/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; // ENiGMA½ const baseClient = require('../../client.js'); const Log = require('../../logger.js').log; const LoginServerModule = require('../../login_server_module.js'); const Config = require('../../config.js').get; const EnigAssert = require('../../enigma_assert.js'); const { stringFromNullTermBuffer } = require('../../string_util.js'); // deps const net = require('net'); const buffers = require('buffers'); const { Parser } = require('binary-parser'); const util = require('util'); //var debug = require('debug')('telnet'); const ModuleInfo = exports.moduleInfo = { name : 'Telnet', desc : 'Telnet Server', author : 'NuSkooler', isSecure : false, packageName : 'codes.l33t.enigma.telnet.server', }; exports.TelnetClient = TelnetClient; // // Telnet Protocol Resources // * http://pcmicro.com/netfoss/telnet.html // * http://mud-dev.wikidot.com/telnet:negotiation // /* TODO: * Document COMMANDS -- add any missing * Document OPTIONS -- add any missing * Internally handle OPTIONS: * Some should be emitted generically * Some should be handled internally -- denied, handled, etc. * * Allow term (ttype) to be set by environ sub negotiation * Process terms in loop.... research needed * Handle will/won't * Handle do's, .. * Some won't should close connection * Options/Commands we don't understand shouldn't crash the server!! */ const COMMANDS = { SE : 240, // End of Sub-Negotation Parameters NOP : 241, // No Operation DM : 242, // Data Mark BRK : 243, // Break IP : 244, // Interrupt Process AO : 245, // Abort Output AYT : 246, // Are You There? EC : 247, // Erase Character EL : 248, // Erase Line GA : 249, // Go Ahead SB : 250, // Start Sub-Negotiation Parameters WILL : 251, // WONT : 252, DO : 253, DONT : 254, IAC : 255, // (Data Byte) }; // // Resources: // * http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1572.html // const SB_COMMANDS = { IS : 0, SEND : 1, INFO : 2, }; // // Telnet Options // // Resources // * http://mars.netanya.ac.il/~unesco/cdrom/booklet/HTML/NETWORKING/node300.html // * http://www.networksorcery.com/enp/protocol/telnet.htm // const OPTIONS = { TRANSMIT_BINARY : 0, // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc856 ECHO : 1, // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc857 // RECONNECTION : 2 SUPPRESS_GO_AHEAD : 3, // aka 'SGA': RFC 858 @ http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc858 //APPROX_MESSAGE_SIZE : 4 STATUS : 5, // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc859 TIMING_MARK : 6, // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc860 //RC_TRANS_AND_ECHO : 7, // aka 'RCTE' @ http://www.rfc-base.org/txt/rfc-726.txt //OUPUT_LINE_WIDTH : 8, //OUTPUT_PAGE_SIZE : 9, // //OUTPUT_CARRIAGE_RETURN_DISP : 10, // RFC 652 //OUTPUT_HORIZ_TABSTOPS : 11, // RFC 653 //OUTPUT_HORIZ_TAB_DISP : 12, // RFC 654 //OUTPUT_FORMFEED_DISP : 13, // RFC 655 //OUTPUT_VERT_TABSTOPS : 14, // RFC 656 //OUTPUT_VERT_TAB_DISP : 15, // RFC 657 //OUTPUT_LF_DISP : 16, // RFC 658 //EXTENDED_ASCII : 17, // RFC 659 //LOGOUT : 18, // RFC 727 //BYTE_MACRO : 19, // RFC 753 //DATA_ENTRY_TERMINAL : 20, // RFC 1043 //SUPDUP : 21, // RFC 736 //SUPDUP_OUTPUT : 22, // RFC 749 SEND_LOCATION : 23, // RFC 779 TERMINAL_TYPE : 24, // aka 'TTYPE': RFC 1091 @ http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1091 //END_OF_RECORD : 25, // RFC 885 //TACACS_USER_ID : 26, // RFC 927 //OUTPUT_MARKING : 27, // RFC 933 //TERMINCAL_LOCATION_NUMBER : 28, // RFC 946 //TELNET_3270_REGIME : 29, // RFC 1041 WINDOW_SIZE : 31, // aka 'NAWS': RFC 1073 @ http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1073 TERMINAL_SPEED : 32, // RFC 1079 @ http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1079 REMOTE_FLOW_CONTROL : 33, // RFC 1072 @ http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1372 LINEMODE : 34, // RFC 1184 @ http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1184 X_DISPLAY_LOCATION : 35, // aka 'XDISPLOC': RFC 1096 @ http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1096 NEW_ENVIRONMENT_DEP : 36, // aka 'NEW-ENVIRON': RFC 1408 @ http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1408 (note: RFC 1572 is an update to this) AUTHENTICATION : 37, // RFC 2941 @ http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2941 ENCRYPT : 38, // RFC 2946 @ http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2946 NEW_ENVIRONMENT : 39, // aka 'NEW-ENVIRON': RFC 1572 @ http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1572 (note: update to RFC 1408) //TN3270E : 40, // RFC 2355 //XAUTH : 41, //CHARSET : 42, // RFC 2066 //REMOTE_SERIAL_PORT : 43, //COM_PORT_CONTROL : 44, // RFC 2217 //SUPRESS_LOCAL_ECHO : 45, //START_TLS : 46, //KERMIT : 47, // RFC 2840 //SEND_URL : 48, //FORWARD_X : 49, //PRAGMA_LOGON : 138, //SSPI_LOGON : 139, //PRAGMA_HEARTBEAT : 140 ARE_YOU_THERE : 246, // aka 'AYT' RFC 854 @ https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc854 EXTENDED_OPTIONS_LIST : 255, // RFC 861 (STD 32) }; // Commands used within NEW_ENVIRONMENT[_DEP] const NEW_ENVIRONMENT_COMMANDS = { VAR : 0, VALUE : 1, ESC : 2, USERVAR : 3, }; const IAC_BUF = Buffer.from([ COMMANDS.IAC ]); const IAC_SE_BUF = Buffer.from([ COMMANDS.IAC, COMMANDS.SE ]); const COMMAND_NAMES = Object.keys(COMMANDS).reduce(function(names, name) { names[COMMANDS[name]] = name.toLowerCase(); return names; }, {}); const COMMAND_IMPLS = {}; [ 'do', 'dont', 'will', 'wont', 'sb' ].forEach(function(command) { const code = COMMANDS[command.toUpperCase()]; COMMAND_IMPLS[code] = function(bufs, i, event) { if(bufs.length < (i + 1)) { return MORE_DATA_REQUIRED; } return parseOption(bufs, i, event); }; }); // :TODO: See TooTallNate's telnet.js: Handle COMMAND_IMPL for IAC in binary mode // Create option names such as 'transmit binary' -> OPTIONS.TRANSMIT_BINARY const OPTION_NAMES = Object.keys(OPTIONS).reduce(function(names, name) { names[OPTIONS[name]] = name.toLowerCase().replace(/_/g, ' '); return names; }, {}); function unknownOption(bufs, i, event) { Log.warn( { bufs : bufs, i : i, event : event }, 'Unknown Telnet option'); event.buf = bufs.splice(0, i).toBuffer(); return event; } const OPTION_IMPLS = {}; // :TODO: fill in the rest... OPTION_IMPLS.NO_ARGS = OPTION_IMPLS[OPTIONS.ECHO] = OPTION_IMPLS[OPTIONS.STATUS] = OPTION_IMPLS[OPTIONS.LINEMODE] = OPTION_IMPLS[OPTIONS.TRANSMIT_BINARY] = OPTION_IMPLS[OPTIONS.AUTHENTICATION] = OPTION_IMPLS[OPTIONS.TERMINAL_SPEED] = OPTION_IMPLS[OPTIONS.REMOTE_FLOW_CONTROL] = OPTION_IMPLS[OPTIONS.X_DISPLAY_LOCATION] = OPTION_IMPLS[OPTIONS.SEND_LOCATION] = OPTION_IMPLS[OPTIONS.ARE_YOU_THERE] = OPTION_IMPLS[OPTIONS.SUPPRESS_GO_AHEAD] = function(bufs, i, event) { event.buf = bufs.splice(0, i).toBuffer(); return event; }; OPTION_IMPLS[OPTIONS.TERMINAL_TYPE] = function(bufs, i, event) { if(event.commandCode !