/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; // ENiGMA½ var MCIViewFactory = require('./mci_view_factory.js').MCIViewFactory; var menuUtil = require('./menu_util.js'); var Log = require('./logger.js').log; var asset = require('./asset.js'); var events = require('events'); var util = require('util'); var assert = require('assert'); var async = require('async'); var _ = require('lodash'); exports.ViewController = ViewController; function ViewController(client, formId) { events.EventEmitter.call(this); var self = this; this.client = client; this.views = {}; // map of ID -> view this.formId = formId || 0; this.onClientKeyPress = function(key, isSpecial) { if(isSpecial) { return; } if(self.focusedView && self.focusedView.acceptsInput) { key = 'string' === typeof key ? key : key.toString(); self.focusedView.onKeyPress(key, isSpecial); } }; this.onClientSpecialKeyPress = function(keyName) { if(self.focusedView && self.focusedView.acceptsInput) { self.focusedView.onSpecialKeyPress(keyName); } }; this.onViewAction = function(action) { switch(action) { case 'next' : self.emit('action', { view : this, action : action }); self.nextFocus(); break; case 'accept' : // :TODO: consider naming this 'done' // :TODO: check if id is submit, etc. if(self.focusedView && self.focusedView.submit) { self.submitForm(); } else { self.nextFocus(); } break; } }; this.submitForm = function() { /* Generate a form resonse. Example: { id : 0, submitId : 1, value : { "1" : "hurp", "2" : [ 'a', 'b', ... ], "3 " 2, } } */ var formData = { id : self.formId, submitId : self.focusedView.id, value : {}, }; var viewData; for(var id in self.views) { try { viewData = self.views[id].getViewData(); if(typeof viewData !== 'undefined') { formData.value[id] = viewData; } } catch(e) { Log.error(e); // :TODO: Log better ;) } } self.emit('submit', formData); }; this.attachClientEvents(); } util.inherits(ViewController, events.EventEmitter); ViewController.prototype.attachClientEvents = function() { if(this.attached) { return; } this.client.on('key press', this.onClientKeyPress); this.client.on('special key', this.onClientSpecialKeyPress); this.attached = true; }; ViewController.prototype.detachClientEvents = function() { if(!this.attached) { return; } this.client.removeListener('key press', this.onClientKeyPress); this.client.removeListener('special key', this.onClientSpecialKeyPress); for(var id in this.views) { this.views[id].removeAllListeners(); } this.attached = false; }; ViewController.prototype.viewExists = function(id) { return id in this.views; }; ViewController.prototype.addView = function(view) { assert(!this.viewExists(view.id), 'View with ID ' + view.id + ' already exists'); this.views[view.id] = view; }; ViewController.prototype.getView = function(id) { return this.views[id]; }; ViewController.prototype.getFocusedView = function() { return this.focusedView; }; ViewController.prototype.switchFocus = function(id) { if(this.focusedView && this.focusedView.acceptsFocus) { this.focusedView.setFocus(false); } var view = this.getView(id); if(view && view.acceptsFocus) { this.focusedView = view; this.focusedView.setFocus(true); } // :TODO: Probably log here }; ViewController.prototype.nextFocus = function() { if(!this.focusedView) { this.switchFocus(this.views[this.firstId].id); } else { var nextId = this.views[this.focusedView.id].nextId; this.switchFocus(nextId); } }; ViewController.prototype.setViewOrder = function(order) { var viewIdOrder = order || []; if(0 === viewIdOrder.length) { for(var id in this.views) { if(this.views[id].acceptsFocus) { viewIdOrder.push(id); } } viewIdOrder.sort(function intSort(a, b) { return a - b; }); } if(viewIdOrder.length > 0) { var view; var count = viewIdOrder.length - 1; for(var i = 0; i < count; ++i) { this.views[viewIdOrder[i]].nextId = viewIdOrder[i + 1]; } this.firstId = viewIdOrder[0]; var lastId = viewIdOrder.length > 1 ? viewIdOrder[viewIdOrder.length - 1] : this.firstId; this.views[lastId].nextId = this.firstId; } }; ViewController.prototype.loadFromMCIMap = function(mciMap) { var factory = new MCIViewFactory(this.client); var self = this; Object.keys(mciMap).forEach(function onMciEntry(name) { var mci = mciMap[name]; var view = factory.createFromMCI(mci); if(view) { view.on('action', self.onViewAction); self.addView(view); view.redraw(); // :TODO: This can result in double redraw() if we set focus on this item after } }); }; ViewController.prototype.loadFromMCIMapAndConfig = function(options, cb) { assert(options.mciMap); var factory = new MCIViewFactory(this.client); var self = this; var formIdKey = options.formId ? options.formId.toString() : '0'; var initialFocusId; var formConfig; var mciRegEx = /([A-Z]{2})([0-9]{1,2})/; // :TODO: remove all the passing of fromConfig - use local // :TODO: break all of this up ... a lot async.waterfall( [ function getFormConfig(callback) { menuUtil.getFormConfig(options.menuConfig, formIdKey, options.mciMap, function onFormConfig(err, fc) { formConfig = fc; if(err) { // :TODO: fix logging of err here: Log.warn( { err : err, mci : Object.keys(options.mciMap), formIdKey : formIdKey } , 'Unable to load menu configuration'); } callback(null); }); }, function createViewsFromMCIMap(callback) { async.each(Object.keys(options.mciMap), function onMciEntry(name, eachCb) { var mci = options.mciMap[name]; var view = factory.createFromMCI(mci); if(view) { view.on('action', self.onViewAction); self.addView(view); view.redraw(); // :TODO: This can result in double redraw() if we set focus on this item after } eachCb(null); }, function eachMciComplete(err) { self.setViewOrder(); callback(err); }); }, function applyFormConfig(callback) { if(formConfig) { async.each(Object.keys(formConfig.mci), function onMciConf(mci, eachCb) { var mciMatch = mci.match(mciRegEx); // :TODO: what about auto-generated IDs? Do they simply not apply to menu configs? var viewId = parseInt(mciMatch[2]); var view = self.getView(viewId); var mciConf = formConfig.mci[mci]; // :TODO: Break all of this up ... and/or better way of doing it if(mciConf.items) { view.setItems(mciConf.items); } if(mciConf.submit) { view.submit = true; // :TODO: should really be actual value } if(mciConf.text) { view.setText(mciConf.text); } if(mciConf.focus) { initialFocusId = viewId; } eachCb(null); }, function eachMciConfComplete(err) { callback(err); }); } else { callback(null); } }, function mapMenuSubmit(callback) { if(formConfig) { // // If we have a 'submit' section, create a submit handler // and map the various entries to menus/etc. // if(_.isObject(formConfig.submit)) { // :TODO: If this model is kept, formData does not need to include actual data, just form ID & submitID // we can get the rest here via each view in form -> getViewData() self.on('submit', function onSubmit(formData) { Log.debug( { formData : formData }, 'Submit form'); var confForFormId; if(_.isObject(formConfig.submit[formData.submitId])) { confForFormId = formConfig.submit[formData.submitId]; } else if(_.isObject(formConfig.submit['*'])) { confForFormId = formConfig.submit['*']; } else { // no configuration for this submitId return; } var formValueCompare = function(formDataValue, formConfigValue) { // // Any key(s) in formConfigValue must: // 1) be present in formDataValue // 2) must either: // a) be set to null (wildcard/any) // b) have matching values // var formConfigValueKeys = Object.keys(formConfigValue); for(var k = 0; k < formConfigValueKeys.length; ++k) { var memberKey = formConfigValueKeys[k]; // submit data contains config key? if(!_.has(formDataValue, memberKey)) { return false; // not present in what was submitted } if(null !== formConfigValue[memberKey] && formConfigValue[memberKey] !== formDataValue[memberKey]) { return false; } } return true; }; var conf; for(var c = 0; c < confForFormId.length; ++c) { conf = confForFormId[c]; if(_.isEqual(formData.value, conf.value, formValueCompare)) { if(!conf.action) { continue; } var formattedArgs; if(conf.args) { formattedArgs = self.formatMenuArgs(conf.args); } var actionAsset = asset.parseAsset(conf.action); assert(_.isObject(actionAsset)); if('method' === actionAsset.type) { if(actionAsset.location) { // :TODO: call with (client, args, ...) at least. } else { // local to current module var currentMod = self.client.currentMenuModule; if(currentMod.menuMethods[actionAsset.asset]) { currentMod.menuMethods[actionAsset.asset](formattedArgs); } } } else if('menu' === actionAsset.type) { self.client.gotoMenuModule( { name : actionAsset.asset, args : formattedArgs } ); } } } }); } } callback(null); }, function setInitialFocus(callback) { if(initialFocusId) { self.switchFocus(initialFocusId); } callback(null); } ], function complete(err) { if(cb) { cb(err); } } ); }; ViewController.prototype.formatMCIString = function(format) { var self = this; var view; return format.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function replacer(match, number) { view = self.getView(number); if(!view) { return match; } return view.getViewData(); }); }; ViewController.prototype.formatMenuArgs = function(args) { var self = this; return _.mapValues(args, function val(value) { if('string' === typeof value) { return self.formatMCIString(value); } return value; }); };