# Introduction ENiGMA½ is a modern from scratch BBS package written in Node.js. # Quickstart TL;DR? This should get you started... 1\. Clone ```bash git clone https://github.com/NuSkooler/enigma-bbs.git ``` 2\. Install dependencies ```bash npm install ``` 3\. Generate a SSH Private Key Note that you can skip this step and disable the SSH server in your `config.hjson` if desired. ```bash openssl genrsa -des3 -out ./misc/ssh_private_key.pem 2048 ``` 4\. Create a minimal config Main system configuration is handled via `~/.enigma-bbs/config.hjson`. This is a HJSON file (compiliant JSON is also OK). ```hjson general: { boardName: Super Awesome BBS } servers: { ssh: { privateKeyPass: YOUR_PK_PASS } messages: { areas: [ { name: "local_enigma_discusssion", desc: "ENiGMA Discussion", groups: [ "users" ] } ] } ```