/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; // ENiGMA½ const Log = require('./logger.js').log; const { MenuModule } = require('./menu_module.js'); const { pipeToAnsi } = require('./color_codes.js'); const stringFormat = require('./string_format.js'); const StringUtil = require('./string_util.js'); // deps const _ = require('lodash'); const async = require('async'); const net = require('net'); const moment = require('moment'); exports.moduleInfo = { name : 'MRC Client', desc : 'Connects to an MRC chat server', author : 'RiPuk', packageName : 'codes.l33t.enigma.mrc.client', // Whilst this module was put together by me (RiPuk), it should be noted that a lot of the ideas (and even some code snippets) were // borrowed from the Synchronet implementation of MRC by echicken. So...thanks, your code was very helpful in putting this together. // Source at http://cvs.synchro.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/xtrn/mrc/. }; const FormIds = { mrcChat : 0, }; var MciViewIds = { mrcChat : { chatLog : 1, inputArea : 2, roomName : 3, roomTopic : 4, mrcUsers : 5, mrcBbses : 6, customRangeStart : 10, // 10+ = customs } }; // TODO: this is a bit shit, could maybe do it with an ansi instead const helpText = ` General Chat: /rooms - List of current rooms /join - Join a room /pm - Send a private message /clear - Clear the chat log ---- /whoon - Who's on what BBS /chatters - Who's in what room /topic - Set the topic /meetups - MRC MeetUps /bbses - BBS's connected /info - Info about specific BBS --- /l33t - l337 5p34k /kewl - BBS KeWL SPeaK /rainbow - Crazy rainbow text `; exports.getModule = class mrcModule extends MenuModule { constructor(options) { super(options); this.log = Log.child( { module : 'MRC' } ); this.config = Object.assign({}, _.get(options, 'menuConfig.config'), { extraArgs : options.extraArgs }); this.state = { socket: '', alias: this.client.user.username, room: '', room_topic: '', nicks: [], last_ping: 0 }; this.menuMethods = { sendChatMessage : (formData, extraArgs, cb) => { const inputAreaView = this.viewControllers.mrcChat.getView(MciViewIds.mrcChat.inputArea); const inputData = inputAreaView.getData(); this.processOutgoingMessage(inputData); inputAreaView.clearText(); return cb(null); }, movementKeyPressed : (formData, extraArgs, cb) => { const bodyView = this.viewControllers.mrcChat.getView(MciViewIds.mrcChat.chatLog); // :TODO: use const here vs magic # switch(formData.key.name) { case 'down arrow' : bodyView.scrollDocumentUp(); break; case 'up arrow' : bodyView.scrollDocumentDown(); break; case 'page up' : bodyView.keyPressPageUp(); break; case 'page down' : bodyView.keyPressPageDown(); break; } this.viewControllers.mrcChat.switchFocus(MciViewIds.mrcChat.inputArea); return cb(null); } }; } mciReady(mciData, cb) { super.mciReady(mciData, err => { if(err) { return cb(err); } async.series( [ (callback) => { return this.prepViewController('mrcChat', FormIds.mrcChat, mciData.menu, callback); }, (callback) => { return this.validateMCIByViewIds('mrcChat', [ MciViewIds.mrcChat.chatLog, MciViewIds.mrcChat.inputArea ], callback); }, (callback) => { const connectOpts = { port : 5000, host : 'localhost', }; // connect to multiplexer this.state.socket = net.createConnection(connectOpts, () => { const self = this; // handshake with multiplexer self.state.socket.write(`--DUDE-ITS--|${self.state.alias}\n`); self.clientConnect(); // send register to central MRC and get stats every 60s setInterval(function () { self.sendHeartbeat(); self.sendServerMessage('STATS'); }, 60000); }); // when we get data, process it this.state.socket.on('data', data => { data = data.toString(); this.processReceivedMessage(data); }); return(callback); } ], err => { return cb(err); } ); }); } /** * Adds a message to the chat log on screen */ addMessageToChatLog(message) { const chatLogView = this.viewControllers.mrcChat.getView(MciViewIds.mrcChat.chatLog); chatLogView.addText(pipeToAnsi(message)); } /** * Processes data received back from the MRC multiplexer */ processReceivedMessage(blob) { blob.split('\n').forEach( message => { try { message = JSON.parse(message); } catch (e) { return; } if (message.from_user == 'SERVER') { const params = message.body.split(':'); switch (params[0]) { case 'BANNER': this.addMessageToChatLog(params[1].replace(/^\s+/, '')); break; case 'ROOMTOPIC': this.viewControllers.mrcChat.getView(MciViewIds.mrcChat.roomName).setText(`#${params[1]}`); this.viewControllers.mrcChat.getView(MciViewIds.mrcChat.roomTopic).setText(pipeToAnsi(params[2])); this.state.room = params[1]; break; case 'USERLIST': this.state.nicks = params[1].split(','); break; case 'STATS': const stats = params[1].split(' '); this.viewControllers.mrcChat.getView(MciViewIds.mrcChat.mrcUsers).setText(stats[2]); this.viewControllers.mrcChat.getView(MciViewIds.mrcChat.mrcBbses).setText(stats[0]); this.state.last_ping = stats[1]; break; default: this.addMessageToChatLog(message.body); break; } } else { if (message.from_user == this.state.alias && message.to_user == 'NOTME') { // don't deliver NOTME messages return; } else { // if we're here then we want to show it to the user const currentTime = moment().format(this.client.currentTheme.helpers.getTimeFormat()); if (message.to_user == this.state.alias) { // it's a pm this.addMessageToChatLog('|08' + currentTime + ' |14PM|00 ' + message.body + '|00'); } else { // it's not a pm this.addMessageToChatLog('|08' + currentTime + '|00 ' + message.body + '|00'); } } } this.viewControllers.mrcChat.switchFocus(MciViewIds.mrcChat.inputArea); }); } /** * Receives the message input from the user and does something with it based on what it is */ processOutgoingMessage(message, to_user) { if (message.startsWith('/')) { this.processSlashCommand(message); } else { if (message == '') { this.sendServerMessage('STATS'); return; } // just format and send const textFormatObj = { fromUserName : this.state.alias, message : message }; const messageFormat = this.config.messageFormat || '|00|10<|02{fromUserName}|10>|00 |03{message}|00'; try { const formattedMessage = stringFormat(messageFormat, textFormatObj); this.sendMessageToMultiplexer(to_user || '', '', this.state.room, formattedMessage); } catch(e) { this.client.log.warn( { error : e.message }, 'MRC error'); } } } /** * Processes a message that begins with a slash */ processSlashCommand(message) { // get the chat log view in case we need it const chatLogView = this.viewControllers.mrcChat.getView(MciViewIds.mrcChat.chatLog); const cmd = message.split(' '); cmd[0] = cmd[0].substr(1).toLowerCase(); switch (cmd[0]) { case 'pm': this.processOutgoingMessage(cmd[2], cmd[1]); break; case 'rainbow': // this is brutal, but i love it const line = message.replace(/^\/rainbow\s/, '').split(' ').reduce(function (a, c) { const cc = Math.floor((Math.random() * 31) + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0'); a += `|${cc}${c}|00 `; return a; }, '').substr(0, 140).replace(/\\s\|\d*$/, ''); this.processOutgoingMessage(line); break; case 'l33t': this.processOutgoingMessage(StringUtil.stylizeString(message.substr(5), 'l33t')); break; case 'kewl': const text_modes = Array('f','v','V','i','M'); const mode = text_modes[Math.floor(Math.random() * text_modes.length)]; this.processOutgoingMessage(StringUtil.stylizeString(message.substr(5), mode)); break; case 'whoon': this.sendServerMessage('WHOON'); break; case 'motd': this.sendServerMessage('MOTD'); break; case 'meetups': this.sendServerMessage('MEETUPS'); break; case 'bbses': this.sendServerMessage('CONNECTED'); break; case 'topic': this.sendServerMessage(`NEWTOPIC:${this.state.room}:${message.substr(7)}`); break; case 'info': this.sendServerMessage(`INFO ${cmd[1]}`); break; case 'join': this.joinRoom(cmd[1]); break; case 'chatters': this.sendServerMessage('CHATTERS'); break; case 'rooms': this.sendServerMessage('LIST'); break; case 'clear': chatLogView.setText(''); break; case '?': this.addMessageToChatLog(helpText); break; default: break; } // just do something to get the cursor back to the right place ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ this.sendServerMessage('STATS'); } /** * Creates a json object, stringifies it and sends it to the MRC multiplexer */ sendMessageToMultiplexer(to_user, to_site, to_room, body) { const message = { from_user: this.state.alias, from_room: this.state.room, to_user: to_user, to_site: to_site, to_room: to_room, body: body }; this.log.debug({ message: message }, 'Sending message to MRC multiplexer'); // TODO: check socket still exists here this.state.socket.write(JSON.stringify(message) + '\n'); } /** * Sends an MRC 'server' message */ sendServerMessage(command, to_site) { Log.debug({ module: 'mrc', command: command }, 'Sending server command'); this.sendMessageToMultiplexer('SERVER', to_site || '', this.state.room, command); } /** * Sends a heartbeat to the MRC server */ sendHeartbeat() { this.sendServerMessage('IAMHERE'); } /** * Joins a room, unsurprisingly */ joinRoom(room) { // room names are displayed with a # but referred to without. confusing. room = room.replace(/^#/, ''); this.state.room = room; this.sendServerMessage(`NEWROOM:${this.state.room}:${room}`); this.sendServerMessage('USERLIST'); } /** * Things that happen when a local user connects to the MRC multiplexer */ clientConnect() { this.sendServerMessage('MOTD'); this.joinRoom('lobby'); this.sendServerMessage('STATS'); this.sendHeartbeat(); } };