/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; var Config = require('./config.js').config; var art = require('./art.js'); var ansi = require('./ansi_term.js'); var miscUtil = require('./misc_util.js'); var Log = require('./logger.js').log; var configCache = require('./config_cache.js'); var asset = require('./asset.js'); var ViewController = require('./view_controller.js').ViewController; var fs = require('fs'); var paths = require('path'); var async = require('async'); var _ = require('lodash'); var assert = require('assert'); exports.loadTheme = loadTheme; exports.getThemeArt = getThemeArt; exports.getRandomTheme = getRandomTheme; exports.initAvailableThemes = initAvailableThemes; exports.displayThemeArt = displayThemeArt; exports.displayThemedPause = displayThemedPause; exports.displayThemedAsset = displayThemedAsset; function refreshThemeHelpers(theme) { // // Create some handy helpers // theme.helpers = { getPasswordChar : function() { var pwChar = Config.defaults.passwordChar; if(_.has(theme, 'customization.defaults.general')) { var themePasswordChar = theme.customization.defaults.general.passwordChar; if(_.isString(themePasswordChar)) { pwChar = themePasswordChar.substr(0, 1); } else if(_.isNumber(themePasswordChar)) { pwChar = String.fromCharCode(themePasswordChar); } } return pwChar; }, getDateFormat : function(style) { style = style || 'short'; var format = Config.defaults.dateFormat[style] || 'MM/DD/YYYY'; if(_.has(theme, 'customization.defaults.dateFormat')) { return theme.customization.defaults.dateFormat[style] || format; } return format; }, getTimeFormat : function(style) { style = style || 'short'; var format = Config.defaults.timeFormat[style] || 'h:mm a'; if(_.has(theme, 'customization.defaults.timeFormat')) { return theme.customization.defaults.timeFormat[style] || format; } return format; }, getDateTimeFormat : function(style) { style = style || 'short'; var format = Config.defaults.dateTimeFormat[style] || 'MM/DD/YYYY h:mm a'; if(_.has(theme, 'customization.defaults.dateTimeFormat')) { return theme.customization.defaults.dateTimeFormat[style] || format; } return format; } } } function loadTheme(themeID, cb) { var path = paths.join(Config.paths.themes, themeID, 'theme.hjson'); configCache.getConfig(path, function loaded(err, theme) { if(err) { cb(err); } else { if(!_.isObject(theme.info)) { cb(new Error('Invalid theme or missing \'info\' section')); return; } refreshThemeHelpers(theme); cb(null, theme, path); } }); } var availableThemes = {}; function initAvailableThemes(cb) { async.waterfall( [ function getDir(callback) { fs.readdir(Config.paths.themes, function onReadDir(err, files) { callback(err, files); }); }, function filterFiles(files, callback) { var filtered = files.filter(function onFilter(file) { return fs.statSync(paths.join(Config.paths.themes, file)).isDirectory(); }); callback(null, filtered); }, function populateAvailable(filtered, callback) { filtered.forEach(function onTheme(themeId) { loadTheme(themeId, function themeLoaded(err, theme, themePath) { if(!err) { availableThemes[themeId] = theme; configCache.on('recached', function recached(path) { if(themePath === path) { loadTheme(themeId, function reloaded(err, reloadedTheme) { Log.debug( { info : theme.info }, 'Theme recached' ); availableThemes[themeId] = reloadedTheme; }); } }); Log.debug( { info : theme.info }, 'Theme loaded'); } }); }); callback(null); } ], function onComplete(err) { if(err) { cb(err); return; } cb(null, availableThemes.length); } ); } function getRandomTheme() { if(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(availableThemes).length > 0) { var themeIds = Object.keys(availableThemes); return themeIds[Math.floor(Math.random() * themeIds.length)]; } } function getThemeArt(name, themeID, options, cb) { // allow options to be optional if(_.isUndefined(cb)) { cb = options; options = {}; } // set/override some options // :TODO: replace asAnsi stuff with something like retrieveAs = 'ansi' | 'pipe' | ... // :TODO: Some of these options should only be set if not provided! options.asAnsi = true; options.readSauce = true; // encoding/fonts/etc. options.random = miscUtil.valueWithDefault(options.random, true); options.basePath = paths.join(Config.paths.themes, themeID); art.getArt(name, options, function onThemeArt(err, artInfo) { if(err) { // try fallback of art directory options.basePath = Config.paths.art; art.getArt(name, options, function onFallbackArt(err, artInfo) { if(err) { cb(err); } else { cb(null, artInfo); } }); } else { cb(null, artInfo); } }); } function displayThemeArt(options, cb) { assert(_.isObject(options)); assert(_.isObject(options.client)); assert(_.isString(options.name)); getThemeArt(options.name, options.client.user.properties.theme_id, function themeArt(err, artInfo) { if(err) { cb(err); } else { var dispOptions = { art : artInfo.data, sauce : artInfo.sauce, client : options.client, font : options.font, omitTrailingLF : options.omitTrailingLF, }; art.display(dispOptions, function displayed(err, mciMap, extraInfo) { cb(err, { mciMap : mciMap, artInfo : artInfo, extraInfo : extraInfo } ); }); } }); } // // Pause prompts are a special prompt by the name 'pause'. // function displayThemedPause(options, cb) { // // options.client // options clearPrompt // assert(_.isObject(options.client)); if(!_.isBoolean(options.clearPrompt)) { options.clearPrompt = true; } // :TODO: Support animated pause prompts. Probably via MCI with AnimatedView var artInfo; var vc; var promptConfig; async.series( [ function loadPromptJSON(callback) { configCache.getModConfig('prompt.hjson', function loaded(err, promptJson) { if(err) { callback(err); } else { if(_.has(promptJson, [ 'prompts', 'pause' ] )) { promptConfig = promptJson.prompts.pause; callback(_.isObject(promptConfig) ? null : new Error('Invalid prompt config block!')); } else { callback(new Error('Missing standard \'pause\' prompt')) } } }); }, function displayPausePrompt(callback) { displayThemedAsset( promptConfig.art, options.client, { font : promptConfig.font, omitTrailingLF : true }, function displayed(err, artData) { artInfo = artData; callback(err); } ); }, function discoverCursorPosition(callback) { options.client.once('cursor position report', function cpr(pos) { artInfo.startRow = pos[0] - artInfo.height; callback(null); }); options.client.term.rawWrite(ansi.queryPos()); }, function createMCIViews(callback) { vc = new ViewController( { client : options.client, noInput : true } ); vc.loadFromPromptConfig( { promptName : 'pause', mciMap : artInfo.mciMap, config : promptConfig }, function loaded(err) { callback(null); }); }, function pauseForUserInput(callback) { options.client.waitForKeyPress(function keyPressed() { callback(null); }); }, function clearPauseArt(callback) { if(options.clearPrompt) { if(artInfo.startRow) { options.client.term.rawWrite(ansi.goto(artInfo.startRow, 1)); options.client.term.rawWrite(ansi.deleteLine(artInfo.height)); } else { options.client.term.rawWrite(ansi.up(1) + ansi.deleteLine()); } } callback(null); } /* , function debugPause(callback) { setTimeout(function to() { callback(null); }, 4000); } */ ], function complete(err) { if(err) { Log.error(err); } if(vc) { vc.detachClientEvents(); } cb(); } ); } function displayThemedAsset(assetSpec, client, options, cb) { assert(_.isObject(client)); // options are... optional if(3 === arguments.length) { cb = options; options = {}; } var artAsset = asset.getArtAsset(assetSpec); if(!artAsset) { cb(new Error('Asset not found: ' + assetSpec)); return; } var dispOpts = { name : artAsset.asset, client : client, font : options.font, omitTrailingLF : options.omitTrailingLF, }; switch(artAsset.type) { case 'art' : displayThemeArt(dispOpts, function displayed(err, artData) { cb(err, err ? null : { mciMap : artData.mciMap, height : artData.extraInfo.height } ); }); break; case 'method' : // :TODO: fetch & render via method break; case 'inline ' : // :TODO: think about this more in relation to themes, etc. How can this come // from a theme (with override from menu.json) ??? // look @ client.currentTheme.inlineArt[name] -> menu/prompt[name] break; default : cb(new Error('Unsupported art asset type: ' + artAsset.type)); break; } }