/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; var MenuModule = require('../core/menu_module.js').MenuModule; var DropFile = require('../core/dropfile.js').DropFile; var door = require('../core/door.js'); var theme = require('../core/theme.js'); var ansi = require('../core/ansi_term.js'); var async = require('async'); var assert = require('assert'); var mkdirp = require('mkdirp'); var paths = require('path'); var _ = require('lodash'); // :TODO: This should really be a system module... needs a little work to allow for such exports.getModule = AbracadabraModule; var activeDoorNodeInstances = {}; var doorInstances = {}; // name -> { count : , { : } } exports.moduleInfo = { name : 'Abracadabra', desc : 'External BBS Door Module', author : 'NuSkooler', }; /* Example configuration for LORD under DOSEMU: { "config" : { "name" : "LORD", "dropFileType" : "DOOR", "cmd" : "/usr/bin/dosemu", "args" : [ "-quiet", "-f", "/etc/dosemu/dosemu.conf", "X:\\PW\\START.BAT {dropfile} {node}" ] ], "nodeMax" : 32, "tooManyArt" : "toomany-lord.ans" } } :TODO: See Mystic & others for other arg options that we may need to support */ function AbracadabraModule(options) { MenuModule.call(this, options); var self = this; this.config = options.menuConfig.config; assert(_.isString(this.config.name, 'Config \'name\' is required')); assert(_.isString(this.config.dropFileType, 'Config \'dropFileType\' is required')); assert(_.isString(this.config.cmd, 'Config \'cmd\' is required')); this.config.nodeMax = this.config.nodeMax || 0; this.config.args = this.config.args || []; /* :TODO: * disconnecting wile door is open leaves dosemu * http://bbslink.net/sysop.php support * Font support ala all other menus... or does this just work? */ this.initSequence = function() { async.series( [ function validateNodeCount(callback) { if(self.config.nodeMax > 0 && _.isNumber(activeDoorNodeInstances[self.config.name]) && activeDoorNodeInstances[self.config.name] + 1 > self.config.nodeMax) { self.client.log.info( { name : self.config.name, activeCount : activeDoorNodeInstances[self.config.name] }, 'Too many active instances'); if(_.isString(self.config.tooManyArt)) { theme.displayThemeArt( { client : self.client, name : self.config.tooManyArt }, function displayed() { theme.displayThemedPause( { client : self.client }, function keyPressed() { callback(new Error('Too many active instances')); }); }); } else { self.client.term.write('\nToo many active instances. Try again later.\n'); theme.displayThemedPause( { client : self.client }, function keyPressed() { callback(new Error('Too many active instances')); }); } } else { // :TODO: JS elegant way to do this? if(activeDoorNodeInstances[self.config.name]) { activeDoorNodeInstances[self.config.name] += 1; } else { activeDoorNodeInstances[self.config.name] = 1; } callback(null); } }, function generateDropfile(callback) { self.dropFile = new DropFile(self.client, self.config.dropFileType); var fullPath = self.dropFile.fullPath; mkdirp(paths.dirname(fullPath), function dirCreated(err) { if(err) { callback(err); } else { self.dropFile.createFile(function created(err) { callback(err); }); } }); } ], function complete(err) { if(err) { self.lastError = err; self.prevMenu(); } else { self.finishedLoading(); } } ); }; this.runDosEmuDoor = function() { }; this.runDoor = function() { var exeInfo = { cmd : this.config.cmd, args : this.config.args, }; // :TODO: this system should probably be generic for(var i = 0; i < exeInfo.args.length; ++i) { exeInfo.args[i] = exeInfo.args[i].replace(/\{dropfile\}/g, self.dropFile.fileName); exeInfo.args[i] = exeInfo.args[i].replace(/\{node\}/g, self.client.node.toString()); } var doorInstance = new door.Door(this.client, exeInfo); doorInstance.on('finished', function doorFinished() { self.prevMenu(); }); self.client.term.write(ansi.resetScreen()); doorInstance.run(); }; } require('util').inherits(AbracadabraModule, MenuModule); AbracadabraModule.prototype.enter = function(client) { AbracadabraModule.super_.prototype.enter.call(this, client); }; AbracadabraModule.prototype.leave = function() { AbracadabraModule.super_.prototype.leave.call(this); if(!this.lastError) { activeDoorNodeInstances[this.config.name] -= 1; } }; AbracadabraModule.prototype.finishedLoading = function() { this.runDoor(); };