/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; // ENiGMA½ const miscUtil = require('./misc_util.js'); const ANSIEscapeParser = require('./ansi_escape_parser.js').ANSIEscapeParser; const ANSI = require('./ansi_term.js'); // deps const iconv = require('iconv-lite'); exports.stylizeString = stylizeString; exports.pad = pad; exports.replaceAt = replaceAt; exports.isPrintable = isPrintable; exports.stripAllLineFeeds = stripAllLineFeeds; exports.debugEscapedString = debugEscapedString; exports.stringFromNullTermBuffer = stringFromNullTermBuffer; exports.renderSubstr = renderSubstr; exports.renderStringLength = renderStringLength; exports.formatByteSizeAbbr = formatByteSizeAbbr; exports.formatByteSize = formatByteSize; exports.cleanControlCodes = cleanControlCodes; exports.prepAnsi = prepAnsi; exports.isAnsi = isAnsi; exports.splitTextAtTerms = splitTextAtTerms; // :TODO: create Unicode verison of this const VOWELS = [ 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u' ]; VOWELS.concat(VOWELS.map(l => l.toUpperCase())); const SIMPLE_ELITE_MAP = { 'a' : '4', 'e' : '3', 'i' : '1', 'o' : '0', 's' : '5', 't' : '7' }; function stylizeString(s, style) { var len = s.length; var c; var i; var stylized = ''; switch(style) { // None/normal case 'normal' : case 'N' : return s; // UPPERCASE case 'upper' : case 'U' : return s.toUpperCase(); // lowercase case 'lower' : case 'l' : return s.toLowerCase(); // Title Case case 'title' : case 'T' : return s.replace(/\w\S*/g, function onProperCaseChar(t) { return t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t.substr(1).toLowerCase(); }); // fIRST lOWER case 'first lower' : case 'f' : return s.replace(/\w\S*/g, function onFirstLowerChar(t) { return t.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + t.substr(1).toUpperCase(); }); // SMaLL VoWeLS case 'small vowels' : case 'v' : for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) { c = s[i]; if(-1 !== VOWELS.indexOf(c)) { stylized += c.toLowerCase(); } else { stylized += c.toUpperCase(); } } return stylized; // bIg vOwELS case 'big vowels' : case 'V' : for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) { c = s[i]; if(-1 !== VOWELS.indexOf(c)) { stylized += c.toUpperCase(); } else { stylized += c.toLowerCase(); } } return stylized; // Small i's: DEMENTiA case 'small i' : case 'i' : return s.toUpperCase().replace(/I/g, 'i'); // mIxeD CaSE (random upper/lower) case 'mixed' : case 'M' : for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { if(Math.random() < 0.5) { stylized += s[i].toUpperCase(); } else { stylized += s[i].toLowerCase(); } } return stylized; // l337 5p34k case 'l33t' : case '3' : for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) { c = SIMPLE_ELITE_MAP[s[i].toLowerCase()]; stylized += c || s[i]; } return stylized; } return s; } // Based on http://www.webtoolkit.info/ // :TODO: Look into lodash padLeft, padRight, etc. function pad(s, len, padChar, dir, stringSGR, padSGR, useRenderLen) { len = miscUtil.valueWithDefault(len, 0); padChar = miscUtil.valueWithDefault(padChar, ' '); dir = miscUtil.valueWithDefault(dir, 'right'); stringSGR = miscUtil.valueWithDefault(stringSGR, ''); padSGR = miscUtil.valueWithDefault(padSGR, ''); useRenderLen = miscUtil.valueWithDefault(useRenderLen, true); const renderLen = useRenderLen ? renderStringLength(s) : s.length; const padlen = len >= renderLen ? len - renderLen : 0; switch(dir) { case 'L' : case 'left' : s = padSGR + new Array(padlen).join(padChar) + stringSGR + s; break; case 'C' : case 'center' : case 'both' : { const right = Math.ceil(padlen / 2); const left = padlen - right; s = padSGR + new Array(left + 1).join(padChar) + stringSGR + s + padSGR + new Array(right + 1).join(padChar); } break; case 'R' : case 'right' : s = stringSGR + s + padSGR + new Array(padlen).join(padChar); break; default : break; } return stringSGR + s; } function replaceAt(s, n, t) { return s.substring(0, n) + t + s.substring(n + 1); } const RE_NON_PRINTABLE = /[\0-\x1F\x7F-\x9F\xAD\u0378\u0379\u037F-\u0383\u038B\u038D\u03A2\u0528-\u0530\u0557\u0558\u0560\u0588\u058B-\u058E\u0590\u05C8-\u05CF\u05EB-\u05EF\u05F5-\u0605\u061C\u061D\u06DD\u070E\u070F\u074B\u074C\u07B2-\u07BF\u07FB-\u07FF\u082E\u082F\u083F\u085C\u085D\u085F-\u089F\u08A1\u08AD-\u08E3\u08FF\u0978\u0980\u0984\u098D\u098E\u0991\u0992\u09A9\u09B1\u09B3-\u09B5\u09BA\u09BB\u09C5\u09C6\u09C9\u09CA\u09CF-\u09D6\u09D8-\u09DB\u09DE\u09E4\u09E5\u09FC-\u0A00\u0A04\u0A0B-\u0A0E\u0A11\u0A12\u0A29\u0A31\u0A34\u0A37\u0A3A\u0A3B\u0A3D\u0A43-\u0A46\u0A49\u0A4A\u0A4E-\u0A50\u0A52-\u0A58\u0A5D\u0A5F-\u0A65\u0A76-\u0A80\u0A84\u0A8E\u0A92\u0AA9\u0AB1\u0AB4\u0ABA\u0ABB\u0AC6\u0ACA\u0ACE\u0ACF\u0AD1-\u0ADF\u0AE4\u0AE5\u0AF2-\u0B00\u0B04\u0B0D\u0B0E\u0B11\u0B12\u0B29\u0B31\u0B34\u0B3A\u0B3B\u0B45\u0B46\u0B49\u0B4A\u0B4E-\u0B55\u0B58-\u0B5B\u0B5E\u0B64\u0B65\u0B78-\u0B81\u0B84\u0B8B-\u0B8D\u0B91\u0B96-\u0B98\u0B9B\u0B9D\u0BA0-\u0BA2\u0BA5-\u0BA7\u0BAB-\u0BAD\u0BBA-\u0BBD\u0BC3-\u0BC5\u0BC9\u0BCE\u0BCF\u0BD1-\u0BD6\u0BD8-\u0BE5\u0BFB-\u0C00\u0C04\u0C0D\u0C11\u0C29\u0C34\u0C3A-\u0C3C\u0C45\u0C49\u0C4E-\u0C54\u0C57\u0C5A-\u0C5F\u0C64\u0C65\u0C70-\u0C77\u0C80\u0C81\u0C84\u0C8D\u0C91\u0CA9\u0CB4\u0CBA\u0CBB\u0CC5\u0CC9\u0CCE-\u0CD4\u0CD7-\u0CDD\u0CDF\u0CE4\u0CE5\u0CF0\u0CF3-\u0D01\u0D04\u0D0D\u0D11\u0D3B\u0D3C\u0D45\u0D49\u0D4F-\u0D56\u0D58-\u0D5F\u0D64\u0D65\u0D76-\u0D78\u0D80\u0D81\u0D84\u0D97-\u0D99\u0DB2\u0DBC\u0DBE\u0DBF\u0DC7-\u0DC9\u0DCB-\u0DCE\u0DD5\u0DD7\u0DE0-\u0DF1\u0DF5-\u0E00\u0E3B-\u0E3E\u0E5C-\u0E80\u0E83\u0E85\u0E86\u0E89\u0E8B\u0E8C\u0E8E-\u0E93\u0E98\u0EA0\u0EA4\u0EA6\u0EA8\u0EA9\u0EAC\u0EBA\u0EBE\u0EBF\u0EC5\u0EC7\u0ECE\u0ECF\u0EDA\u0EDB\u0EE0-\u0EFF\u0F48\u0F6D-\u0F70\u0F98\u0FBD\u0FCD\u0FDB-\u0FFF\u10C6\u10C8-\u10CC\u10CE\u10CF\u1249\u124E\u124F\u1257\u1259\u125E\u125F\u1289\u128E\u128F\u12B1\u12B6\u12B7\u12BF\u12C1\u12C6\u12C7\u12D7\u1311\u1316\u1317\u135B\u135C\u137D-\u137F\u139A-\u139F\u13F5-\u13FF\u169D-\u169F\u16F1-\u16FF\u170D\u1715-\u171F\u1737-\u173F\u1754-\u175F\u176D\u1771\u1774-\u177F\u17DE\u17DF\u17EA-\u17EF\u17FA-\u17FF\u180F\u181A-\u181F\u1878-\u187F\u18AB-\u18AF\u18F6-\u18FF\u191D-\u191F\u192C-\u192F\u193C-\u193F\u1941-\u1943\u196E\u196F\u1975-\u197F\u19AC-\u19AF\u19CA-\u19CF\u19DB-\u19DD\u1A1C\u1A1D\u1A5F\u1A7D\u1A7E\u1A8A-\u1A8F\u1A9A-\u1A9F\u1AAE-\u1AFF\u1B4C-\u1B4F\u1B7D-\u1B7F\u1BF4-\u1BFB\u1C38-\u1C3A\u1C4A-\u1C4C\u1C80-\u1CBF\u1CC8-\u1CCF\u1CF7-\u1CFF\u1DE7-\u1DFB\u1F16\u1F