4081 lines
74 KiB
4081 lines
74 KiB
./\/\.' ENiGMA½ Menu Configuration -/--/-------- - -- -
_____________________ _____ ____________________ __________\_ /
\__ ____/\_ ____ \ /____/ / _____ __ \ / ______/ // /___jp!
// __|___// | \// |// | \// | | \// \ /___ /_____
/____ _____| __________ ___|__| ____| \ / _____ \
---- \______\ -- |______\ ------ /______/ ---- |______\ - |______\ /__/ // ___/
/__ _\
General Information
------------------------------- - -
This configuration is in HJSON (http://hjson.org/) format. Strict to-spec
JSON is also perfectly valid. Use 'hjson' from npm to convert to/from JSON.
See http://hjson.org/ for more information and syntax.
Various editors and IDEs such as Sublime Text 3, Visual Studio Code, and so
on have syntax highlighting for the HJSON format which are highly recommended.
------------------------------- -- - -
Menu Configuration
------------------------------- - -
ENiGMA½ makes no assumptions about specific menu types (main, doors, etc.),
but instead allows full customization of all menus throughout the system.
Some menus such as a main menu are considered "standard" while others are
backed by a specific module. SysOps can tweak various settings about these
modules (look & feel, keyboard interation, and so on) or even fully replace
the module with something else.
This file starts out as an example setup. Look at the examples, change
settings, menu ordering/flow, add/remove menus, implement ACS control,
Remember you can *live edit* this file. That is, make a change and save
while you're logged into the system and it will take effect on the next
menu change or screen refresh.
Please see RTFM ...er, uh... see the documentation for more information, and
don't be shy to ask for help:
BBS : Xibalba @ xibalba.l33t.codes
FTN : BBS Discussion on fsxNet
IRC : #enigma-bbs / FreeNode
Email : bryan@l33t.codes
menus: {
// Send telnet connections to matrix where users can login, apply, etc.
telnetConnected: {
next: matrix
config: { nextTimeout: 1500 }
// SSH connections are pre-authenticated via the SSH server itself.
// Jump directly to the login sequence
sshConnected: {
next: fullLoginSequenceLoginArt
config: { nextTimeout: 1500 }
// Another SSH specialization: If the user logs in with a new user
// name (e.g. "new", "apply", ...) they will be directed to the
// application process.
sshConnectedNewUser: {
next: newUserApplicationPreSsh
config: { nextTimeout: 1500 }
// Ye ol' standard matrix
matrix: {
art: matrix
form: {
0: {
VM: {
mci: {
VM1: {
submit: true
focus: true
argName: navSelect
// To enable forgot password, you will need to have the web server
// enabled and mail/SMTP configured. Once that is in place, swap out
// the commented lines below as well as in the submit block
items: [
text: login
data: login
text: apply
data: apply
text: forgot pass
data: forgot
text: log off
data: logoff
submit: {
*: [
value: { navSelect: "login" }
action: @menu:login
value: { navSelect: "apply" }
action: @menu:newUserApplicationPre
value: { navSelect: "forgot" }
action: @menu:forgotPassword
value: { navSelect: "logoff" }
action: @menu:logoff
login: {
next: fullLoginSequenceLoginArt
config: {
tooNodeMenu: loginAttemptTooNode
inactive: loginAttemptAccountInactive
disabled: loginAttemptAccountDisabled
locked: loginAttemptAccountLocked
form: {
0: {
mci: {
ET1: {
maxLength: @config:users.usernameMax
argName: username
focus: true
ET2: {
password: true
maxLength: @config:users.passwordMax
argName: password
submit: true
submit: {
*: [
value: { password: null }
action: @systemMethod:login
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape" ]
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
loginAttemptTooNode: {
config: {
cls: true
nextTimeout: 2000
next: logoff
loginAttemptAccountLocked: {
config: {
cls: true
nextTimeout: 2000
next: logoff
loginAttemptAccountDisabled: {
config: {
cls: true
nextTimeout: 2000
next: logoff
loginAttemptAccountInactive: {
config: {
cls: true
nextTimeout: 2000
next: logoff
forgotPassword: {
desc: Forgot password
prompt: forgotPasswordPrompt
submit: [
value: { username: null }
action: @systemMethod:sendForgotPasswordEmail
extraArgs: { next: "forgotPasswordSubmitted" }
forgotPasswordSubmitted: {
desc: Forgot password
config: {
cls: true
pause: true
next: @systemMethod:logoff
// :TODO: Prompt Yes/No for logoff confirm
fullLogoffSequence: {
desc: Logging Off
prompt: logoffConfirmation
submit: [
value: { promptValue: 0 }
action: @menu:fullLogoffSequencePreAd
value: { promptValue: 1 }
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
fullLogoffSequencePreAd: {
desc: Logging Off
next: fullLogoffSequenceRandomBoardAd
config: {
cls: true
nextTimeout: 1500
fullLogoffSequenceRandomBoardAd: {
desc: Logging Off
next: logoff
config: {
baudRate: 57600
pause: true
cls: true
logoff: {
desc: Logging Off
next: @systemMethod:logoff
// A quick preamble - defaults to warning about broken terminals
newUserApplicationPre: {
next: newUserApplication
desc: Applying
config: {
pause: true
cls: true
menuFlags: [ "noHistory" ]
newUserApplication: {
module: nua
art: NUA
next: [
// Initial SysOp does not send feedback to themselves
acs: ID1
next: fullLoginSequenceLoginArt
// ...everyone else does
next: newUserFeedbackToSysOpPreamble
form: {
0: {
mci: {
ET1: {
focus: true
argName: username
maxLength: @config:users.usernameMax
validate: @systemMethod:validateUserNameAvail
ET2: {
argName: realName
maxLength: @config:users.realNameMax
validate: @systemMethod:validateNonEmpty
MET3: {
argName: birthdate
maskPattern: "####/##/##"
validate: @systemMethod:validateBirthdate
ME4: {
argName: sex
maskPattern: A
textStyle: upper
validate: @systemMethod:validateNonEmpty
ET5: {
argName: location
maxLength: @config:users.locationMax
validate: @systemMethod:validateNonEmpty
ET6: {
argName: affils
maxLength: @config:users.affilsMax
ET7: {
argName: email
maxLength: @config:users.emailMax
validate: @systemMethod:validateEmailAvail
ET8: {
