/* jslint node: true */ /* eslint-disable no-console */ 'use strict'; const getDefaultConfigPath = require('./oputil_common.js').getDefaultConfigPath; exports.getHelpFor = getHelpFor; const usageHelp = exports.USAGE_HELP = { General : `usage: optutil.js [--version] [--help] [] global args: -c, --config PATH specify config path (${getDefaultConfigPath()}) -n, --no-prompt assume defaults/don't prompt for input where possible commands: user user utilities config config file management fb file base management mb message base management `, User : `usage: optutil.js user [] actions: pw USERNAME PASSWORD set password to PASSWORD for USERNAME rm USERNAME permanantely removes USERNAME user from system activate USERNAME sets USERNAME's status to active deactivate USERNAME sets USERNAME's status to deactive disable USERNAME sets USERNAME's status to disabled group USERNAME [+|-]GROUP adds (+) or removes (-) user from GROUP `, Config : `usage: optutil.js config [] actions: new generate a new/initial configuration import-areas PATH import areas using fidonet *.NA or AREAS.BBS file from PATH import-areas args: --conf CONF_TAG specify conference tag in which to import areas --network NETWORK specify network name/key to associate FTN areas --uplinks UL1,UL2,... specify one or more comma separated uplinks --type TYPE specifies area import type. valid options are "bbs" and "na" `, FileBase : `usage: oputil.js fb [] actions: scan AREA_TAG[@STORAGE_TAG] scan specified area may also contain optional GLOB as last parameter, for examle: scan some_area *.zip info AREA_TAG|SHA|FILE_ID display information about areas and/or files SHA may be a full or partial SHA-256 mv SRC [SRC...] DST move entry(s) from SRC to DST SRC: FILENAME_WC|SHA|FILE_ID|AREA_TAG[@STORAGE_TAG] DST: AREA_TAG[@STORAGE_TAG] rm SRC [SRC...] remove entry(s) from the system matching SRC SRC: FILENAME_WC|SHA|FILE_ID|AREA_TAG[@STORAGE_TAG] scan args: --tags TAG1,TAG2,... specify tag(s) to assign to discovered entries --desc-file [PATH] prefer file descriptions from DESCRIPT.ION file over other sources such as FILE_ID.DIZ. if PATH is specified, use DESCRIPT.ION at PATH instead of looking in specific storage locations --update attempt to update information for existing entries --quick perform quick scan info args: --show-desc display short description, if any remove args: --phys-file also remove underlying physical file `, FileOpsInfo : ` general information: AREA_TAG[@STORAGE_TAG] can specify an area tag and optionally, a storage specific tag example: retro@bbs FILENAME_WC filename with * and ? wildcard support. may match 0:n entries SHA full or partial SHA-256 FILE_ID a file identifier. see file.sqlite3 `, MessageBase : `usage: oputil.js mb [] actions: areafix CMD1 CMD2 ... ADDR sends an AreaFix NetMail to ADDR with the supplied command(s) one or more commands may be supplied. commands that are multi part such as "%COMPRESS ZIP" should be quoted. ` }; function getHelpFor(command) { return usageHelp[command]; }