
170 lines
4.7 KiB

/* jslint node: true */
'use strict';
var msgDb = require('./database.js').dbs.message;
var uuid = require('node-uuid');
var async = require('async');
var _ = require('lodash');
var assert = require('assert');
exports.Message = Message;
function Message(options) {
this.messageId = options.messageId || 0; // always generated @ persist
this.areaId = options.areaId || Message.WellKnownAreaIds.Invalid; // 0 = invalid; 1 = private; Everything else is user defined
this.uuid = uuid.v1();
this.replyToMsgId = options.replyToMsgId || 0;
this.toUserName = options.toUserName || '';
this.fromUserName = options.fromUserName || '';
this.subject = options.subject || '';
this.message = options.message || '';
this.modTimestamp = options.modTimestamp || ''; // blank = set @ persist
this.viewCount = options.viewCount || 0;
this.meta = options.meta || {};
this.hashTags = options.hashTags || [];
var self = this;
this.isValid = function() {
// :TODO: validate as much as possible
return true;
this.createMessageTimestamp = function() {
return new Date().toISOString();
Object.defineProperty(this, 'messageId', {
get : function() {
return messageId;
Object.defineProperty(this, 'areaId', {
get : function() { return areaId; },
set : function(i) {
areaId = i;
Message.WellKnownAreaIds = {
Invalid : 0,
Private : 1,
Message.MetaNames = {
// FidoNet: http://ftsc.org/docs/fts-0001.016
FidoNetCost : 'fidonet_cost',
FidoNetOrigNode : 'fidonet_orig_node',
FidoNetDestNode : 'fidonet_dest_node',
FidoNetOrigNetwork : 'fidonet_orig_network',
FidoNetDestNetwork : 'fidonet_dest_network',
FidoNetOrigZone : 'fidonet_orig_zone',
FidoNetDestZone : 'fidonet_dest_zone',
FidoNetOrigPoint : 'fidonet_orig_point',
FidoNetDestPoint : 'fidonet_dest_point',
FidoNetAttribute : 'fidonet_attribute',
FidoNetProgramID : 'fidonet_program_id', // "PID" http://ftsc.org/docs/fsc-0046.005
FidoNetMsgID : 'fidonet_msg_id', // "MSGID" http://ftsc.org/docs/fsc-0070.002
FidoNetMessageID : 'fidonet_message_id', // "MESSAGE-ID" http://ftsc.org/docs/fsc-0030.001
FidoNetInReplyTo : 'fidonet_in_reply_to', // "IN-REPLY-TO" http://ftsc.org/docs/fsc-0030.001
FidoNetTearLineBanner : 'fidonet_tear_line_banner', // FTN style tear line http://ftsc.org/docs/fts-0004.001
FidoNetOrigin : 'fidonet_origin', // FTN style "* Origin..." http://ftsc.org/docs/fts-0004.001
FidoNetSeenBy : 'fidonet_seen_by', // FTN style "SEEN-BY" http://ftsc.org/docs/fts-0004.001
FidoNetPath : 'fidonet_path', // FTN style "PATH" http://ftsc.org/docs/fts-0004.001
LocalToUserID : 'local_to_user_id',
LocalFromUserID : 'local_from_user_id',
// :TODO: Search further:
// https://www.npmjs.com/package/fidonet-jam
Message.prototype.setLocalToUserId = function(userId) {
this.meta.LocalToUserID = userId;
Message.prototype.setLocalFromUserId = function(userId) {
this.meta.LocalFromUserID = userId;
Message.prototype.persist = function(cb) {
if(!this.isValid()) {
cb(new Error('Cannot persist invalid message!'));
var self = this;
function beginTransaction(callback) {
msgDb.run('BEGIN;', function transBegin(err) {
function storeMessage(callback) {
var modTs = self.modTimestamp || self.createMessageTimestamp();
'INSERT INTO message (area_id, message_uuid, reply_to_message_id, to_user_name, from_user_name, subject, message, modified_timestamp) ' +
'VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);', [ self.areaId, self.uuid, self.replyToMsgId, self.toUserName, self.fromUserName, self.subject, self.message, modTs ],
function msgInsert(err) {
if(!err) {
self.messageId = this.lastID;
function storeMeta(callback) {
if(!self.meta) {
} else {
// :TODO: this should be it's own method such that meta can be updated
var metaStmt = msgDb.prepare(
'INSERT INTO message_meta (message_id, meta_name, meta_value) ' +
'VALUES (?, ?, ?);');
async.each(Object.keys(self.meta), function meta(metaName, next) {
metaStmt.run(self.messageId, metaName, self.meta[metaName], function inserted(err) {
}, function complete(err) {
if(!err) {
metaStmt.finalize(function finalized() {
} else {
function storeHashTags(callback) {
// :TODO: hash tag support
function complete(err) {
msgDb.run(err ? 'ROLLBACK;' : 'COMMIT;', function transEnd(err) {
cb(err, self.messageId);