== COMMANDS.SB) { OPTION_IMPLS.NO_ARGS(bufs, i, event); } else { // We need 4 bytes header + data + IAC SE if(bufs.length < 7) { return MORE_DATA_REQUIRED; } const end = bufs.indexOf(IAC_SE_BUF, 5); // look past header bytes if(-1 === end) { return MORE_DATA_REQUIRED; } let ttypeCmd; try { ttypeCmd = new Parser() .uint8('iac1') .uint8('sb') .uint8('opt') .uint8('is') .array('ttype', { type : 'uint8', readUntil : b => 255 === b, // 255=COMMANDS.IAC }) // note we read iac2 above .uint8('se') .parse(bufs.toBuffer()); } catch(e) { Log.debug( { error : e }, 'Failed parsing TTYP telnet command'); return event; } EnigAssert(COMMANDS.IAC === ttypeCmd.iac1); EnigAssert(COMMANDS.SB === ttypeCmd.sb); EnigAssert(OPTIONS.TERMINAL_TYPE === ttypeCmd.opt); EnigAssert(SB_COMMANDS.IS === ttypeCmd.is); EnigAssert(ttypeCmd.ttype.length > 0); // note we found IAC_SE above // some terminals such as NetRunner provide a NULL-terminated buffer // slice to remove IAC event.ttype = stringFromNullTermBuffer(ttypeCmd.ttype.slice(0, -1), 'ascii'); bufs.splice(0, end); } return event; }; OPTION_IMPLS[OPTIONS.WINDOW_SIZE] = function(bufs, i, event) { if(event.commandCode !== COMMANDS.SB) { OPTION_IMPLS.NO_ARGS(bufs, i, event); } else { // we need 9 bytes if(bufs.length < 9) { return MORE_DATA_REQUIRED; } let nawsCmd; try { nawsCmd = new Parser() .uint8('iac1') .uint8('sb') .uint8('opt') .uint16be('width') .uint16be('height') .uint8('iac2') .uint8('se') .parse(bufs.splice(0, 9).toBuffer()); } catch(e) { Log.debug( { error : e }, 'Failed parsing NAWS telnet command'); return event; } EnigAssert(COMMANDS.IAC === nawsCmd.iac1); EnigAssert(COMMANDS.SB === nawsCmd.sb); EnigAssert(OPTIONS.WINDOW_SIZE === nawsCmd.opt); EnigAssert(COMMANDS.IAC === nawsCmd.iac2); EnigAssert(COMMANDS.SE === nawsCmd.se); event.cols = event.columns = event.width = nawsCmd.width; event.rows = event.height = nawsCmd.height; } return event; }; // Build an array of delimiters for parsing NEW_ENVIRONMENT[_DEP] const NEW_ENVIRONMENT_DELIMITERS = []; Object.keys(NEW_ENVIRONMENT_COMMANDS).forEach(function onKey(k) { NEW_ENVIRONMENT_DELIMITERS.push(NEW_ENVIRONMENT_COMMANDS[k]); }); // Handle the deprecated RFC 1408 & the updated RFC 1572: OPTION_IMPLS[OPTIONS.NEW_ENVIRONMENT_DEP] = OPTION_IMPLS[OPTIONS.NEW_ENVIRONMENT] = function(bufs, i, event) { if(event.commandCode !== COMMANDS.SB) { OPTION_IMPLS.NO_ARGS(bufs, i, event); } else { // // We need 4 bytes header + + IAC SE // Many terminals send a empty list: // IAC SB NEW-ENVIRON IS IAC SE // if(bufs.length < 6) { return MORE_DATA_REQUIRED; } let end = bufs.indexOf(IAC_SE_BUF, 4); // look past header bytes if(-1 === end) { return MORE_DATA_REQUIRED; } // :TODO: It's likely that we could do all the env name/value parsing directly in Parser. let envCmd; try { envCmd = new Parser() .uint8('iac1') .uint8('sb') .uint8('opt') .uint8('isOrInfo') // IS=initial, INFO=updates .array('envBlock', { type : 'uint8', readUntil : b => 255 === b, // 255=COMMANDS.IAC }) // note we consume IAC above .uint8('se') .parse(bufs.splice(0, bufs.length).toBuffer()); } catch(e) { Log.debug( { error : e }, 