
403 lines
10 KiB

/* jslint node: true */
'use strict';
var fs = require('fs');
var paths = require('path');
var assert = require('assert');
var iconv = require('iconv-lite');
var conf = require('./config.js');
var miscUtil = require('./misc_util.js');
var binary = require('binary');
var events = require('events');
var util = require('util');
var ansi = require('./ansi_term.js');
var aep = require('./ansi_escape_parser.js');
var sauce = require('./sauce.js');
var _ = require('lodash');
exports.getArt = getArt;
exports.getArtFromPath = getArtFromPath;
exports.display = display;
exports.defaultEncodingFromExtension = defaultEncodingFromExtension;
// :TODO: Return MCI code information
// :TODO: process SAUCE comments
// :TODO: return font + font mapped information from SAUCE
// :TODO: the defualt encoding are really useless if they are all the same ...
// perhaps .ansamiga and .ascamiga could be supported as well as overrides via conf
'.ans' : { name : 'ANSI', defaultEncoding : 'cp437', eof : 0x1a },
'.asc' : { name : 'ASCII', defaultEncoding : 'cp437', eof : 0x1a },
'.pcb' : { name : 'PCBoard', defaultEncoding : 'cp437', eof : 0x1a },
'.bbs' : { name : 'Wildcat', defaultEncoding : 'cp437', eof : 0x1a },
'.amiga' : { name : 'Amiga', defaultEncoding : 'amiga', eof : 0x1a },
'.txt' : { name : 'Amiga Text', defaultEncoding : 'cp437', eof : 0x1a },
// :TODO: extentions for wwiv, renegade, celerity, syncronet, ...
// :TODO: extension for atari
// :TODO: extension for topaz ansi/ascii.
function getFontNameFromSAUCE(sauce) {
if(sauce.Character) {
return sauce.Character.fontName;
function sliceAtEOF(data, eofMarker) {
var eof = data.length;
// :TODO: max scan back or other beter way of doing this?!
for(var i = data.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
if(data[i] === eofMarker) {
eof = i;
return data.slice(0, eof);
function getArtFromPath(path, options, cb) {
fs.readFile(path, function onData(err, data) {
if(err) {
// Convert from encodedAs -> j
var ext = paths.extname(path).toLowerCase();
var encoding = options.encodedAs || defaultEncodingFromExtension(ext);
// :TODO: how are BOM's currently handled if present? Are they removed? Do we need to?
function sliceOfData() {
if(options.fullFile === true) {
return iconv.decode(data, encoding);
} else {
var eofMarker = defaultEofFromExtension(ext);
return iconv.decode(sliceAtEOF(data, eofMarker), encoding);
function getResult(sauce) {
var result = {
data : sliceOfData(),
fromPath : path,
if(sauce) {
result.sauce = sauce;
return result;
if(options.readSauce === true) {
sauce.readSAUCE(data, function onSauce(err, sauce) {
if(err) {
cb(null, getResult());
} else {
// If a encoding was not provided & we have a mapping from
// the information provided by SAUCE, use that.
if(!options.encodedAs) {
if(sauce.Character && sauce.Character.fontName) {
var enc = SAUCE_FONT_TO_ENCODING_HINT[sauce.Character.fontName];
if(enc) {
encoding = enc;
cb(null, getResult(sauce));
} else {
cb(null, getResult());
function getArt(name, options, cb) {
var ext = paths.extname(name);
options.basePath = miscUtil.valueWithDefault(options.basePath, conf.config.paths.art);
options.asAnsi = miscUtil.valueWithDefault(options.asAnsi, true);
// :TODO: make use of asAnsi option and convert from supported -> ansi
if('' !== ext) {
options.types = [ ext.toLowerCase() ];
} else {
if(_.isUndefined(options.types)) {
options.types = Object.keys(SUPPORTED_ART_TYPES);
} else if(_.isString(options.types)) {
options.types = [ options.types.toLowerCase() ];
// If an extension is provided, just read the file now
if('' !== ext) {
var directPath = paths.join(options.basePath, name);
getArtFromPath(directPath, options, cb);
fs.readdir(options.basePath, function onFiles(err, files) {
if(err) {
var filtered = files.filter(function onFile(file) {
// Ignore anything not allowed in |options.types|
var fext = paths.extname(file);
if(options.types.indexOf(fext.toLowerCase()) < 0) {
return false;
var bn = paths.basename(file, fext).toLowerCase();
if(options.random) {
var suppliedBn = paths.basename(name, fext).toLowerCase();
// Random selection enabled. We'll allow for
// basename1.ext, basename2.ext, ...