argName: web
maxLength: @config:users.webMax
ET9: {
argName: password
password: true
maxLength: @config:users.passwordMax
validate: @systemMethod:validatePasswordSpec
ET10: {
argName: passwordConfirm
password: true
maxLength: @config:users.passwordMax
validate: @method:validatePassConfirmMatch
TM12: {
argName: submission
items: [ "apply", "cancel" ]
submit: true
submit: {
*: [
value: { "submission" : 0 }
action: @method:submitApplication
extraArgs: {
inactive: userNeedsActivated
error: newUserCreateError
value: { "submission" : 1 }
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape" ]
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
// A quick preamble - defaults to warning about broken terminals (SSH version)
newUserApplicationPreSsh: {
next: newUserApplicationSsh
desc: Applying
config: {
pause: true
cls: true
menuFlags: [ "noHistory" ]
// SSH specialization of NUA
// Canceling this form logs off vs falling back to matrix
newUserApplicationSsh: {
module: nua
art: NUA
fallback: logoff
next: newUserFeedbackToSysOpPreamble
form: {
0: {
mci: {
ET1: {
focus: true
argName: username
maxLength: @config:users.usernameMax
validate: @systemMethod:validateUserNameAvail
ET2: {
argName: realName
maxLength: @config:users.realNameMax
validate: @systemMethod:validateNonEmpty
MET3: {
argName: birthdate
maskPattern: "####/##/##"
validate: @systemMethod:validateBirthdate
ME4: {
argName: sex
maskPattern: A
textStyle: upper
validate: @systemMethod:validateNonEmpty
ET5: {
argName: location
maxLength: @config:users.locationMax
validate: @systemMethod:validateNonEmpty
ET6: {
argName: affils
maxLength: @config:users.affilsMax
ET7: {
argName: email
maxLength: @config:users.emailMax
validate: @systemMethod:validateEmailAvail
ET8: {
argName: web
maxLength: @config:users.webMax
ET9: {
argName: password
password: true
maxLength: @config:users.passwordMax
validate: @systemMethod:validatePasswordSpec
ET10: {
argName: passwordConfirm
password: true
maxLength: @config:users.passwordMax
validate: @method:validatePassConfirmMatch
TM12: {
argName: submission
items: [ "apply", "cancel" ]
submit: true
submit: {
*: [
value: { "submission" : 0 }
action: @method:submitApplication
extraArgs: {
inactive: userNeedsActivated
error: newUserCreateError
value: { "submission" : 1 }
action: @systemMethod:logoff
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape" ]
action: @systemMethod:logoff
newUserFeedbackToSysOpPreamble: {
config: { pause: true }
next: newUserFeedbackToSysOp
newUserFeedbackToSysOp: {
desc: Feedback to SysOp
module: msg_area_post_fse
next: [
acs: AS2
next: fullLoginSequenceLoginArt
next: newUserInactiveDone
config: {
art: {
header: MSGEHDR
footerEditor: MSGEFTR
footerEditorMenu: MSGEMFT
editorMode: edit
editorType: email
messageAreaTag: private_mail
toUserId: 1 /* always to +op */
form: {
0: {
mci: {
TL1: {
argName: from
ET2: {
argName: to
focus: true
text: @sysStat:sysop_username
// :TODO: readOnly: true
ET3: {
argName: subject
maxLength: 72
submit: true
text: New user feedback
validate: @systemMethod:validateMessageSubject
submit: {
3: [
value: { subject: null }
action: @method:headerSubmit
1: {
mci: {
MT1: {
width: 79
argName: message
mode: edit
submit: {
*: [ { value: "message", action: "@method:editModeEscPressed" } ]
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape" ]
viewId: 1
2: {
mci: {
TL1: {
width: 5
TL2: {
width: 4
3: {
HM: {
mci: {
HM1: {
// :TODO: clear
items: [ "save", "help" ]
submit: {
*: [
value: { 1: 0 }
action: @method:editModeMenuSave
value: { 1: 1 }
action: @method:editModeMenuHelp
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape" ]
action: @method:editModeEscPressed
keys: [ "?" ]
action: @method:editModeMenuHelp
newUserInactiveDone: {
desc: Finished with NUA
art: DONE
config: { pause: true }
next: @menu:logoff
fullLoginSequenceLoginArt: {
desc: Logging In
config: { pause: true }
next: fullLoginSequenceLastCallers
fullLoginSequenceLastCallers: {
desc: Last Callers
module: last_callers
config: {
pause: true
font: cp437
next: fullLoginSequenceWhosOnline
fullLoginSequenceWhosOnline: {
desc: Who's Online
module: whos_online
config: { pause: true }
next: fullLoginSequenceOnelinerz
fullLoginSequenceOnelinerz: {
desc: Viewing Onelinerz
module: onelinerz
next: [
// calls >= 2
acs: NC2
next: fullLoginSequenceNewScanConfirm
// new users - skip new scan
next: fullLoginSequenceUserStats
config: {
cls: true
art: {
form: {
0: {
mci: {
VM1: {
focus: false
height: 10
TM2: {
argName: addOrExit
items: [ "yeah!", "nah" ]
"hotKeys" : { "Y" : 0, "N" : 1, "Q" : 1 }
submit: true
focus: true
submit: {
*: [
value: { addOrExit: 0 }
action: @method:viewAddScreen
value: { addOrExit: null }
action: @systemMethod:nextMenu
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape" ]
action: @systemMethod:nextMenu
1: {
mci: {
ET1: {
focus: true
maxLength: 70
argName: oneliner
TL2: {
width: 60
TM3: {
argName: addOrCancel
items: [ "add", "cancel" ]
"hotKeys" : { "A" : 0, "C" : 1, "Q" : 1 }
submit: true
submit: {
*: [
value: { addOrCancel: 0 }
action: @method:addEntry
value: { addOrCancel: 1 }
action: @method:cancelAdd
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape" ]
action: @method:cancelAdd
fullLoginSequenceNewScanConfirm: {
desc: Logging In
prompt: loginGlobalNewScan
submit: [
value: { promptValue: 0 }
action: @menu:fullLoginSequenceNewScan
value: { promptValue: 1 }
action: @menu:fullLoginSequenceUserStats
fullLoginSequenceNewScan: {
desc: Performing New Scan
module: new_scan
next: fullLoginSequenceSysStats
config: {
messageListMenu: newScanMessageList
fullLoginSequenceSysStats: {
desc: System Stats
config: { pause: true }
next: fullLoginSequenceUserStats
fullLoginSequenceUserStats: {
desc: User Stats
config: { pause: true }
next: mainMenu
newScanMessageList: {
desc: New Messages
module: msg_list
config: {
menuViewPost: messageAreaViewPost
form: {
0: {
mci: {
VM1: {
focus: true
submit: true
argName: message
TL6: {
// theme me!