'Failed parsing NEW-ENVIRON telnet command'); return event; } EnigAssert(COMMANDS.IAC === envCmd.iac1); EnigAssert(COMMANDS.SB === envCmd.sb); EnigAssert(OPTIONS.NEW_ENVIRONMENT === envCmd.opt || OPTIONS.NEW_ENVIRONMENT_DEP === envCmd.opt); EnigAssert(SB_COMMANDS.IS === envCmd.isOrInfo || SB_COMMANDS.INFO === envCmd.isOrInfo); if(OPTIONS.NEW_ENVIRONMENT_DEP === envCmd.opt) { // :TODO: we should probably support this for legacy clients? Log.warn('Handling deprecated RFC 1408 NEW-ENVIRON'); } const envBuf = envCmd.envBlock.slice(0, -1); // remove IAC if(envBuf.length < 4) { // TYPE + single char name + sep + single char value // empty env block return event; } const States = { Name : 1, Value : 2, }; let state = States.Name; const setVars = {}; const delVars = []; let varName; // :TODO: handle ESC type!!! while(envBuf.length) { switch(state) { case States.Name : { const type = parseInt(envBuf.splice(0, 1)); if(![ NEW_ENVIRONMENT_COMMANDS.VAR, NEW_ENVIRONMENT_COMMANDS.USERVAR, NEW_ENVIRONMENT_COMMANDS.ESC ].includes(type)) { return event; // fail :( } let nameEnd = envBuf.indexOf(NEW_ENVIRONMENT_COMMANDS.VALUE); if(-1 === nameEnd) { nameEnd = envBuf.length; } varName = envBuf.splice(0, nameEnd); if(!varName) { return event; // something is wrong. } varName = Buffer.from(varName).toString('ascii'); const next = parseInt(envBuf.splice(0, 1)); if(NEW_ENVIRONMENT_COMMANDS.VALUE === next) { state = States.Value; } else { state = States.Name; delVars.push(varName); // no value; del this var } } break; case States.Value : { let valueEnd = envBuf.indexOf(NEW_ENVIRONMENT_COMMANDS.VAR); if(-1 === valueEnd) { valueEnd = envBuf.indexOf(NEW_ENVIRONMENT_COMMANDS.USERVAR); } if(-1 === valueEnd) { valueEnd = envBuf.length; } let value = envBuf.splice(0, valueEnd); if(value) { value = Buffer.from(value).toString('ascii'); setVars[varName] = value; } state = States.Name; } break; } } // :TODO: Handle deleting previously set vars via delVars event.type = envCmd.isOrInfo; event.envVars = setVars; } return event; }; const MORE_DATA_REQUIRED = 0xfeedface; function parseBufs(bufs) { EnigAssert(bufs.length >= 2); EnigAssert(bufs.get(0) === COMMANDS.IAC); return parseCommand(bufs, 1, {}); } function parseCommand(bufs, i, event) { const command = bufs.get(i); // :TODO: fix deprecation... [i] is not the same event.commandCode = command; event.command = COMMAND_NAMES[command]; const handler = COMMAND_IMPLS[command]; if(handler) { return handler(bufs, i + 1, event); } else { if(2 !== bufs.length) { Log.warn( { bufsLength : bufs.length }, 'Expected bufs length of 2'); // expected: IAC + COMMAND } event.buf = bufs.splice(0, 2).toBuffer(); return event; } } function parseOption(bufs, i, event) { const option = bufs.get(i); // :TODO: fix deprecation... [i] is not the same event.optionCode = option; event.option = OPTION_NAMES[option]; const handler = OPTION_IMPLS[option]; return handler ? handler(bufs, i + 1, event) : unknownOption(bufs, i + 1, event); } function TelnetClient(input, output) { baseClient.Client.apply(this, arguments); const self = this; let bufs = buffers(); this.bufs = bufs; this.sentDont = {}; // DON'T's we've already sent this.setInputOutput(input, output); this.negotiationsComplete = false; // are we in the 'negotiation' phase? this.didReady = false; // have we emit the 