
282 lines
9.0 KiB

/* jslint node: true */
'use strict';
const ANSI = require('./ansi_term.js');
const { getPredefinedMCIValue } = require('./predefined_mci.js');
// deps
const _ = require('lodash');
exports.stripMciColorCodes = stripMciColorCodes;
exports.pipeStringLength = pipeStringLength;
exports.pipeToAnsi = exports.renegadeToAnsi = renegadeToAnsi;
exports.controlCodesToAnsi = controlCodesToAnsi;
// :TODO: Not really happy with the module name of "color_codes". Would like something better ... control_code_string?
function stripMciColorCodes(s) {
return s.replace(/\|[A-Z\d]{2}/g, '');
function pipeStringLength(s) {
return stripMciColorCodes(s).length;
function ansiSgrFromRenegadeColorCode(cc) {
return ANSI.sgr(
0: ['reset', 'black'],
1: ['reset', 'blue'],
2: ['reset', 'green'],
3: ['reset', 'cyan'],
4: ['reset', 'red'],
5: ['reset', 'magenta'],
6: ['reset', 'yellow'],
7: ['reset', 'white'],
8: ['bold', 'black'],
9: ['bold', 'blue'],
10: ['bold', 'green'],
11: ['bold', 'cyan'],
12: ['bold', 'red'],
13: ['bold', 'magenta'],
14: ['bold', 'yellow'],
15: ['bold', 'white'],
16: ['blackBG'],
17: ['blueBG'],
18: ['greenBG'],
19: ['cyanBG'],
20: ['redBG'],
21: ['magentaBG'],
22: ['yellowBG'],
23: ['whiteBG'],
24: ['blink', 'blackBG'],
25: ['blink', 'blueBG'],
26: ['blink', 'greenBG'],
27: ['blink', 'cyanBG'],
28: ['blink', 'redBG'],
29: ['blink', 'magentaBG'],
30: ['blink', 'yellowBG'],
31: ['blink', 'whiteBG'],
}[cc] || 'normal'
function ansiSgrFromCnetStyleColorCode(cc) {
return ANSI.sgr(
c0: ['reset', 'black'],
c1: ['reset', 'red'],
c2: ['reset', 'green'],
c3: ['reset', 'yellow'],
c4: ['reset', 'blue'],
c5: ['reset', 'magenta'],
c6: ['reset', 'cyan'],
c7: ['reset', 'white'],
c8: ['bold', 'black'],
c9: ['bold', 'red'],
ca: ['bold', 'green'],
cb: ['bold', 'yellow'],
cc: ['bold', 'blue'],
cd: ['bold', 'magenta'],
ce: ['bold', 'cyan'],
cf: ['bold', 'white'],
z0: ['blackBG'],
z1: ['redBG'],
z2: ['greenBG'],
z3: ['yellowBG'],
z4: ['blueBG'],
z5: ['magentaBG'],
z6: ['cyanBG'],
z7: ['whiteBG'],
}[cc] || 'normal'
function renegadeToAnsi(s, client) {
if (-1 == s.indexOf('|')) {
return s; // no pipe codes present
let result = '';
const re = /\|(?:(C[FBUD])([0-9]{1,2})|([0-9]{2})|([A-Z]{2})|(\|))/g;
let m;
let lastIndex = 0;
while ((m = re.exec(s))) {
if (m[3]) {
// |## color
const val = parseInt(m[3], 10);
const attr = ansiSgrFromRenegadeColorCode(val);
result += s.substr(lastIndex, m.index - lastIndex) + attr;
} else if (m[4] || m[1]) {
// |AA MCI code or |Cx## movement where ## is in m[1]
let val = getPredefinedMCIValue(client, m[4] || m[1], m[2]);
val = _.isString(val) ? val : m[0]; // value itself or literal
result += s.substr(lastIndex, m.index - lastIndex) + val;
} else if (m[5]) {
// || -- literal '|', that is.
result += '|';
lastIndex = re.lastIndex;
return 0 === result.length ? s : result + s.substr(lastIndex);
// Converts various control codes popular in BBS packages
// to ANSI escape sequences. Additionally supports ENiGMA style
// MCI codes.