submit: {
*: [
value: { message: null }
action: @method:selectMessage
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape", "q", "shift + q" ]
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
keys: [ "x", "shift + x" ]
action: @method:fullExit
keys: [ "m", "shift + m" ]
action: @method:markAllRead
newScanFileBaseList: {
module: file_area_list
desc: New Files
config: {
art: {
details: FDETAIL
detailsGeneral: FDETGEN
detailsNfo: FDETNFO
detailsFileList: FDETLST
help: FBHELP
form: {
0: {
mci: {
MT1: {
mode: preview
ansiView: true
HM2: {
focus: true
submit: true
argName: navSelect
items: [
"prev", "next", "details", "toggle queue", "rate", "help", "quit"
focusItemIndex: 1
submit: {
*: [
value: { navSelect: 0 }
action: @method:prevFile
value: { navSelect: 1 }
action: @method:nextFile
value: { navSelect: 2 }
action: @method:viewDetails
value: { navSelect: 3 }
action: @method:toggleQueue
value: { navSelect: 4 }
action: @menu:fileBaseGetRatingForSelectedEntry
value: { navSelect: 5 }
action: @method:displayHelp
value: { navSelect: 6 }
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "w", "shift + w" ]
action: @method:showWebDownloadLink
keys: [ "escape", "q", "shift + q" ]
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
keys: [ "t", "shift + t" ]
action: @method:toggleQueue
keys: [ "v", "shift + v" ]
action: @method:viewDetails
keys: [ "r", "shift + r" ]
action: @menu:fileBaseGetRatingForSelectedEntry
keys: [ "?" ]
action: @method:displayHelp
1: {
mci: {
HM1: {
focus: true
submit: true
argName: navSelect
items: [
"general", "nfo/readme", "file listing"
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape", "q", "shift + q" ]
action: @method:detailsQuit
2: {
// details - general
mci: {}
3: {
// details - nfo/readme
mci: {
MT1: {
mode: preview
4: {
// details - file listing
mci: {
VM1: {
// Main Menu
mainMenu: {
art: MMENU
desc: Main Menu
prompt: menuCommand
config: {
font: cp437
interrupt: realtime
submit: [
value: { command: "MSG" }
action: @menu:nodeMessage
value: { command: "G" }
action: @menu:fullLogoffSequence
value: { command: "D" }
action: @menu:doorMenu
value: { command: "F" }
action: @menu:fileBase
value: { command: "U" }
action: @menu:mainMenuUserList
value: { command: "L" }
action: @menu:mainMenuLastCallers
value: { command: "W" }
action: @menu:mainMenuWhosOnline
value: { command: "Y" }
action: @menu:mainMenuUserStats
value: { command: "M" }
action: @menu:messageArea
value: { command: "E" }
action: @menu:mailMenu
value: { command: "C" }
action: @menu:mainMenuUserConfig
value: { command: "S" }
action: @menu:mainMenuSystemStats
value: { command: "!" }
action: @menu:mainMenuGlobalNewScan
value: { command: "K" }
action: @menu:mainMenuFeedbackToSysOp
value: { command: "O" }
action: @menu:mainMenuOnelinerz
value: { command: "R" }
action: @menu:mainMenuRumorz
value: { command: "BBS"}
action: @menu:bbsList
value: 1
action: @menu:mainMenu
nodeMessage: {
desc: Node Messaging
module: node_msg
config: {
cls: true
art: {
form: {
0: {
mci: {
SM1: {
argName: node
ET2: {
argName: message
submit: true
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape" ]
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
submit: {
*: [
value: { message: null }
action: @method:sendMessage
mainMenuLastCallers: {
desc: Last Callers
module: last_callers
config: { pause: true }
mainMenuWhosOnline: {
desc: Who's Online
module: whos_online
config: { pause: true }
mainMenuUserStats: {
desc: User Stats
config: { pause: true }
mainMenuSystemStats: {
desc: System Stats
config: { pause: true }
mainMenuUserList: {
desc: User Listing
module: user_list
form: {
0: {
mci: {
VM1: {
focus: true
submit: true
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape", "q", "shift + q" ]
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
mainMenuUserConfig: {
module: user_config
form: {
0: {
mci: {
ET1: {
argName: realName
maxLength: @config:users.realNameMax
validate: @systemMethod:validateNonEmpty
focus: true
ME2: {
argName: birthdate
maskPattern: "####/##/##"
ME3: {
argName: sex
maskPattern: A
textStyle: upper
validate: @systemMethod:validateNonEmpty
ET4: {
argName: location
maxLength: @config:users.locationMax
validate: @systemMethod:validateNonEmpty
ET5: {
argName: affils
maxLength: @config:users.affilsMax
ET6: {
argName: email
maxLength: @config:users.emailMax
validate: @method:validateEmailAvail
ET7: {
argName: web
maxLength: @config:users.webMax
ME8: {
maskPattern: "##"
argName: termHeight
validate: @systemMethod:validateNonEmpty
SM9: {
argName: theme
ET10: {
argName: password
maxLength: @config:users.passwordMax
password: true
validate: @method:validatePassword
ET11: {
argName: passwordConfirm
maxLength: @config:users.passwordMax
password: true
validate: @method:validatePassConfirmMatch
TM25: {
argName: submission
items: [ "save", "cancel" ]
submit: true
submit: {
*: [
value: { submission: 0 }
action: @method:saveChanges
value: { submission: 1 }
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape" ]
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
mainMenuGlobalNewScan: {
desc: Performing New Scan
module: new_scan
config: {
messageListMenu: newScanMessageList
mainMenuFeedbackToSysOp: {
desc: Feedback to SysOp
module: msg_area_post_fse
config: {
art: {
header: MSGEHDR
footerEditor: MSGEFTR
footerEditorMenu: MSGEMFT
editorMode: edit
editorType: email
messageAreaTag: private_mail
toUserId: 1 /* always to +op */
form: {
0: {
mci: {
TL1: {
argName: from
ET2: {
argName: to
focus: true
text: @sysStat:sysop_username
// :TODO: readOnly: true
ET3: {
argName: subject
maxLength: 72
submit: true
validate: @systemMethod:validateMessageSubject
submit: {
3: [
value: { subject: null }
action: @method:headerSubmit
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape" ]
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
1: {
mci: {
MT1: {
width: 79
argName: message
mode: edit
submit: {
*: [ { value: "message", action: "@method:editModeEscPressed" } ]
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape" ]
viewId: 1
2: {
mci: {
TL1: {
width: 5
TL2: {
width: 4
3: {
HM: {
mci: {
HM1: {
// :TODO: clear
items: [ "save", "discard", "help" ]
submit: {
*: [
value: { 1: 0 }
action: @method:editModeMenuSave
value: { 1: 1 }
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
value: { 1: 2 }
action: @method:editModeMenuHelp
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape" ]
action: @method:editModeEscPressed
keys: [ "?" ]
action: @method:editModeMenuHelp
mainMenuOnelinerz: {
desc: Viewing Onelinerz
module: onelinerz
