/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; const PluginModule = require('./plugin_module.js').PluginModule; const theme = require('./theme.js'); const ansi = require('./ansi_term.js'); const ViewController = require('./view_controller.js').ViewController; const menuUtil = require('./menu_util.js'); const Config = require('./config.js').config; const stringFormat = require('../core/string_format.js'); const MultiLineEditTextView = require('../core/multi_line_edit_text_view.js').MultiLineEditTextView; // deps const async = require('async'); const assert = require('assert'); const _ = require('lodash'); exports.MenuModule = MenuModule; // :TODO: some of this is a bit off... should pause after finishedLoading() function MenuModule(options) { PluginModule.call(this, options); var self = this; this.menuName = options.menuName; this.menuConfig = options.menuConfig; this.client = options.client; // :TODO: this and the line below with .config creates empty ({}) objects in the theme -- // ...which we really should not do. If they aren't there already, don't use 'em. this.menuConfig.options = options.menuConfig.options || {}; this.menuMethods = {}; // methods called from @method's this.cls = _.isBoolean(this.menuConfig.options.cls) ? this.menuConfig.options.cls : Config.menus.cls; this.menuConfig.config = this.menuConfig.config || {}; this.initViewControllers(); this.shouldPause = function() { return 'end' === self.menuConfig.options.pause || true === self.menuConfig.options.pause; }; this.hasNextTimeout = function() { return _.isNumber(self.menuConfig.options.nextTimeout); }; this.autoNextMenu = function(cb) { function goNext() { if(_.isString(self.menuConfig.next) || _.isArray(self.menuConfig.next)) { return menuUtil.handleNext(self.client, self.menuConfig.next, {}, cb); } else { return self.prevMenu(cb); } } if(_.has(self.menuConfig, 'runtime.autoNext') && true === self.menuConfig.runtime.autoNext) { /* If 'next' is supplied, we'll use it. Otherwise, utlize fallback which may be explicit (supplied) or non-explicit (previous menu) 'next' may be a simple asset, or a object with next.asset and extrArgs next: assetSpec -or- next: { asset: assetSpec extraArgs: ... } */ if(self.hasNextTimeout()) { setTimeout( () => { return goNext(); }, this.menuConfig.options.nextTimeout); } else { goNext(); } } }; this.haveNext = function() { return (_.isString(this.menuConfig.next) || _.isArray(this.menuConfig.next)); }; } require('util').inherits(MenuModule, PluginModule); require('./mod_mixins.js').ViewControllerManagement.call(MenuModule.prototype); MenuModule.prototype.enter = function() { if(_.isString(this.menuConfig.desc)) { this.client.currentStatus = this.menuConfig.desc; } else { this.client.currentStatus = 'Browsing menus'; } this.initSequence(); }; MenuModule.prototype.initSequence = function() { var mciData = { }; const self = this; async.series( [ function beforeDisplayArt(callback) { self.beforeArt(callback); }, function displayMenuArt(callback) { if(_.isString(self.menuConfig.art)) { theme.displayThemedAsset( self.menuConfig.art, self.client, self.menuConfig.options, // can include .font, .trailingLF, etc. function displayed(err, artData) { if(err) { self.client.log.trace( { art : self.menuConfig.art, error : err.message }, 'Could not display art'); } else { mciData.menu = artData.mciMap; } callback(null); // non-fatal } ); } else { callback(null); } }, function moveToPromptLocation(callback) { if(self.menuConfig.prompt) { // :TODO: fetch and move cursor to prompt location, if supplied. See notes/etc. on placements } callback(null); }, function displayPromptArt(callback) { if(_.isString(self.menuConfig.prompt)) { // If a prompt is specified, we need the configuration if(!_.isObject(self.menuConfig.promptConfig)) { callback(new Error('Prompt specified but configuraiton not found!')); return; } // Prompts *must* have art. If it's missing it's an error // :TODO: allow inline prompts in the future, e.g. @inline:memberName -> { "memberName" : { "text" : "stuff", ... } } var promptConfig = self.menuConfig.promptConfig; theme.displayThemedAsset( promptConfig.art, self.client, self.menuConfig.options, // can include .font, .trailingLF, etc. function displayed(err, artData) { if(!err) { mciData.prompt = artData.mciMap; } callback(err); }); } else { callback(null); } }, function recordCursorPosition(callback) { if(self.shouldPause()) { self.client.once('cursor position report', function cpr(pos) { self.afterArtPos = pos; self.client.log.trace( { position : pos }, 'After art position recorded'); callback(null); }); self.client.term.write(ansi.queryPos()); } else { callback(null); } }, function afterArtDisplayed(callback) { self.mciReady(mciData, callback); }, function displayPauseIfRequested(callback) { if(self.shouldPause()) { self.client.term.write(ansi.goto(self.afterArtPos[0], 1)); // :TODO: really need a client.term.pause() that uses the correct art/etc. // :TODO: Use MenuModule.pausePrompt() theme.displayThemedPause( { client : self.client }, function keyPressed() { callback(null); }); } else { callback(null); } }, function finishAndNext(callback) { self.finishedLoading(); self.autoNextMenu(callback); } ], function