECT message_id FROM message WHERE message_uuid = ? LIMIT 1;`, [ uuid ], (err, row) => { if(err) { cb(err); } else { const success = (row && row.message_id); cb(success ? null : new Error('No match'), success ? row.message_id : null); } } ); }; Message.getMessageIdsByMetaValue = function(category, name, value, cb) { msgDb.all( `SELECT message_id FROM message_meta WHERE meta_category = ? AND meta_name = ? AND meta_value = ?;`, [ category, name, value ], (err, rows) => { if(err) { cb(err); } else { cb(null, rows.map(r => parseInt(r.message_id))); // return array of ID(s) } } ); }; Message.getMetaValuesByMessageId = function(messageId, category, name, cb) { const sql = `SELECT meta_value FROM message_meta WHERE message_id = ? AND meta_category = ? AND meta_name = ?;`; msgDb.all(sql, [ messageId, category, name ], (err, rows) => { if(err) { return cb(err); } if(0 === rows.length) { return cb(new Error('No value for category/name')); } // single values are returned without an array if(1 === rows.length) { return cb(null, rows[0].meta_value); } cb(null, rows.map(r => r.meta_value)); // map to array of values only }); }; Message.getMetaValuesByMessageUuid = function(uuid, category, name, cb) { async.waterfall( [ function getMessageId(callback) { Message.getMessageIdByUuid(uuid, (err, messageId) => { callback(err, messageId); }); }, function getMetaValues(messageId, callback) { Message.getMetaValuesByMessageId(messageId, category, name, (err, values) => { callback(err, values); }); } ], (err, values) => { cb(err, values); } ); }; Message.prototype.loadMeta = function(cb) { /* Example of loaded this.meta: meta: { System: { local_to_user_id: 1234, }, FtnProperty: { ftn_seen_by: [ "1/102 103", "2/42 52 65" ] } } */ const sql = `SELECT meta_category, meta_name, meta_value FROM message_meta WHERE message_id = ?;`; let self = this; msgDb.each(sql, [ this.messageId ], (err, row) => { if(!(row.meta_category in self.meta)) { self.meta[row.meta_category] = { }; self.meta[row.meta_category][row.meta_name] = row.meta_value; } else { if(!(row.meta_name in self.meta[row.meta_category])) { self.meta[row.meta_category][row.meta_name] = row.meta_value; } else { if(_.isString(self.meta[row.meta_category][row.meta_name])) { self.meta[row.meta_category][row.meta_name] = [ self.meta[row.meta_category][row.meta_name] ]; } self.meta[row.meta_category][row.meta_name].push(row.meta_value); } } }, err => { cb(err); }); }; Message.prototype.load = function(options, cb) { assert(_.isString(options.uuid)); var self = this; async.series( [ function loadMessage(callback) { msgDb.get( 'SELECT message_id, area_tag, message_uuid, reply_to_message_id, to_user_name, from_user_name, subject, ' + 'message, modified_timestamp, view_count ' + 'FROM message ' + 'WHERE message_uuid=? ' + 'LIMIT 1;', [ options.uuid ], (err, msgRow) => { if(err) { return callback(err); } if(!msgRow) { return callback(new Error('Message (no longer) available')); } self.messageId = msgRow.message_id; self.areaTag = msgRow.area_tag; self.messageUuid = msgRow.message_uuid; self.replyToMsgId = msgRow.reply_to_message_id; self.toUserName = msgRow.to_user_name; self.fromUserName = msgRow.from_user_name; self.subject = msgRow.subject; self.message = msgRow.message; self.modTimestamp = moment(msgRow.modified_timestamp); self.viewCount = msgRow.view_count; callback(err); } ); }, function loadMessageMeta(callback) { self.loadMeta(err => { callback(err); }); }, function loadHashTags(callback) { // :TODO: callback(null); } ], function complete(err) { cb(err); } ); }; Message.prototype.persistMetaValue = function(category, name, value, transOrDb, cb) { if(!