const { WellKnownLocations } = require('../servers/content/web'); const User = require('../user'); const { Errors, ErrorReasons } = require('../enig_error'); const UserProps = require('../user_property'); const ActivityPubSettings = require('./settings'); // deps const _ = require('lodash'); const mimeTypes = require('mime-types'); const waterfall = require('async/waterfall'); const fs = require('graceful-fs'); const paths = require('path'); const moment = require('moment'); exports.ActivityStreamsContext = ''; exports.isValidLink = isValidLink; exports.makeSharedInboxUrl = makeSharedInboxUrl; exports.makeUserUrl = makeUserUrl; exports.webFingerProfileUrl = webFingerProfileUrl; exports.selfUrl = selfUrl; exports.userFromAccount = userFromAccount; exports.accountFromSelfUrl = accountFromSelfUrl; exports.getUserProfileTemplatedBody = getUserProfileTemplatedBody; exports.messageBodyToHtml = messageBodyToHtml; // :TODO: more info in default // this profile template is the *default* for both WebFinger // profiles and 'self' requests without the // Accept: application/activity+json headers present exports.DefaultProfileTemplate = ` User information for: %USERNAME% Real Name: %REAL_NAME% Login Count: %LOGIN_COUNT% Affiliations: %AFFILIATIONS% Achievement Points: %ACHIEVEMENT_POINTS% `; function isValidLink(l) { return /^https?:\/\/.+$/.test(l); } function makeSharedInboxUrl(webServer) { return webServer.buildUrl(WellKnownLocations.Internal + '/ap/shared-inbox'); } function makeUserUrl(webServer, user, relPrefix) { return webServer.buildUrl( WellKnownLocations.Internal + `${relPrefix}${user.username}` ); } function webFingerProfileUrl(webServer, user) { return webServer.buildUrl(WellKnownLocations.Internal + `/wf/@${user.username}`); } function selfUrl(webServer, user) { return makeUserUrl(webServer, user, '/ap/users/'); } function accountFromSelfUrl(url) { // https://some.l33t.enigma.board/_enig/ap/users/Masto -> Masto // :TODO: take webServer, and just take path-to-users.length +1 return url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); } function userFromAccount(accountName, cb) { if (accountName.startsWith('@')) { accountName = accountName.slice(1); } User.getUserIdAndName(accountName, (err, userId) => { if (err) { return cb(err); } User.getUser(userId, (err, user) => { if (err) { return cb(err); } const accountStatus = user.getPropertyAsNumber(UserProps.AccountStatus); if ( User.AccountStatus.disabled == accountStatus || User.AccountStatus.inactive == accountStatus ) { return cb(Errors.AccessDenied('Account disabled', ErrorReasons.Disabled)); } const activityPubSettings = ActivityPubSettings.fromUser(user); if (!activityPubSettings.enabled) { return cb(Errors.AccessDenied('ActivityPub is not enabled for user')); } return cb(null, user); }); }); } function getUserProfileTemplatedBody( templateFile, user, defaultTemplate, defaultContentType, cb ) { const Log = require('../logger').log; const Config = require('../config').get; waterfall( [ callback => { return fs.readFile(templateFile || '', 'utf8', (err, template) => { return callback(null, template); }); }, (template, callback) => { if (!template) { if (templateFile) { Log.warn(`Failed to load profile template "${templateFile}"`); } return callback(null, defaultTemplate, defaultContentType); } const contentType = mimeTypes.contentType(paths.basename(templateFile)); return callback(null, template, contentType); }, (template, contentType, callback) => { const up = (p, na = 'N/A') => { return user.getProperty(p) || na; }; let birthDate = up(UserProps.Birthdate); if (moment.isDate(birthDate)) { birthDate = moment(birthDate); } const varMap = { USERNAME: user.username, REAL_NAME: user.getSanitizedName('real'), SEX: up(UserProps.Sex), BIRTHDATE: birthDate, AGE: user.getAge(), LOCATION: up(UserProps.Location), AFFILIATIONS: up(UserProps.Affiliations), EMAIL: up(UserProps.EmailAddress), WEB_ADDRESS: up(UserProps.WebAddress), ACCOUNT_CREATED: moment(user.getProperty(UserProps.AccountCreated)), LAST_LOGIN: moment(user.getProperty(UserProps.LastLoginTs)), LOGIN_COUNT: up(UserProps.LoginCount), ACHIEVEMENT_COUNT: up(UserProps.AchievementTotalCount, '0'), ACHIEVEMENT_POINTS: up(UserProps.AchievementTotalPoints, '0'), BOARDNAME: Config().general.boardName, }; let body = template; _.each(varMap, (val, varName) => { body = body.replace(new RegExp(`%${varName}%`, 'g'), val); }); return callback(null, body, contentType); }, ], (err, data, contentType) => { return cb(err, data, contentType); } ); } // // Apply very basic HTML to a message following // Mastodon's supported tags of 'p', 'br', 'a', and 'span': // // function messageBodyToHtml(body) { return `
${body.replace(/\r?\n/g, '