config: {
cls: true
art: {
form: {
0: {
mci: {
VM1: {
focus: false
height: 10
TM2: {
argName: addOrExit
items: [ "yeah!", "nah" ]
"hotKeys" : { "Y" : 0, "N" : 1, "Q" : 1 }
submit: true
focus: true
submit: {
*: [
value: { addOrExit: 0 }
action: @method:viewAddScreen
value: { addOrExit: null }
action: @systemMethod:nextMenu
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape" ]
action: @systemMethod:nextMenu
1: {
mci: {
ET1: {
focus: true
maxLength: 70
argName: oneliner
TL2: {
width: 60
TM3: {
argName: addOrCancel
items: [ "add", "cancel" ]
"hotKeys" : { "A" : 0, "C" : 1, "Q" : 1 }
submit: true
submit: {
*: [
value: { addOrCancel: 0 }
action: @method:addEntry
value: { addOrCancel: 1 }
action: @method:cancelAdd
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape" ]
action: @method:cancelAdd
mainMenuRumorz: {
desc: Rumorz
module: rumorz
config: {
cls: true
art: {
entries: RUMORS
form: {
0: {
mci: {
VM1: {
focus: false
height: 10
TM2: {
argName: addOrExit
items: [ "yeah!", "nah" ]
"hotKeys" : { "Y" : 0, "N" : 1, "Q" : 1 }
submit: true
focus: true
submit: {
*: [
value: { addOrExit: 0 }
action: @method:viewAddScreen
value: { addOrExit: null }
action: @systemMethod:nextMenu
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape" ]
action: @systemMethod:nextMenu
1: {
mci: {
ET1: {
focus: true
maxLength: 70
argName: rumor
TL2: {
width: 60
TM3: {
argName: addOrCancel
items: [ "add", "cancel" ]
"hotKeys" : { "A" : 0, "C" : 1, "Q" : 1 }
submit: true
submit: {
*: [
value: { addOrCancel: 0 }
action: @method:addEntry
value: { addOrCancel: 1 }
action: @method:cancelAdd
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape" ]
action: @method:cancelAdd
bbsList: {
desc: Viewing BBS List
module: bbs_list
config: {
cls: true
art: {
entries: BBSLIST
form: {
0: {
mci: {
VM1: { maxLength: 32 }
TL2: { maxLength: 32 }
TL3: { maxLength: 32 }
TL4: { maxLength: 32 }
TL5: { maxLength: 32 }
TL6: { maxLength: 32 }
TL7: { maxLength: 32 }
TL8: { maxLength: 32 }
TL9: { maxLength: 32 }
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "a" ]
action: @method:addBBS
// :TODO: add delete key
keys: [ "d" ]
action: @method:deleteBBS
keys: [ "q", "escape" ]
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
1: {
mci: {
ET1: {
argName: name
maxLength: 32
validate: @systemMethod:validateNonEmpty
ET2: {
argName: sysop
maxLength: 32
validate: @systemMethod:validateNonEmpty
ET3: {
argName: telnet
maxLength: 32
validate: @systemMethod:validateNonEmpty
ET4: {
argName: www
maxLength: 32
ET5: {
argName: location
maxLength: 32
ET6: {
argName: software
maxLength: 32
ET7: {
argName: notes
maxLength: 32
TM17: {
argName: submission
items: [ "save", "cancel" ]
submit: true
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape" ]
action: @method:cancelSubmit
submit: {
*: [
value: { "submission" : 0 }
action: @method:submitBBS
value: { "submission" : 1 }
action: @method:cancelSubmit
// Doors Menu
doorMenu: {
desc: Doors Menu
prompt: menuCommand
config: {
interrupt: realtime
submit: [
value: { command: "G" }
action: @menu:logoff
value: { command: "Q" }
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
// The system supports many ways of launching doors including
// modules for DoorParty!, BBSLink, etc.
// Below are some examples. See the documentation for more info.
value: { command: "ABRACADABRA" }
action: @menu:doorAbracadabraExample
value: { command: "TWBBLINK" }
action: @menu:doorTradeWars2002BBSLinkExample
value: { command: "DP" }
action: @menu:doorPartyExample
value: { command: "CN" }
action: @menu:doorCombatNetExample
value: { command: "EXODUS" }
action: @menu:doorExodusCataclysm
// Local Door Example via abracadabra module
// This example assumes launch_door.sh (which is passed args)
// launches the door.
doorAbracadabraExample: {
desc: Abracadabra Example
module: abracadabra
config: {
name: Example Door
dropFileType: DORINFO
cmd: /home/enigma/DOS/scripts/launch_door.sh
args: [
nodeMax: 1
tooManyArt: DOORMANY
io: socket
// BBSLink Example (TradeWars 2000)
// Register @ https://bbslink.net/
doorTradeWars2002BBSLinkExample: {
desc: Playing TW 2002 (BBSLink)
module: bbs_link
config: {
authCode: XXXXXXXX
schemeCode: XXXXXXXX
door: tw
// DoorParty! Example
// Register @ http://throwbackbbs.com/
doorPartyExample: {
desc: Using DoorParty!
module: door_party
config: {
username: XXXXXXXX
password: XXXXXXXX
bbsTag: XX
// CombatNet Example
// Register @ http://combatnet.us/
doorCombatNetExample: {
desc: Using CombatNet
module: combatnet
config: {
bbsTag: CBNxxx
password: XXXXXXXXX
// Exodus Example (cataclysm)
// Register @ https://oddnetwork.org/exodus/
doorExodusCataclysm: {
desc: Cataclysm
module: exodus
config: {
rejectUnauthorized: false
board: XXX
door: cataclysm
// Message Area Menu
messageArea: {
desc: Message Area
prompt: messageMenuCommand
config: {
interrupt: realtime
submit: [
value: { command: "P" }
action: @menu:messageAreaNewPost
value: { command: "J" }
action: @menu:messageAreaChangeCurrentConference
value: { command: "C" }
action: @menu:messageAreaChangeCurrentArea
value: { command: "L" }
action: @menu:messageAreaMessageList
value: { command: "Q" }
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
value: { command: "G" }
action: @menu:fullLogoffSequence
value: { command: "<" }
action: @systemMethod:prevConf
value: { command: ">" }
action: @systemMethod:nextConf
value: { command: "[" }
action: @systemMethod:prevArea
value: { command: "]" }
action: @systemMethod:nextArea
value: { command: "D" }
action: @menu:messageAreaSetNewScanDate
value: { command: "S" }
action: @menu:messageSearch
value: 1
action: @menu:messageArea
messageSearch: {
desc: Message Search
module: message_base_search
config: {
messageListMenu: messageAreaSearchMessageList
form: {
0: {
mci: {
ET1: {
focus: true
argName: searchTerms
BT2: {
argName: search
text: search
submit: true
SM3: {
argName: confTag
SM4: {
argName: areaTag
ET5: {
argName: toUserName
maxLength: @config:users.usernameMax
ET6: {
argName: fromUserName
maxLength: @config:users.usernameMax
BT7: {
argName: advancedSearch
text: advanced search
submit: true
submit: {
*: [
value: { search: null }
action: @method:search
value: { advancedSearch: null }
action: @method:search
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape" ]
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
messageAreaSearchMessageList: {
desc: Message Search
module: msg_list
config: {
menuViewPost: messageAreaViewPost
form: {
0: {
mci: {
VM1: {
focus: true
submit: true
argName: message
TL6: {
// theme me!