// Supported control code formats:
// * Renegade : |##
// * PCBoard : @X## where the first number/char is BG color, and second is FG
// * WildCat! : @##@ the same as PCBoard without the X prefix, but with a @ suffix
// * WWIV : ^#
// * CNET Control-Y: AKA Y-Style -- 0x19## where ## is a specific set of codes (older format)
// * CNET Control-Q: AKA Q-style -- 0x11##} where ## is a specific set of codes (newer format)
// TODO: Add Synchronet and Celerity format support
// Resources:
// * http://wiki.synchro.net/custom:colors
// * https://archive.org/stream/C-Net_Pro_3.0_1994_Perspective_Software/C-Net_Pro_3.0_1994_Perspective_Software_djvu.txt
function controlCodesToAnsi(s, client) {
const RE =
/(\|([A-Z0-9]{2})|\|)|(@X([0-9A-F]{2}))|(@([0-9A-F]{2})@)|(\x03[0-9]|\x03)|(\x19(c[0-9a-f]|z[0-7]|n1|f1|q1)|\x19)|(\x11(c[0-9a-f]|z[0-7]|n1|f1|q1)}|\x11)/g; // eslint-disable-line no-control-regex
let m;
let result = '';
let lastIndex = 0;
let v;
let fg;
let bg;
while ((m = RE.exec(s))) {
switch (m[0].charAt(0)) {
case '|':
// Renegade |##
v = parseInt(m[2], 10);
if (isNaN(v)) {
v = getPredefinedMCIValue(client, m[2]) || m[0]; // value itself or literal
if (_.isString(v)) {
result += s.substr(lastIndex, m.index - lastIndex) + v;
} else {
v = ansiSgrFromRenegadeColorCode(v);
result += s.substr(lastIndex, m.index - lastIndex) + v;
case '@':
// PCBoard @X## or Wildcat! @##@
if ('@' === m[0].substr(-1)) {
// Wildcat!
v = m[6];
} else {
v = m[4];
bg = {
0: ['blackBG'],
1: ['blueBG'],
2: ['greenBG'],
3: ['cyanBG'],
4: ['redBG'],
5: ['magentaBG'],
6: ['yellowBG'],
7: ['whiteBG'],
8: ['bold', 'blackBG'],
9: ['bold', 'blueBG'],
A: ['bold', 'greenBG'],
B: ['bold', 'cyanBG'],
C: ['bold', 'redBG'],
D: ['bold', 'magentaBG'],
E: ['bold', 'yellowBG'],
F: ['bold', 'whiteBG'],
}[v.charAt(0)] || ['normal'];
fg = {
0: ['reset', 'black'],
1: ['reset', 'blue'],
2: ['reset', 'green'],
3: ['reset', 'cyan'],
4: ['reset', 'red'],
5: ['reset', 'magenta'],
6: ['reset', 'yellow'],
7: ['reset', 'white'],
8: ['blink', 'black'],
9: ['blink', 'blue'],
A: ['blink', 'green'],
B: ['blink', 'cyan'],
C: ['blink', 'red'],
D: ['blink', 'magenta'],
E: ['blink', 'yellow'],
F: ['blink', 'white'],
}[v.charAt(1)] || ['normal'];
v = ANSI.sgr(fg.concat(bg));
result += s.substr(lastIndex, m.index - lastIndex) + v;
case '\x03':
v = parseInt(m[8], 10);
if (isNaN(v)) {
v += m[0];
} else {
v = ANSI.sgr(
0: ['reset', 'black'],
1: ['bold', 'cyan'],
2: ['bold', 'yellow'],
3: ['reset', 'magenta'],
4: ['bold', 'white', 'blueBG'],
5: ['reset', 'green'],
6: ['bold', 'blink', 'red'],
7: ['bold', 'blue'],
8: ['reset', 'blue'],
9: ['reset', 'cyan'],
}[v] || 'normal'
result += s.substr(lastIndex, m.index - lastIndex) + v;
case '\x19':
case '\0x11':
// CNET "Y-Style" & "Q-Style"
v = m[9] || m[11];
if (v) {
if ('n1' === v) {
v = '\n';
} else if ('f1' === v) {
v = ANSI.clearScreen();
} else {
v = ansiSgrFromCnetStyleColorCode(v);
} else {
v = m[0];
result += s.substr(lastIndex, m.index - lastIndex) + v;
lastIndex = RE.lastIndex;
return 0 === result.length ? s : result + s.substr(lastIndex);