/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; var MenuModule = require('../core/menu_module.js').MenuModule; var userDb = require('../core/database.js').dbs.user; var ViewController = require('../core/view_controller.js').ViewController; var TextView = require('../core/text_view.js').TextView; var getUserLoginHistory = require('../core/stats.js').getUserLoginHistory; var util = require('util'); var moment = require('moment'); var async = require('async'); var assert = require('assert'); var _ = require('lodash'); exports.moduleInfo = { name : 'Last Callers', desc : 'Last callers to the system', author : 'NuSkooler', packageName : 'codes.l33t.enigma.lastcallers' // :TODO: concept idea for mods }; exports.getModule = LastCallersModule; // :TODO: // * config.evenRowSGR (optional) // :TODO: convert to using %XY system for finding row count // ..or, better, use %VM1 with listFormat and noInput /* Available listFormat object members: who location affils ts */ function LastCallersModule(options) { MenuModule.call(this, options); var self = this; this.menuConfig = options.menuConfig; this.rows = 10; } util.inherits(LastCallersModule, MenuModule); LastCallersModule.prototype.enter = function(client) { LastCallersModule.super_.prototype.enter.call(this, client); if(_.isObject(this.menuConfig.config)) { if(_.isNumber(this.menuConfig.config.rows)) { this.rows = Math.max(1, this.menuConfig.config.rows); } if(_.isString(this.menuConfig.config.dateTimeFormat)) { this.dateTimeFormat = this.menuConfig.config.dateTimeFormat; } } // we need the client to init this for theming if(!_.isString(this.dateTimeFormat)) { this.dateTimeFormat = this.client.currentTheme.helpers.getDateFormat('short') + ' ' + this.client.currentTheme.helpers.getTimeFormat('short'); } }; LastCallersModule.prototype.mciReady = function(mciData, cb) { var self = this; var vc = self.viewControllers.lastCallers = new ViewController( { client : self.client } ); var loginHistory; async.series( [ function callParentMciReady(callback) { LastCallersModule.super_.prototype.mciReady.call(this, mciData, function parentMciReady(err) { callback(err); }); }, function loadFromConfig(callback) { var loadOpts = { callingMenu : self, mciMap : mciData.menu, noInput : true, }; vc.loadFromMenuConfig(loadOpts, function startingViewReady(err) { callback(err); }); }, function fetchHistory(callback) { getUserLoginHistory(self.rows, function historyRetrieved(err, lh) { loginHistory = lh; callback(err); }); }, function fetchUserProperties(callback) { async.each(loginHistory, function entry(histEntry, next) { userDb.each( 'SELECT prop_name, prop_value ' + 'FROM user_property ' + 'WHERE user_id=? AND (prop_name="location" OR prop_name="affiliation");', [ histEntry.userId ], function propRow(err, propEntry) { histEntry[propEntry.prop_name] = propEntry.prop_value; }, function complete(err) { next(); } ); }, function complete(err) { callback(err); }); }, function createAndPopulateViews(callback) { // // TL1 = who // TL2 = location // TL3 = affiliation // TL4 = when // // These form the order/layout for a row. Additional rows // will use them as a template. // var views = { who : vc.getView(1), location : vc.getView(2), affils : vc.getView(3), when : vc.getView(4), }; var row = views.who.position.row; var nextId = 5; function addView(templateView, text) { // :TODO: Is there a better way to clone this when dealing with instances? var v = new TextView( { client : self.client, id : nextId++, position : { row : row, col : templateView.position.col }, ansiSGR : templateView.ansiSGR, textStyle : templateView.textStyle, textOverflow : templateView.textOverflow, dimens : templateView.dimens, resizable : templateView.resizable, } ); v.id = nextId++; v.position.row = row; v.setPropertyValue('text', text); vc.addView(v); }; loginHistory.forEach(function entry(histEntry) { if(row === views.who.position.row) { views.who.setText(histEntry.userName); views.location.setText(histEntry.location); views.affils.setText(histEntry.affiliation); views.when.setText(moment(histEntry.timestamp).format(self.dateTimeFormat)); } else { addView(views.who, histEntry.userName); addView(views.location, histEntry.location); addView(views.affils, histEntry.affiliation); addView(views.when, moment(histEntry.timestamp).format(self.dateTimeFormat)); } row++; }); callback(null); } ], function complete(err) { if(err) { self.client.log.error(err); } cb(err); } ); };