17\u1F1E\u1F1F\u1F46\u1F47\u1F4E\u1F4F\u1F58\u1F5A\u1F5C\u1F5E\u1F7E\u1F7F\u1FB5\u1FC5\u1FD4\u1FD5\u1FDC\u1FF0\u1FF1\u1FF5\u1FFF\u200B-\u200F\u202A-\u202E\u2060-\u206F\u2072\u2073\u208F\u209D-\u209F\u20BB-\u20CF\u20F1-\u20FF\u218A-\u218F\u23F4-\u23FF\u2427-\u243F\u244B-\u245F\u2700\u2B4D-\u2B4F\u2B5A-\u2BFF\u2C2F\u2C5F\u2CF4-\u2CF8\u2D26\u2D28-\u2D2C\u2D2E\u2D2F\u2D68-\u2D6E\u2D71-\u2D7E\u2D97-\u2D9F\u2DA7\u2DAF\u2DB7\u2DBF\u2DC7\u2DCF\u2DD7\u2DDF\u2E3C-\u2E7F\u2E9A\u2EF4-\u2EFF\u2FD6-\u2FEF\u2FFC-\u2FFF\u3040\u3097\u3098\u3100-\u3104\u312E-\u3130\u318F\u31BB-\u31BF\u31E4-\u31EF\u321F\u32FF\u4DB6-\u4DBF\u9FCD-\u9FFF\uA48D-\uA48F\uA4C7-\uA4CF\uA62C-\uA63F\uA698-\uA69E\uA6F8-\uA6FF\uA78F\uA794-\uA79F\uA7AB-\uA7F7\uA82C-\uA82F\uA83A-\uA83F\uA878-\uA87F\uA8C5-\uA8CD\uA8DA-\uA8DF\uA8FC-\uA8FF\uA954-\uA95E\uA97D-\uA97F\uA9CE\uA9DA-\uA9DD\uA9E0-\uA9FF\uAA37-\uAA3F\uAA4E\uAA4F\uAA5A\uAA5B\uAA7C-\uAA7F\uAAC3-\uAADA\uAAF7-\uAB00\uAB07\uAB08\uAB0F\uAB10\uAB17-\uAB1F\uAB27\uAB2F-\uABBF\uABEE\uABEF\uABFA-\uABFF\uD7A4-\uD7AF\uD7C7-\uD7CA\uD7FC-\uF8FF\uFA6E\uFA6F\uFADA-\uFAFF\uFB07-\uFB12\uFB18-\uFB1C\uFB37\uFB3D\uFB3F\uFB42\uFB45\uFBC2-\uFBD2\uFD40-\uFD4F\uFD90\uFD91\uFDC8-\uFDEF\uFDFE\uFDFF\uFE1A-\uFE1F\uFE27-\uFE2F\uFE53\uFE67\uFE6C-\uFE6F\uFE75\uFEFD-\uFF00\uFFBF-\uFFC1\uFFC8\uFFC9\uFFD0\uFFD1\uFFD8\uFFD9\uFFDD-\uFFDF\uFFE7\uFFEF-\uFFFB\uFFFE\uFFFF]/; function isPrintable(s) { // // See the following: // https://mathiasbynens.be/notes/javascript-unicode // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11598786/how-to-replace-non-printable-unicode-characters-javascript // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12052825/regular-expression-for-all-printable-characters-in-javascript // // :TODO: Probably need somthing better here. return !RE_NON_PRINTABLE.test(s); } function stringLength(s) { // :TODO: See https://mathiasbynens.be/notes/javascript-unicode return s.length; } function stripAllLineFeeds(s) { return s.replace(/\r?\n|[\r\u2028\u2029]/g, ''); } function debugEscapedString(s) { return JSON.stringify(s).slice(1, -1); } function stringFromNullTermBuffer(buf, encoding) { let nullPos = buf.indexOf(new Buffer( [ 0x00 ] )); if(-1 === nullPos) { nullPos = buf.length; } return iconv.decode(buf.slice(0, nullPos), encoding || 'utf-8'); } const PIPE_REGEXP = /(\|[A-Z\d]{2})/g; const ANSI_REGEXP = /[\u001b\u009b][[()#;?]*([0-9]{1,4}(?:;[0-9]{0,4})*)?([0-9A-ORZcf-npqrsuy=><])/g; const ANSI_OR_PIPE_REGEXP = new RegExp(PIPE_REGEXP.source + '|' + ANSI_REGEXP.source, 'g'); // // Similar to substr() but works with ANSI/Pipe code strings // function renderSubstr(str, start, length) { // shortcut for empty strings if(0 === str.length) { return str; } start = start || 0; length = length || str.length - start; const re = ANSI_OR_PIPE_REGEXP; re.lastIndex = 0; // we recycle the obj; must reset! let pos = 0; let match; let out = ''; let renderLen = 0; let s; do { pos = re.lastIndex; match = re.exec(str); if(match) { if(match.index > pos) { s = str.slice(pos + start, Math.min(match.index, pos + (length - renderLen))); start = 0; // start offset applies only once out += s; renderLen += s.length; } out += match[0]; } } while(renderLen < length && 0 !