const { makeUserUrl, parseTimestampOrNow } = require('./util'); const ActivityPubObject = require('./object'); const apDb = require('../database').dbs.activitypub; const { getISOTimestampString } = require('../database'); const { Errors } = require('../enig_error.js'); const { PublicCollectionId: APPublicCollectionId, ActivityStreamMediaType, } = require('./const'); const UserProps = require('../user_property'); const { getJson } = require('../http_util'); // deps const { isString } = require('lodash'); module.exports = class Collection extends ActivityPubObject { constructor(obj) { super(obj); } static get PublicCollectionId() { return APPublicCollectionId; } static getRemoteCollectionStats(collectionUrl, cb) { const headers = { Accept: ActivityStreamMediaType, }; getJson(collectionUrl, { headers }, (err, collection) => { if (err) { return cb(err); } // :TODO: validate headers? collection = new Collection(collection); if (!collection.isValid()) { return cb(Errors.Invalid('Invalid Collection')); } const { totalItems, type, id, summary } = collection; return cb(null, { totalItems, type, id, summary, }); }); } static followers(collectionId, page, cb) { return Collection.publicOrderedById( 'followers', collectionId, page, e =>, cb ); } static following(collectionId, page, cb) { return Collection.publicOrderedById( 'following', collectionId, page, e =>, cb ); } static addFollower(owningUser, followingActor, webServer, ignoreDupes, cb) { const collectionId = makeUserUrl(webServer, owningUser, '/ap/collections/') + '/followers'; return Collection.addToCollection( 'followers', owningUser, collectionId,, followingActor, false, ignoreDupes, cb ); } static addFollowRequest(owningUser, requestingActor, webServer, ignoreDupes, cb) { const collectionId = makeUserUrl(webServer, owningUser, '/ap/collections/') + '/follow-requests'; return Collection.addToCollection( 'follow-requests', owningUser, collectionId,, requestingActor, true, ignoreDupes, cb ); } static outbox(collectionId, page, cb) { return Collection.publicOrderedById('outbox', collectionId, page, null, cb); } static addOutboxItem(owningUser, outboxItem, isPrivate, webServer, ignoreDupes, cb) { const collectionId = makeUserUrl(webServer, owningUser, '/ap/collections/') + '/outbox'; return Collection.addToCollection( 'outbox', owningUser, collectionId,, outboxItem, isPrivate, ignoreDupes, cb ); } static addInboxItem(inboxItem, owningUser, webServer, ignoreDupes, cb) { const collectionId = makeUserUrl(webServer, owningUser, '/ap/collections/') + '/inbox'; return Collection.addToCollection( 'inbox', owningUser, collectionId,, inboxItem, true, ignoreDupes, cb ); } static addSharedInboxItem(inboxItem, ignoreDupes, cb) { return Collection.addToCollection( 'sharedInbox', null, // N/A Collection.PublicCollectionId,, inboxItem, false, ignoreDupes, cb ); } static objectById(objectId, cb) { apDb.get( `SELECT name, timestamp, owner_actor_id, object_json, is_private FROM collection WHERE name = ? AND object_id = ? LIMIT 1;`, [objectId], (err, row) => { if (err) { return cb(err); } if (!row) { return cb(null, null); } const obj = ActivityPubObject.fromJsonString(row.object_json); if (!obj) { return cb(Errors.Invalid('Failed to parse Object JSON')); } return cb(null, obj, Collection._rowToObjectInfo(row)); } ); } static objectByEmbeddedId(objectId, cb) { apDb.get( `SELECT name, timestamp, owner_actor_id, object_json, is_private FROM collection WHERE json_extract(object_json, '$') = ? LIMIT 1;`, [objectId], (err, row) => { if (err) { return cb(err); } if (!row) { // no match return cb(null, null); } const obj = ActivityPubObject.fromJsonString(row.object_json); if (!obj) { return cb(Errors.Invalid('Failed to parse Object JSON')); } return cb(null, obj, Collection._rowToObjectInfo(row)); } ); } static publicOrderedById(collectionName, collectionId, page, mapper, cb) { if (!page) { return apDb.get( `SELECT COUNT(collection_id) AS count FROM collection WHERE name = ? AND collection_id = ? AND is_private = FALSE;`, [collectionName, collectionId], (err, row) => { if (err) { return cb(err); } let obj; if (row.count > 0) { obj = { id: collectionId, type: 'OrderedCollection', first: `${collectionId}?page=1`, totalItems: row.count, }; } else { obj = { id: collectionId, type: 'OrderedCollection', totalItems: 0, orderedItems: [], }; } return cb(null, new Collection(obj)); } ); } // :TODO: actual paging... apDb.all( `SELECT object_json FROM collection WHERE name = ? AND collection_id = ? AND is_private = FALSE ORDER BY timestamp;`, [collectionName, collectionId], (err, entries) => { if (err) { return cb(err); } entries = entries || []; if (mapper && entries.length > 0) { entries =; } const obj = { id: `${collectionId}/page=${page}`, type: 'OrderedCollectionPage', totalItems: entries.length, orderedItems: entries, partOf: collectionId, }; return cb(null, new Collection(obj)); } ); } static ownedOrderedByUser( collectionName, owningUser, includePrivate, page, mapper, webServer, cb ) { const privateQuery = includePrivate ? '' : ' AND is_private = FALSE'; const actorId = owningUser.getProperty(UserProps.ActivityPubActorId); if (!actorId) { return cb( Errors.MissingProperty( `User "${owningUser.username}" is missing property '${UserProps.ActivityPubActorId}'` ) ); } // e.g. const collectionId = makeUserUrl(webServer, owningUser, '/ap/collections/') + `/${collectionName}`; if (!page) { return apDb.get( `SELECT COUNT(collection_id) AS count FROM collection WHERE owner_actor_id = ? AND name = ?${privateQuery};`, [actorId, collectionName], (err, row) => { if (err) { return cb(err); } // // Mastodon for instance, will never follow up for the // actual data from some Collections such as 'followers'; // Instead, they only use the |totalItems| to form an // approximate follower count. // let obj; if (row.count > 0) { obj = { id: collectionId, type: 'OrderedCollection', first: `${collectionId}?page=1`, totalItems: row.count, }; } else { obj = { id: collectionId, type: 'OrderedCollection', totalItems: 0, orderedItems: [], }; } return cb(null, new Collection(obj)); } ); } // :TODO: actual paging... apDb.all( `SELECT object_json FROM collection WHERE owner_actor_id = ? AND name = ?${privateQuery} ORDER BY timestamp;`, [actorId, collectionName], (err, entries) => { if (err) { return cb(err); } entries = entries || []; if (mapper && entries.length > 0) { entries =; } const obj = { id: `${collectionId}/page=${page}`, type: 'OrderedCollectionPage', totalItems: entries.length, orderedItems: entries, partOf: collectionId, }; return cb(null, new Collection(obj)); } ); } // static updateCollectionEntry(collectionName, objectId, obj, cb) { if (!isString(obj)) { obj = JSON.stringify(obj); } `UPDATE collection SET object_json = ?, timestamp = ? WHERE name = ? AND object_id = ?;`, [obj, collectionName, getISOTimestampString(), objectId], err => { return cb(err); } ); } static addToCollection( collectionName, owningUser, collectionId, objectId, obj, isPrivate, ignoreDupes, cb ) { if (!isString(obj)) { obj = JSON.stringify(obj); } let actorId; if (owningUser) { actorId = owningUser.getProperty(UserProps.ActivityPubActorId); if (!actorId) { return cb( Errors.MissingProperty( `User "${owningUser.username}" is missing property '${UserProps.ActivityPubActorId}'` ) ); } } else { actorId = Collection.APPublicCollectionId; } isPrivate = isPrivate ? 1 : 0; `INSERT OR IGNORE INTO collection (name, timestamp, collection_id, owner_actor_id, object_id, object_json, is_private) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);`, [ collectionName, getISOTimestampString(), collectionId, actorId, objectId, obj, isPrivate, ], function res(err) { // non-arrow for 'this' scope if (err && 'SQLITE_CONSTRAINT' === err.code) { if (ignoreDupes) { err = null; // ignore } return cb(err); } return cb(err, this.lastID); } ); } static removeById(collectionName, owningUser, objectId, cb) { const actorId = owningUser.getProperty(UserProps.ActivityPubActorId); if (!actorId) { return cb( Errors.MissingProperty( `User "${owningUser.username}" is missing property '${UserProps.ActivityPubActorId}'` ) ); } `DELETE FROM collection WHERE name = ? AND owner_actor_id = ? AND object_id = ?;`, [collectionName, actorId, objectId], err => { return cb(err); } ); } static _rowToObjectInfo(row) { return { name:, timestamp: parseTimestampOrNow(row.timestamp), ownerActorId: row.owner_actor_id, isPrivate: row.is_private, }; } };