const { printUsageAndSetExitCode, ExitCodes, argv, initConfigAndDatabases, } = require('./oputil_common'); const getHelpFor = require('./oputil_help.js').getHelpFor; const { Errors } = require('../enig_error'); // deps const async = require('async'); const { get } = require('lodash'); exports.handleUserCommand = handleUserCommand; function applyAction(username, actionFunc, cb) { initConfigAndDatabases(err => { if (err) { return cb(err); } if (!validateActivityPub()) { return cb(Errors.General('Activity Pub is not enabled')); } if ('*' === username) { return actionFunc(null, cb); } else { const User = require('../../core/user.js'); User.getUserIdAndName(username, (err, userId) => { if (err) { // try user ID if number was supplied userId = parseInt(userId); if (isNaN(userId)) { return cb(err); } } User.getUser(userId, (err, user) => { if (err) { return cb(err); } return actionFunc(user, cb); }); }); } }); } function conditionSingleUser(user, cb) { const { userNameToSubject, prepareLocalUserAsActor } = require('../activitypub/util'); const subject = userNameToSubject(user.username); if (!subject) { return cb(Errors.General(`Failed to get subject for ${user.username}`)); }`Conditioning ${user.username} (${user.userId}) -> ${subject}...`); prepareLocalUserAsActor(user, { force: argv.force }, err => { if (err) { return cb(err); } user.persistProperties(, err => { if (err) { return cb(err); } }); }); } function actionConditionAllUsers(_, cb) { const User = require('../../core/user.js'); User.getUserList({}, (err, userList) => { if (err) { return cb(err); } async.each( userList, (entry, next) => { User.getUser(entry.userId, (err, user) => { if (err) { return next(err); } return conditionSingleUser(user, next); }); }, err => { return cb(err); } ); }); } function validateActivityPub() { // // Web Server, and ActivityPub both must be enabled // const sysConfig = require('../config').get; const config = sysConfig(); if ( true !== get(config, 'contentServers.web.http.enabled') && true !== get(config, 'contentServers.web.https.enabled') ) { return false; } return true === get(config, 'contentServers.web.handlers.activityPub.enabled'); } function conditionUser(action, username) { return applyAction( username, '*' === username ? actionConditionAllUsers : conditionSingleUser, err => { if (err) { console.error(err.message); } } ); } function handleUserCommand() { const errUsage = () => { return printUsageAndSetExitCode(getHelpFor('ActivityPub'), ExitCodes.ERROR); }; if (true === { return errUsage(); } const action = argv._[1]; const usernameIdx = ['condition'].includes(action) ? argv._.length - 1 : argv._.length; const username = argv._[usernameIdx]; if (!username) { return errUsage(); } return ( { condition: conditionUser, }[action] || errUsage )(action, username); }