/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; var ansi = require('./ansi_term.js'); var colorCodes = require('./color_codes.js'); var theme = require('./theme.js'); var moduleUtil = require('./module_util.js'); var Log = require('./logger.js').log; var Config = require('./config.js').config; var packageJson = require('../package.json'); var assert = require('assert'); var util = require('util'); exports.connectEntry = connectEntry; function ansiQueryTermSizeIfNeeded(client, cb) { if(client.term.termHeight > 0 || client.term.termWidth > 0) { cb(true); return; } var cprListener = function(pos) { // // If we've already found out, disregard // if(client.term.termHeight > 0 || client.term.termWidth > 0) { cb(true); return; } assert(2 === pos.length); var h = pos[0]; var w = pos[1]; // // Netrunner for example gives us 1x1 here. Not really useful. Ignore // values that seem obviously bad. // if(h < 10 || w < 10) { Log.warn( { height : h, width : w }, 'Ignoring ANSI CPR screen size query response due to very small values'); cb(false); return; } client.term.termHeight = h; client.term.termWidth = w; Log.debug( { termWidth : client.term.termWidth, termHeight : client.term.termHeight, source : 'ANSI CPR' }, 'Window size updated' ); }; client.once('cursor position report', cprListener); // give up after 2s setTimeout(function onTimeout() { client.removeListener('cursor position report', cprListener); cb(true); }, 2000); client.term.write(ansi.queryScreenSize()); } function prepareTerminal(term) { term.write(ansi.normal()); term.write(ansi.disableVT100LineWrapping()); // :TODO: set xterm stuff -- see x84/others } function displayBanner(term) { // :TODO: add URL(s) to banner //term.write(ansi.fromPipeCode(util.format('' + term.write(colorCodes.pipeToAnsi(util.format( '|33Conected to |32EN|33|01i|00|32|22GMA|32|01½|00 |33BBS version|31|01 %s\n' + '|00|33Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Bryan Ashby\n' + '|00', packageJson.version))); } function connectEntry(client) { var term = client.term; // // If we don't yet know the client term width/height, // try with a nonstandard ANSI DSR type request. // ansiQueryTermSizeIfNeeded(client, function ansiCprResult(result) { if(!result) { // // We still don't have something good for term height/width. // Default to DOS size 80x25. // // :TODO: Netrunner is currenting hitting this and it feels wrong. Why is NAWS/ENV/CPR all failing??? Log.warn('Failed to negotiate term size; Defaulting to 80x25!'); term.termHeight = 25; term.termWidth = 80; } prepareTerminal(term); // // Always show a ENiGMA½ banner // displayBanner(term); setTimeout(function onTimeout() { client.gotoMenuModule( { name : Config.firstMenu }); }, 500); }); }