'ready' event? this.subNegotiationState = { newEnvironRequested : false, }; this.dataHandler = function(b) { if(!Buffer.isBuffer(b)) { EnigAssert(false, `Cannot push non-buffer ${typeof b}`); return; } bufs.push(b); let i; while((i = bufs.indexOf(IAC_BUF)) >= 0) { // // Some clients will send even IAC separate from data // if(bufs.length <= (i + 1)) { i = MORE_DATA_REQUIRED; break; } EnigAssert(bufs.length > (i + 1)); if(i > 0) { self.emit('data', bufs.splice(0, i).toBuffer()); } i = parseBufs(bufs); if(MORE_DATA_REQUIRED === i) { break; } else if(i) { if(i.option) { self.emit(i.option, i); // "transmit binary", "echo", ... } self.handleTelnetEvent(i); if(i.data) { self.emit('data', i.data); } } } if(MORE_DATA_REQUIRED !== i && bufs.length > 0) { // // Standard data payload. This can still be "non-user" data // such as ANSI control, but we don't handle that here. // self.emit('data', bufs.splice(0).toBuffer()); } }; this.input.on('data', this.dataHandler); this.input.on('end', () => { self.emit('end'); }); this.input.on('error', err => { this.connectionDebug( { err : err }, 'Socket error' ); return self.emit('end'); }); this.connectionTrace = (info, msg) => { if(Config().loginServers.telnet.traceConnections) { const logger = self.log || Log; return logger.trace(info, `Telnet: ${msg}`); } }; this.connectionDebug = (info, msg) => { const logger = self.log || Log; return logger.debug(info, `Telnet: ${msg}`); }; this.connectionWarn = (info, msg) => { const logger = self.log || Log; return logger.warn(info, `Telnet: ${msg}`); }; this.readyNow = () => { if(!this.didReady) { this.didReady = true; this.emit('ready', { firstMenu : Config().loginServers.telnet.firstMenu } ); } }; } util.inherits(TelnetClient, baseClient.Client); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Telnet Command/Option handling /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TelnetClient.prototype.handleTelnetEvent = function(evt) { if(!evt.command) { return this.connectionWarn( { evt : evt }, 'No command for event'); } // handler name e.g. 'handleWontCommand' const handlerName = `handle${evt.command.charAt(0).toUpperCase()}${evt.command.substr(1)}Command`; if(this[handlerName]) { // specialized this[handlerName](evt); } else { // generic-ish this.handleMiscCommand(evt); } }; TelnetClient.prototype.handleWillCommand = function(evt) { if('terminal type' === evt.option) { // // See RFC 1091 @ http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1091.html // this.requestTerminalType(); } else if('new environment' === evt.option) { // // See RFC 1572 @ http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1572.html // this.requestNewEnvironment(); } else { // :TODO: temporary: this.connectionTrace(evt, 'WILL'); } }; TelnetClient.prototype.handleWontCommand = function(evt) { if(this.sentDont[evt.option]) { return this.connectionTrace(evt, 'WONT - DON\'T already sent'); } this.sentDont[evt.option] = true; if('new environment' === evt.option) { this.dont.new_environment(); } else { this.connectionTrace(evt, 'WONT'); } }; TelnetClient.prototype.handleDoCommand = function(evt) { // :TODO: handle the rest, e.g. echo nd the like if('linemode' === evt.option) { // // Client wants to enable linemode editing. Denied. // this.wont.linemode(); } else if('encrypt' === evt.option) { // // Client