const { ServerModule } = require('../../../server_module'); const Config = require('../../../config').get; const { Errors } = require('../../../enig_error'); const WebServerPackageName = require('../web').moduleInfo.packageName; const _ = require('lodash'); const User = require('../../../user'); const Log = require('../../../logger').log; exports.moduleInfo = { name: 'Profile', desc: 'Displays a user profile', author: 'CognitiveGears', packageName: 'codes.l33t.enigma.web.handler.profile', }; exports.getModule = class ProfileServerModule extends ServerModule { constructor() { super(); } init(cb) { if (!_.get(Config(), 'contentServers.web.handlers.profile.enabled')) { return cb(null); } const { getServer } = require('../../../listening_server'); // we rely on the web server this.webServer = getServer(WebServerPackageName); if (!this.webServer || !this.webServer.instance.isEnabled()) { return cb(Errors.UnexpectedState('Cannot access web server!')); } this.webServer.instance.addRoute({ method: 'GET', path: /^\/profile\//, handler: this._profileRequestHandler.bind(this), }); return cb(null); } _profileRequestHandler(req, resp) { const url = new URL(req.url, `https://${}`); const resource = url.pathname; if (!resource) { return this.webServer.instance.respondWithError( resp, 400, 'pathname is required', 'Missing "resource"' ); } this._getUser(resource, resp, (err, user, accountName) => { if (err) { // |resp| already written to return Log.warn( { error: err.message }, `Profile request failed: ${req.url}` ); } // TODO: More user information here const body = ` User name: ${accountName}, `; const headers = { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain', 'Content-Length': body.length, }; resp.writeHead(200, headers); return resp.end(body); }); } _getUser(resource, resp, cb) { const notFound = () => { this.webServer.instance.respondWithError( resp, 404, 'Resource not found', 'Resource Not Found' ); }; // TODO: Handle URL escaped @ sign as well const userPosition = resource.indexOf('@'); if (-1 == userPosition) { notFound(); return cb(Errors.DoesNotExist('"@username" missing from path')); } const searchQuery = resource.substring(userPosition + 1); if (_.isEmpty(searchQuery)) { notFound(); return cb(Errors.DoesNotExist('Empty username in path')); } User.getUserIdAndName(searchQuery, (err, userId) => { if (err) { notFound(); return cb(err); } User.getUser(userId, (err, user) => { if (err) { notFound(); return cb(err); } return cb(null, user, searchQuery); }); }); } };