submit: {
*: [
value: { message: null }
action: @method:selectMessage
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape", "q", "shift + q" ]
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
messageSearchNoResults: {
desc: Message Search
config: {
pause: true
messageAreaChangeCurrentConference: {
module: msg_conf_list
form: {
0: {
mci: {
VM1: {
focus: true
submit: true
argName: conf
submit: {
*: [
value: { conf: null }
action: @method:changeConference
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape", "q", "shift + q" ]
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
messageAreaSetNewScanDate: {
module: set_newscan_date
desc: Message Base
config: {
target: message
scanDateFormat: YYYYMMDD
form: {
0: {
mci: {
ME1: {
focus: true
submit: true
argName: scanDate
maskPattern: "####/##/##"
SM2: {
argName: targetSelection
submit: false
submit: {
*: [
value: { scanDate: null }
action: @method:scanDateSubmit
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape", "q", "shift + q" ]
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
changeMessageConfPreArt: {
module: show_art
config: {
method: messageConf
key: confTag
pause: true
cls: true
menuFlags: [ "popParent", "noHistory" ]
messageAreaChangeCurrentArea: {
// :TODO: rename this art to ACHANGE
module: msg_area_list
form: {
0: {
mci: {
VM1: {
focus: true
submit: true
argName: area
submit: {
*: [
value: { area: null }
action: @method:changeArea
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape", "q", "shift + q" ]
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
changeMessageAreaPreArt: {
module: show_art
config: {
method: messageArea
key: areaTag
pause: true
cls: true
menuFlags: [ "popParent", "noHistory" ]
messageAreaMessageList: {
module: msg_list
config: {
menuViewPost: messageAreaViewPost
form: {
0: {
mci: {
VM1: {
focus: true
submit: true
argName: message
submit: {
*: [
value: { message: null }
action: @method:selectMessage
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape", "q", "shift + q" ]
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
messageAreaViewPost: {
module: msg_area_view_fse
config: {
art: {
header: MSGVHDR
footerView: MSGVFTR
editorMode: view
editorType: area
form: {
0: {
mci: {
// :TODO: ensure this block isn't even req. for theme to apply...
1: {
mci: {
MT1: {
width: 79
mode: preview
submit: {
*: [
value: message
action: @method:editModeEscPressed
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape" ]
viewId: 1
2: {
mci: {
TL1: { width: 5 }
TL2: { width: 4 }
4: {
mci: {
HM1: {
// :TODO: (#)Jump/(L)Index (msg list)/Last
items: [ "prev", "next", "reply", "quit", "help" ]
focusItemIndex: 1
submit: {
*: [
value: { 1: 0 }
action: @method:prevMessage
value: { 1: 1 }
action: @method:nextMessage
value: { 1: 2 }
action: @method:replyMessage
extraArgs: {
menu: messageAreaReplyPost
value: { 1: 3 }
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
value: { 1: 4 }
action: @method:viewModeMenuHelp
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "p", "shift + p" ]
action: @method:prevMessage
keys: [ "n", "shift + n" ]
action: @method:nextMessage
keys: [ "r", "shift + r" ]
action: @method:replyMessage
extraArgs: {
menu: messageAreaReplyPost
keys: [ "escape", "q", "shift + q" ]
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
keys: [ "?" ]
action: @method:viewModeMenuHelp
keys: [ "down arrow", "up arrow", "page up", "page down" ]
action: @method:movementKeyPressed
messageAreaReplyPost: {
module: msg_area_post_fse
config: {
art: {
header: MSGEHDR
quote: MSGQUOT
footerEditor: MSGEFTR
footerEditorMenu: MSGEMFT
editorMode: edit
editorType: area
form: {
0: {
mci: {
// :TODO: use appropriate system properties for max lengths
TL1: {
argName: from
ET2: {
argName: to
focus: true
validate: @systemMethod:validateNonEmpty
ET3: {
argName: subject
maxLength: 72
submit: true
validate: @systemMethod:validateNonEmpty
TL4: {
// :TODO: this is for RE: line (NYI)
//width: 27
//textOverflow: ...
submit: {
3: [
value: { subject: null }
action: @method:headerSubmit
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape" ]
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
1: {
mci: {
MT1: {
width: 79
height: 14
argName: message
mode: edit
submit: {
*: [ { "value": "message", "action": "@method:editModeEscPressed" } ]
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape" ],
viewId: 1
3: {
mci: {
HM1: {
items: [ "save", "discard", "quote", "help" ]
submit: {
*: [
value: { 1: 0 }
action: @method:editModeMenuSave
value: { 1: 1 }
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
value: { 1: 2 },
action: @method:editModeMenuQuote
value: { 1: 3 }
action: @method:editModeMenuHelp
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape" ]
action: @method:editModeEscPressed
keys: [ "s", "shift + s" ]
action: @method:editModeMenuSave
keys: [ "d", "shift + d" ]
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
keys: [ "q", "shift + q" ]
action: @method:editModeMenuQuote
keys: [ "?" ]
action: @method:editModeMenuHelp
// Quote builder
5: {
mci: {
MT1: {
width: 79
height: 7
VM3: {
width: 79
height: 4
argName: quote
submit: {
*: [
value: { quote: null }
action: @method:appendQuoteEntry
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape" ]
action: @method:quoteBuilderEscPressed
// :TODO: messageAreaSelect (change msg areas -> call @systemMethod -> fallback to menu
messageAreaNewPost: {
desc: Posting message,
module: msg_area_post_fse
config: {
art: {
header: MSGEHDR
footerEditor: MSGEFTR
footerEditorMenu: MSGEMFT
editorMode: edit
editorType: area
form: {
0: {
mci: {
TL1: {
argName: from
ET2: {
argName: to
focus: true
text: All
validate: @systemMethod:validateNonEmpty
ET3: {
argName: subject
maxLength: 72
submit: true
validate: @systemMethod:validateNonEmpty
// :TODO: Validate -> close/cancel if empty
submit: {
3: [
value: { subject: null }
action: @method:headerSubmit
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape" ]
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
1: {
"mci" : {
MT1: {
width: 79
argName: message
mode: edit
submit: {
*: [ { "value": "message", "action": "@method:editModeEscPressed" } ]
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape" ]
viewId: 1
2: {
mci: {
TL1: { width: 5 }
TL2: { width: 4 }
3: {
HM: {
mci: {
HM1: {
// :TODO: clear
"items" : [ "save", "discard", "help" ]
submit: {
*: [
value: { 1: 0 }
action: @method:editModeMenuSave
value: { 1: 1 }
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
value: { 1: 2 }
action: @method:editModeMenuHelp
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape" ]
action: @method:editModeEscPressed
keys: [ "?" ]
action: @method:editModeMenuHelp