wants to enable encryption. Denied. // this.wont.encrypt(); } else { // :TODO: temporary: this.connectionTrace(evt, 'DO'); } }; TelnetClient.prototype.handleDontCommand = function(evt) { this.connectionTrace(evt, 'DONT'); }; TelnetClient.prototype.handleSbCommand = function(evt) { const self = this; if('terminal type' === evt.option) { // // See RFC 1091 @ http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1091.html // // :TODO: According to RFC 1091 @ http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1091.html // We should keep asking until we see a repeat. From there, determine the best type/etc. self.setTermType(evt.ttype); self.negotiationsComplete = true; // :TODO: throw in a array of what we've taken care. Complete = array satisified or timeout self.readyNow(); } else if('new environment' === evt.option) { // // Handling is as follows: // * Map 'TERM' -> 'termType' and only update if ours is 'unknown' // * Map COLUMNS -> 'termWidth' and only update if ours is 0 // * Map ROWS -> 'termHeight' and only update if ours is 0 // * Add any new variables, ignore any existing // Object.keys(evt.envVars || {} ).forEach(function onEnv(name) { if('TERM' === name && 'unknown' === self.term.termType) { self.setTermType(evt.envVars[name]); } else if('COLUMNS' === name && 0 === self.term.termWidth) { self.term.termWidth = parseInt(evt.envVars[name]); self.clearMciCache(); // term size changes = invalidate cache self.connectionDebug({ termWidth : self.term.termWidth, source : 'NEW-ENVIRON'}, 'Window width updated'); } else if('ROWS' === name && 0 === self.term.termHeight) { self.term.termHeight = parseInt(evt.envVars[name]); self.clearMciCache(); // term size changes = invalidate cache self.connectionDebug({ termHeight : self.term.termHeight, source : 'NEW-ENVIRON'}, 'Window height updated'); } else { if(name in self.term.env) { EnigAssert( SB_COMMANDS.INFO === evt.type || SB_COMMANDS.IS === evt.type, 'Unexpected type: ' + evt.type ); self.connectionWarn( { varName : name, value : evt.envVars[name], existingValue : self.term.env[name] }, 'Environment variable already exists' ); } else { self.term.env[name] = evt.envVars[name]; self.connectionDebug( { varName : name, value : evt.envVars[name] }, 'New environment variable' ); } } }); } else if('window size' === evt.option) { // // Update termWidth & termHeight. // Set LINES and COLUMNS environment variables as well. // self.term.termWidth = evt.width; self.term.termHeight = evt.height; if(evt.width > 0) { self.term.env.COLUMNS = evt.height; } if(evt.height > 0) { self.term.env.ROWS = evt.height; } self.clearMciCache(); // term size changes = invalidate cache self.connectionDebug({ termWidth : evt.width , termHeight : evt.height, source : 'NAWS' }, 'Window size updated'); } else { self.connectionDebug(evt, 'SB'); } }; const IGNORED_COMMANDS = []; [ COMMANDS.EL, COMMANDS.GA, COMMANDS.NOP, COMMANDS.DM, COMMANDS.BRK ].forEach(function onCommandCode(cc) { IGNORED_COMMANDS.push(cc); }); TelnetClient.prototype.handleMiscCommand = function(evt) { EnigAssert(evt.command !