/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; // ENiGMA½ const MenuModule = require('./menu_module.js').MenuModule; const resetScreen = require('./ansi_term.js').resetScreen; const setSyncTermFontWithAlias = require('./ansi_term.js').setSyncTermFontWithAlias; // deps const async = require('async'); const _ = require('lodash'); const net = require('net'); const EventEmitter = require('events'); const { TelnetSocket, TelnetSpec: { Commands, Options, SubNegotiationCommands }, } = require('telnet-socket'); /* Expected configuration block: { module: telnet_bridge ... config: { host: somehost.net port: 23 } } */ // :TODO: ENH: Support nodeMax and tooManyArt exports.moduleInfo = { name: 'Telnet Bridge', desc: 'Connect to other Telnet Systems', author: 'Andrew Pamment', }; const IAC_DO_TERM_TYPE = TelnetSocket.commandBuffer(Commands.DO, Options.TTYPE); class TelnetClientConnection extends EventEmitter { constructor(client) { super(); this.client = client; this.dataHits = 0; } updateActivity() { if (0 === this.dataHits++ % 4) { this.client.explicitActivityTimeUpdate(); } } restorePipe() { if (!this.pipeRestored) { this.pipeRestored = true; this.client.restoreDataHandler(); // client may have bailed if (null !== _.get(this, 'client.term.output', null)) { if (this.bridgeConnection) { this.client.term.output.unpipe(this.bridgeConnection); } this.client.term.output.resume(); } } } connect(connectOpts) { this.bridgeConnection = net.createConnection(connectOpts, () => { this.emit('connected'); this.pipeRestored = false; this.client.setTemporaryDirectDataHandler(data => { this.updateActivity(); this.bridgeConnection.write(data); }); }); this.bridgeConnection.on('data', data => { this.updateActivity(); this.client.term.rawWrite(data); // // Wait for a terminal type request, and send it exactly once. // This is enough (in additional to other negotiations handled in telnet.js) // to get us in on most systems // if (!this.termSent && data.indexOf(IAC_DO_TERM_TYPE) > -1) { this.termSent = true; this.bridgeConnection.write(this.getTermTypeNegotiationBuffer()); } }); this.bridgeConnection.once('end', () => { this.restorePipe(); this.emit('end'); }); this.bridgeConnection.once('error', err => { this.restorePipe(); this.emit('end', err); }); } disconnect() { if (this.bridgeConnection) { this.bridgeConnection.end(); } } destroy() { if (this.bridgeConnection) { this.bridgeConnection.destroy(); this.bridgeConnection.removeAllListeners(); this.restorePipe(); this.emit('end'); } } getTermTypeNegotiationBuffer() { // // Create a TERMINAL-TYPE sub negotiation buffer using the // actual/current terminal type. // const sendTermType = TelnetSocket.commandBuffer(Commands.SB, Options.TTYPE, [ SubNegotiationCommands.IS, ...Buffer.from(this.client.term.termType), // e.g. "ansi" Commands.IAC, Commands.SE, ]); return sendTermType; } } exports.getModule = class TelnetBridgeModule extends MenuModule { constructor(options) { super(options); this.config = Object.assign( {}, _.get(options, 'menuConfig.config'), options.extraArgs ); this.config.port = this.config.port || 23; } initSequence() { let clientTerminated; const self = this; async.series( [ function validateConfig(callback) { if (_.isString(self.config.host) && _.isNumber(self.config.port)) { callback(null); } else { callback( new Error('Configuration is missing required option(s)') ); } }, function createTelnetBridge(callback) { const connectOpts = { port: self.config.port, host: self.config.host, }; self.client.term.write(resetScreen()); self.client.term.write( ` Connecting to ${connectOpts.host}, please wait...\n (Press ESC to cancel)\n` ); const telnetConnection = new TelnetClientConnection(self.client); const connectionKeyPressHandler = (ch, key) => { if ('escape' === key.name) { self.client.removeListener( 'key press', connectionKeyPressHandler ); telnetConnection.destroy(); } }; self.client.on('key press', connectionKeyPressHandler); telnetConnection.on('connected', () => { self.client.removeListener( 'key press', connectionKeyPressHandler ); self.client.log.info( connectOpts, 'Telnet bridge connection established' ); // put the font back how it was prior, if fonts are enabled if (self.client.term.syncTermFontsEnabled && self.config.font) { self.client.term.rawWrite( setSyncTermFontWithAlias(self.config.font) ); } self.client.once('end', () => { self.client.log.info( 'Connection ended. Terminating connection' ); clientTerminated = true; telnetConnection.disconnect(); }); }); telnetConnection.on('end', err => { self.client.removeListener( 'key press', connectionKeyPressHandler ); if (err) { self.client.log.warn( `Telnet bridge connection error: ${err.message}` ); } callback( clientTerminated ? new Error('Client connection terminated') : null ); }); telnetConnection.connect(connectOpts); }, ], err => { if (err) { self.client.log.warn( { error: err.message }, 'Telnet connection error' ); } if (!clientTerminated) { self.prevMenu(); } } ); } };