_.isFunction(cb) && _.isFunction(transOrDb)) { cb = transOrDb; transOrDb = msgDb; } const metaStmt = transOrDb.prepare( `INSERT INTO message_meta (message_id, meta_category, meta_name, meta_value) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);`); if(!_.isArray(value)) { value = [ value ]; } let self = this; async.each(value, (v, next) => { metaStmt.run(self.messageId, category, name, v, err => { next(err); }); }, err => { cb(err); }); }; Message.prototype.persist = function(cb) { if(!this.isValid()) { return cb(new Error('Cannot persist invalid message!')); } const self = this; async.waterfall( [ function beginTransaction(callback) { return msgDb.beginTransaction(callback); }, function storeMessage(trans, callback) { // generate a UUID for this message if required (general case) const msgTimestamp = moment(); if(!self.uuid) { self.uuid = Message.createMessageUUID( self.areaTag, msgTimestamp, self.subject, self.message); } trans.run( `INSERT INTO message (area_tag, message_uuid, reply_to_message_id, to_user_name, from_user_name, subject, message, modified_timestamp) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);`, [ self.areaTag, self.uuid, self.replyToMsgId, self.toUserName, self.fromUserName, self.subject, self.message, getISOTimestampString(msgTimestamp) ], function inserted(err) { // use non-arrow function for 'this' scope if(!err) { self.messageId = this.lastID; } return callback(err, trans); } ); }, function storeMeta(trans, callback) { if(!self.meta) { return callback(null, trans); } /* Example of self.meta: meta: { System: { local_to_user_id: 1234, }, FtnProperty: { ftn_seen_by: [ "1/102 103", "2/42 52 65" ] } } */ async.each(Object.keys(self.meta), (category, nextCat) => { async.each(Object.keys(self.meta[category]), (name, nextName) => { self.persistMetaValue(category, name, self.meta[category][name], trans, err => { nextName(err); }); }, err => { nextCat(err); }); }, err => { callback(err, trans); }); }, function storeHashTags(trans, callback) { // :TODO: hash tag support return callback(null, trans); } ], (err, trans) => { if(trans) { trans[err ? 'rollback' : 'commit'](transErr => { return cb(err ? err : transErr, self.messageId); }); } else { return cb(err); } } ); }; Message.prototype.getFTNQuotePrefix = function(source) { source = source || 'fromUserName'; return ftnUtil.getQuotePrefix(this[source]); }; Message.prototype.getTearLinePosition = function(input) { const m = input.match(/^--- .+$(?![\s\S]*^--- .+$)/m); return m ? m.index : -1; }; Message.prototype.getQuoteLines = function(options, cb) { if(!options.termWidth || !options.termHeight || !options.cols) { return cb(Errors.MissingParam()); } options.startCol = options.startCol || 1; options.includePrefix = _.get(options, 'includePrefix', true); options.ansiResetSgr = options.ansiResetSgr || ANSI.getSGRFromGraphicRendition( { fg : 39, bg : 49 }, true); options.ansiFocusPrefixSgr = options.ansiFocusPrefixSgr || ANSI.getSGRFromGraphicRendition( { intensity : 'bold', fg : 39, bg : 49 } ); options.isAnsi = options.isAnsi || isAnsi(this.message); // :TODO: If this.isAnsi, use that setting /* Some long text that needs to be wrapped and quoted should look right after doing so, don't ya think? yeah I think so Nu> Some long text that needs to be wrapped and quoted should look right Nu> after doing so, don't ya think? yeah I think so Ot> Nu> Some long text that needs to be wrapped and quoted should look Ot> Nu> right after doing so, don't ya think? yeah I think so */ const quotePrefix = options.includePrefix ? this.getFTNQuotePrefix(options.prefixSource || 'fromUserName') : ''; function getWrapped(text, extraPrefix) { extraPrefix = extraPrefix ? ` ${extraPrefix}` : ''; const wrapOpts = { width : options.cols - (quotePrefix.length + extraPrefix.length), tabHandling : 'expand', tabWidth : 4, }; return wordWrapText(text, wrapOpts).wrapped.map( (w, i) => { return i === 0 ? `${quotePrefix}${w}` : `${quotePrefix}${extraPrefix}${w}`; }); } function getFormattedLine(line) { // for pre-formatted text, we just append a line truncated to fit let newLen; const total = line.length + quotePrefix.length; if(total > options.cols) { newLen = options.cols - total; } else { newLen = total; } return `${quotePrefix}${line.slice(0, newLen)}`; } if(options.isAnsi) { ansiPrep( this.message.replace(/\r?