/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; // ENiGMA½ const loadMenu = require('./menu_util.js').loadMenu; const { Errors, ErrorReasons } = require('./enig_error.js'); // deps const _ = require('lodash'); const assert = require('assert'); // :TODO: Stack is backwards.... top should be most recent! :) module.exports = class MenuStack { constructor(client) { this.client = client; this.stack = []; } push(moduleInfo) { return this.stack.push(moduleInfo); } pop() { return this.stack.pop(); } peekPrev() { if(this.stackSize > 1) { return this.stack[this.stack.length - 2]; } } top() { if(this.stackSize > 0) { return this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; } } get stackSize() { return this.stack.length; } get currentModule() { const top = this.top(); assert(top, 'Empty menu stack!'); return top.instance; } next(cb) { const currentModuleInfo = this.top(); const menuConfig = currentModuleInfo.instance.menuConfig; const nextMenu = this.client.acs.getConditionalValue(menuConfig.next, 'next'); if(!nextMenu) { return cb(Array.isArray(menuConfig.next) ? Errors.MenuStack('No matching condition for "next"', ErrorReasons.NoConditionMatch) : Errors.MenuStack('Invalid or missing "next" member in menu config', ErrorReasons.InvalidNextMenu) ); } if(nextMenu === currentModuleInfo.name) { return cb(Errors.MenuStack('Menu config "next" specifies current menu', ErrorReasons.AlreadyThere)); } this.goto(nextMenu, { }, cb); } prev(cb) { const menuResult = this.top().instance.getMenuResult(); // :TODO: leave() should really take a cb... this.pop().instance.leave(); // leave & remove current const previousModuleInfo = this.pop(); // get previous if(previousModuleInfo) { const opts = { extraArgs : previousModuleInfo.extraArgs, savedState : previousModuleInfo.savedState, lastMenuResult : menuResult, }; return this.goto(previousModuleInfo.name, opts, cb); } return cb(Errors.MenuStack('No previous menu available', ErrorReasons.NoPreviousMenu)); } goto(name, options, cb) { const currentModuleInfo = this.top(); if(!cb && _.isFunction(options)) { cb = options; options = {}; } options = options || {}; const self = this; if(currentModuleInfo && name === currentModuleInfo.name) { if(cb) { cb(Errors.MenuStack('Already at supplied menu', ErrorReasons.AlreadyThere)); } return; } const loadOpts = { name : name, client : self.client, }; if(currentModuleInfo && currentModuleInfo.menuFlags.includes('forwardArgs')) { loadOpts.extraArgs = currentModuleInfo.extraArgs; } else { loadOpts.extraArgs = options.extraArgs || _.get(options, 'formData.value'); } loadOpts.lastMenuResult = options.lastMenuResult; loadMenu(loadOpts, (err, modInst) => { if(err) { // :TODO: probably should just require a cb... const errCb = cb || self.client.defaultHandlerMissingMod(); errCb(err); } else { self.client.log.debug( { menuName : name }, 'Goto menu module'); if(!this.client.acs.hasMenuModuleAccess(modInst)) { if(cb) { return cb(Errors.AccessDenied('No access to this menu')); } return; } // // Handle deprecated 'options' block by merging to config and warning user. // :TODO: Remove in 0.0.10+ // if(modInst.menuConfig.options) { self.client.log.warn( { options : modInst.menuConfig.options }, 'Use of "options" is deprecated. Move relevant members to "config" block! Support will be fully removed in future versions' ); Object.assign(modInst.menuConfig.config || {}, modInst.menuConfig.options); delete modInst.menuConfig.options; } // // If menuFlags were supplied in menu.hjson, they should win over // anything supplied in code. // let menuFlags; if(0 === modInst.menuConfig.config.menuFlags.length) { menuFlags = Array.isArray(options.menuFlags) ? options.menuFlags : []; } else { menuFlags = modInst.menuConfig.config.menuFlags; // in code we can ask to merge in if(Array.isArray(options.menuFlags) && options.menuFlags.includes('mergeFlags')) { menuFlags = _.uniq(menuFlags.concat(options.menuFlags)); } } if(currentModuleInfo) { // save stack state currentModuleInfo.savedState = currentModuleInfo.instance.getSaveState(); currentModuleInfo.instance.leave(); if(currentModuleInfo.menuFlags.includes('noHistory')) { this.pop(); } if(menuFlags.includes('popParent')) { this.pop().instance.leave(); // leave & remove current } } self.push({ name : name, instance : modInst, extraArgs : loadOpts.extraArgs, menuFlags : menuFlags, }); // restore previous state if requested if(options.savedState) { modInst.restoreSavedState(options.savedState); } const stackEntries = self.stack.map(stackEntry => { let name = stackEntry.name; if(stackEntry.instance.menuConfig.config.menuFlags.length > 0) { name += ` (${stackEntry.instance.menuConfig.config.menuFlags.join(', ')})`; } return name; }); self.client.log.trace( { stack : stackEntries }, 'Updated menu stack' ); modInst.enter(); if(cb) { cb(null); } } }); } };