== re.lastIndex); // remainder if(pos + start < str.length && renderLen < length) { out += str.slice(pos + start, (pos + start + (length - renderLen))); //out += str.slice(pos + start, Math.max(1, pos + (length - renderLen - 1))); } return out; } // // Method to return the "rendered" length taking into account Pipe and ANSI color codes. // // We additionally account for ANSI *forward* movement ESC sequences // in the form of ESC[C where is the "go forward" character count. // // See also https://github.com/chalk/ansi-regex/blob/master/index.js // function renderStringLength(s) { let m; let pos; let len = 0; const re = ANSI_OR_PIPE_REGEXP; re.lastIndex = 0; // we recycle the rege; reset // // Loop counting only literal (non-control) sequences // paying special attention to ESC[C which means forward // do { pos = re.lastIndex; m = re.exec(s); if(m) { if(m.index > pos) { len += s.slice(pos, m.index).length; } if('C' === m[3]) { // ESC[C is foward/right len += parseInt(m[2], 10) || 0; } } } while(0 !== re.lastIndex); if(pos < s.length) { len += s.slice(pos).length; } return len; } const SIZE_ABBRS = [ 'B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB' ]; // :) function formatByteSizeAbbr(byteSize) { if(0 === byteSize) { return SIZE_ABBRS[0]; // B } return SIZE_ABBRS[Math.floor(Math.log(byteSize) / Math.log(1024))]; } function formatByteSize(byteSize, withAbbr, decimals) { withAbbr = withAbbr || false; decimals = decimals || 3; const i = 0 === byteSize ? byteSize : Math.floor(Math.log(byteSize) / Math.log(1024)); let result = parseFloat((byteSize / Math.pow(1024, i)).toFixed(decimals)); if(withAbbr) { result += ` ${SIZE_ABBRS[i]}`; } return result; } // :TODO: See notes in word_wrap.js about need to consolidate the various ANSI related RegExp's //const REGEXP_ANSI_CONTROL_CODES = /(\x1b\x5b)([\?=;0-9]*?)([0-9A-ORZcf-npsu=><])/g; const REGEXP_ANSI_CONTROL_CODES = /(?:\x1b\x5b)([\?=;0-9]*?)([A-ORZcf-npsu=><])/g; const ANSI_OPCODES_ALLOWED_CLEAN = [ //'A', 'B', // up, down //'C', 'D', // right, left 'm', // color ]; const AnsiSpecialOpCodes = { positioning : [ 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' ], // up, down, right, left style : [ 'm' ] // color }; function cleanControlCodes(input, options) { let m; let pos; let cleaned = ''; options = options || {}; // // Loop through |input| adding only allowed ESC // sequences and literals to |cleaned| // do { pos = REGEXP_ANSI_CONTROL_CODES.lastIndex; m = REGEXP_ANSI_CONTROL_CODES.exec(input); if(m) { if(m.index > pos) { cleaned += input.slice(pos, m.index); } if(options.all) { continue; } if(ANSI_OPCODES_ALLOWED_CLEAN.indexOf(m[2].charAt(0)) > -1) { cleaned += m[0]; } } } while(0 !== REGEXP_ANSI_CONTROL_CODES.lastIndex); // remainder if(pos < input.length) { cleaned += input.slice(pos); } return cleaned; } function prepAnsi(input, options, cb) { if(!input) { return cb(null, ''); } options.termWidth = options.termWidth || 80; options.termHeight = options.termHeight || 25; options.cols = options.cols || options.termWidth || 80; options.rows = options.rows || options.termHeight || 'auto'; options.startCol = options.startCol || 1; const canvas = Array.from( { length : 'auto' === options.rows ? 