2018-03-14 21:33:58 -06:00

266 lines
7.1 KiB

/* jslint node: true */
'use strict';
// ENiGMA½
const View = require('./view.js').View;
const miscUtil = require('./misc_util.js');
const ansi = require('./ansi_term.js');
const padStr = require('./string_util.js').pad;
const stylizeString = require('./string_util.js').stylizeString;
const renderSubstr = require('./string_util.js').renderSubstr;
const renderStringLength = require('./string_util.js').renderStringLength;
const pipeToAnsi = require('./color_codes.js').pipeToAnsi;
const stripAllLineFeeds = require('./string_util.js').stripAllLineFeeds;
// deps
const util = require('util');
const _ = require('lodash');
exports.TextView = TextView;
function TextView(options) {
if(options.dimens) {
options.dimens.height = 1; // force height of 1 for TextView's & sub classes
View.call(this, options);
if(options.maxLength) {
this.maxLength = options.maxLength;
} else {
this.maxLength = this.client.term.termWidth - this.position.col;
this.fillChar = renderSubstr(miscUtil.valueWithDefault(options.fillChar, ' '), 0, 1);
this.justify = options.justify || 'left';
this.resizable = miscUtil.valueWithDefault(options.resizable, true);
this.horizScroll = miscUtil.valueWithDefault(options.horizScroll, true);
if(_.isString(options.textOverflow)) {
this.textOverflow = options.textOverflow;
if(_.isString(options.textMaskChar) && 1 === options.textMaskChar.length) {
this.textMaskChar = options.textMaskChar;
this.drawText = function(s) {
// |<- this.maxLength
// |ABCDEFG| ^_ this.text.length
// ^-- this.dimens.width
let textToDraw = _.isString(this.textMaskChar) ?
new Array(s.length + 1).join(this.textMaskChar) :
stylizeString(s, this.hasFocus ? this.focusTextStyle : this.textStyle);
if(textToDraw.length > this.dimens.width) {
if(this.hasFocus) {
if(this.horizScroll) {
textToDraw = textToDraw.substr(textToDraw.length - this.dimens.width, textToDraw.length);
} else {
if(textToDraw.length > this.dimens.width) {
if(this.textOverflow &&
this.dimens.width > this.textOverflow.length &&
textToDraw.length - this.textOverflow.length >= this.textOverflow.length)
textToDraw = textToDraw.substr(0, this.dimens.width - this.textOverflow.length) + this.textOverflow;
} else {
textToDraw = textToDraw.substr(0, this.dimens.width);
this.dimens.width + 1,
this.hasFocus ? this.getFocusSGR() : this.getSGR(),
this.getStyleSGR(1) || this.getSGR()
), false);
this.drawText = function(s) {
// |<- this.maxLength
// |ABCDEFG| ^_ this.text.length
// ^-- this.dimens.width
let renderLength = renderStringLength(s); // initial; may be adjusted below:
let textToDraw = _.isString(this.textMaskChar) ?
new Array(renderLength + 1).join(this.textMaskChar) :
stylizeString(s, this.hasFocus ? this.focusTextStyle : this.textStyle);
renderLength = renderStringLength(textToDraw);
if(renderLength >= this.dimens.width) {
if(this.hasFocus) {
if(this.horizScroll) {
textToDraw = renderSubstr(textToDraw, renderLength - this.dimens.width, renderLength);
} else {
if(this.textOverflow &&
this.dimens.width > this.textOverflow.length &&
renderLength - this.textOverflow.length >= this.textOverflow.length)
textToDraw = renderSubstr(textToDraw, 0, this.dimens.width - this.textOverflow.length) + this.textOverflow;
} else {
textToDraw = renderSubstr(textToDraw, 0, this.dimens.width);
const renderedFillChar = pipeToAnsi(this.fillChar);
this.dimens.width + 1,
renderedFillChar, //this.fillChar,
this.hasFocus ? this.getFocusSGR() : this.getSGR(),
this.getStyleSGR(1) || this.getSGR(),
true // use render len
false // no converting CRLF needed
this.getEndOfTextColumn = function() {
var offset = Math.min(this.text.length, this.dimens.width);
return this.position.col + offset;
this.setText(options.text || '', false); // false=do not redraw now
util.inherits(TextView, View);
TextView.prototype.redraw = function() {
// A lot of views will get an initial redraw() with empty text (''). We can short
// circuit this by NOT doing any of the work if this is the initial drawText
// and there is no actual text (e.g. save SGR's and processing)
if(!this.hasDrawnOnce) {
if(_.isUndefined(this.text)) {
this.hasDrawnOnce = true;
if(_.isString(this.text)) {
TextView.prototype.setFocus = function(focused) {
TextView.super_.prototype.setFocus.call(this, focused);
this.client.term.write(ansi.goto(this.position.row, this.getEndOfTextColumn()));
TextView.prototype.getData = function() {
return this.text;
TextView.prototype.setText = function(text, redraw) {
redraw = _.isBoolean(redraw) ? redraw : true;
if(!_.isString(text)) {
text = text.toString();
text = pipeToAnsi(stripAllLineFeeds(text), this.client); // expand MCI/etc.
var widthDelta = 0;
if(this.text && this.text !== text) {
widthDelta = Math.abs(renderStringLength(this.text) - renderStringLength(text));
this.text = text;
if(this.maxLength > 0) {
this.text = renderSubstr(this.text, 0, this.maxLength);
//this.text = this.text.substr(0, this.maxLength);
// :TODO: it would be nice to be able to stylize strings with MCI and {special} MCI syntax, e.g. "|BN {UN!toUpper}"
this.text = stylizeString(this.text, this.hasFocus ? this.focusTextStyle : this.textStyle);
if(this.autoScale.width) {
this.dimens.width = renderStringLength(this.text) + widthDelta;
if(redraw) {
TextView.prototype.setText = function(text) {
if(!_.isString(text)) {
text = text.toString();
var widthDelta = 0;
if(this.text && this.text !== text) {
widthDelta = Math.abs(this.text.length - text.length);
this.text = text;
if(this.maxLength > 0) {
this.text = this.text.substr(0, this.maxLength);
this.text = stylizeString(this.text, this.hasFocus ? this.focusTextStyle : this.textStyle);
//if(this.resizable) {
// this.dimens.width = this.text.length + widthDelta;
if(this.autoScale.width) {
this.dimens.width = this.text.length + widthDelta;
TextView.prototype.clearText = function() {
TextView.prototype.setPropertyValue = function(propName, value) {
switch(propName) {
case 'textMaskChar' : this.textMaskChar = value.substr(0, 1); break;
case 'textOverflow' : this.textOverflow = value; break;
case 'maxLength' : this.maxLength = parseInt(value, 10); break;
case 'password' :
if(true === value) {
this.textMaskChar = this.client.currentTheme.helpers.getPasswordChar();
TextView.super_.prototype.setPropertyValue.call(this, propName, value);