if(bn.indexOf(suppliedBn) !== 0) {
return false;
var num = bn.substr(suppliedBn.length);
if(num.length > 0) {
if(isNaN(parseInt(num, 10))) {
return false;
} else {
// We've already validated the extension (above). Must be an exact
// match to basename here
if(bn != paths.basename(name, fext).toLowerCase()) {
return false;
return true;
if(filtered.length > 0) {
// We should now have:
// - Exactly (1) item in |filtered| if non-random
// - 1:n items in |filtered| to choose from if random
var readPath;
if(options.random) {
readPath = paths.join(options.basePath, filtered[Math.floor(Math.random() * filtered.length)]);
} else {
assert(1 === filtered.length);
readPath = paths.join(options.basePath, filtered[0]);
getArtFromPath(readPath, options, cb);
} else {
cb(new Error('No matching art for supplied criteria'));
// :TODO: need a showArt()
// - center (if term width > 81)
// - interruptable
// - pausable: by user key and/or by page size (e..g term height)
function defaultEncodingFromExtension(ext) {
return SUPPORTED_ART_TYPES[ext.toLowerCase()].defaultEncoding;
function defaultEofFromExtension(ext) {
return SUPPORTED_ART_TYPES[ext.toLowerCase()].eof;
// :TODO: change to display(art, options, cb)
// cb(err, mci)
function display(options, cb) {
if(0 === options.art.length) {
cb(new Error('Empty art'));
// pause = none/off | end | termHeight | [ "key1", "key2", ... ]
var cancelKeys = miscUtil.valueWithDefault(options.cancelKeys, []);
var pauseKeys = miscUtil.valueWithDefault(options.pauseKeys, []);
var pauseAtTermHeight = miscUtil.valueWithDefault(options.pauseAtTermHeight, false);
var mciReplaceChar = miscUtil.valueWithDefault(options.mciReplaceChar, ' ');
var iceColors = options.iceColors;
if(_.isUndefined(options.iceColors)) {
// detect from SAUCE, if present
iceColors = false;
if(_.isObject(options.sauce) && _.isNumber(options.sauce.ansiFlags)) {
if(options.sauce.ansiFlags & (1 << 0)) {
iceColors = true;
//var iceColors = miscUtil.valueWithDefault(options.iceColors, false);
// :TODO: support pause/cancel & pause @ termHeight
var canceled = false;
var parser = new aep.ANSIEscapeParser({
mciReplaceChar : mciReplaceChar,
termHeight : options.client.term.termHeight,
termWidth : options.client.term.termWidth,
trailingLF : options.trailingLF,
var mciMap = {};
var mciPosQueue = [];
var parseComplete = false;
var generatedId = 100;
var cprListener = function(pos) {
if(mciPosQueue.length > 0) {
var forMapItem = mciPosQueue.shift();
mciMap[forMapItem].position = pos;
if(parseComplete && 0 === mciPosQueue.length) {
function completed() {
options.client.removeListener('cursor position report', cprListener);
parser.removeAllListeners(); // :TODO: Necessary???
if(iceColors) {
// options.client.term.write(ansi.blinkNormal());
var extraInfo = {
height : parser.row - 1,
cb(null, mciMap, extraInfo);
options.client.on('cursor position report', cprListener);
options.pause = 'termHeight'; // :TODO: remove!!
var nextPauseTermHeight = options.client.term.termHeight;
var continous = false;
parser.on('row update', function rowUpdate(row) {
if(row >= nextPauseTermHeight) {
if(!continous && 'termHeight' === options.pause) {
// :TODO: Must use new key type (ch, key)
options.client.waitForKeyPress(function kp(k) {
// :TODO: Allow for configurable key(s) here; or none
if('C' === k || 'c' == k) {
continous = true;
nextPauseTermHeight += options.client.term.termHeight;
parser.on('mci', function mciEncountered(mciInfo) {
if('PA' === mciInfo.mci) {
// :TODO: can't do this until this thing is pausable anyway...
options.client.waitForKeyPress(function kp(k) {
console.log('got a key: ' + k);
// :TODO: ensure generatedId's do not conflict with any |id|
// :TODO: Bug here - should only generate & increment ID's for the initial entry, not the "focus" version
var id = !_.isNumber(mciInfo.id) ? generatedId++ : mciInfo.id;
var mapKey = mciInfo.mci + id;
var mapEntry = mciMap[mapKey];
if(mapEntry) {
mapEntry.focusSGR = mciInfo.SGR;
mapEntry.focusArgs = mciInfo.args;
} else {
mciMap[mapKey] = {
args : mciInfo.args,
SGR : mciInfo.SGR,
code : mciInfo.mci,
id : id,
options.client.term.write(ansi.queryPos(), false);
parser.on('chunk', function onChunk(chunk) {
options.client.term.write(chunk, false);
parser.on('complete', function onComplete() {
parseComplete = true;
if(0 === mciPosQueue.length) {
// :TODO: If options.font, set the font via ANSI
// ...this should come from sauce, be passed in, or defaulted
var ansiFont = '';
if(options.font) {
ansiFont = ansi.setSyncTERMFont(options.font);
} else if(options.sauce) {
var fontName = getFontNameFromSAUCE(options.sauce);
if(fontName) {
fontName = ansi.getSyncTERMFontFromAlias(fontName);
// Don't set default (cp437) from SAUCE
if(fontName && 'cp437' !== fontName) {
ansiFont = ansi.setSyncTERMFont(fontName);
if(ansiFont.length > 1) {
options.client.term.write(ansiFont, false);
if(iceColors) {
options.client.term.write(ansi.blinkToBrightIntensity(), false);