/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; const MenuModule = require('../core/menu_module.js').MenuModule; const stringFormat = require('../core/string_format.js'); // deps const async = require('async'); const _ = require('lodash'); const net = require('net'); /* Expected configuration block example: config: { host: port: 5001 bbsTag: SOME_TAG } */ exports.getModule = ErcClientModule; exports.moduleInfo = { name : 'ENiGMA Relay Chat Client', desc : 'Chat with other ENiGMA BBSes', author : 'Andrew Pamment', }; var MciViewIds = { ChatDisplay : 1, InputArea : 3, }; // :TODO: needs converted to ES6 MenuModule subclass function ErcClientModule(options) { MenuModule.prototype.ctorShim.call(this, options); const self = this; this.config = options.menuConfig.config; this.chatEntryFormat = this.config.chatEntryFormat || '[{bbsTag}] {userName}: {message}'; this.systemEntryFormat = this.config.systemEntryFormat || '[*SYSTEM*] {message}'; this.finishedLoading = function() { async.waterfall( [ function validateConfig(callback) { if(_.isString(self.config.host) && _.isNumber(self.config.port) && _.isString(self.config.bbsTag)) { return callback(null); } else { return callback(new Error('Configuration is missing required option(s)')); } }, function connectToServer(callback) { const connectOpts = { port : self.config.port, host : self.config.host, }; const chatMessageView = self.viewControllers.menu.getView(MciViewIds.ChatDisplay); chatMessageView.setText('Connecting to server...'); chatMessageView.redraw(); self.viewControllers.menu.switchFocus(MciViewIds.InputArea); // :TODO: Track actual client->enig connection for optional prevMenu @ final CB self.chatConnection = net.createConnection(connectOpts.port, connectOpts.host); self.chatConnection.on('data', data => { data = data.toString(); if(data.startsWith('ERCHANDSHAKE')) { self.chatConnection.write(`ERCMAGIC|${self.config.bbsTag}|${self.client.user.username}\r\n`); } else if(data.startsWith('{')) { try { data = JSON.parse(data); } catch(e) { return self.client.log.warn( { error : e.message }, 'ERC: Error parsing ERC data from server'); } let text; try { if(data.userName) { // user message text = stringFormat(self.chatEntryFormat, data); } else { // system message text = stringFormat(self.systemEntryFormat, data); } } catch(e) { return self.client.log.warn( { error : e.message }, 'ERC: chatEntryFormat error'); } chatMessageView.addText(text); if(chatMessageView.getLineCount() > 30) { // :TODO: should probably be ChatDisplay.height? chatMessageView.deleteLine(0); chatMessageView.scrollDown(); } chatMessageView.redraw(); self.viewControllers.menu.switchFocus(MciViewIds.InputArea); } }); self.chatConnection.once('end', () => { return callback(null); }); self.chatConnection.once('error', err => { self.client.log.info(`ERC connection error: ${err.message}`); return callback(new Error('Failed connecting to ERC server!')); }); } ], err => { if(err) { self.client.log.warn( { error : err.message }, 'ERC error'); } self.prevMenu(); } ); }; this.scrollHandler = function(keyName) { const inputAreaView = self.viewControllers.menu.getView(MciViewIds.InputArea); const chatDisplayView = self.viewControllers.menu.getView(MciViewIds.ChatDisplay); if('up arrow' === keyName) { chatDisplayView.scrollUp(); } else { chatDisplayView.scrollDown(); } chatDisplayView.redraw(); inputAreaView.setFocus(true); }; this.menuMethods = { inputAreaSubmit : function(formData, extraArgs, cb) { const inputAreaView = self.viewControllers.menu.getView(MciViewIds.InputArea); const inputData = inputAreaView.getData(); if('/quit' === inputData.toLowerCase()) { self.chatConnection.end(); } else { try { self.chatConnection.write(`${inputData}\r\n`); } catch(e) { self.client.log.warn( { error : e.message }, 'ERC error'); } inputAreaView.clearText(); } return cb(null); }, scrollUp : function(formData, extraArgs, cb) { self.scrollHandler(formData.key.name); return cb(null); }, scrollDown : function(formData, extraArgs, cb) { self.scrollHandler(formData.key.name); return cb(null); } }; } require('util').inherits(ErcClientModule, MenuModule); ErcClientModule.prototype.mciReady = function(mciData, cb) { this.standardMCIReadyHandler(mciData, cb); };