complete(err) { if(err) { console.log(err) // :TODO: what to do exactly????? return self.prevMenu( () => { // dummy }); } } ); }; MenuModule.prototype.getSaveState = function() { // nothing in base }; MenuModule.prototype.restoreSavedState = function(/*savedState*/) { // nothing in base }; MenuModule.prototype.nextMenu = function(cb) { // // If we don't actually have |next|, we'll go previous // if(!this.haveNext()) { return this.prevMenu(cb); } this.client.menuStack.next(cb); }; MenuModule.prototype.prevMenu = function(cb) { this.client.menuStack.prev(cb); }; MenuModule.prototype.gotoMenu = function(name, options, cb) { this.client.menuStack.goto(name, options, cb); }; MenuModule.prototype.popAndGotoMenu = function(name, options, cb) { this.client.menuStack.pop(); this.client.menuStack.goto(name, options, cb); }; MenuModule.prototype.leave = function() { this.detachViewControllers(); }; MenuModule.prototype.beforeArt = function(cb) { // // Set emulated baud rate - note that some terminals will display // part of the ESC sequence here (generally a single 'r') if they // do not support cterm style baud rates // if(_.isNumber(this.menuConfig.options.baudRate)) { this.client.term.write(ansi.setEmulatedBaudRate(this.menuConfig.options.baudRate)); } if(this.cls) { this.client.term.write(ansi.resetScreen()); } return cb(null); }; MenuModule.prototype.mciReady = function(mciData, cb) { // Reserved for sub classes cb(null); }; MenuModule.prototype.standardMCIReadyHandler = function(mciData, cb) { // // A quick rundown: // * We may have mciData.menu, mciData.prompt, or both. // * Prompt form is favored over menu form if both are present. // * Standard/prefdefined MCI entries must load both (e.g. %BN is expected to resolve) // var self = this; async.series( [ function addViewControllers(callback) { _.forEach(mciData, function entry(mciMap, name) { assert('menu' === name || 'prompt' === name); self.addViewController(name, new ViewController( { client : self.client } )); }); callback(null); }, function createMenu(callback) { if(self.viewControllers.menu) { var menuLoadOpts = { mciMap : mciData.menu, callingMenu : self, withoutForm : _.isObject(mciData.prompt), }; self.viewControllers.menu.loadFromMenuConfig(menuLoadOpts, function menuLoaded(err) { callback(err); }); } else { callback(null); } }, function createPrompt(callback) { if(self.viewControllers.prompt) { var promptLoadOpts = { callingMenu : self, mciMap : mciData.prompt, }; self.viewControllers.prompt.loadFromPromptConfig(promptLoadOpts, function promptLoaded(err) { callback(err); }); } else { callback(null); } } ], function complete(err) { cb(err); } ); }; MenuModule.prototype.finishedLoading = function() { }; MenuModule.prototype.getMenuResult = function() { // nothing in base }; MenuModule.prototype.displayAsset = function(name, options, cb) { if(_.isFunction(options)) { cb = options; options = {}; } if(options.clearScreen) { this.client.term.rawWrite(ansi.clearScreen()); } return theme.displayThemedAsset( name, this.client, Object.assign( { font : this.menuConfig.config.font }, options ), (err, artData) => { if(cb) { return cb(err, artData); } } ); }; MenuModule.prototype.prepViewController = function(name, formId, artData, cb) { if(_.isUndefined(this.viewControllers[name])) { const vcOpts = { client : this.client, formId : formId, }; const vc = this.addViewController(name, new ViewController(vcOpts)); const loadOpts = { callingMenu : this, mciMap : artData.mciMap, formId : formId, }; return vc.loadFromMenuConfig(loadOpts, cb); } this.viewControllers[name].setFocus(true); return cb(null); }; MenuModule.prototype.prepViewControllerWithArt = function(name, formId, options, cb) { this.displayAsset( this.menuConfig.config.art[name], options, (err, artData) => { if(err) { return cb(err); } return this.prepViewController(name, formId, artData, cb); } ); }; MenuModule.prototype.pausePrompt = function(position, cb) { if(!cb && _.isFunction(position)) { cb = position; position = null; } if(position) { position.x = position.row || position.x || 1; position.y = position.col || position.y || 1; this.client.term.rawWrite(ansi.goto(position.x, position.y)); } theme.displayThemedPause( { client : this.client }, cb); }; MenuModule.prototype.setViewText = function(formName, mciId, text, appendMultiline) { const view = this.viewControllers[formName].getView(mciId); if(!view) { return; } if(appendMultiline && (view instanceof MultiLineEditTextView)) { view.addText(text); } else { view.setText(text); } }; MenuModule.prototype.updateCustomViewTextsWithFilter = function(formName, startId, fmtObj, options) { options = options || {}; let textView; let customMciId = startId; const config = this.menuConfig.config; while( (textView = this.viewControllers[formName].getView(customMciId)) ) { const key = `${formName}InfoFormat${customMciId}`; // e.g. "mainInfoFormat10" const format = config[key]; if(format && (!options.filter || options.filter.find(f => format.indexOf(f) > - 1))) { const text = stringFormat(format, fmtObj); if(options.appendMultiLine && (textView instanceof MultiLineEditTextView)) { textView.addText(text); } else { textView.setText(text); } } ++customMciId; } };