// :TODO: something like the following for overriding keymap
// this should only override specified entries. others will default
"keyMap" : {
"accept" : [ "return" ]
// User to User mail aka Email Menu
mailMenu: {
desc: Mail Menu
prompt: menuCommand
config: {
interrupt: realtime
submit: [
value: { command: "C" }
action: @menu:mailMenuCreateMessage
value: { command: "I" }
action: @menu:mailMenuInbox
value: { command: "Q" }
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
value: { command: "G" }
action: @menu:fullLogoffSequence
value: 1
action: @menu:mailMenu
mailMenuCreateMessage: {
desc: Mailing Someone
module: msg_area_post_fse
config: {
art: {
header: MSGEHDR
footerEditor: MSGEFTR
footerEditorMenu: MSGEMFT
editorMode: edit
editorType: email
messageAreaTag: private_mail
form: {
0: {
mci: {
TL1: {
argName: from
ET2: {
argName: to
focus: true
validate: @systemMethod:validateGeneralMailAddressedTo
ET3: {
argName: subject
maxLength: 72
submit: true
validate: @systemMethod:validateMessageSubject
submit: {
3: [
value: { subject: null }
action: @method:headerSubmit
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape" ]
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
1: {
mci: {
MT1: {
width: 79
argName: message
mode: edit
submit: {
*: [ { value: "message", action: "@method:editModeEscPressed" } ]
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape" ]
viewId: 1
2: {
mci: {
TL1: {
width: 5
TL2: {
width: 4
3: {
HM: {
mci: {
HM1: {
// :TODO: clear
items: [ "save", "discard", "help" ]
submit: {
*: [
value: { 1: 0 }
action: @method:editModeMenuSave
value: { 1: 1 }
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
value: { 1: 2 }
action: @method:editModeMenuHelp
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape" ]
action: @method:editModeEscPressed
keys: [ "?" ]
action: @method:editModeMenuHelp
mailMenuInbox: {
module: msg_list
config: {
menuViewPost: messageAreaViewPost
messageAreaTag: private_mail
form: {
0: { // main list
mci: {
VM1: {
focus: true
submit: true
argName: message
submit: {
*: [
value: { message: null }
action: @method:selectMessage
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape", "q", "shift + q" ]
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
keys: [ "delete", "d", "shift + d" ]
action: @method:deleteSelected
1: { // delete prompt form
submit: {
*: [
value: { promptValue: 0 }
action: @method:deleteMessageYes
value: { promptValue: 1 }
action: @method:deleteMessageNo
// File Base
fileBase: {
desc: File Base
art: FMENU
prompt: fileMenuCommand
config: {
interrupt: realtime
submit: [
value: { menuOption: "L" }
action: @menu:fileBaseListEntries
value: { menuOption: "B" }
action: @menu:fileBaseBrowseByAreaSelect
value: { menuOption: "F" }
action: @menu:fileAreaFilterEditor
value: { menuOption: "Q" }
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
value: { menuOption: "G" }
action: @menu:fullLogoffSequence
value: { menuOption: "D" }
action: @menu:fileBaseDownloadManager
value: { menuOption: "W" }
action: @menu:fileBaseWebDownloadManager
value: { menuOption: "U" }
action: @menu:fileBaseUploadFiles
value: { menuOption: "S" }
action: @menu:fileBaseSearch
value: { menuOption: "P" }
action: @menu:fileBaseSetNewScanDate
value: { menuOption: "E" }
action: @menu:fileBaseExportListFilter
fileBaseExportListFilter: {
module: file_base_search
// :TODO: fixme:
config: {
fileBaseListEntriesMenu: fileBaseExportList
form: {
0: {
mci: {
ET1: {
focus: true
argName: searchTerms
BT2: {
argName: search
text: search
submit: true
ET3: {
maxLength: 64
argName: tags
SM4: {
maxLength: 64
argName: areaIndex
SM5: {
items: [
"upload date",
"uploaded by",
"estimated year",
argName: sortByIndex
SM6: {
items: [
argName: orderByIndex
BT7: {
argName: advancedSearch
text: advanced search
submit: true
submit: {
*: [
value: { search: null }
action: @method:search
value: { advancedSearch: null }
action: @method:search
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape" ]
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
fileBaseExportList: {
module: file_base_user_list_export
config: {
pause: true
templates: {
entry: file_list_entry.asc
form: {
0: {
mci: {
TL1: { }
TL2: { }
fileBaseExportListNoResults: {
desc: Browsing Files
config: {
pause: true
menuFlags: [ "noHistory", "popParent" ]
fileBaseSetNewScanDate: {
module: set_newscan_date
desc: File Base
config: {
target: file
scanDateFormat: YYYYMMDD
form: {
0: {
mci: {
ME1: {
focus: true
submit: true
argName: scanDate
maskPattern: "####/##/##"
submit: {
*: [
value: { scanDate: null }
action: @method:scanDateSubmit
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape", "q", "shift + q" ]
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
fileBaseListEntries: {
module: file_area_list
desc: Browsing Files
config: {
art: {
browse: FBRWSE
details: FDETAIL
detailsGeneral: FDETGEN
detailsNfo: FDETNFO
detailsFileList: FDETLST
help: FBHELP
form: {
0: {
mci: {
MT1: {
mode: preview
HM2: {
focus: true
submit: true
argName: navSelect
items: [
"prev", "next", "details", "toggle queue", "rate", "change filter", "help", "quit"
focusItemIndex: 1
submit: {
*: [
value: { navSelect: 0 }
action: @method:prevFile
value: { navSelect: 1 }
action: @method:nextFile
value: { navSelect: 2 }
action: @method:viewDetails
value: { navSelect: 3 }
action: @method:toggleQueue
value: { navSelect: 4 }
action: @menu:fileBaseGetRatingForSelectedEntry
value: { navSelect: 5 }
action: @menu:fileAreaFilterEditor
value: { navSelect: 6 }
action: @method:displayHelp
value: { navSelect: 7 }
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "w", "shift + w" ]
action: @method:showWebDownloadLink
keys: [ "escape", "q", "shift + q" ]
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
keys: [ "t", "shift + t" ]
action: @method:toggleQueue
keys: [ "f", "shift + f" ]
action: @menu:fileAreaFilterEditor
keys: [ "v", "shift + v" ]
action: @method:viewDetails
keys: [ "r", "shift + r" ]
action: @menu:fileBaseGetRatingForSelectedEntry
keys: [ "?" ]
action: @method:displayHelp
1: {
mci: {
HM1: {
focus: true
submit: true
argName: navSelect
items: [
"general", "nfo/readme", "file listing"
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape", "q", "shift + q" ]
action: @method:detailsQuit
2: {
// details - general
mci: {}
3: {
// details - nfo/readme
mci: {
MT1: {
mode: preview
4: {
// details - file listing
mci: {
VM1: {
fileBaseBrowseByAreaSelect: {
desc: Browsing File Areas
module: file_base_area_select
form: {
0: {
mci: {
VM1: {
focus: true
argName: areaTag
submit: {
*: [
value: { areaTag: null }
action: @method:selectArea
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape", "q", "shift + q" ]