\n/g, '\r\n'), // normalized LF -> CRLF { termWidth : options.termWidth, termHeight : options.termHeight, cols : options.cols, rows : 'auto', startCol : options.startCol, forceLineTerm : true, }, (err, prepped) => { prepped = prepped || this.message; let lastSgr = ''; const split = splitTextAtTerms(prepped); const quoteLines = []; const focusQuoteLines = []; // // Do not include quote prefixes (e.g. XX> ) on ANSI replies (and therefor quote builder) // as while this works in ENiGMA, other boards such as Mystic, WWIV, etc. will try to // strip colors, colorize the lines, etc. If we exclude the prefixes, this seems to do // the trick and allow them to leave them alone! // split.forEach(l => { quoteLines.push(`${lastSgr}${l}`); focusQuoteLines.push(`${options.ansiFocusPrefixSgr}>${lastSgr}${renderSubstr(l, 1, l.length - 1)}`); lastSgr = (l.match(/(?:\x1b\x5b)[\?=;0-9]*m(?!.*(?:\x1b\x5b)[\?=;0-9]*m)/) || [])[0] || ''; // eslint-disable-line no-control-regex }); quoteLines[quoteLines.length - 1] += options.ansiResetSgr; return cb(null, quoteLines, focusQuoteLines, true); } ); } else { const QUOTE_RE = /^ ((?:[A-Za-z0-9]{2}\> )+(?:[A-Za-z0-9]{2}\>)*) */; const quoted = []; const input = _.trimEnd(this.message).replace(/\b/g, ''); // find *last* tearline let tearLinePos = this.getTearLinePosition(input); tearLinePos = -1 === tearLinePos ? input.length : tearLinePos; // we just want the index or the entire string input.slice(0, tearLinePos).split(/\r\n\r\n|\n\n/).forEach(paragraph => { // // For each paragraph, a state machine: // - New line - line // - New (pre)quoted line - quote_line // - Continuation of new/quoted line // // Also: // - Detect pre-formatted lines & try to keep them as-is // let state; let buf = ''; let quoteMatch; if(quoted.length > 0) { // // Preserve paragraph seperation. // // FSC-0032 states something about leaving blank lines fully blank // (without a prefix) but it seems nicer (and more consistent with other systems) // to put 'em in. // quoted.push(quotePrefix); } paragraph.split(/\r?\n/).forEach(line => { if(0 === line.trim().length) { // see blank line notes above return quoted.push(quotePrefix); } quoteMatch = line.match(QUOTE_RE); switch(state) { case 'line' : if(quoteMatch) { if(isFormattedLine(line)) { quoted.push(getFormattedLine(line.replace(/\s/, ''))); } else { quoted.push(...getWrapped(buf, quoteMatch[1])); state = 'quote_line'; buf = line; } } else { buf += ` ${line}`; } break; case 'quote_line' : if(quoteMatch) { const rem = line.slice(quoteMatch[0].length); if(!buf.startsWith(quoteMatch[0])) { quoted.push(...getWrapped(buf, quoteMatch[1])); buf = rem; } else { buf += ` ${rem}`; } } else { quoted.push(...getWrapped(buf)); buf = line; state = 'line'; } break; default : if(isFormattedLine(line)) { quoted.push(getFormattedLine(line)); } else { state = quoteMatch ? 'quote_line' : 'line'; buf = 'line' === state ? line : line.replace(/\s/, ''); // trim *first* leading space, if any } break; } }); quoted.push(...getWrapped(buf, quoteMatch ? quoteMatch[1] : null)); }); input.slice(tearLinePos).split(/\r?\n/).forEach(l => { quoted.push(...getWrapped(l)); }); return cb(null, quoted, null, false); } };