--- layout: page title: Raspberry Pi --- All Raspberry Pi models work great with ENiGMA½! Keep in mind compiling the dependencies with `npm install` will take some time and *may* appear to hang. It's still working - just be patient and let it complete. ### Basic Instructions 1. Download [Raspbian Stretch Lite](https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/). Follow the instructions on the [Raspbian site](https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/installation/installing-images/README.md) regarding how to get it written to an SD card. 2. Run `sudo raspi-config`, then: 1. Set your timezone (option 4, option I2) 2. Enable SSH (option 5, option P2) 3. Expand the filesystem to use the entire SD card (option 7, option A1) 3. Update & upgrade all packages: `apt-get update && apt-get upgrade` 4. Install required packages: `sudo apt install lrzsz p7zip-full` 5. Follow the [installation instructions](/installation) to install ENiGMA½. 6. Profit!