--- layout: page title: Email --- ## Email Support ENiGMA½ uses email to send password reset information to users. For it to work, you need to provide valid [Nodemailer](https://nodemailer.com/about/) compatible `email` block in your [config.hjson](config-hjson.md). Nodemailer supports SMTP in addition to many pre-defined services for ease of use. The `transport` block within `email` must be Nodemailer compatible. Additional email support will come in the near future. ## Services If you don't have an SMTP server to send from, [Sendgrid](https://sendgrid.com/) and [Zoho](https://www.zoho.com/mail/) both provide reliable and free services. ## Example Configurations Example 1 - SMTP: ```hjson email: { defaultFrom: sysop@bbs.awesome.com transport: { host: smtp.awesomeserver.com port: 587 secure: false auth: { user: leisuresuitlarry pass: sierra123 } } } ``` Example 2 - Zoho ```hjson email: { defaultFrom: sysop@bbs.awesome.com transport: { service: Zoho auth: { user: noreply@bbs.awesome.com pass: yuspymypass } } } ``` ## Lockout Reset If email is available on your system and you allow email-driven password resets, you may elect to allow unlocking accounts at the time of a password reset. This is controlled by the `users.unlockAtEmailPwReset` configuration option. If an account is locked due to too many failed login attempts, a user may reset their password to remedy the situation themselves.