25 : options.rows }, () => Array.from( { length : options.cols}, () => new Object() ) ); const parser = new ANSIEscapeParser( { termHeight : options.termHeight, termWidth : options.termWidth } ); const state = { row : 0, col : 0, }; let lastRow = 0; function ensureRow(row) { if(Array.isArray(canvas[row])) { return; } canvas[row] = Array.from( { length : options.cols}, () => new Object() ); } parser.on('position update', (row, col) => { state.row = row - 1; state.col = col - 1; lastRow = Math.max(state.row, lastRow); }); parser.on('literal', literal => { // // CR/LF are handled for 'position update'; we don't need the chars themselves // literal = literal.replace(/\r?\n|[\r\u2028\u2029]/g, ''); for(let c of literal) { if(state.col < options.cols && ('auto' === options.rows || state.row < options.rows)) { ensureRow(state.row); canvas[state.row][state.col].char = c; if(state.sgr) { canvas[state.row][state.col].sgr = state.sgr; state.sgr = null; } } state.col += 1; } }); parser.on('control', (match, opCode) => { // // Movement is handled via 'position update', so we really only care about // display opCodes // switch(opCode) { case 'm' : state.sgr = (state.sgr || '') + match; break; default : break; } }); function getLastPopulatedColumn(row) { let col = row.length; while(--col > 0) { if(row[col].char || row[col].sgr) { break; } } return col; } parser.on('complete', () => { let output = ''; let lastSgr = ''; canvas.slice(0, lastRow + 1).forEach(row => { const lastCol = getLastPopulatedColumn(row) + 1; let i; for(i = 0; i < lastCol; ++i) { const col = row[i]; if(col.sgr) { lastSgr = col.sgr; } output += `${col.sgr || ''}${col.char || ' '}`; } if(i < row.length) { output += `${ANSI.blackBG()}${row.slice(i).map( () => ' ').join('')}${lastSgr}`; } if(options.startCol + options.cols < options.termWidth || options.forceLineTerm) { output += '\r\n'; } }); return cb(null, output); }); parser.parse(input); } function isAnsi(input) { // // * ANSI found - limited, just colors // * Full ANSI art // * // // FULL ANSI art: // * SAUCE present & reports as ANSI art // * ANSI clear screen within first 2-3 codes // * ANSI movement codes (goto, right, left, etc.) // // * /* readSAUCE(input, (err, sauce) => { if(!err && ('ANSi' === sauce.fileType || 'ANSiMation' === sauce.fileType)) { return cb(null, 'ansi'); } }); */ const ANSI_DET_REGEXP = /(?:\x1b\x5b)[0-9]{1,3}[ABCDEFGJKLMSTrsuHfhlm]/g; return ( input.match(ANSI_DET_REGEXP) || [] ).length > 4; // :TODO: do this reasonably, e.g. a percent or soemthing } function splitTextAtTerms(s) { return s.split(/\r\n|[\n\v\f\r\x85\u2028\u2029]/g); } /* const fs = require('graceful-fs'); //let data = fs.readFileSync('/home/nuskooler/Downloads/art3.ans'); //let data = fs.readFileSync('/home/nuskooler/dev/enigma-bbs/mods/themes/nu-xibalba/MATRIX1.ANS'); //let data = fs.readFileSync('/home/nuskooler/Downloads/ansi_diz_test/file_id.diz.2.ans'); let data = fs.readFileSync('/home/nuskooler/Downloads/acidunder.ans'); data = data.toString().replace(/\n/g,'\r\n'); //data = iconv.decode(data, 'cp437'); prepAnsi(data, { cols : 80, rows : 50 }, (err, out) => { out = iconv.encode(out, 'cp437'); fs.writeFileSync('/home/nuskooler/Downloads/art4.ans', out); }); */