#!/usr/bin/env bash { # this ensures the entire script is downloaded before execution ENIGMA_NODE_VERSION=${ENIGMA_NODE_VERSION:=12} ENIGMA_BRANCH=${ENIGMA_BRANCH:=master} ENIGMA_INSTALL_DIR=${ENIGMA_INSTALL_DIR:=$HOME/enigma-bbs} ENIGMA_SOURCE=${ENIGMA_SOURCE:=https://github.com/NuSkooler/enigma-bbs.git} TIME_FORMAT=`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` WAIT_BEFORE_INSTALL=10 enigma_header() { clear cat << EndOfMessage ______ _____________________ _____ ____________________ __________\\_ / \\__ ____/\\_ ____ \\ /____/ / _____ __ \\ / ______/ // /___jp! // __|___// | \\// |// | \\// | | \\// \\ /___ /_____ /____ _____| __________ ___|__| ____| \\ / _____ \\ ---- \\______\\ -- |______\\ ------ /______/ ---- |______\\ - |______\\ /__/ // ___/ /__ _\\ <*> ENiGMA½ // https://github.com/NuSkooler/enigma-bbs <*> /__/ Installing ENiGMA½: Source : ${ENIGMA_SOURCE} (${ENIGMA_BRANCH} branch) Destination: ${ENIGMA_INSTALL_DIR} Node.js : ${ENIGMA_NODE_VERSION}.x via NVM (If you have NVM it will be updated to the latest version) >> If this isn't what you were expecting, hit CTRL-C now! >> Installation will continue in ${WAIT_BEFORE_INSTALL} seconds... EndOfMessage SECS=10 while [ $SECS -gt 0 ]; do echo -ne "${SECS}... " sleep 1 ((SECS --)) done echo "" } fatal_error() { printf "${TIME_FORMAT} \e[41mERROR:\033[0m %b\n" "$*" >&2; exit 1 } check_exists() { command -v $1 >/dev/null 2>&1 ; } enigma_install_needs_ex() { echo -ne "Checking for '$1'..." if check_exists $1 ; then echo " Found!" else echo "" fatal_error "ENiGMA½ requires '$1' but it was not found. Please install it and/or make sure it is in your path then restart the installer.\n\n$2" fi } enigma_install_needs_python() { echo -ne "Checking for a suitable Python installation..." if check_exists "python" || check_exists "python7" || check_exists "python3" ; then echo " Found!" else echo "" fatal_error "ENiGMA½ requires '$1' for node-gyp to build binaries. Please see https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-gyp for details." fi } enigma_install_needs() { enigma_install_needs_ex $1 "Examples:\n sudo apt install $1 # Debian/Ubuntu\n sudo yum install $1 # CentOS" } log() { printf "${TIME_FORMAT} %b\n" "$*"; } enigma_install_init() { enigma_install_needs git enigma_install_needs curl enigma_install_needs_python enigma_install_needs_ex make "Examples:\n sudo apt install build-essential # Debian/Ubuntu\n sudo yum groupinstall 'Development Tools' # CentOS" enigma_install_needs make enigma_install_needs gcc } install_nvm() { log "Installing nvm" curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/master/install.sh | bash } configure_nvm() { log "Installing Node ${ENIGMA_NODE_VERSION} via nvm" . ~/.nvm/nvm.sh nvm install ${ENIGMA_NODE_VERSION} nvm use ${ENIGMA_NODE_VERSION} } download_enigma_source() { local INSTALL_DIR INSTALL_DIR=${ENIGMA_INSTALL_DIR} if [ -d "$INSTALL_DIR/.git" ]; then log "ENiGMA½ is already installed in $INSTALL_DIR, trying to update using git" command git --git-dir="$INSTALL_DIR"/.git --work-tree="$INSTALL_DIR" fetch 2> /dev/null || fatal_error "Failed to update ENiGMA½, run 'git fetch' in $INSTALL_DIR yourself." else log "Downloading ENiGMA½ from git to '$INSTALL_DIR'" mkdir -p "$INSTALL_DIR" command git clone ${ENIGMA_SOURCE} "$INSTALL_DIR" || fatal_error "Failed to clone ENiGMA½ repo. Please report this!" fi } is_arch_arm() { local ARCH=`arch` if [[ $ARCH == "arm"* ]]; then true else false fi } extra_npm_install_args() { if is_arch_arm ; then echo "--build-from-source" else echo "" fi } install_node_packages() { log "Installing required Node packages..." log "Note that on some systems such as RPi, this can take a VERY long time. Be patient!" cd ${ENIGMA_INSTALL_DIR} local EXTRA_NPM_ARGS=$(extra_npm_install_args) git checkout ${ENIGMA_BRANCH} && npm install ${EXTRA_NPM_ARGS} if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then log "npm package installation complete" else fatal_error "Failed to install ENiGMA½ npm packages. Please report this!" fi } enigma_footer() { log "ENiGMA½ installation complete!" echo -e "\e[1;33m" cat << EndOfMessage ADDITIONAL ACTIONS ARE REQUIRED! -------------------------------- 1 - If you did not have Node.js and/or NVM installed previous to this please open a new shell/terminal now! (!) Not doing so will prevent 'nvm' or 'node' commands from functioning! 2 - If this is the first time you've installed ENiGMA½, you now need to generate a minimal configuration: cd ${ENIGMA_INSTALL_DIR} ./oputil.js config new 3 - Additionally, a minimum of the following support binaires are recommended: 7zip: Archive support Debian/Ubuntu : apt-get install p7zip CentOS : yum install p7zip Lha: Archive support Debian/Ubuntu : apt-get install lhasa Arj: Archive support Debian/Ubuntu : apt-get install arj sz/rz: Various X/Y/Z modem support Debian/Ubuntu : apt-get install lrzsz CentOS : yum install lrzsz See docs for more information including other useful binaries! EndOfMessage echo -e "\e[39m" } enigma_header enigma_install_init install_nvm configure_nvm download_enigma_source install_node_packages enigma_footer } # this ensures the entire script is downloaded before execution