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
fileBaseGetRatingForSelectedEntry: {
desc: Rating a File
prompt: fileBaseRateEntryPrompt
config: {
cls: true
submit: [
// :TODO: handle esc/q
// pass data back to caller
value: { rating: null }
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
fileBaseListEntriesNoResults: {
desc: Browsing Files
config: {
pause: true
menuFlags: [ "noHistory", "popParent" ]
fileBaseSearch: {
module: file_base_search
desc: Searching Files
form: {
0: {
mci: {
ET1: {
focus: true
argName: searchTerms
BT2: {
argName: search
text: search
submit: true
ET3: {
maxLength: 64
argName: tags
SM4: {
maxLength: 64
argName: areaIndex
SM5: {
items: [
"upload date",
"uploaded by",
"estimated year",
argName: sortByIndex
SM6: {
items: [
argName: orderByIndex
BT7: {
argName: advancedSearch
text: advanced search
submit: true
submit: {
*: [
value: { search: null }
action: @method:search
value: { advancedSearch: null }
action: @method:search
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape" ]
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
fileAreaFilterEditor: {
desc: File Filter Editor
module: file_area_filter_edit
form: {
0: {
mci: {
ET1: {
argName: searchTerms
ET2: {
maxLength: 64
argName: tags
SM3: {
maxLength: 64
argName: areaIndex
SM4: {
items: [
"upload date",
"uploaded by",
"estimated year",
argName: sortByIndex
SM5: {
items: [
argName: orderByIndex
ET6: {
maxLength: 64
argName: name
validate: @systemMethod:validateNonEmpty
HM7: {
focus: true
items: [
"prev", "next", "make active", "save", "new", "delete"
argName: navSelect
focusItemIndex: 1
submit: {
*: [
value: { navSelect: 0 }
action: @method:prevFilter
value: { navSelect: 1 }
action: @method:nextFilter
value: { navSelect: 2 }
action: @method:makeFilterActive
value: { navSelect: 3 }
action: @method:saveFilter
value: { navSelect: 4 }
action: @method:newFilter
value: { navSelect: 5 }
action: @method:deleteFilter
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape" ]
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
fileBaseDownloadManager: {
desc: Download Manager
module: file_base_download_manager
config: {
art: {
queueManager: FDLMGR
details: FDLDET
emptyQueueMenu: fileBaseDownloadManagerEmptyQueue
form: {
0: {
mci: {
VM1: {
argName: queueItem
HM2: {
focus: true
items: [ "download all", "quit" ]
argName: navSelect
submit: {
*: [
value: { navSelect: 0 }
action: @method:downloadAll
value: { navSelect: 1 }
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "a", "shift + a" ]
action: @method:downloadAll
keys: [ "delete", "r", "shift + r" ]
action: @method:removeItem
keys: [ "c", "shift + c" ]
action: @method:clearQueue
keys: [ "escape", "q", "shift + q" ]
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
fileBaseWebDownloadManager: {
desc: Web D/L Manager
module: file_base_web_download_manager
config: {
art: {
queueManager: FWDLMGR
batchList: BATDLINF
emptyQueueMenu: fileBaseDownloadManagerEmptyQueue
form: {
0: {
mci: {
VM1: {
argName: queueItem
HM2: {
focus: true
items: [ "get batch link", "quit", "help" ]
argName: navSelect
submit: {
*: [
value: { navSelect: 0 }
action: @method:getBatchLink
value: { navSelect: 1 }
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "b", "shift + b" ]
action: @method:getBatchLink
keys: [ "delete", "r", "shift + r" ]
action: @method:removeItem
keys: [ "c", "shift + c" ]
action: @method:clearQueue
keys: [ "escape", "q", "shift + q" ]
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
fileBaseDownloadManagerEmptyQueue: {
desc: Empty Download Queue
config: {
pause: true
menuFlags: [ "noHistory", "popParent" ]
fileTransferProtocolSelection: {
desc: Protocol selection
module: file_transfer_protocol_select
form: {
0: {
mci: {
VM1: {
focus: true
argName: protocol
submit: {
*: [
value: { protocol: null }
action: @method:selectProtocol
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape" ]
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
fileBaseUploadFiles: {
desc: Uploading
module: upload
config: {
art: {
options: ULOPTS
fileDetails: ULDETAIL
processing: ULCHECK
dupes: ULDUPES
form: {
// options
0: {
mci: {
SM1: {
argName: areaSelect
focus: true
TM2: {
argName: uploadType
items: [ "blind", "supply filename" ]
ET3: {
argName: fileName
maxLength: 255
validate: @method:validateNonBlindFileName
HM4: {
argName: navSelect
items: [ "continue", "cancel" ]
submit: true
submit: {
*: [
value: { navSelect: 0 }
action: @method:optionsNavContinue
value: { navSelect: 1 }
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
"actionKeys" : [
"keys" : [ "escape" ],
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
1: {
mci: { }
// file details entry
2: {
mci: {
MT1: {
argName: shortDesc
tabSwitchesView: true
focus: true
ET2: {
argName: tags
ME3: {
argName: estYear
maskPattern: "####"
BT4: {
argName: continue
text: continue
submit: true
submit: {
*: [
value: { continue: null }
action: @method:fileDetailsContinue
// dupes
3: {
mci: {
VM1: {
Use 'dupeInfoFormat' to custom format:
mode: preview
fileBaseNoUploadAreasAvail: {
desc: File Base
config: {
pause: true
menuFlags: [ "noHistory", "popParent" ]
sendFilesToUser: {
desc: Downloading
module: file_transfer
config: {
// defaults - generally use extraArgs
protocol: zmodem8kSexyz
direction: send
recvFilesFromUser: {
desc: Uploading
module: file_transfer
config: {
// defaults - generally use extraArgs
protocol: zmodem8kSexyz
direction: recv
// Required entries
idleLogoff: {
next: @systemMethod:logoff
// Demo Section
// :TODO: This entire section needs updated!!!
"demoMain" : {
"art" : "demo_selection_vm.ans",
"form" : {
"0" : {
"VM" : {
"mci" : {
"VM1" : {
"items" : [
"Single Line Text Editing Views",
"Spinner & Toggle Views",
"Mask Edit Views",
"Multi Line Text Editor",
"Vertical Menu Views",
"Horizontal Menu Views",
"Art Display",
"Full Screen Editor"
"height" : 10,
"itemSpacing" : 1,
"justify" : "center",
"focusTextStyle" : "small i"
"submit" : {
"*" : [
"value" : { "1" : 0 },
"action" : "@menu:demoEditTextView"
"value" : { "1" : 1 },
"action" : "@menu:demoSpinAndToggleView"
"value" : { "1" : 2 },
"action" : "@menu:demoMaskEditView"
"value" : { "1" : 3 },
"action" : "@menu:demoMultiLineEditTextView"
"value" : { "1" : 4 },
"action" : "@menu:demoVerticalMenuView"
"value" : { "1" : 5 },
"action" : "@menu:demoHorizontalMenuView"
"value" : { "1" : 6 },
"action" : "@menu:demoArtDisplay"
"value" : { "1" : 7 },
"action" : "@menu:demoFullScreenEditor"
"demoEditTextView" : {
"art" : "demo_edit_text_view1.ans",
"form" : {
"0" : {
"mci" : {
"ET1" : {
"width" : 20,
"maxLength" : 20
"ET2" : {
"width" : 20,
"maxLength" : 40,
"textOverflow" : "..."