== 'undefined' && evt.command.length > 0); // // See: // * RFC 854 @ http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc854 // if('ip' === evt.command) { // Interrupt Process (IP) this.log.debug('Interrupt Process (IP) - Ending'); this.input.end(); } else if('ayt' === evt.command) { this.output.write('\b'); this.log.debug('Are You There (AYT) - Replied "\\b"'); } else if(IGNORED_COMMANDS.indexOf(evt.commandCode)) { this.log.debug({ evt : evt }, 'Ignoring command'); } else { this.log.warn({ evt : evt }, 'Unknown command'); } }; TelnetClient.prototype.requestTerminalType = function() { const buf = Buffer.from( [ COMMANDS.IAC, COMMANDS.SB, OPTIONS.TERMINAL_TYPE, SB_COMMANDS.SEND, COMMANDS.IAC, COMMANDS.SE ]); this.output.write(buf); }; const WANTED_ENVIRONMENT_VAR_BUFS = [ Buffer.from( 'LINES' ), Buffer.from( 'COLUMNS' ), Buffer.from( 'TERM' ), Buffer.from( 'TERM_PROGRAM' ) ]; TelnetClient.prototype.requestNewEnvironment = function() { if(this.subNegotiationState.newEnvironRequested) { this.log.debug('New environment already requested'); return; } const self = this; const bufs = buffers(); bufs.push(Buffer.from( [ COMMANDS.IAC, COMMANDS.SB, OPTIONS.NEW_ENVIRONMENT, SB_COMMANDS.SEND ] )); for(let i = 0; i < WANTED_ENVIRONMENT_VAR_BUFS.length; ++i) { bufs.push(Buffer.from( [ NEW_ENVIRONMENT_COMMANDS.VAR ] ), WANTED_ENVIRONMENT_VAR_BUFS[i] ); } bufs.push(Buffer.from([ NEW_ENVIRONMENT_COMMANDS.USERVAR, COMMANDS.IAC, COMMANDS.SE ])); self.output.write(bufs.toBuffer()); this.subNegotiationState.newEnvironRequested = true; }; TelnetClient.prototype.banner = function() { this.will.echo(); this.will.suppress_go_ahead(); this.do.suppress_go_ahead(); this.do.transmit_binary(); this.will.transmit_binary(); this.do.terminal_type(); this.do.window_size(); this.do.new_environment(); }; function Command(command, client) { this.command = COMMANDS[command.toUpperCase()]; this.client = client; } // Create Command objects with echo, transmit_binary, ... Object.keys(OPTIONS).forEach(function(name) { const code = OPTIONS[name]; Command.prototype[name.toLowerCase()] = function() { const buf = Buffer.alloc(3); buf[0] = COMMANDS.IAC; buf[1] = this.command; buf[2] = code; return this.client.output.write(buf); }; }); // Create do, dont, etc. methods on Client ['do', 'dont', 'will', 'wont'].forEach(function(command) { const get = function() { return new Command(command, this); }; Object.defineProperty(TelnetClient.prototype, command, { get : get, enumerable : true, configurable : true }); }); exports.getModule = class TelnetServerModule extends LoginServerModule { constructor() { super(); } createServer(cb) { this.server = net.createServer( sock => { const client = new TelnetClient(sock, sock); client.banner(); this.handleNewClient(client, sock, ModuleInfo); // // Set a timeout and attempt to proceed even if we don't know // the term type yet, which is the preferred trigger // for moving along // setTimeout( () => { if(!client.didReady) { Log.info('Proceeding after 3s without knowing term type'); client.readyNow(); } }, 3000); }); this.server.on('error', err => { Log.info( { error : err.message }, 'Telnet server error'); }); return cb(null); } listen() { const config = Config(); const port = parseInt(config.loginServers.telnet.port); if(isNaN(port)) { Log.error( { server : ModuleInfo.name, port : config.loginServers.telnet.port }, 'Cannot load server (invalid port)' ); return false; } this.server.listen(port); Log.info( { server : ModuleInfo.name, port : port }, 'Listening for connections' ); return true; } };