"ET3" : {
"width" : 20,
"fillChar" : "-",
"styleSGR1" : "|00|36",
"maxLength" : 20
"ET4" : {
"width" : 20,
"maxLength" : 20,
"password" : true
"BT5" : {
"width" : 8,
"text" : "< Back"
"submit" : {
"*" : [
"value" : 5,
"action" : "@menu:demoMain"
"actionKeys" : [
"keys" : [ "escape" ],
"viewId" : 5
"demoSpinAndToggleView" : {
"art" : "demo_spin_and_toggle.ans",
"form" : {
"0" : {
"mci" : {
"SM1" : {
"items" : [ "Henry Morgan", "François l'Ollonais", "Roche Braziliano", "Black Bart", "Blackbeard" ]
"SM2" : {
"items" : [ "Razor 1911", "DrinkOrDie", "TRSI" ]
"TM3" : {
"items" : [ "Yarly", "Nowaii" ],
"styleSGR1" : "|00|30|01",
"hotKeys" : { "Y" : 0, "N" : 1 }
"BT8" : {
"text" : "< Back"
"submit" : {
"*" : [
"value" : 8,
"action" : "@menu:demoMain"
"actionKeys" : [
"keys" : [ "escape" ],
"viewId" : 8
"demoMaskEditView" : {
"art" : "demo_mask_edit_text_view1.ans",
"form" : {
"0" : {
"BTMEME" : {
"mci" : {
"ME1" : {
"maskPattern" : "##/##/##",
"styleSGR1" : "|00|30|01",
//"styleSGR2" : "|00|45|01",
"styleSGR3" : "|00|30|35",
"fillChar" : "#"
"BT5" : {
"text" : "< Back"
"submit" : {
"*" : [
"value" : 5,
"action" : "@menu:demoMain"
"actionKeys" : [
"keys" : [ "escape" ],
"viewId" : 5
"demoMultiLineEditTextView" : {
"art" : "demo_multi_line_edit_text_view1.ans",
"form" : {
"0" : {
"BTMT" : {
"mci" : {
"MT1" : {
"width" : 70,
"height" : 17,
//"text" : "@art:demo_multi_line_edit_text_view_text.txt",
// "text" : "@systemMethod:textFromFile"
text: "Hints:\n\t* Insert / CTRL-V toggles overtype mode\n\t* CTRL-Y deletes the current line\n\t* Try Page Up / Page Down\n\t* Home goes to the start of line text\n\t* End goes to the end of a line\n\n\nTab handling:\n-------------------------------------------------\n\tA\tB\tC\tD\tE\tF\nA\tB\tC\tD\tE\tF\tG\tH\n\tA\tB\tC\tD\tE\tF\nA\tB\tC\tD\tE\tF\tG\tH\nA0\tBB\t1\tCCC\t2\tDDD\t3EEEE\nW\t\tX\t\tY\t\tZ\n\nAn excerpt from A Clockwork Orange:\n\"What sloochatted then, of course, was that my cellmates woke up and started joining in, tolchocking a bit wild in the near-dark, and the shoom seemed to wake up the whole tier, so that you could slooshy a lot of creeching and banging about with tin mugs on the wall, as though all the plennies in all the cells thought a big break was about to commence, O my brothers.\n",
"focus" : true
"BT5" : {
"text" : "< Back"
"submit" : {
"*" : [
"value" : 5,
"action" : "@menu:demoMain"
"actionKeys" : [
"keys" : [ "escape" ],
"viewId" : 5
"demoHorizontalMenuView" : {
"art" : "demo_horizontal_menu_view1.ans",
"form" : {
"0" : {
"BTHMHM" : {
"mci" : {
"HM1" : {
"items" : [ "One", "Two", "Three" ],
"hotKeys" : { "1" : 0, "2" : 1, "3" : 2 }
"HM2" : {
"items" : [ "Uno", "Dos", "Tres" ],
"hotKeys" : { "U" : 0, "D" : 1, "T" : 2 }
"BT5" : {
"text" : "< Back"
"submit" : {
"*" : [
"value" : 5,
"action" : "@menu:demoMain"
"actionKeys" : [
"keys" : [ "escape" ],
"viewId" : 5
"demoVerticalMenuView" : {
"art" : "demo_vertical_menu_view1.ans",
"form" : {
"0" : {
"BTVM" : {
"mci" : {
"VM1" : {
"items" : [
"focusItems" : [
// :TODO: how to do the following:
// 1) Supply a view a string for a standard vs focused item
// "items" : [...], "focusItems" : [ ... ] ?
// "draw" : "@method:drawItemX", then items: [...]
"BT5" : {
"text" : "< Back"
"submit" : {
"*" : [
"value" : 5,
"action" : "@menu:demoMain"
"actionKeys" : [
"keys" : [ "escape" ],
"viewId" : 5
"demoArtDisplay" : {
"art" : "demo_selection_vm.ans",
"form" : {
"0" : {
"VM" : {
"mci" : {
"VM1" : {
"items" : [
"Defaults - DOS ANSI",
"bw_mindgames.ans - DOS",
"test.ans - DOS",
"Defaults - Amiga",
"Pause at Term Height"
// :TODO: justify not working??
"focusTextStyle" : "small i"
"submit" : {
"*" : [
"value" : { "1" : 0 },
"action" : "@menu:demoDefaultsDosAnsi"
"value" : { "1" : 1 },
"action" : "@menu:demoDefaultsDosAnsi_bw_mindgames"
"value" : { "1" : 2 },
"action" : "@menu:demoDefaultsDosAnsi_test"
"demoDefaultsDosAnsi" : {
"art" : "DM-ENIG2.ANS"
"demoDefaultsDosAnsi_bw_mindgames" : {
"art" : "bw_mindgames.ans"
"demoDefaultsDosAnsi_test" : {
"art" : "test.ans"
"demoFullScreenEditor" : {
"module" : "fse",
"config" : {
"editorType" : "netMail",
"art" : {
"header" : "demo_fse_netmail_header.ans",
"body" : "demo_fse_netmail_body.ans",
"footerEditor" : "demo_fse_netmail_footer_edit.ans",
"footerEditorMenu" : "demo_fse_netmail_footer_edit_menu.ans",
"footerView" : "demo_fse_netmail_footer_view.ans",
"help" : "demo_fse_netmail_help.ans"
"form" : {
"0" : {
"ETETET" : {
"mci" : {
"ET1" : {
// :TODO: from/to may be set by args
// :TODO: focus may change dep on view vs edit
"width" : 36,
"focus" : true,
"argName" : "to"
"ET2" : {
"width" : 36,
"argName" : "from"
"ET3" : {
"width" : 65,
"maxLength" : 72,
"submit" : [ "enter" ],
"argName" : "subject"
"submit" : {
"3" : [
"value" : { "subject" : null },
"action" : "@method:headerSubmit"
"1" : {
"MT" : {
"mci" : {
"MT1" : {
"width" : 79,
"height" : 17,
"text" : "", // :TODO: should not be req.
"argName" : "message"
"submit" : {
"*" : [
"value" : "message",
"action" : "@method:editModeEscPressed"
"actionKeys" : [
"keys" : [ "escape" ],
"viewId" : 1
"2" : {
"TLTL" : {
"mci" : {
"TL1" : {
"width" : 5
"TL2" : {
"width" : 4
"3" : {
"HM" : {
"mci" : {
"HM1" : {
// :TODO: Continue, Save, Discard, Clear, Quote, Help
"items" : [ "Save", "Discard", "Quote", "Help" ]
"submit" : {
"*" : [
"value" : { "1" : 0 },
"action" : "@method:editModeMenuSave"
"value" : { "1" : 1 },
"action" : "@menu:demoMain"
"value" : { "1" : 2 },
"action" : "@method:editModeMenuQuote"
"value" : { "1" : 3 },
"action" : "@method:editModeMenuHelp"
"value" : 1,
"action" : "@method:editModeEscPressed"
"actionKeys" : [ // :TODO: Need better name
"keys" : [ "escape" ],
"action" : "@method:editModeEscPressed"